CarX Street - Walter, the Frog
What’s up drivers!
As promised, we are back with new information about the PC version of our CarX Street game. Recently we suggested you to ask questions about it and here we are with answers to some of them.

Will there be cross progression between mobile and PC versions?
We don't have such plans for early access. But currently we are looking into our options on providing mobile players with special rewards for purchasing PC version in early access.

Will there be cross play between PC and mobile?
Currently, we don't have plans to add this feature. For fair play purpose, PC players won't be able to play with mobile version players.

In-game balance will be different for the PC version of the game?
We've completely reworked in-game balance for the PC version of the game. New in-game balance will help players to enjoy the process of improving and tuning their cars. Plus, new reward system will be changed for more player's comfort.

Will there be microtransactions in the game?
Currently, we don't have such plans.

Will there be in-game chat?

What can you tell us about multiplayer?
Real time multiplayer will be available in PC version of the game. Also, we are working on improving leaderboard and online races and some new types of multiplayer races.

Drivers, feel free to ask your question about PC version of the game! We'll be back with another set of answers pretty soon, so stay tuned for that!
Thanks a lot in advance!
After the Collapse - Anarkis Gaming
Hi there!

As promised, here's a new update focusing on the prisoner system. With the recent introduction of a prisoner-centric faction archetype, the Arakans, it really needed some love. Of course, it's far from the only change in this update, which should make your whole population easier to manage.

As usual, the full change-log is at the bottom. I highly recommend to give it a look, as many important details will only be mentioned there. I am a bit short on time today, so the article is shorter than usual, while the change-log is more detailed to compensate.


Prisoner System

First thing first: Compliance. This value, used to determine how close is a prisoner to riot or to join you, now works pretty much as you'd guess. Treat prisoners well and give them good individual cells, and their compliance will grow steadily:
  • The higher quality the individual cell, the more compliance will grow. Low quality cells, or missing cells, will cause compliance to decrease quickly (and VERY quickly if a prisoner is left without a place to sleep)
  • Getting food, or medical care increases compliance
  • Working very slightly decreases compliance (easy to counter with good rooms)
  • Prisoners chatting together decrease their respective compliance a bit
  • Prison guards talking to prisoners increases compliance (usually, but if the guard is bad at his job it may backfire)
Generally speaking, and assuming good working conditions, prisoners will gain compliance much faster, turning them into potential recruits.

Speaking of housing prisoners, I added a new zone type: the jail. Yes, it's a barrack for prisoners. It does NOT provide a compliance bonus, but it provides beds for large quantities of prisoners at a minimal cost. It's especially useful if you don't intend to keep your prisoners for long (hi, cannibal factions).

Prisoners can now be treated by doctors (if you allow it), and got a refreshed individual survivor menu with nicer icons and a prominent compliance gauge.

You can also set default settings for your prisoners directly from the Faction/Settlement menu.

New Population Menu

I fully redesigned the Population menu. Not only it scales vertically with your screen resolution, but it handles survivors, prisoners and animals simultaneously.

While the Animal tab still needs some work, the prisoner and survivor tabs are fully functional and offer new filters and features. For instance, you can assign rooms and prison cells from this menu directly. To do so, simply click on the new "Housing" filter, and right-click on any person you want to reassign.

And, of course, in the prisoner tab, you can change individual prisoner settings (work, eat, recruit, chat, doctor), and sort people by compliance.

More filters and options will be added to this menu as I continue to improve it.

Automation and Presets

I also added a few settings to the Faction menu, while reorganizing the existing ones:

You can now set your base to automatically turn downed enemies into prisoners as long as you have free prison cells (or a jail). You can also tell your survivor what to do with dead bodies depending on their type (survivor, prisoner, animal, and non faction). Dogs can be buried now, assuming you've set a tomb to allow animals, it'll be extended to other pets in the next update.

Release Notes

I'm aware of a few situational bugs reported recently, I couldn't investigate them before release, but if there's something to fix, I will publish a fix very soon.

You can also expect a second update where I add some more meat to the prisoner system, and add more features to the population menu in a week or two. After that, we'll move to a different topic.


