Slave Zero X - Poppy Works

Tell us about yourself!
Hello, I'm Kebby from the United States and the 3D technical artist for Slave Zero X. I've always enjoyed drawing detailed schematics on paper and eventually got into computer technologies. I can create 2D and 3D animations, high or low poly models in Blender, paint textures, make maps and even some programming. I've been combining these interests to create mods for Quake and discovering it's unique engine limitations. It can be a challenging process to design new weapons or enemies, but it's very rewarding once it all works!

How did you get started working on Slave Zero X or for Poppy Works?
I was hired by Poppy Works thanks to Greenwood, he recommended me based on my work within the Quake community. When I first played Quake I really enjoyed it's moody atmosphere and fast gameplay. I tried out some overhaul mods like Alkaline and Arcane Dimensions, then wanted to try making something myself.

I had some previous mapping experience thanks to Doom and Source Engine games. Quake's welcoming community made it easy for me find tutorials and get started. I began figuring game limits, how models are animated, palettizing textures and eventually began writing code to make my own mods. I posted my work to the Quake Mapping Discord and got the attention of some fantastic people that had their own big projects.

That's how I met Greenwood and bmFbr, the leaders of the Alkaline mod. I did some work cleaning up older models, animation fixes, texturing alternate skins and made brand new enemies. Eventually Greenwood approached me about Poppy Works, and this cool new game him and bmFbr had been working on. The levels and assets were made using familiar Quake tools, and was a big opportunity for me to get into making games. I took the interview, showcased my work, and I got the job!

What sparked your interest to work on Slave Zero X?
I've always been interested in game development my whole life, planning out concepts and testing new ideas. Finally working on a game like Slave Zero X has given me the chance to vastly improve my Blender knowledge. I've discovered so many new useful programs since getting the job, it's great being able to work with artists like this and learn from them!

What do you enjoy most about working on Slave Zero X?
My favorite part of Slave Zero X, and what I'll miss most, is being part of a team. Everyone here is a passionate creator, we have incredible artists, animators, mappers, modelers, programmers, writers and musicians all working together. It's very refreshing after working alone for so long. Sharing new ideas, helping someone find a solution or having meetings where we discuss topics as a group.

The best part is when you get assigned a really awesome task by one of our concept artists. The challenge is turning that idea into a finished textured 3D model, but after it's done you get to hear their reactions. It's always a positive surprise during the big reveal when their vision becomes part of the game. It makes all the time spent worth it, and is a joy that never got old while working!

How would you describe the world of Slave Zero X? How did that World influence the art style?
Slave Zero X is a combination of my favorite science fiction stories like Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Deus Ex or Half Life 2. It's a dark and twisted mega city ruled by an all powerful, seemingly omnipotent, techno wizard who controls everything and everyone around him. Francine's incredible art direction has always motivated me to go above and beyond in everything I create to match that level of detail. Capturing the gritty decaying structures, wires crawling across buildings like veins, bio-growth masses of who know what, intricate metal workings and fantastical dark machinery with tubes everywhere!

What has been a challenge you over came working on Slave Zero X? An art piece you wrestled with? The pipeline? Or whatever comes to mind.
One of our biggest hurdles was at the start of development, we needed to decide on the texel density for the entire game. It dictated what resolution the environment textures would need to be and impacted every asset in the game. We also needed to be consistent with how our art style was presented for both 2D sprites and 3D models.

Since I already had experience with Quake's workflow and limitations, I was able to work with the mappers and programmers to provide some processing solutions. They were able to engineer custom tools to aid us in asset production and I ended up writing a massive design document for our final pipeline. This led to me getting a promotion from part-time 3D artist to full-time 3D technical artist!

What skill has helped you most on this project?
Blender's texture baking tools were a must have for this project. It allowed me to use Francine's concept art directly as a material texture while 3D modeling. I could then go back and add any necessary texture details, lighting and shading as needed to stay faithful to the original idea. This sped up development significantly since I could reuse smaller model pieces to create larger complex structures. I then spent the saved time iterating new designs to create a wider variety of similar themed assets. Francine really enjoyed seeing her work shine through the new models when they were complete!

Poppy Works has been completely work-from-home since 2012. They are a global company in the sense that they hire any one qualified from all over the world. What has it been like working with such a diverse group of people?
It's been a wonderful experience working exclusively online, it's easy to forget that the people we talk with online can be halfway around the world. Usually the only problems we have are time zones and someone might miss a meeting because they're sleeping. I've been very grateful for the opportunity to work from home and it's definitely saved me time, money and stress from driving around each day!

