Tiny Dino: Royale - cole
Tiny Dino Royale 🦕

  • Added "Wireframe Dino"
  • Fixed "Dapper Dino" not appearing when equipped

Love you.
Thanks for playing,

Yaoling: Mythical Journey - 安可
Fixed the issue of Didi's research level being maxed out after catching just a single one.
Fixed the issue where recruitable Yaolings' levels aren't scaled to the player.
Fixed the stat inconsistencies among recruited Yaolings.
Fixed the bug where Yaolings will consume evolution crystals even normal evolving.
Fixed the skills in the Laventot line, where casting an ability didn't correctly apply mana requirement.
Fixed the bug where having multiples of the Salachid line on field at the same time will freeze the game.
Fixed the stats of Mintling, Poshell, Lullahorn, and Rockoon after evolving.
Fixed the MAG value of Bubliss, Astar, and Seallu after they evolve.
Fixed the bug where the Scorplune line's abilities inherited 100% of a demon's stats instead of 30%.
Fixed the bug where Religeist's skill might cause crashes when encountering certain Yaolings.
Fixed the bug where Crusheron was incorrectly displayed as rare colored.
Fix the bug where Necroseal's ability also healed the linked opponents.
Fixed the issue where the setting to pause time while casting charm during battle did not save after reopening the game.
Fixed the issues where if a window pops up after selecting a Yaoling to work, selecting other Yaolings will not update the craft skill value.
Fixed the issue where players can get stuck in the Quarry.
Fixed the issue where players can get stuck in the Hunter's Cabin.
Fixed the bug where the stone tablets do not teleport the player under certain circumstances.
Fixed some incorrect dialogue with NPCs during missions.
Fixed the issue where the number on the Training Grounds did not refresh after canceling training.
Fixed the issue where Spirit Gems in the store had no descriptions.
Fixed the issue where the portraits on the task assignments did not reset correctly.
Fixed the issue where players can glitch outside the map in certain areas.
Fixed the visual alignment issue in the breeding den.
Fixed the bug where some Yaolings are displayed to be able to mate with other species.
Fixed the error where charms were not categorized correctly in text.
Fixed the achievement attainment for "Baby Booming."
Fixed the issue where some Yaolings are not able to use a portion of the Talent Jades.
Fixed the amount of Spirit Gems refunded after canceling training.
Fixed the bug where sealed Yaolings did not get recorded in the Yaoling Scroll.
Fixed the targeting bug when using an offensive charm to initiate battle.
Fix the issue with moving map markers post the main story missions.
Fixed the issue where the refresh was not reset when exiting the tavern.
Adjusted the stat values on certain Demon Lords.
Adjusted the stat values on certain demons.
Fixed the incorrect bait icon display when selling through caravan.
Fixed a portion of text errors.
Fixed the bug where the gender of the Yaoling changes after being caught.
Fixed the issue where eggs can hatch evolved forms of Yaolings.
Fixed a portion of ability descriptions and their values.
Fixed the display in the Jade cabin, where there are 24 slots but does not show the numbers.
Fixed the issue where loading a save file in the village might cause a black screen.

When party slots are not full, text will now be displayed as red.
Lowered the chance of fishing up Yaolings. Adjusted the level of Yaolings that are fished up.
Adjusted Spirit Gem drop rates from demons.
Adjusted text size on the map.
Added option to surrender during battles.
Game will now auto save at additional points of the game.
Improved stamina for players. Stamina now increases with rank.
Adjusted Ravedge's portrait.
Adjustments to the terrain and map. Certain teleport points that lead to demons are not more visible.
Added an option to collect all at the Charm House.
Added a timer for mating.
Adjustments to the delete save file and load save file button location.
Added a new clothing category in the backpack.
Fixed the issue where the Elite for Meep is too far back to catch.
Optimized description for building upgrades.
Added scroll wheel option for the Talent Jade interface.
Players will now return to the game when canceling on "Save Current Progress."
Baits now show the items that can be fished up.
Adjusted the issue where shadows summoned by Scorplune's ability will lock allies behind a boss.
Adjusted a number of Yaolings ability strengths and stats.
Lifeforms: Binary Fission - Vystyk
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the player-lifeform fission-ready particle effect would show on other lifeforms.
This issue was related to another bug that I'm still working on where sometimes the fission screen won't show when you activate fission but your lifeform will still fission, then both lifeforms will have the fission-ready particle effect. It seems to happen sporadically and rarely but when it does it might happen a few times in a row.

- Fixed layout issue on Upgrades Abilities/Mutations tab when scrolling to the bottom.
- Lifeforms will now drop any waste that wasn't expelled yet when they are destroyed.