Full Changelog

AI and Behaviors
  • Animals (pets, wild, cattle) now obey their faction's rule about attacking incapacitated targets, making dogs and giant spiders pretty good at catching new prisoners.
  • Medics moving downed people will try to apply first aid before moving the patient if their health is very low.
  • Survivors and prisoners are better at claiming a room to sleep in when those are made available by the player.
Game Balance
  • Some large dead creatures need to be butchered to retrieve meat, bones, and such; corpses decay over time.
  • Reviewed the prisoner compliance system, compliance is easier to gain if you treat your prisoners well.
  • You need less decoration to make a "good" cell than to make a good bedroom.
  • Recruiting prisoners turn them into cannibals automatically if you're a cannibal-type faction.
  • Prisoners' compliance is now influenced by the quality of their cell (high quality cells improve compliance over time)
  • Added switch to allow prisoners to be treated by a doctor (in individual prisoner info panel and pop menu)
  • Default settings (work, eat, recruit..) can be set for new prisoners in the Colony Settings menu
  • During the Besieged Settlement map events, you can now enslave the villagers if your vehicle has an enslavement item installed, like the slave collar pack.
  • Added Jail zone, a barrack for prisoners. It can hold multiple prisoners, doesn't provide much compliance.
  • Burials can be attributed to pets, survivors, prisoners, or others, individually.
Game Engine
  • Ability for the game to use multiple variants for a constructed tile: for instance, road/asphalt tiles have multiple variants with small cracks/fissures.
  • Massively reduced the CPU impact of large herds of animals
  • Overall better performances, especially underground
  • Tweaks to nature layer, chance for a plant to die on death changed from a bool to a percentage
  • Replaced the sprites for a few early game objects (campfire, storage area, sleeping bags)
  • A bunch of sprites and tiles used when generating the local map have been replaced by better looking ones.
  • New and more varied asphalt texture(s) for the roads in the local map. It's relatively hard to notice due to ground dust effect.
  • In the world map, the road tile-map was replaced by something better looking / more detailed
  • In the world map, replaced buildings, trees, and rock textures + additional variations thanks to rotations
  • In the world map, village tiles are easier to spot as they are represented by a big bunch of buildings
User Interface
  • Main menu newsfeed points to steam now, and is always up to date
  • Redesigned population menu, scaling with vertical space available on your screen, better layout.
  • Ability to switch the population menu to a mode displaying your prisoners with relevant info, filters, and settings
  • Added a tab for the animals to the population menu (still a working in progress)
  • Added "Housing" filter to population menu, you can right click people in this mode to assign private bedrooms or prison cells
  • Added activity filter to population menu
  • Improved individual prisoner panel + tweaks to other individual panels
  • More detailed corpse retrieval, butchering, and burying tasks can be set in the colony settings
  • Automatic capture of downed hostiles can be setup in colony settings (will auto capture downed enemies if you have a prison bed available)
  • You can now move the camera around and use hotkeys even when the mouse cursor is over a menu
  • Added specific briefing for the "go to room" combat maps (like the Robotic Lab in Act 3, and the Robotic tech tree)
Bug Fixes
  • Changing a prisoner's cell wouldn't unassign them from their previous accommodation
  • Prisoners were unable to combat fire
  • Prisoners were unable to experience the joys of mental breakdown
  • Line of sight bug causing all sorts of problems
  • Traders from different factions should no longer attack each other (they also get named after their faction), they probably can't be used as an exploit to clear the map anymore either.
  • Prisoners would keep their melee weapon on capture
  • Pandemonium infected people would keep their melee weapon when morphing into a zombie
  • Outdated tooltips in prisoner feeding checkbox implied that people with the hauling job would feed them (instead of prison guards).
  • Issue between hunger and reproduction (cattle and pets)
  • Prisoners could run the "prison guard" job, causing some logic issues.
  • Minor button coloring issue in Misc Orders (regression bug 1.2.1)
  • Chat moodlets in mood sub-menu not always pointing to the right target (people talking to themselves)
  • Typo in a data file used during map generation which may have caused, on rare occasions, to cause a room to be entirely empty
  • Very small minor memory leak (when loading saves or going back to main menu) tied to the way walls and tiles are reset
  • If the building "fog of war" setting is disabled, it's not clear where you're supposed to go in Act 3's Robotic Lab
Dawnsbury Days - Dawnsbury Studios
This is the backup release candidate! I intend to continue developing Dawnsbury Days actively until the feature freeze on February 29th but in case too many bugs are introduced in that development, and no critical bugs are found in this one, then this one could reasonably be used as the backup build for release on March 8th.

  • Rules (GM's judgment): Added an optional rule to have beneficial actions unaffected by concealment, turned on by default.

  • Audio: Performed a manual loudness normalization update on top of the auto-normalization to -23 LUFS.

  • Balancing (S4E5): Increased the boss monster's weapon proficiency by +2 on all difficulties.
  • Rules (GM's judgment): Demoralize is now unaffected by concealment.