Tell us something fun about working with the Slave Zero X team, a funny moment, something special that stands out to you about the team, or something you would like the world to know about this experience.
The occasional memes were a personal highlight for me. We'd have our meetings or discussions and someone would mention a silly idea or make a joke, but I'd turn it into a picture and post it as fast as I could. Always really funny to hear the reactions in real time, not sure how many of those made it in as easter eggs. Lots of the in-jokes won't make sense out of context, but sometimes without warning, the three little dots appear!

What has been your favorite piece to work on?
My favorite assignment by far is the Zone 5 military assets. This was late in the project so I had gotten more experienced with the modeling process. Using projection mapping and symmetrical designs I was able to create over 100 modular pieces very quicky for our mappers to decorate the environment. It was really fun to play around with all the parts like Lego, I eventually ended up making a mini-mega-city mockup in Blender. The same city construction was reused for a 3D skybox in Episode Enyo.

Another favorite is the huge enclosed boss arena, I was in charge of the design, modeling and textures for the entire chamber. I didn't have much concept reference to go off of, but Francine was able to guide the art direction for how it should look. It took almost two weeks to finish and lots of scraped attempts, but the final result was worth the extra effort!

Was anything cut from the project you wish had stayed in?
We really wanted to include a section where you pilot a giant mech, if only for a single level. I understand why it was cut, we'd need a lot of programming work for a whole new movement system, engine rewrites and camera systems. Not to mention all the new 3D art assets, animations for enemies, gameplay encounters and larger environment textures. It'd be like trying to create a whole new game from scratch. There were also a bunch of enemies that we didn't have time to finalize, hopefully they make it into the art book so curious fans can see!

How did you get started in this industry? Any suggestions for up and coming artists who would like your job?
I've always wanted to work on video games and it's hard to believe it's actually happened. To be honest, this has been my first real job as a 3D artist. I had tried doing freelance work after college but that ended up not being finacially viable. I ended up working retail for a couple years, but never gave up learning new tools and programs to improve my Blender skills. My suggestion for new artists is to keep the creative dream alive, always try to teach yourself something new that challenges your abilities. It can take a long time, but you never know when you'll finally be able to do all the things you really enjoy!

Final thoughts?
Poppy Works has been a dream come true, I am incredibly thankful for everyone here! Thank you so very much, from Kebby : )

Long Gone - Hillfort Games

It's been quite a couple of years since I announced Long Gone was in early development so let's talk about changes in the game and what's been happening.

In 2022 when I announced the game for steam, I posted the very early prototype to see if anyone was interested in the game before I progressed onto a vertical slice, i was absolutely blown away by the support and today the game is at almost 23000 wishlists. I've been posting small updates on TikTok which has helped the game go viral a couple of times too. Its been amazing to see the support of my little game as a soloDev!

In 2022, I was living in Canada, working as a Senior Concept Artist at a AAA studio, I applied for my US via and it ended up taking 19 months to process. My visa expired in Canada so i needed to return home to the UK while my US visa was processing. This meant i was on the road and busy with Freelance work on other games so progress on Long Gone was slow because i was working off a laptop on an ironing board (im not kidding).

In October of 2023 I got into the US and I'm back with my Wife, I have a full office again and so the project is FULL STEAM AHEAD.

...get it. Because Steam. ANYWAY.

So in the past couple of months i've finished the vertical slice, most of the game is greyboxed and the game is almost in Alpha. Alpha means that a game's mechanics are all coded and working in the game which means I'm now just making content. I've found a couple of artists to start helping me out in the ramp up to the beta milestone this summer but I'm not 100% sure when the game will be finished.


So lets talk about some changes to the game from the last time you saw it here on steam.

  • New Artwork for the front yard Demo assets (BG, porch, house, etc.)
  • Yard "Get in the house" Demo puzzles are complete and playable.
  • New Grass Shader
  • Interactive "Large" items Complete (Draws, boxes etc.)
  • Foliage system and art complete (still needs animation)
  • Bag UX and reading overhauled and fully functioning
  • Pick up and Drop system is complete
  • Cutscene Triggering is complete
  • Combining Items Complete
  • Item Use and Fail states complete
  • Dialogue System Complete
  • Keys and Unlockable items Complete
  • Character speed slowed down
  • Mouth Animation when the dude talks
  • Story outline is complete
  • much more.

