Feb 23
The Jump Guys - jackenddaniels
Network bugs fix
Legendary Tales - urbanwolfgames
Hello, Legendary Tales fans.
Second patch is now available. (Already pushed)
I see many of gamers are playing, enjoying Legendary Tales and they love it since the launch!
We, our team, worked hard this time again, to make best form of Legendary Tales to give you best experiences.

I am happy to say, this update includes Hybrid-grip method for PSVR2 users, seated mode for many of chair, couch players, sitting button for who has back pain. On top of that, there are many new players who feel they have made mistake for secondary and skill tree. We brought limited character reset, each character will have one chance to reset secondary attributes and skill tree. It’s only once. We are happy to help players who made mistake. I wish you learned something from your first mistake and don’t make same mistake again. Think enough before you invest points, use it wisely.

Also, sometimes Random encounters are brutal for some people. I think that is part of fun of ARPG. But still limiting potion accessibility is not what we want and feel dried. So now you can exchange Mana chunk into Blood chunk, vice versa by throw them into caldron. Now both of objects can be useful for anyone!

I do believe that Devs exists to help players to have fun with the game and change frustrations into motivation. That is what I want to do with patch, updates. I hope this patch/update help you to enjoy the game.

I have a favor to ask Steam gamers, at this point, I think we have fix/changed most of problems people have been addressing, such as hold-grip and achievements, etc… If you feel better now than before, can I kindly ask to update your reviews? I am not asking you to change it to positive. I mean it would be great but not necessary for us. But at least I want people to have right information to decide to buy game or not. Negative reviews with outdated information are not helping game at all. In-fact it is hurting Legendary Tales more than you ever can think. As I said before, we make game together I believe, we can’t do this alone without your support. So, Please… would you help us?

One last thing, I want to let you know that we are currently working on more localization. French is already work in progress, Thanks to one of our community user @Pommespanzer. Pommeepanzer is doing it voluntarily. Additionally, we are going to support Spanish, Polish as well with translator, but if anyone in the community who want to fix, change wrong translator texts for better translation, let me know, I will open the docs for you and let you fix, change it. Also, we are looking for German and Japanese as well who can help us to make it better translation for better translation.
We are targeting (means not guaranteed) to bring all language support on next patch or another next patch after that. And Female character armor and helm update is also coming together with all languages support. Let’s hope everything goes smoothly.
I believe this is great part of Indie development, users, and us, can make the game better and better. It’s not just Pommeepanzer, I am really happy that all users are working together to help each other in any community I see. I feel we are all connected as a gamer with our game, Legendary Tales.
I am everywhere, Reddit, Discord servers, Twitter, and dedicated communities, such as Korean one, Etc.., to collect your feedback and how you feel with Legendary Tales to make it better. I am watching you. I will bring more patch/updates next time. Until then,
Enjoy to make you own Legendary Tales.

Best regards,


Added features based on Feedbacks

PSVR2 users now can use Hybrid Grip for game play.
Secondar, Skill tree reset feature (You get one chance per character after you finish normal game) – Added
Seated mode(Can be found in calibration) – Added
Sitting command input(R3 press down for most of controllers, Vive: Right touchpad) – Added
You can exchange Mana chunk into Blood chunk, vice versa. Throw them into caldron – Added
Now players can access to Credit once player clear normal mode – Added
Save data loading message on main menu to prevent people to think they lost save data -Added


All Interaction features now help(instruction) manual each – Added
Index controller threshold for hold-grip is changed as some peoples request.

Game Balance

Mana shield - Didn’t have Intellect condition, now it’s added to 21
Mana shield - Mana cost per damage is increased from 0.1 to 0.25
Mana shield – Mana active cost increased from 5 to 8
Mana shield - Speed up buff duration time reduced from 2.7 to 2
Psychic shield – Intellect condition is changed from 15 to 18
Buckler – Required move speed for parrying was 0, need some more speed to parry now.
Ilhwisotang – Legendary skill’s attack type is all hard attack
Firepit has - Now bigger fire interaction range to cook meat

Bug Fix

Perma-Death trophy, achievement didn’t work – Fixed
Skill “Combat breath” didn’t work properly – Fixed
Skill “An ace up my sleeve” only worked from right side holster – Fixed
When Super conductor is activated, right hand magic was canceled – Fixed
Client players sometimes get fatal error when enter the final boss fight on PCVR – Fixed
Some of bow didn’t match the hand position – Fixed
Some of skills damage stacked up wrong and made too much damage – Fixed
Last boss didn’t give player reward sometimes – Fixed
Can grab many arrows during the multiplay - Fixed
Bat SFX plays even after the bat is dead – Fixed
SFX volume setting being reset after using portal – Fixed
Wrong position for waist holder when it is moved to shoulder – Fixed
Unique whetstone could make Legendary Items was a bug – Fixed
Meat could have be duplicated again with Quick-slot – Fixed
Client players could have abused Plasma coil with stopping between obstacles – Fixed
Sometimes any bosses stuck into wall – Fixed
Many typos – Fixed

Cats Love Boxes - Arntor
Hello, hoomans!