  • Ancestries (Orc): Added additional orc portraits.
  • Classes (Kineticist): If you have multiple kineticists, start-of-combat kinetic aura whoosh should only happen once.
  • Classes (Kineticist): Ocean's Balm should also reduce the DC to 10
  • Classes (Wizard): The spell you get back from Drain Bonded Item is never removed from your mind and can be cast infinitely.
  • Encounters (S2E6): If you finish the encounter by killing an enemy, that enemy will resurrect at the beginning of the closing cutscene.
  • Encounters (S2E6): You can attempt to attack-of-opportunity "Forest Canopy" during the cutscene, which crashes the game.
  • Encounters (S4E1): Drake Riders are using Draconic Frenzy while Calm Emotions is up
  • Encounters (S4E3): If second poet was supposed to have any death lines they got interrupted by the end of combat cinematic
  • Encounters (S4E4): The summon elemental sound effect is too loud.
  • Feats (Reactive Shield): If an enemy rolls 20, you're still asked if you'd like to use reactive shield to downgrade it to a success, which won't necessarily work.
  • Feats (Shared Stratagem): The prompt should be skipped if useless because the target died
  • Free encounter mode: The "weak" difficulty modifier of the Easy difficulty applies to encounters that don't support variable difficulties
  • Modding: Add the option for assisted persistent damage recoveries.
  • Spells (Sanctuary): Sanctuary temporary attack-ban effect still remains active even if the attacker is dead
  • Story mode: If you import characters into Story mode as you begin a campaign at level 1, it says "expected maximum: 140gp" at the bottom, instead of the expected maximum of 15gp.
  • Story mode: When you move from Custom start screen to Campaign screen, the main theme music briefly plays for half a second before it's replaced by the character editor music
Nordic Ashes: Survivors of Ragnarok - Noxfall Studios
Hello vikings!

Thanks for commenting all your feedback on Asgard Realm!
On today’s update we’ve added the following:

Asgard balancing
We've been making some tweaks so runs feel more balanced.
  • You will notice some changes on Loki, Frigg and Thor. For example, Loki's attacks were difficult to dodge, so we've improved visual feedback.
  • Visual upgrade on enemy lasers, they now have a telegraph so they can be better seen.
  • Improved visibility of floor traps,
  • Asgard complete sountrack is now ready!
Ragnarok and Nightmare
This means we have Ragnarok and Nightmare mode in all realms!

New relics
  • 9 new starting relics (6 weapons and 3 passives) to add more variety to the first runs. You will find all these items available from the beginning of your adventure :)
  • You will also be able to unlock Mjölnir, Thor's hammer!

Game Balancing
  • The following enemy abilities have been nerfed: Enemy Revive, Armor, Autoheal and Spiral Projectiles
  • The following curse has been nerfed: Projectiles Death Curse is now less likely to appear.
  • Right clicking now permanently activates/deactivates manual aim. The left click still works the same (keep pressed to activate manual aim).
  • Prism relic is now Epic instead of Legendary.
Next steps
We will be posting devlogs with the new features or changes we make on Nordic Ashes though News Posts.
And we will of course still be reading all your feedback and comments!

Have a nice weekend! Cheers!

If you have any suggestions, issues or any kind of feedback, don't hesitate to contact us:
🔸 Discord.
🔸 Steam Community.
Feb 23
The Last Medic - chair
  • Fix bug where healing would get stuck if you removed the healing input on controller.
  • Fix bug where game would be unresponsive if you paused the game right after dying.
  • Add app icon.

This patch is the same as v1.3 but without the Steam achievements re-sending fix. v1.3 was causing a crash so I reverted it. I'm still trying to find a workaround to re-trigger previously failed Steam achievements.
Revenant - Mayfly
Hello Players! It's been a while.

After full of brainstorming, We decided to keep making the "Revenant".
So, we're going to regularly post our development process.

Please follow us on Twitter(X) : @Mayfly_39499

Thanks for all players!
Artifact - Professor Squirrel
Artifact – 0.79.35 Release and Changelog

  • *Fixed issue that caused male NPC penises to disappear
  • *Fixed issue with the Dev Console that could cause the player's face to disappear if it was pulled up
  • *Fixed issue that caused use of Vitae essences to disappear if the player home was changed after identity looting
  • *Fixed issue that prevented Build and some other essences from properly applying (not applicable to existing essences)
  • *Fixed issue that prevented Skin Color essences from displaying
  • *It is no longer possible to use breast essences on male forms
  • *Female-only physique essences now translate into the closest comparable male body type when being applied to male forms
  • *Players can no longer lure NPCs before obtaining knowledge about the artifacts
  • *More performance improvements
Feb 23
AChat - rbskft
New position for female-shemale, shemale-shemale and female-female couples

