PC Gamer
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/vHeDiWcAVe6dHu2MQSdcEo.jpg[/img] It's an odd combo, let's see how it plays out.
PC Gamer
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/vPmbo3wRuNbMAhNUrUfaXZ.jpg[/img] Nasty!
PC Gamer
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/WELLvzozdiw6Q5WqzLUWXH.jpg[/img] Signalis builds a twisted world of nightmares, mystery and space politics, but keeps your focus on the horror of loss.
PC Gamer - clivingston@pcgamer.com (Christopher Livingston)
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/zMvTTivHKb6NgzbRK5FmGE.jpg[/img] A detective's dream come true.
PC Gamer
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/fvn4RSyG4JmNVWZJnpZnvV.jpg[/img] The genre is ready to leave Deus Ex in the dust.
PC Gamer - lauren@pcgamer.com (Lauren Morton)
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/9tpmRDR7cwKBZoUCq8LuAh.jpeg[/img] We asked the creators of several big Bethesda mods what they hope Starfield mods will be capable of.
PC Gamer
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/EBZpjW5bMyrwtdgXbSZJMP.jpg[/img] Proxy Studios' new world is a combination of post-apocalypse, cyberpunk, and eldritch horror.
PC Gamer - wesley@pcgamer.com (Wes Fenlon)
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/WTDtmaKFRv75ZD8XS6KMUX.jpg[/img] No game soothed me this past year like this idyllic tile-placer.
PC Gamer
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/F6PZoQAFJMADEN5xTzQrfc.jpg[/img] Keeping quiet and concealed in shadow is no longer in vogue—which makes Thief a refreshing replay.
PC Gamer - clivingston@pcgamer.com (Christopher Livingston)
[img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/rkBU4qF2pVLVCFXsF4RSk6.jpg[/img] Survival city builder Farthest Frontier is fraught with diseases, injuries, bear attacks, raiding parties, and even the occasional bee sting.