Duelyst II - Shihedo
We're really excited to share Wave 2 of Timeless Beginnings. Check out the patch notes here!
CosmicBreak Universal - kannP

The CosmicBreak Universal [[b]Season 13 Battle Campaign[/b]] has begun!

◆What is the Battle Campiagn?
The Battle Campaign is an event in which players collect [Battle Cards] by competing in the Union Wars throughout the event period.
The number of battle cards you have and battle campaign rewards can be checked by pressing the Battle Pass button or the F5 key in-game.

Please check in-game for Battle Campaign rewards.

[Premium Piece]
From Season 10 onwards, players will be able to receive the [Premium Piece] as a Battle Campaign reward.
Premium pieces are items that can be exchanged for new characters from the previous season.
The characters that can be exchanged vary depending on the number collected, so collect a lot and get the character you want!

Season 13 Premium Pass Rewards
Amount Required
Amelia Leopold
Shannon Whizbang
Berzelius Girl P
Kuten Jikun Long
Feng Mei
Amount Required
Takeda Shingen
Blitzelt TB
Liozen Night Raid
Scyllon BST
Required Amount
R Duke
Transonic X3
Amount Required
Cyburning J
Please take Premium Pieces to the Premium Piece Counter to exchange for characters.

Battle Pass Exclusive Rewards
◆250, 700, 1300 Card Prize:A-CMB Select Box
This is a selection box where you can choose one of three color variations of Alternate CM Burner. The Alternate are Limited Edition weapons with the same functionality as the CM Burner, but with a special look that can only be obtained here!

◆550 Card Prize:K Jikun LongChn
Kuten Jikun Long, but in an elegant Cheongsam?!

Campaign Period
After maintenance 4/3/2024 JST
Until maintenance 7/3/2024 JST
*A battle campaign will be held each season, with each season lasting three months.

About the Battle Pass
Available for 300Rt, this item will make the player eligible for luxury rewards exclusive to battle pass purchasers!
These rewards include exclusive items and Garapon Tickets.

How to Get a Battle Pass
A Battle Pass can be purchased from the in-game Shop in the "ITEM" section for 300 Rt.
"Rt may also be purchased from the Shop by clicking on ""Charge Rt"".
"*You can still receive rewards even if you purchase the Battle Pass after a Season has started.

Valid Battle Campaign Rooms
All standard Union Wars Rooms, available in the Arena, and Union Wars Event Battle UNION & ARK Rooms are valid Battle Campaign Rooms.
Union Wars Battle Rooms
Event Battle
Union Wars [UNION]
Union Wars [ARK]
How to Get Battle Cards
Battle Cards can be obtained based on wins, losses, and battle results in valid Union Wars rooms.
※The amount of cards that can be earned from a match varies depending on the conditions set for the room. Please see the chart below for additional details.

Breakdown of Cards Earned
※ In order to get cards, at least 10 players must be participating in the match.
※ Players whose consumed BP has reached more than 6,500 will not receive cards.
※Players who join in the middle of a match will not receive cards.

Rewards for Actions
Players will be awarded at the end of matches based on the actions they took during the match.
Depending on the number of participants in the match, the top players in the ranking of each award will get 1 additional Battle Card each.
※The amount of players who can receive an additional reward will vary depending on the number of participants in a match.
※There must be at least 14 players participating in the match in order to earn additional rewards.
※Additional cards cannot be earned if a player has won a match, as they are already at the earnable limit.

Please Note:
-Battle Cards will be removed at the end of the Season.
Dear Survivors, this is the NAKWON Governing Committee.

This Q&A list was written based on your questions on Discord.
Visit our official Discord and join the discussion.


Q. Fog Mechanics
In ⁠#dev-talks⁠ you mentioned the addition of fog, reducing visibility of Zombies.
Does this mean players view Zombies at decreased range/clarity or Zombies view players at decreased range/clarity, or both?
A. It means both.
The fog will significantly reduce the player's sight range, but the Zombies will also have reduced visibility, so they won't see you if you're far away.
We wanted to encourage Survivors to prepare a different strategy than what they would normally use, because both sides will have reduced visibility.
Foggy weather is one example, but we're also considering rainy weather, sunny days, and more.

Q. Will there be ‘grades’ in weapons/armor/clothes?
A.There will be grades.
Gear with higher base stats will be of higher grades, and gear with higher grades have a chance to have better random options.

Q. Stat building
Is there going to be stat building such as stacking health and speed on your gear?
A. Yes, you'll be able to attach additional options to your gear, some of which will include things like health and movement speed you mentioned as examples.
We're also planning to allow attaching options for a variety of other things, such as the speed of opening chests, throwing distance, and increasing the amount of weight you can equip.