As you're aware, we recently ran on our Ko-Fi ( http://ko-fi.com/devcats ) the "Your Cat in Our Game" campaign, inviting participants to donate and have their beloved cats featured in our upcoming game Cats Love Boxes.

The little guy you see in the announcement pitcure is Joao, a rescued cat from Adote Um Ronrom -- a social entrepreneurship dedicated to helping stray cats in Brazil. Joao is one of the many cats they have rescued so far. All proceeds from the "Your Cat in Our Game" campaign were donated to Adote Um Ronrom, to help them a little. Adote Um Ronrom aims to improve the lives of homeless and abandoned cats by providing them with a second chance to find a loving and safe forever home. We at Devcats are proud to contribute to this cause and make a paw-sitive impact in the lives of these vulnerable felines fellas. Please check them out at http://www.instagram.com/adoteumronrom/ and http://www.adoteumronrom.com.br/ !

So mark your calendars for February 28th, when the game launches, and get ready to embark on a truly special adventure with your cat by your side, both in the game and in making a difference in the real world. Experience Cats Love Boxes and support a cause close to your heart. Cats from all over the world need us all. ❤

Love & Purrs,
The Devcats 🐾

P.S.: We know a lot of people could not participate in the Campaign due to limited slots. We are preparing something special for A Park Full of Cats, so stay Tuna'd!
Frontline Survivors - Vladirien
Hello there, Vladirien here!

A new content update just dropped... And it brings weapons, MORE WEAPONS!

New content
Each character gets an extra weapon :
  • Bob gets the Carbine: a powerful semi automatic rifle that gets unprecise if fired too often
  • Gwen gets the Charge Shotgun: a shotgun that can be charged to reduce spread and pick off targets at longer range
  • Kazy gets the Pipe Cannon: a special single ammo shotgun with explosive strength
  • Rando gets the Beam Rifle: a prototype weapon which can charge a devastating laser beam
  • Baara get the Plasma Repeater: an experimental weapon which can be charged to lock unstable projectiles onto targets

New perks:

  • Polyvalent: Increase weapon reload BUT your weapon changes on every level up
  • Toxic: Bleed applications have a 50% chance to also apply Neurotoxin
New relics:
  • Toxic Shock: Emit electricity when Neurotoxin expires
  • Recycler: Passively reloads magazine
New camp type : the Barracks which spawn soldiers until killed

New variations for the camp tiles so it appears more "man-made"

... And finally 3 new achievements!

Improvements and balance
  • Add screen resolution configuration settings
  • Flak Cannon deals more damage and its projectile speed is increased
  • Sniper, Hunting Shotgun & Combat shotgun deal more damage
  • The Energized perk now increases electric damage on every bounce instead of a flat boost
  • It will now rain twice more often when picking the Waterproof perk
  • Fire created by enemies now appear with a red tint so they are harder to confuse with allied fires
  • Baara's All Guns Blazing's skill now also increase her reload speed for the duration

See you on the Frontline!
Game Store Simulator - PEX
  • 🚀 Fixed an issue that was preventing customers from progressing in the queue.
  • 🚀 Resolved a bug causing certain games not to be purchased from the shelves.
  • 🚀 Fixed a bug causing animations to glitch for some customers after purchasing a game.
  • 🚀 Corrections made to the French translations.
  • 🚀 Fixed a bug preventing fully sold game boxes from automatically disappearing.
Birthright - David
Promote Family

You can now Promote family members (Family Panel), for a fee to Notarie, making the family member a full Lord operating on their own under your House.

Basic Commands can be given from afar using 1 Raven:
  • Collect Taxes (House owned Settlements)
  • Recruit (If enough Coins)
  • Patrol
  • Follow Me

You can Trade and Transfer soldiers to manage the Promoted Lords.
Food Collection will be done automatically with a growing Army. But it will take time for them to build up on food themselves.

They have same food and upkeep consumption as other Lords depending on Army size.

Keep in mind this is useful in Mid/End-Game and Early game it will be too hard to sustain the upkeep of several armies. And with no respectable army they will be easy prey for hostile Lords.
Without any particular order they will act on their own for the House just like any other Lord. With their own Personality based on their Tarot cards.

After your first Settlement it's a good time to Promote someone.

Mesh Merging & Optimization

Modular Characters are now merged into a single mesh to increase performance in combat, effectively reducing the draw calls to 20% on the GPU. Each combination of equipment generate one single body that is shared among everyone with the same look. The memory footprint is therefore also minimal, compared to before. Especially when having big Battles/Sieges.

Combat system is still modular when calculating hit body parts.

This is same in SP and MP.


MP replication in Combat has been heavily optimized. Makingit smoother on clients and reduced bandwidth.

