Warship Jolly Roger - Proxima Studio

We've been diligently working on a future playable demo, and we're excited to share more about that soon. It's heartening to celebrate a significant milestone: our trailer has garnered over 250,000 views in just a little over a month since its release.

Notably, our trailer caught the attention of major industry platforms like IGN and Gametrailers, which have amplified its reach by featuring it on their channels.

It's gratifying to witness such robust interest in our game. Game development can be a solitary endeavor, and while we are passionate about our project, the true measure of interest becomes apparent only when it's shared with the world.

We look forward to revealing more details in the coming months, including extensive gameplay previews, to give everyone a deeper insight into the game we are crafting. We're eager to share more with you soon.

Thank you for all your support. Stay tuned for our next update!
Phantom Abyss - Sippy

Phantom Abyss exited early access TODAY! And here is everything you need to know about it!


Adventure mode has been completely overhauled

  • Players now have a choice of a series of different temples to play.
  • Each adventure mode temple has a specific whip, relic, and series of challenges attached to it.
  • Players can increase the challenge of an adventure mode temple to increase the rewards you unlock.

Classic mode is now called Abyss Mode

  • Abyss mode is the true Phantom Abyss experience.
  • Progress through all 4 areas of the game. (Ruins, Caverns, Inferno, Rift)
  • An extra challenge is added each floor.
  • 1 Relic, located at the end of the Rift.
  • Only 1 person will ever beat a specific temple.
  • Many relics to find - each hidden in increasingly difficult Abyss Mode Temples.

  • Curses have been removed from whips.
  • Whips are unlocked by playing adventure mode.
  • Whip skins are unlocked via opt-in challenges

Torn-apart landscape The Rift is an area slowly being torn apart by the abyss. It features large areas filled with floating debris, whirlpools, and corruption spreading through the walls.

New rift traps:

  • Lasers: Moving, rotating and cycling deadly lasers.
  • Grapple nodes: Floating nodes that you can grapple-whip continuously without needing to land.
  • Many new rooms

  • An upgrade well that provides permanent upgrades can be found in the HUB and in the first floor of temples.
  • Upgrades are purchased with keys. Rarer keys = better upgrades.

Dash forwards in the direction you’re facing, including up or down!

  • Players are able to add extra challenges to their temple.
  • Doing so will make rarer keys more likely to find, and unlock additional whip skins.

The HUB has been dramatically condensed.

  • The portal is much faster to get to, and the HUB now focuses around 4 pillars.
  • Each pillar represents one of the 4 zones in the game (ruins, caverns, inferno, and rift.)

The Crowbar
  • Power: Shockwave
  • Wherever you whip creates a shockwave, interacting (and disabling) anything it touches.
The Snake
  • Power: Time Slow
  • Bound to a button - activate to slow time for several seconds.
Lunar Whip
  • Power: Super Dash
  • Dash is upgraded to be…super.

A lot of whip powers have been swapped around or added.

  • Powers available at end-of-floor shrines are now always other whip powers.
  • Heals have been moved to blessing shrines - which are only found in hidden nooks and crannies.

Well, we just removed it...

No more loading the HUB to replay the game. Hit retry directly after you die!

But that's not all!
The transition of Phantom Abyss from Early Access is followed by the launch of the Official Soundtrack. Get it at 10% off, with additional 10% added through the Phantom Abyss Deluxe Bundle.

Soulash 2 - Artur Smiarowski
Greetings fellow gods,

I've spent some time planning the extended scope for the Early Access to share with you in the form of a Roadmap, expanding on what I've described in the EA Announcement and adding your suggestions into the mix.

The 1.0 release of Soulash 2 is planned for around March 2025, which gives me about 3,000 hours to work with. I expanded the scope by a few months beyond the planned 1 year, so we have some wiggle room in case the game needs more bug-hunting and polishing time.

This Roadmap is a plan, and plans change constantly. My goal with it is to provide you with information that hopefully answers the flood of the same questions that keep popping up about the current development direction. This living document represents the current plans for the future, it will keep changing, and it is not a promise that any features mentioned here will be included in the final version of the game.

Further development beyond the planned scope depends on the sales and what I'll be more passionate about when the decision time comes. I already have exciting ideas for expanding Soulash 2 and a new project, so I will only decide where to go about 2 months after the full release when I see my budget, and I know what players want, just like with the first game.

Here's the plan. I hoped to add links to sections, but they don't seem to work, so at least this will serve as tl;dr.