More devs and Patreon

I've had some concern from fans excited for the game that as a Solo-dev, ill not be able to make the game in a timely manor. While ive only just got back into the flow of making the game, ive also taken this on board and im in the process of hiring a couple of people to help me out on the game's visuals as that is the biggest time-sink at the moment. This isnt cheap though, so if youre interested in supporting the game then you can find Hillfort Games on PATREON


A playable Demo. Even though ive tried in the description of the store page to explain the game, people still think its a survival game. Gather the food and ammo, kill all the Zombies etc. While there is some of that; its not really the game. To to squash ambiguity, the game will be playable for you all to find out. I'm hoping the demo may attract finances for the game to thrive too. The demo will be from the vertical slice which is about just getting into the house from the front yard. I know you guys are sick of that yard, but its the most art-complete section i have right now.

“Is the whole game just that yard?!”

Of course not. At the very beginning of the project, I created that front yard, which you have all seen and probably got sick of by now, and this is commonly referred to as a vertical slice. Vertical slices are there to test the game can work as a product as a semi-polished piece, because that was successful by the amazing reaction from all of you guys, I went into production. While in production, I have a mantra; ”it has to work before it looks pretty”. Unfortunately all the work that isn’t pretty is ugly. Like…. Really ugly. Grey boxes, the items are cubes, animations are missing; but it’s working! This is what ive been focused on. This is why nothing has really been shown because whenever I do, it tanks in views, nobody cares, people just want the pretty stuff which I get it. I want to make the pretty stuff too!

Until next time!

Exfil Playtest - IrOnTaXi
Steam Playtest Reminder!

Just give us a hot minute to remind all you folks that our first public facing play test version of Exfil will be available March 9th via steam playtest.


We already have in excess of 500 signups and expecting more than 1000 by March 9th.

Why wait? Sign up today!


What if I just want to jump in the game right now and kick the tires.. have a look around?

Join our discord now to enjoy alpha access to the game. Get in touch with our staff for details!

Onward and Upward!
Feb 23
Grippy Golf - Switchback Studio
  • Added resolution settings to menu!
  • Fixed reset bug when moving to next level
  • Small tweaks/fixes.
Dwarves Mining Idle - Easelm
Patch Notes

If you experience any type of bug, remember, you can:
  1. Join our Discord.
  2. Go to our Bug Report forum

  • Enemies will now spawn on all floors instead of a random floor. It didn't make much sense to limit enemy spawning to random floors since it would take forever to farm via combat. If you have multiple floors, it will take a few seconds for all the floors to be iterated through for enemies to spawn on. This is to prevent any major performance issues instead of spawning enemies all at once.

  • You can now choose any ore in a workbench to upgrade your Dwarf. Each ore is in a tier. Dirt being the lowest and Uranium being the highest within the tier.
Action Fubuki - GeneralKARON

I will the game until the end (I hope). I will show you the optimal way to play Action Fubuki.

The Dev
Feb 23
Dungeon Maker - Tavarin
A small update to add the following items to the map maker:
- Tuna
- Mackerel
- Salmon
- Croissants
- Bread Loaf
- Pie
- Muffins
- Ribs
- Serving Dish
- Basket
- Castle Painting
- Knight Painting
- Dragon Painting
- Portrait 3
- Low Wooden Wall
- Large Fireplace
- Knight Statue

As well the following changes were made:
- Fixed décor placement bug when multiple décor items occupy same tile
- Improved décor layering so specific décor objects always appear on top of others
- Rearranged some item placement menus
TerraTech Worlds - Cassie @ Payload

The TerraTech Worlds demo may be over, but we’re starting down the road to Early Access, which is arguably an even more exciting path, one filled with devilish bugs to squish and delicious new ideas to uncover. Thank you so much to all of you for playing throughout the two weeks that the demo was live!

As we continue our journey towards Early Access, we wanted to show you some of the things we’ve been working on, based on your feedback from the demo: if you still have ideas or suggestions that you’re sick of crying out from rooftops to no avail, we’d recommend posting them either on the Steam Discussions page, or in one of the relevant channels on our TerraTech Worlds Discord!

Here’s some of what we’ve been working on: please note that everything we’re sharing here is very much work-in-development, and may change over the course of TerraTech Worlds’ development as we work towards Early Access. Everything shown below is not the final product!

Claiming Rewards/Objectives Tab

During the demo, we heard some feedback that some players were unsure where to claim their rewards from completing tasks, and some of you weren’t even aware that there were rewards to collect!

