橘猫猫的幻想 - 橘喵喵
On sale! English version is in production
May 3
Surviving Ceres - Doobachoo
It has only been a few days since we launched the demo, but already we have had a bunch of great feedback that has come in from multiple platforms and sources. I truly appreciate your feedback, and this patch brings a lot of those great ideas and changes to the game.


There were a handful of minor tweaks to several areas. These are very minor and include such things as modifying descriptions, RND HUD now auto-scrolling to the top on changing categories, and a variety of minor tweaks to resources and recipes. This should help smooth out progression.

Landscape Changes
A few changes were made to the landscape to further try and dissuade players from building in the rocky starting area. We have also smoothed out a few areas that the player could get stuck on.

Mission Objective System
My vision for mission objectives was to be fully simulation style. As in not using the player HUD at all, but instead displaying and accessing mission menus from the mission control. We still have this, but to better help new players get started in the game I have brought the mission system to the player HUD as well. These mission objectives give an idea of what the next step you should take is, as well as tips for how to achieve that step. There are now 8 mission objectives in the early game that should help guide players toward understanding the mechanics of the game. Don't forget this mission objective as well as meter labels and numbers can be toggled off using the hide / show details key (default = v).

Arrows Indicating The Front
As you may be aware machines that can be rotated have arrows that indicate the front of the machine to help players place machines correctly. These arrows would change between green and red depending on whether you could place the machine in that location, and it was quite hard to see the green arrow when the machine itself was green for placeable. We now instead have a solid red color on the arrows to show the front of machines, and this never changes color making it much easier to see.

Tomato Bug
Shout out to Pezzi on Steam for finding this issue. There was a typo in the tomato structure that caused tomatoes to not work in any recipe that called for tomatoes. This has been fixed. Thank you Pezzi for going deep enough to reach tomatoes while the rest of the world just eats potatoes.

Difficulty Settings
I have added the first 3 difficulty settings and tied them into the milestone scoring system. These include air drain rate, food drain rate, and water drain rates. I feel comfortable with the normal level after a few tweaks based on feedback and I want to allow players to make it easier or harder based on their preference while tying that back into the milestone scoring systems. You can now go from NONE which is no draining of meters up to INSANE which is nail-bitingly fast draining. You will have to work hard and fast to reach sustained food before you run out of M.R.E's on insane. As we continue to develop and find a normal balance for other aspects we will add more difficulty settings to the menu.

More Iron
It is not my intention for players to manually grind iron for very long. I intend for you to gather some iron, but then set up drills to automate that collection. However, many players who don't know the game yet were spending a lot of time hand farming and finding it difficult to find more iron in the starting valley. So, I went ahead and added several more iron nodes to that area.

Interact Range
I made a small increase in the interact range so you can access machines and buildings from further away.

Sprint Drains And Recovery
Some feedback came in that the sprint drained a bit too fast, and took too long to come back. After doing some testing I agree. The stamina burn rate has been decreased by 50%, the cool down to regain stamina has been reduced by 1 second, and the speed stamina recovers has been doubled. This should allow players to run a lot further in the early game even before putting points into stamina on level up. This also allows you to recover quickly for more running around. Overall it feels better to sprint more.

That about does it for this short patch. I would just like to take a moment to thank all of you amazing players for taking the time to try "Surviving Ceres" and then taking the time to tell me about your experience. So far, the feedback has all been very positive and it helps me stay focused on my work knowing that players are finding the game fun. We still have a very long road ahead, but I will continue to listen and grow the project with your feedback, while also working on the additional content for the game. The next thing I plan to work on is the initial translation setup. That way we can get rolling on translating the game for other players patiently waiting to give the demo a try. Thank you so much, and I hope you stick around for the journey.
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades - [RUST]Grumplestiltskin

Howdy Folks!

Have a quick Alpha build this week, mainly fixing some continuing Scope Math headaches, fixing some rendering, and remaking a few tools and toys.

Hope you have fun with it!


  • Right click H3 in Steam
  • Go to Properties
  • Click Betas
  • Click The Dropdown
  • Select Alpha!

Full Changelog - Update 113a2
  • Added New Firearm: P90 (with fancy shmancy transparent magazine)
  • Added New Attachment: Classic 3-12x42mm Scope
  • Rangefinder Rebuilt to use new Scope System, with accurate HUD for range and angle (Ole dragged me kicking and screaming through implementing this and I’m glad he did)
  • Rebuilt Internal Transform Handling in Scope System to allow for other component orientations (this will make sense next week lololol)
  • Fixed backwards scope rendering
  • Fixed missing chromatic aberration and distortion on scope rendering
  • Fixed Scope UI to properly display Scope and Reticle Windage and Elevation Adjustment in proper units (instead of ‘ticks’)
  • Removed Old P90 model & Magazine
Cargo Duty - Carrot
Someone notified me that an achievement was on steam for Cargo Duty that was impossible to get. It is in fact in the files but almost impossible to get as the chance for it to occur is about 1 in a million. This was going to be a setup for a sequel if the game did well.