Q. Disadvantages coming from the weight of gear equipped was mentioned, but will there be an encumbrance system for farmed items as well?
A. Only the weight of equipped gear will be considered. In terms of farming inventory, the inventory space/slots will be the only restriction.

Q. Then, will there be pros/cons depending on the weight of armor as well?
For example, if fire suits are to be added, they will be heavier and slow down the movement speed, but in turn the defense can be higher.
A. A similar system will be added.
The movement speed will depend on the weight of equipped gear, so armor and weapons will have characteristics like what is mentioned in the example above.

Q. Won’t people with shields gain an absolute advantage?
If shields allow users to attack enemies while blocking the enemies’ attacks, this would grant an absolute advantage.
Therefore I believe that people who have shields should also have some sort of disadvantage as well.
This issue would be more prominent in the case of stronger weapons, and I am curious to know how this will be addressed.
A. Shield Balancing::
With the following points, we plan to balance different weapons/equipment.
  • Controls: The blocking mechanism works when the attack is actually blocked with the shield.
    When blocking with the shield, one would have to move the shield up and down to block attacks, so blocking requires controls.
    Of course the shield might still block attacks while just holding it and walking around.

  • Durability: Not only shields but for every armor and weapon there is ‘durability’.
    When it depletes the equipment will break, but we are thinking of leaving the broken equipment as an item so that it can be fixed and used again.
    Likewise, the shields would also have durability levels so it can’t be used forever without breaking.

  • Stamina: Stamina will decrease every time an attack is blocked with the shield.

  • Weight System: The total weight of equipped gear will affect the movement speed.
    For example, a shield that is sturdy and large enough to block attacks easily would be heavier, which means that walking or running would be that much slower.
    As the map is widespread and farming is the main objective, having a large shield that would slow one down doesn’t always have the upper hand in comparison to moving around the map quickly with short blades in each hand.

  • Equip Limit: Currently, shields can only be equipped to the left hand.
    Therefore only one one-handed weapon can be equipped to the right hand.
    Two-handed weapons will leave no hand to equip the shield to.

Q. Will there be different types of shields?
Currently we see a shield that looks similar to a riot shield, and I would like to know if other types of shields are to be added in the future.
For example, a pot lid can become a shield, and in the WebToon <Sweet Home> the characters use a refrigerator door as a shield.
The structure of a shield is very simple, so I think there is definitely a possibility where players can gather wood on the field and create makeshift shields of their own.
A. Types of shields:
The points you mentioned can be summarized with the points in the list below.
With different combinations of the following elements, I believe various types of shields can be created.
  1. Size: The bigger the easier to block attacks, and the smaller the more difficult it would be. (Smaller shields would require more skilled controls)

  2. Durability: A shield with higher durability can be used for a longer time, and a shield with low durability will break easily (needs to be fixed more often).

  3. Weight: If the shield is big and durable, it’s probably going to be heavy. But if a shield is small and less durable, it will weigh less.

  4. Rarity: If there is a newly developed shield that is large and durable, and also light, then it would be very very expensive and hard to find.
    Normal shields would be easier to find.
    In other words, shields that are easy to find will have something lacking in either size, durability or weight, and if it was very difficult to acquire it will have significant advantage in size/durability/weight.

Q. Is there a disassembly system to take apart crafted items?
A. Though we are open to this in the future, currently we don't have any plans to add such features.

Q. Can you add different materials to weapons to combine them?
For example, there could be a system where you can add nails to a wooden weapon to create something like a 'nailed bat', and this could affect the weapon's damage and durability.
A. As of now, there aren't any systems to combine/alter weapons as mentioned in the question.

Q. Can we modify armor or shields?
I think it would be fun if we can add a holster to arm guards, or lock backpacks so other people can’t open it unless they have a certain item or achieve a certain condition.
A. We have considered modifying, but considering the cost, currently we are not.
The level of modification you mentioned would probably be added very far in the future.

Q. Number of people in one game
During the Pre-Alpha there were around 20-30 people in one game. After the game is developed enough for an Open Beta, the map will be bigger, so will there be more people in one game?
A. The maximum number of players for the map has not yet been determined and depends on the size of the map.
Currently, we are considering dividing the zones based on difficulty, so if the map becomes less spread out then the number of players may decrease as well. (Dividing the entire map into sections according to difficulty)
The important thing is ensuring that the frequency of player encounters during the game and the possibility of escape are balanced appropriately. We plan to continue developing the game, making sure we don’t have any issues in these areas.