Based on this feedback, we’ve had a re-think about how rewards are claimed in TerraTech Worlds, and you’ll now claim task rewards from the "Objectives" tab whilst in your Tech Yard. The "Rewards" tab has been removed.

State Lights

One thing we heard a lot of feedback on from the Next Fest demo was that some of you were confused about when machines were actually on/off, as well as in-use or not in-use (actively working to create ammo, refine resources etc).

To help signify these states a bit better, we’ve added these new ‘state’ lights, which will light up as different colours depending on the state of your structure(s).

Here’s what all the different light colours mean:

  • No light means that the structure is currently toggled off
  • Red means that the structure is not generating and/or receiving power
  • Yellow means that the structure is either Blocked (cannot output items into slots), Starved (does not have any item in its inputs) and/or that no recipe has been selected
  • Green is good: it means that everything is working as intended and that your structure is doing whatever you set it up to do!

Key Bindings

Whilst you were able to set mouse/key bindings for some elements of TerraTech Worlds during the demo, such as setting certain input bindings for tools like the Resource Laser or Tractor Beam, we received a lot of feedback from players that they’d like the opportunity to re-map all of the game’s controls to their own preferred settings.

This is something that we’re currently working on implementing for Early Access, and you can see a (very early!) version of what we’re putting together for you in the image above.

Audio Issue(s)

Some TerraTech Worlds players were experiencing a bug which caused in-game audio (both music and SFX) to be completely absent when playing, which was happening regardless of which audio output(s) players were using.

We’ve now squished this bug so that in-game audio should be functional for all players: you’ll be able to hear the crashing waves and laser pew pews in all their glory during Early Access!

Always Online Bug

Some of you were experiencing a bug which meant that, to play TerraTech Worlds, your device was requiring that you were connected to an online network at all times.

TerraTech Worlds is not intended to be an always-online experience, and we have worked to fix the issue which was causing this to be the case for some users.

That’s all for now: we’ll continue to keep you updated as we get closer and closer to Early Access, and we’ll keep looking at all of your comments and suggestions to help inform future versions of TerraTech Worlds.

Remember to Wishlist us over on the TerraTech Worlds Store Page to be notified about Early Access updates: see you soon!

Ostriv - yevheniy8
  • Crash on hovering a grave icon in the family tree
  • Bridges didn't connect land properly in some cases
  • The last update messed up "On hold" checks a bit
  • Crash on fishing boat departure in some older saves
Boat Crew - Cotanius Jeta
v1.4.3.0 Experimental
In Game
★ Base defenses rework.
★ Added Torpedo nets.
★ Added Nagara.
- Added proper fire control systems for destroyers and above.
- Added threat level to passive combat heat gain conversion.
- Added threat notifier dialog.
- Added weather and time of day effects to threat system.
- Added navigation system to skirmishes. Pursuits away and towards to the player are now more direct.
- Removed minor target hit assistance for projectiles, engagement distances will matter a lot more.
- Improved machine gun noises.
- New foliage rendering system.

- Added assault cooldown system.
- Added variable RP bounty and display to targets list.
- Added variable vision ranges for bases.
- Added friendlies vision transfer of map.
- Threat gain by electronics as been capped to the first threat level
- Threat gain is now calculated according to which territory the player is in.
- Player will not be attacked by threats in friendly territory.
- Changed player vision range UI element to be displayed as ticks.
- If a base is engaged without scouting, returning from the engagement no longer skips the scout bonus that is given when a bases score is revealed.
- If a type of unit in the targeting list is wiped out, they will be listed again as II, III, IV, etc so that bounty collection can continue.
- Spawn system rework.

AI behaviors
- Cut jagged pathing short if no terrain or obstacles are detected

- Increased autosave capacity 3->12.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed reserves that were marked wounded with a hidden wounded flag being deleted on player boat death, these wounded flags were cleared on every player spawn, causing it to be somewhat rare.
- Fixed things inside smoke being able to target outside by adding a reverse raycast check.
- Fixed territory visual offset glitch when returning from customization menus.
- Fixed base capture revealing enemy assault line if an assault was coming from that specific base.
- Fixed map targets being displayed at the same point when multiple named vessels are spotted.
- Fixed call-in weapon systems/launchers not being properly reset for every object.
- Fixed squadron Elcos having engine sounds.
- Fixed aircraft noise not cutting off on splash.

Visit our forums for detailed discussion about this update!