Koboo: The Tree Spirit - Honest Rogue Games
Overall, this update is mainly Weapon changes, updates, and reworks and some general Quality of Life changes.
For one such change, we resolved the Playstation controller issue! Turns out the problem was in a single line of outdated code and we solved it by… pressing backspace 3 times :’)
Also, I assume many were confused about the parrying mechanic, well fear not! While our original plan was to introduce the concept to the casual player base once more complex tutorialization was added, this update seeks to rework and canonize it.
This update also contains a new melee weapon, with one of its upgrade paths utilizing the new parrying mechanic. Hope you enjoy using it as much as I do! <3

New Weapons and Reworks
  • Added a new Melee Weapon with its own upgrade set! You can find it in Mara’s shop
  • Parrying is canonized! Parrying is no longer universal, it can only be accessed with certain melee weapon upgrades, one from the Leaf Axe and one from our newest weapon…
  • Reworked Leaf Axe to have lower Attack Speed and higher Base Damage, emphasizing its status as a heavy hitter
  • Slightly buffed Fae Daggers’ Attack Speed for a similar reason as above
  • Reworked Throwing Leaves, they now deal significantly less damage and have significantly higher attack speed and ammo capacity, as well as a Critical Damage boost, we’re also looking to visually and thematically rework them in a future update!

Weapon Upgrade Changes
  • The Axe’s Bludgeoning upgrade now enables Parrying under certain conditions and the description has been updated to reflect this change
  • Also Buffed the Stun Duration and Damage Bonus of Bludgeoning, particularly further down the tree
  • Buffed the Critical Damage Bonus of the Daggers upgrade Surgeon
  • Buffed the Critical Damage Bonus of the Throwing Leaves upgrade Sniper
  • Buffed Toxicology to apply triple Poison damage on Crit, and slightly changed its wording for clarity
  • Throwing Leaves now has the Barrage upgrade (From Thunder Orb) instead of Shocking
  • Axe now has the Scorch upgrade (From Magma Orb) instead of Enrage

Quality of Life
  • Added better Playstation controller support
  • Added a menu before the standard options to improve menu navigation
  • Added an option to remove Controller Rumble
  • Added a satisfying rumble to upgrade menus, and upon picking up a weapon
  • Icons for keys and buttons will now properly reflect their current binding when remapped
  • Made interacting with NPCs clearer
  • Instances of the word “dodge” or “roll” have been replaced with “dash” for consistency

Visual Fixes and Additions
  • Battle Priest’s (The Hammer Enemy) attack sprite now gives a clearer indication of its range and collision
  • Form Shift will now match Koboo’s colour
  • Added more flourishes to the upgrade menus to make selection clearer
  • Added a Loading Screen for a smoother opening transition
  • Updated the Logo in the main menu
  • Increased some text sizes to improve visibility on smaller screens

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed several bugs with the new upgrade menus and various interactions with multiple menus opening
  • Fixed bug with players temporarily surpassing their maximum ammo count with Boomerang
  • Fixed a bug with some instances applying too much screenshake
  • Fixed a bug with rebinding the Pause button
  • Vertical Sync is now On by default as intended (This will only update for players playing for the first time)

Miscellaneous Changes
  • We were so close to having evenly-lengthed categories!! :(
  • Anyway, the first level is now simpler and more consistent

Hope you enjoy!
- Simon and Jerome
Train Valley 2 - Vauban

Hello friends! Every Friday 17:30 UTC/GMT - we hold a “Let’s play together” competition. During next 24 hours everyone is welcome to try and score the best time in a preselected level. Join our Discord server and keep Discord running while playing — your results will be automatically published in the #lets-play-together channel. You need to get 5 stars to qualify.

Glittering prizes include:
1) Top 3 winners receive one random card each. Collect 18 locomotive cards and advance to next set of 8 all new cards! Complete that second set and enter a final tier of 12 rare cards! Assemble all cards from all tiers and receive a special prize. Easy!
2) Every player registered by our Discord bot has a chance to get a card. The number of cards depends on the number of participants: one additional card for every 10 train connoisseurs on the list. More players means more prizes!
2.5) One non-Champion from the top 10 gets a Challenger Card - introduced along with 12 new loco cards from Myths And Rails and Editor's Bulletin!

Visit our Discord server (#lets-play-together channel) to learn more.

A level we are playing this week is

Now open your game - the link is right there in the main menu.

Good luck everyone!