Q. New weapons
A lot of new weapons have been added, and I wanted to know if tasers or electric weapons will be added as well.
A. We don't have any specific plans for taser-type weapons yet, but as long as they don't instantly kill the opponent, we're always open to the possibility of ranged weapons, including the type you mentioned.
CosmicBreak Universal - kannP

CosmicBreak Universal Season 13 will begin on 4/03/2024 JST.

◆The [Desktop Army] Collaboration Event will begin!

MegaHouse's original content collection of mecha musume figures, the Desktop Army, has come to CosmicBreak Universal!
During the event period, players will be able to take advantage of the event to strengthen their D-phone!
Participate in the event to obtain a Sylphy II!

The Pt2 of this event will also be held during Season 13!
That D-phone can fight...?!
Look forward to more news!

Desktop Army Collab Event Page

◆Season 13 Battle Campaign

The Season 12 Battle Campaign has begun!
Collect Battle Cards throughout the campaign period as a reward from Union Wars battles to earn awesome rewards!

Purchase the Battle Pass to obtain Season 13 exclusive rewards like K. Jikun Long Chn, Alternate CM Burner, and Beezle Gld!

Battle Campaign details can be found here.

◆Healing Power Spot & NPC Participant Rooms

In the Beta Test Rooms, players will be able to find Healing Power Spot and NPC Rooms!
In addition to being held daily, they will also be held permanently for some rank and rating restricted Union Wars!

Healing Power Spot details can be found here.
NPC Room details can be found here.

◆3rd Anniversary Event Begins!

On 4/7/2024 CosmicBreak Universal celebrates its 3rd service anniversary!
We will hold a limited time event in commemoration of our 3rd anniversary.

3rd Anniversary Event Details can be found here.

◆Hero Garapon

The Hero Garapon Lineup has been updated!
Look forward to Moonlight Capital's Momiji and Kagura!

Gold PickUp Period
After maintenance 4/03/2024 JST
Until maintenance 5/8/2024 JST

Hero Garapon details can be found here.

◆Seasonal Union Ranking Reward
Players can receive varying rewards based on how the Union they were affiliated with in Season 12 performed overall!.
Union Coin × 60
Union Coin × 40
Union Coin × 20
◆Period of AvailabilityAfter maintenance 4/03/2024 JST
Until maintenance 7/03/2024 JST

※Players who were not aligned with a Union in Season 12 will not receive a reward.

Union Selection Present
The leaders of the three Unions will present presents to their participants!
Pick a Union that you want to join.
SP Garapon Ticket × 3
SP Garapon Ticket × 2
60,000 UC
Tune-Up Set 10 × 1
SP Garapon Ticket × 2
30,000 UC
Tune-Up Set 10 × 2
◆Present Acquisition PeriodAfter maintenance 4/03/2024 JST
Until maintenance 7/03/2024 JST

Thank you for supporting Cosmic Break Universal!
CosmicBreak Universal - kannP
Thank you for helping CosmicBreak Universal reach its third anniversary!
In honor of the occassion we will be hosting a number of extravagant events!

◆3rd Anniversary Challenge Cube
To commemorate the 3 year anniversary, we will sell Anniversary Cubes where players can get amazing rewards!
Like the challenge cube, players can obtain items by fulfilling the conditions within.
Complete all of the conditions within to get one Gold or Silver Garapon character from the previous year![/b]
Plenty of the rewards are exclusive, so don't miss out on this chance!

What is a Challenge Cube?
Challenge Cubes present conditions that players can clear to obtain great rewards.
Clear the challenges ahead and collect your prizes!

Anniversary Cube Prizes
Reward Type
Participate in 15 Union Wars (CHAOS battle victories count)
ALL×3 Ticket 3h(x3)
Participate in 2 Epoch Union Wars
Cosmo Regret α × 15
Clear [Battle! Berzelius]1 time (1 Star and up)
3rd Anniversary Muffler SP
Participate in 25 Union Wars (CHAOS battle victories count)
UC 150,000
Obtain 100 Rank Points through Missions
Special Blueprint × 20
Clear [Battle! Fractulus] 1 time (1 star and up)
3rd Anniversary Wing
Participate in 35 Union Wars (CHAOS battle victories count)
Cosmo Harmonics 20% × 50
Win 10 Union Wars
Tune Up Set 10 × 5
Clear [Battle! Demonfox Haku] 1 time (1 star and up)
3rd Anniversary Cannon
Participate in 3 Epoch Union Wars
SDX Select Box

※The SDX Select Box, when used, allows you to select and receive your preferred item from the SDX Coin, SDX Coin II, and SDX Coin III rewards.