Sandbox mode:
- Fixed issue where the map for Level 3 was showing locked when it was already unlocked.
- Minimap will be hidden when zoomed out.
- Increased zoom out range.
Elengard: Ascension - stephanommg
Hello everyone! This is a small update with some fixes and improvements.

List of changes:

  • Bugfixes:
    • fixed a bug on the weather system initialization
    • on character creation, selecting the body appearance with a equiped bow was removing the quiver
    • archer crazy rotation when aiming sometimes

  • Improvements:
    • New tutorial messages:
      • Interrupting attacks to defend
      • Retaliation
      • Spell Interruption
  • Dev related:
    • improved debugging
    • added option to add email on the final survey
ShapeHero Factory - s-fukuda
Hello everyone!

It's been a month since the release of the DEMO, but the number of players who kindly played our game was way more than we anticipated. We have received countless encouragements and enthusiastic feedback. We cannot thank you enough!
Every one of your supportive comments has helped us in the development of "ShapeHero Factory".

Now we are moving on to the next step of development, and we would like to make one major announcement, which we are so thankful to be able to share with you guys.

We have decided to release Early Access to "ShapeHero Factory" in NOVEMBER 2024!

As we read the messages we have received from you, we were able to discover so many areas of improvement that we never saw.
Therefore, we have made a decision to take a little more time to make ShapeHero Factory even better. To get it out to you as soon as possible, we have decided to set the date to November.

On the Early Access, we plan to update the game actively. That includes adding new heroes, equipment, masters (playable characters), and more!
We are confident that ""ShapeHero Factory"" will be a much more challenging game! Stay tuned😁

Starting with the Japanese offline indie game event BitSummit Drift, we are planning to exhibit at several game shows in Japan and abroad during this summer and fall.
When we are able to make an official announcement at a later date, please consider visiting us sometime!

Look forward to more updates on the Early Access!

We greatly appreciate your continued support of ShapeHero Factory💫


We would love to hear your thoughts about our game on our official Discord server and the Steam community.
Feel free to join us!
(General chats are also welcome on Discord! Also, don't forget to follow us on Official X!)

Discord https://discord.gg/3BENDgA6QY
Steam Community https://steamcommunity.com/app/2389040/discussions/
Official X https://x.com/ShapeHero_EN
Questbound - J.P
  • Corrected an oversight with a certain plugin being set to OFF
Community Announcements - liuwangyuan




  ① 周年庆版本更新,99级角色在7月18日登录游戏即可通过账号保管箱获得版本更新福利【分裂迷宫入场券(7天)】*1,【冰封噩梦入场券(7天)】*1,【月蚀龙玉传说级选择袋子(活动)】*1,【禁锢之月蚀遗物】*3

  ② 14周年庆前夕,99级角色在7月20日和7月21日登录游戏即可通过账号保管箱获得【梦幻之充满魔力的变换礼包(时装)】*2,【梦幻之充满魔力的变换礼包(饰品)】*2,【梦幻之充满魔力的变换礼包(三件套)】*2,【传说级变换礼包(10个装)】*2

  ③ 14周年庆当天,99级角色在7月22日登录游戏即可通过账号保管箱获得【月蚀印痕】*1400,【古代智慧】*1400,【夕阳瞭望台火把】*1400,【解放碎片】*14,【不败远征队纹章碎片】*14,【大战纹章转换器】*14

  ④ 活动期间,99级角色使用商城购买的传令蓝鸟发送“龙之谷14周年生日快乐”,活动结束后可通过账号保管箱获得称号奖励【又和小龙哥一起嗨皮了一年的】*1

  ⑤ 7月20日~7月22日,每天16:00~22:00,全区全服进入副本疲劳消耗减少50%
























  ① 海洋风全新颜色时装上架!2013嫁衣时装返场~浪客补齐【查看商城>>>】

  ② 三伏天来啦,热爱夏天的雪人三件套希望能给谷迷朋友们带来一丝清凉~开启水晶潘多拉有机会获得【热爱夏天的雪人三件套/第二季回忆特武交换券自选箱子(11选1)/纯洁光明之天使翅膀】【查看概率>>>】

  ③ 龙谷战令第9期火热开启中,周年庆奖励双倍(包括时装交换券奖励哟)!机不可失,早买早享受~【查看战令奖励>>>】

  ④ 宠物【豹豹包包】上新啦!本月外观up至50%,三文鱼寿司一样萌萌的海豹宝宝等您带回家~【查看结缘系统>>>】

  ⑤ 周年庆特别返场【新手必买特惠礼包】!新上架【新手进阶特惠礼包】,【周年庆限定狂欢大礼包】、【周年庆每周狂欢小礼包】、【变换碎片任务成就宝箱】~【查看礼包>>>】