  • Combat Camera now defaults to 75 degrees FOV.
  • Hit Sounds now have 5 new different sounds covering all Armor Types (before simplified into 3 light/medium/heavy).
  • Ranged damage has been nerfed by 40% from Stat gains, not weapons damage
  • Combat Camera Vertical/Horizontal position can now be adjusted in Options UI Settings
  • Several Combat Animations have been changed
  • Spawning logic for Characters in levels have been reworked
  • Fixed a mounted character dying bug using animation to now use ragdoll instead
  • Fixed several Wolf sounds
  • Fixed several Undead sounds
  • Fixed several Humanoid sounds
  • Fixed Medium Armored Troll animations and ability to equip any 2-hander as 1-hander
  • Fixed combat rotation for AI to now rely on Dexterity
  • MP Fixed Combat Formation selection

World Map

  • World Map now has WASD Camera movement and Q/E rotation as default, Can be changed in Keybindings.
  • LMB/RMB now both are same functionality
  • New Character Preview in Character Panel
  • New unique background images for all Extensions
  • New Permanently Delete Button on Contracts
  • Granaries now more properly calculate correct Food consumption of connected Settlement and try to stock up 5 days of food
  • Settlements being taken over now send Raven message to Owner along with World Event
  • Settlement Extensions UI remade and everyone got unique backgrounds
  • Settlement Extension building time reduced by 50%
  • Settlements now start with more Materials on New Game making first few days easier
  • Birds have been simplified to only have Ravens now
  • Added mouse panning in Lineage Tab in Family Panel to pan around freely
  • Removed collision on all houses, only Walls have it now
  • Removed 4 types of Berries reducing unnecessary complexity
  • Undead Dialogues now got a new unique background
  • Decreased radius World Extensions show their Widget
  • Fixed several bugs around Ongoing Battle Marker simulating AI vs AI
  • Fixed Settlement Crafting to show max Durability
  • Fixed Settlement being taken over sometimes showed wrong State afterwards
  • Fixed several bugs around Army Food Consumption
  • Fixed Leandra Story when falling down breaking the leg it can be healed with sticks/bandages
  • Fixed that sometimes the wrong Terrain was shown
  • Fixed Event Filter buttons styling having rounded boxes after UE5 update
  • Fixed several Character Templates stats to better balance them
  • Fixed some wrong weapons in starter Equipment for Characters
  • Fixed immigrants not targeting full Settlements as much
  • Fixed Family Panel start text
  • MP Trade Coins between Players now working
  • MP Fixed Coins update when trading with other Lords

Next Patch

Big thanks to Amarum & Co for helping out with testing MP and many players in battle!

Next focus will be to start making Tutorials, something that have been asked for. As well as expand World AI and End Game even more.
CivIdle - FishPond
QoL: Favorite buildings - you can add a building to your favorite and access it in the favorite menu in the resource bar

Also, I am aware that the current mid-late game balance has a lot of room for improvement. I will take a look at this in the next balancing patch. We have a giant thread on Discord about balancing, please feel free to chime in: https://discord.com/channels/631551126377857044/1210338409797787698

I have read through all the 175 posts (as of writing) of the giant Discord thread about balancing. I think I agree with lots of issues pointed out there. I will gradually address them in the coming patches.

This weekend's patch will be focused on new content. And I want to reassure you guys that the current late game "time wall" is not what I intended - I don't ever want to monetize on the game time (like microtransaction games) - I want players to go and explore late game content because I have spent lots of time making them! It pains me that lots of people are stuck on early loops and miss the late-game goodness.
Estate Agent Simulator - Zeynona

Hello Estate Agents!

Do you want your houses to have a better design? Maybe you don't want to deal with design at all. With the new update, you can hire an architect for interior design. The architect will design the house for you, furnish it and you will get more rent. All you have to do is go to the architect's office.

Stay tuned for updates.

Kiki Games Team
Medieval Dynasty - Filip
Box of treasure straight from the Oxbow!

Who is that? 🤔 A new vendor just opened up in the village, and they are offering a mysterious box full of treasures.

You look inside and find:

🕯️ Decorative candleholder with a scented candle

🏅 Medallion

🧢 Beanie

👕 T-shirt

And it’s all packaged in a wooden box with a Medieval Dynasty engraving 🎁

They promise it can all be yours, if you just step this way 👉 https://shop.rendercube.pl/

Teams at Render Cube & Toplitz Productions

FolcDark - Julio_Oliveeeira
Hello everyone!

I've just completed Part 2 of FolcDark this month, delving even deeper into the rich traditions of Brazilian folklore. Get ready to unravel mysteries and face challenges as you encounter legendary figures from Brazilian mythology.


Explore the Nightmare World of Yurupari:
Within this new chapter, players will have a unique opportunity to interact with some of the most fascinating figures in Brazilian mythology. Meet the mysterious Rondolo, feel the fury of the Thunderbird of the God Tupã, face the danger of the Pink River Dolphin as you try to free Iara, the goddess of the sea.

Uncover Unexplored Stories:
Each legendary character brings an engaging narrative and unique challenges. Get ready to get lost in never-before-told stories as you unveil the secrets surrounding these mythological figures.

Embark on this Epic Journey:
Don't miss the chance to explore the wonders of Brazilian folklore in FolcDark. The new chapter will be available on 01/03/2024 and will be completely FREE for those who have the base version of the game. Immerse yourself in an adventure full of magic, mystery, and legends echoing through the centuries of this universe.