What's an SDX Coin II?
This coin can be exchanged for Gold and Silver Tier Garapon Characters that have appeared in the prior year.
They can be used at the Central Area SDX Coin Exchange.
※It can also be accessed directly with the Quick Access feature.
Target Robot release date
SDX Coin
Seasons 1~4
Seasons 5~8
Seasons 9~12
SDX Coin Exchange

3rd Anniversary Challenge Cube Price
150 Rt
・Can be purchased a the in-game Shop.
※Purchase is limited to once per person.

Sale and Prize Availability Period
After maintenance 4/3/2024 JST
Until 10:00 on 7/3/2024 JST

※You can check the current progress of Prize conditions in the Profile Page of the Garage.
※After fulfilling the conditions, prizes can be obtained from the Profile Page of the Garage as well.
※Please note that once the effect has been cancelled, the prizes can no longer be obtained.

■ UC Exchange Sale
In commemoration of the 3rd anniversary, we will offer an exchange of Rt for UC.
Each type of exchange can only be performed 5 times.
Take advantage of this chance while you can!

14(Originally 20 Rt, 30%OFF
70(Originally 100 Rt, 30%OFF
140(Originally 200 Rt, 30%OFF

■ 3 Year Anniversary Orders
Limited-time third anniversary Orders will be available where players can receive great rewards!
Challenge the Anniversary Order by logging in during the event period, and by achieving the conditions, where you can get rewards with an Anniversary motif!
Dont miss out on these great Orders!

Reward Type
Reward Name
Login during the event period
3rd Anniversary
Participate in 5 CHAOS event battles
Robot Cube
Participate in Union Wars with a robot cost of 1000 or more
Accessory Cube × 3
Win 5 Union Wars
Red Craft Stone × 10
Achieve 10,000 or more points in Union Wars
Blue Craft Stone × 10
Obtain 2500 points for repair in Union Wars
Green Craft Stone × 10
Obtain 1000 Jammer Points in Union Wars
Parts Fragment × 30
Defeat 10 enemies in Union Wars
Cosmo Harmonics 20% × 5
UC 10,000
Clear a total of any 10 missions
3rd Anniversary Flag BSJ
Participate in 30 Union Wars
3 Anniversary Muffler
Clear all 2nd Anniversary Orders
Cosmic Hero 3rd
SP garapon Ticket

Thank you for supporting Cosmic Break Universal!
CosmicBreak Universal - nagasawa_cs
The details of the 4/3/2024 JST maintenance are as follows.

◆Desktop Army Collaboration Event Begins!

MegaHouse's original content collection of mecha musume figures, the Desktop Army, has come to CosmicBreak Universal!
During the event period, players will be able to take advantage of the event to strengthen their D-phone!
Participate in the event to obtain a Sylphy II!

The Pt2 of this event will also be held during Season 13!
That D-phone can fight...?!
Look forward to more news!

Desktop Army Collab Event Page

◆Season 13 Begins!

Cosmic Break Universal's Season 13 willl begin!

Season 13 details can be found here.

◆Balance Adjustments
The following balance adjustments will be implemented.

To aid players with customization, we will be giving the following items to all players:
- Cosmo Harmonics 20% × 20
- Cosmo Regret Ω × 10

◆Bug Fixes
・Fixed an issue where certain robots' behavior was not synchronized properly when equipping parts that could not be used as weapons in the Battle Area, such as Jace's Pocket Watch.

◆Garapon No.13 Reissued!
Garapon No. 13 will return for this month! Don't miss the chance to get your favs.

Reissue Period
After maintenance 4/3/2024 JST
Until maintenance 5/8/2024 JST

Garapon No. 13 Details can be found here.

・For [30vs30] Union Wars, battle rating will change depending on participation.

・For Union Wars rooms, some Rooms have been deleted and the following Rooms have been added.
- Union Wars [20vs20] Rule:Mixed Union Team
- Union Wars <Rank 11 and Below> Rule:NPC Battle, Healing Power Spot
- Union Wars [15vs15] Rule:Battle rating 5.0 and Below, NPC Battle, Healing Power Spot

・Event Rooms will now have a battle featured every day of the week.
- Union Wars [20vs20] Rule:NPC Participation Battle
-- Available Days:Su, M, W, F
- Union Wars [20vs20] Rule:Healing Power Spot
-- Available Days:Tu, Thu, Sat

・Momiji will have the following Adjustments implemented.
- Momiji HD UV will be updated.
- Momiji HD texture will be changed.
- Momiji HD hair teture will be changed.