I am not sure why I added a RNG based achievement but it has now been removed meaning the game is now able to be 100% completed by anyone on steam.

Thank you!

Contact: thatcarrotfella@outlook.com
Frogmonster - frogmonster_dev
Small Ultrawide ui fix
Saleblazers - e Zinc
This is a very small hotfix to make shopkeeping a little smoother. Have a great weekend!

🛠️ General Fixes
  • A waiting queue is no longer mandatory for customers to transition from wandering around the plot to entering a shop
May 3
箱庭小駅伝2 - shintom
Heartless & Dreadful : Return by 72 Hours - Kirillian
So this update is meant to address the lack of using or utilizing lock on, since so many people didn't utilize it, which is okay, I had decided to rework it so the game can be played much better without utilizing the lock on mechanics much.

I've done a small test with a friend of mine who had a hard time using it and he said it felt a lot better so... Success? Maybe?

Don't worry though my fellow hardcore gamer, all of the new additions related to lock on system CAN BE DISABLED in the game's extra settings, or during a new pop up I had added in the Mission 01.

- General - 3 Drop System - Now visually looks correct on an ultrawide screen.
- General - Added distance compensation for all attacks. Based on the distance, the game will now automatically adjust the force of each movement. Basically, if you are far away from the enemy, the character will recieve an additional "push" to ensure the hits land quicker and faster. This option can be disabled, but it is enabled by default since this patch.
- General - Enemy's velocity now gets affected the same way the player's does if they are being pushed down into the ground from mid air.
- General - Lock On now has a small animation when appearing.
- General - Reduced air movement when attacking, this is meant to make the combat feel tighter and more stable overall, in addition, that should reduce the Cheese TM. If you utilized lock on before, you wouldn't notice this change whatsoever.
- Huntress Mission - fixed an issue where if you were to start huntress mission with camera mode set to auto, the camera would be detached from the player... Magic problems coming from having more options, I suppose!
- Lock On - Added Soft Lock On, basically this version of lock on will allow you to keep your directional movement and speed, This option is enabled by default now, but it can be disabled in the extra settings, or during the first pop up that happens in the first mission. Directional moves still work with this lock on mode.

- Lock On - Added an option to enable automatic target picking. This option is enabled by default, but it can be disabled in the extra settings, or during the first pop up that happens in the first mission.

- Lock On - The previous invisible lock on now has a proper icon. It is slightly different compared to using proper lock on. This already existed in the game, but this should make it a lot clearer when it's active.
- Main Menu - Fixed an issue where you couldn't change the camera mode from the main menu's settings.
- Mission 01 - Added a missing image in one of the dialogues.
- Mission 01 - Now, before the first encounter you get a notification asking you if you want to use automation or keep it classic. This happens only once, if you wish to change these settings afterwards, you can use the extra settings in the game's settings.
- Mission 01 - Fixed weird shadows on the rocks.
- Mission 02 - Fixed one of the dialogue images having a line not covered properly.
- Mission 12 - Fixed incorrect image showing up in dialogue with Dominika.
- Shamir - Arch. Needles - Now force the lock on state like other weapons.
- Toothpick - Adjusted the timings of pushing the player.
- Tower Of Blood - Huntress - Fixed an issue where she would only get rewarded 20 seconds instead of getting it based on the style meter.

Known issues -
Two issues, you can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below.

If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky Discord server.
For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best.
Staffer Case: A Supernatural Mystery Adventure - Kniro
On May 7, 2024, the following will be updated.
-General improvements to Japanese translations (character speech patterns, typos, etc.)
-Some translation improvements in English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

War Thunder - Blitzkrieg Wulf

Welcome to the 118th War Thunder Steam Screenshot Competition!

Thanks for your great screenshots last week! The lower ranks contain so many different designs as every nation experimented with which ideas were effective and feasible to produce in large quantities. The three most popular and three selected by us will get 300 GE. See the winners down below!

Let’s begin the 118th edition of our competition!

Create a stunning screenshot and submit it on the War Thunder Steam Community Hub with the tag #WTscreen118. You have time until the 10th of May to submit your screenshot.

After that date, 6 winners will be selected (3 of which will be the highest rated by the community and 3 selected by our judges), each of which receive a reward of 300GE.

  • Your screenshot must include two or more player vehicles.
  • You must add the #WTscreen118 tag (title cannot have any other text in it).
  • Artists may only win by popular vote once per four screenshot competitions.
  • Screenshots need to be compliant with the War Thunder rules.
  • You need to be the author of the screenshot.
  • Screenshot needs to be new. You cannot use those which have previously been published or used in other competitions.
  • We will only accept raw screenshots from the game. You cannot use any editing software nor any other visual enhancements (like Nvidia Ansel filters).
  • You can use filters and settings built into War Thunder.
  • You can use the replay functionality built into War Thunder.
  • Rewards will be delivered to the author's account within 14 working days.
  • [/list]

    And now, time for the winners of the competition’s 117th edition – Olden Era!

    Winners selected via community votes:

    Winners selected by our judges:

    Each winner will get 300GE! Congratulations and see you next week!