Pale Coins - lukes
In April I focused on getting a new demo version ready for you, as well as working on other stuff in the background.

Demo 1.3.0
The last demo was released while ago and so much has changed. Therefore, I wanted you to have the newest version available to enjoy.
Here's the demo post in case you want to know what has changed:

One of the major issues for me was to get feedback - especially your feedback. Until now you were able to create a new post in the community hub.
However, that all changes with the new discord server built for Pale Coins (and other stuff):

It's a place to share your thoughts, things you want to see in the final release or simply talk with me about other games.

Other changes
Apart from the demo and the discord server, a few other things were added/changed:

Improved intro

The background images of the intro have been replaced. Was there a particular reason? No. But they look cool, I guess.
Also, the first gameplay section of the intro has been modified slightly - a new animation was added.

What is that?

Hmm... Is that a... face?

Fire Spells

One of my favourite spells in any game is a fire rain - definitely not a Gothic reference - so I added this new fire spell.

What's next
Right now I am working on new regions such as the academy of the wizards. Also, I am planning on updating the captial in the near future. I was impressed by the city Archolos from the Gothic II Mod "The Chronicles Of Myrtana: Archolos", which I may use as a reference for the re-design. Obviously, due to limited time, I won't be able to create a city as big as Archolos.

Another important thing on my to-do list is to create default dodge/shield abilities. Currently, you'd have to find gear with dodge skills, if you want to dodge attacks.
It may by way cooler to have default mechanics to dodge or shield attacks.

That s all for now.
Let me know what you think and join the Discord server if you want to talk about the game with me or others.
Also, please wishlist Pale Coins if you like what you see.

Best regards,
Sugar Lust : Hentai Harem - pocketace
Fixed multiple outfit armor upgrades at once for Kimoni
Apr 28
Tunguska: The Visitation - Rotorist
There's a bug introduced by the upgraded Unity engine version 2018.4: unable to interact with certain doors using the Hybrid/Auto-Aim/Gamepad control scheme. This patch will fix this problem.

I'm currently working on upgrading engine to Unity 2019, and then work on some improvements of combat feel.
镖行天下 - koliking
3、新增可选分辨率 1600×900
异世界的雪与奇迹 - akiii

Wow Dance - ZHANG YU
TUTU's new dance music is about to be unlocked
Sports wind has changed into pure sex wind
To the brainwashing song Flower.
Soul fire explodes through the top
火焰征程 - Minionsss
Dear Players:

We will conduct a maintenance update from 10:00 to 12:00 am on April 30, 2024, Beijing time. During this period, the game will be inaccessible and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

The following are the main contents of this maintenance:

1.Magical Zone: Carthew
2.Recharge Event: 1000 - Zeeva Stonebreaker (Epic) / 8000 - Zeeva Stonebreaker (Legendary)
4.Secrets of the Tarot
5.Consumer Feedback
6.Value Rebates
7.Pack (Limited Time Events)
8.Event of Football
9.Challenge Hall (Demon)
10.Ascension Tower (Hound Clegane)
11.Card Collection Event (Limited Time Event)

See the pictures for details. The event content is subject to the game content. The official has the final right of interpretation.

Village Heroes - CUNX
  • Fixed the problem that bound items cannot be used.
  • Significantly reduce the mana cost and cooldown of all heroes' skills.
  • F and G shortcut buttons follow key binding changes.
  • The official website embeds the Steam components of the game and demo.
  • Added a portal at the end of the novice scene.
  • Death penalty adjustment: There is no death penalty before the first hero reaches full level.
  • Optimize the death durability deduction algorithm, and reduce the deduction for low-level equipment.
  • The price of talent potions in the store has been greatly reduced.
  • 10 talent potions will be given out every day, and the number of talent potions dropped by monsters will increase.
  • The number of gold coins dropped from killing monsters every day is doubled, and the drop rate is increased.
  • Optimize 7-day rewards, level rewards, daily mission login gift pack rewards, and significantly increase the amount of gold coins given away.
  • Implement the map progress reload function after restarting the server.
  • Remove the confirmation box when adding skill points. You can use shortcut keys (Q, E, R) to add points.
  • Fixed the problem of abnormal login verification for some Steam accounts.
  • Fixed the problem that bound items cannot be used.
  • Fixed the issue where the new account switching area resulted in a black screen when entering the game for the first time.
  • Fixed the problem of misalignment of the novice guide in different resolutions.
  • Fixed the problem that gold coins received by signing in did not arrive in real time.
  • Fixed the issue where F and G caused the game to exit when keybinding in the settings interface.
  • Fixed the issue where objects dragged onto items between the warehouse and the backpack cannot be stacked directly.
  • Fixed the problem of CD calculation error in large map transfer.
Gnomber - LisiSoft
Gnomber is now complete!
We will continue updating the game if we get feedback from you saying you want more, so please tell us what you think!

We've added loads of new stuff for our 1.0 release. Here are some of them:

New Playable Gnomes
Each gnome has unique abilities that change the way you approach the game.

New Areas
Each area has different structures, enemies and challenges to overcome. We renewed the old areas as well with new stuff.

Stats and Unlocks
As requested by gnombers around the world (that's you!), we've added more information on unlockables and stats in the game. You can keep track of what you've unlocked and what's left to unlock from relevant menus in the game.

Everything else we added
  • Added "keep bomb" to gain bomb screen, which lets you keep your bomb, but doesn't increase your stats. Highly requested from our gnombers!
  • Achievements now work on MacOS
  • Added Steam Cloud support. Gnomber save data will be saved across devices with different OSes
  • Added separate stats screen ("View Stats" from pause and game over menus)
  • Buffed movespeed of all gnomes
  • Buffed health of all gnomes
  • Made all the early-game areas easier. The difficulty now ramps up slowly with each area
  • Added support for unconventional and rare joysticks/gamepads. If your gamepad didn't work correctly before - now it probably will
  • You can now play the entire game with just your left hand on the joystick thanks to the new mappings. The bumper and the trigger can be used for selecting and bombing respectively. The same can be done on the keyboard
  • Pressing ESC (or "start" on gamepads) now goes back in every menu
  • The unlock notification now shows a preview of the new thing you just unlocked
  • Newly unlocked bombs will start appearing in the same playthrough
  • Added a controls preview for first 10 seconds of the game at the bottom-left corner
  • Window icon and title work at bootup
Apr 28
Ranocta - joversound
Hello, this is joversound. I had some free time after the midterm exams, so I fixed the game a little bit.

1. Added achievements. However, I didn't meet the qualifications of the profile function because the sales are 0$ and it doesn't count towards the total number of achievements for the user because of those restrictions. I'd appreciate it if you could still enjoy it because it feels just good to accomplish it.
- 3 Play Results (Cleared, Full Combo, All Perfect)
- 6 Score Ranks (D, C, B, A, S, L)
- 9 types of music (based on the total score of the song)
- 4 types of progress (based on the total score of all songs)
- ???

2. Renewed the two illustrations more dynamically. Compared to the music, it feels like I drew too roughly.
- Broken Altair
- Nyarlathotep's Dreamland

3. Changed the camera movement of some of the songs. There was no change in the pattern.
- Teardrop del Rey
- Broken Altair (EASY)
- Nyarlathotep's Dreamland

4. Other fixes
- Added effects to highlight the tab within the settings window, the main options on the current tab, and the difficulty button on the selecting screen.
- If you have a different customization of the purification stone and note, you will receive a warning message.
- Additional comments have been added to the tutorial.
- Modified the information on the store page.