・Kagura will have the following Adjustments implemented.
- Kagura HD UV will be updated.
- Kagura HD texture will be changed.
- Kagura HD hair teture will be changed.

Thank you for supporting Cosmic Break Universal!
CosmicBreak Universal - kannP

MegaHouse's original content collection of mecha musume figures, the Desktop Army, has come to CosmicBreak Universal!

Desktop Army Collaboration Event Page

◆Pt1 Event Summary

Sylphy II arrives in the Cosmic Ark!
She's naturally bewildered by the Ark and is collecting information.
It's up to the Heroes to collect the Information Crystals from various places in the Cosmic Ark and give them to Sylphy II, who's waiting in the Event Area!

Desktop Army Event Orders
Talk to Sylphy II in the event area, and you'll get your own Sylphy II to accompany you on your adventures!
Additionally, you will be able to undertake limited time Event Orders.
Clear Orders to receive Parts which will power up Sylphy II!
Let's play Union Wars with Sylphy II and have fun with customization!

Orders is a system that impart rewards for completion of various criteria.
You can check the progress of your Orders by pressing the F6 key in the Lobby Area.
Dedicated Conversion Parts(LG)
Tune-up Sylphy II
Angel Shooter
Dedicated Conversion Parts(WP)
Tune-up Sylphy II 3x
Dedicated Conversion Parts(BD)
Participate in 3 Union Wars with Sylphy II
Dedicated Conversion Parts(BD)
Participate in 5 Union Wars with Sylphy II
Dedicated Conversion Parts(HD)
Participate in 3 Union Wars with Sylphy II
Tiru α
Dedicated Conversion Parts(BD)
Obtain 3000 melee points in Union Wars
Tiru β
Dedicated Conversion Parts(BD)
Obtain 3000 projectile points in Union Wars
Tiru γ
Dedicated Conversion Parts(BD)
Obtain 1500 or more Total Contribution points in Union Wars
Angel Wings
Dedicated Conversion Parts(HD)
Win 7 Union Wars
Seraphim Shooter
Neko Tenshi
DTA Garapon Ticket※
Dedicated Conversion Parts(WP)
Clear all Desktop Army Event Orders
※[DTA Garapon Ticket] is a ticket to roll the Desktop Army Collab Garapon which will be released at a later date.

Sylphy II Light Mode

Sylphy II Light Cube
During the event period, deliver 15 pieces of [Info Crystals] to Sylphy II to receive a Sylphy II Light Cube, which will contain Parts related to Sylphy II!

Reward Lineup
Use the Sylphy II Light Cube to receive one of the following rewards.
Angel Shooter
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Angel Wings
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Tiru α
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Tiru β
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Tiru γ
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Sylphy II Dedicated Conversion Parts
Intruder Flag
Aggressor Flag
Angel Shooter R
Angel Wings R
Tiru R LGJ

Event Period
After maintenance 4/3/2024 JST
Until maintenance 3/26/2025 JST

◆Event Area
During the event period, more NPCs will appear in the Event Area.

How to get to the Event Area
Press the F11 key to open the Quick Access Menu.
Click on Central Area [Day], select Event Area Entrance, and press Go.

After moving to the Entrance, right-click on the portal by the signboard to move to the Event Area.

Thank you for supporting Cosmic Break Universal!
Anomaly Exit - G O G G L E S
Hey ya'll!

New day, new update!

- Fixed game not continuing for remaining players when a player last alive in the red zone disconnects, whilst all other players are dead.
- Adjusted several anomalies. Some were triggering too soon, and some were not sensitive enough.
- Adjusted several textures as they were bloating up memory for no visual benefit at all- hopefully this makes it better to run on less VRAM.

Most importantly, I have dialled back the gameplay loop based on feedback and observation on streamed playthroughs (thank you for those who streamed, and made videos!).

The length of a normal game was not in accordance with my intentions that I had for this game. The formula that was responsible for deciding what stations were correct would generate way too bogus of a number more often than not that led to inflated play time.

Furthermore, I have removed some anomalies that were heavy contributors to an inflated play time due to the conditions of their appearance.

I believe I have struck a good balance now. But only time will tell!


Dairy Farm Simulator - Patrick V
Hi everyone,

Version 0.2.2 is out now. We are making slow progress on getting things done. I don't want spoil anything so check the forum for the changelog.

Skybound: Card Survival - TheHafinator
  • There was a typo on the Banana card.
  • Fixed some faulty shield icons on cards which don't support carrying shields.
  • Fixed a bug where the enemy would follow you across the bridge.