  ① 活动期间,99级角色累积消耗【点券/幸运币】≥1400点,活动结束后可通过礼物盒获得14周年限定称号奖励【战斗!爽!!!】*1

  ② 活动期间,99级角色累积消耗【点券/幸运币】≥6400点,活动结束后可通过礼物盒获得奖励【充满魔力的变换碎片(时装)】*500

  ③ 活动期间,99级角色累积消耗【点券/幸运币】≥14000点,活动结束后可通过礼物盒获得奖励【充满魔力的变换碎片(饰品)】*800

  ④ 活动期间,99级角色累积消耗【点券/幸运币】≥34000点,活动结束后可通过礼物盒获得奖励【充满魔力的变换碎片(三件套)】*1000

  ⑤ 活动期间,99级角色累积消耗【点券/幸运币】≥64000点,活动结束后可通过礼物盒获得奖励【第二季回忆特武交换券自选箱子(11选1)】*1

  ⑥ 活动期间,99级角色累积消耗【白龙核心球】≥200个,活动结束后可通过礼物盒获得奖励【白龙核心球礼包(10个装)】*1

  ⑦ 活动期间,99级角色累积消耗【白龙核心球】≥600个,活动结束后可通过礼物盒获得奖励【白龙核心球礼包(10个装)】*5










Azarine Heart - rowen.horton
Internal bug fixes, as well as testing Steam Cloud capabilities.
Bottle - pixleprime0
Updated secret levels.
Figure Adventure - HELLOW
I. "Baseball League" Series Limited-Time Event
※Event Schedule: Jul. 19, 06:00 - Jul. 25, 23:59
1. "Baseball League" Dice for Prizes
※Event info: "Baseball League" Limited-Time Event is now available! Masters can use "Energy Dice" and "Miracle Dice" to advance according to the number of points rolled and trigger events on the different grids she lands on. When the event concludes, unused dice will be recycled and converted into "Lucky Coins".

2. "Baseball League" Sign-in for Great Rewards!
※Event Info: Sign in during the event period to claim "Energy Dice" and other rewards!

3. "Daily Selection" Event Now Available!
※ Event Info: During the "Baseball League" event period, the "Diamonds" rewards in the "Daily Selection" store packs will be replaced with "Dice" rewards, so masters who need them, please pick them up!

4. Suzumi's Express Project
※Event info: Suzumi has come to greet Masters with her assignments and generous rewards! Complete Suzumi's assigned tasks to earn the "Dice" prepared by Suzumi as a reward. You can use the "Dice" to participate in the "Baseball League" event!

Ⅱ. "Rebekah's Secret Workshop" Open for a Limited Time!
※Event Schedule: Jul. 19, 06:00 - Jul. 25, 23:59
※Unlock Condition: Clear main story "2-24"
※Event details: During the event period, Masters can craft and modify your parts at "Rebekah's Secret Workshop". You can choose to craft parts, sets and main property. If you are not satisfied with the options, you can use "FULI Wishes" to refresh options. Masters can also modify parts that are qualified to change the property!

Ⅲ.Ⅳ. All-New "Combination Limited Rate Up" Now Available
※Event Schedule: Jul. 19, 06:00 - Aug. 9, 23:59
※Event Info:
1. When obtaining an Ultra figurine while using "FULI Wishes" during the event, there will be a higher chance for it to be the Rate Up Figurines. New Card Drawing: Ryoma Cai Wenji&Aoi
2. The discounted packs, "Moe Items All-Rounder" and "Luxury Wishing Combo Gift" (limited to 1 purchase each) will be in stock during the event. These packs include the super value item, "FULI Wishes", so please don't miss out on them.

Ⅳ.Special Edition "Diao Chan · Crowned Belle Ver." Limited-Time Return
※Event Schedule: Jul. 19, 06:00 - Aug. 1, 23:59
※Event Portal: Store → Commemorative Wheel
※Event Info: During the reissue period, you can obtain "FULI Gilded Stele" through "Time Commemorative Wheel". "FULI Gilded Stele" can be used to redeem Special Edition "Diao Chan · Crowned Belle Ver."

Ⅴ. Figurine Quiz Event "Lucky Quiz Star" Now Available!
※Event Schedule: Jul. 19, 06:00 - Jul. 25, 23:59
※Event Access: Lucky Quiz Star
※Event Info: Ta-dah! A mystery figurine is about to debut! There will be three rounds of quizzes about the new figurine during the event, where you can guess the Class, Brand and Prototype of the new figurine. If you guess correctly in the event, you will be rewarded with lots of "Commemorative Coins"!