  1. Core Features
    • v0.7 Adventuring Parties - done
    • v0.8 Settlement Management - done
    • v0.9 Wars & Conquest
    • v0.10 Events
    • v1.0 Story and Victory Conditions
  2. Core Content
    • Pole Fighting - done
    • Hunting (Archery) - done
    • Necromancy
    • Unnanounced Skills and Civilizations
  3. Mid Priority
    • Ocean Travel - done
    • Family System - done
    • Variety in Points of Interest
    • Playable Vampires / Liches
    • More Skills
    • Mounts & Multi-Tile Entities
    • Bestiary
    • Crime System Improvements
  4. Low Priority
    • Game Translations
    • Carts
    • Marketplace
    • Delivery Service
    • Alternative Artstyle
  5. Final Thoughts

1. Core Features
The core defining features of the game that are yet to come. Details may change, but the overall scope completes the game.

v0.7 Adventuring Parties - Released

We invite beings to join us on our adventures, use their services, equip them with better gear, use them as mules to carry our resources, and order them to do stuff for us.

v0.8 Settlement Management - Released

We can invite or capture beings to work in our towns. This part of the game is not meant to add too much micromanagement and is meant to offer a way to lead our settlement and conquered settlements in the next stage on a more macro level to produce wealth and collect people from around the world to serve our needs.

v0.9 Wars & Conquest - Approx. December 2024

NPC Settlements wage wars against each other, battle in the world, perform raids, claim settlements, and establish local military companies to control the local population for wealth production. As players, we will be able to conquer or free captured settlements. This is also when a potential for profiting out of weapons and armor as a crafter-trader will open up, as raging wars can simulate the demand.

v0.10 Events - Approx. March 2025

Special location units may raid settlements or attack caravans. Unemployed beings in settlements form roaming groups that can offer various interactions during world travels.

Relevant player requests: Discussion

v1.0 Story and Victory Conditions - Approx. June 2025

Soulash 2 happens after the ash ending of Soulash 1, and the final 1.0 update will bring the continuation of the story from the first game. The story will be an optional part of the history simulation in the Dark Fantasy mode. It will offer a way to win the game as an alternative to the complete freedom of the sandbox experience.

This remains the same as announced before, except I've increased the timeframe by 3 months to split the Events and Story updates into two parts as I think both can benefit from it.

2. Core Content
These will be part of the weekly and major updates throughout the planned scope.

Pole Fighting skill - done
Hunting (Archery) skill - done
Necromancy skill - not sooner than Wars & Conquest update
X unannounced skills - no further physical combat skills are planned. The focus will be on new magic and utility skills.
X unannounced additional playable races with civilizations - prioritizing unclaimed biomes.

I've estimated the core scope of features and content will take about 2,000 hours, which is 2/3rd of the budget.

3. Mid Priority
Bigger features will only come if there's enough time outside the core scope to allocate towards them. They may come as part of the weekly or major updates or even through iterations of multiple updates. These come mainly from popular major suggestions from #s2-suggestions Discord channel.

Family System - released

A definite winner in terms of the number of requests. And I agree wholeheartedly that a deeper family system with continuation through chosen family members perfectly fits the game. This is top priority outside the core scope.

Variety in Points of Interest - discussion here

I don't know if I want to go with the idea of elites because I think it's a bit overused in games and turns the reward system into just hunting for big boys, but I think adding overall unpredictability into the PoIs in some way will be an ongoing thing over the next year.

It could be an integration with the event system or maybe some global buffs and debuffs. Either way, it would be beneficial to have additional systems that will interact with the existing ones to make the locations less repetitive in terms of challenge, and even though it requires significant time investment, the value added in replayability would make up for it. I'm also considering the potential for optional increases in difficulty around PoIs.

Ocean Travel - released

Some form of this has to come to the game, but I have yet to decide the approach.

The coolest way would be to create ship travel and unlock ocean biomes for events and even special locations. The issue with that is obvious - it would require a lot of new mechanics and content that would have to come at the expense of other major ideas. The scope could be as big as a major DLC.

Another option is to look for simplifications, like talking to a specific NPC in a town near Ocean to travel to any shore for a price and food supply. This could be done within a weekly update scope and solve the travel problem, but it is way less exciting.

Either way, it's listed here because it has to come in some form, but I'm delaying it to think about the direction to take.

Edit: A simple form has been added in v0.7.4.

Playable Vampires / Liches - discussion here

Vampires and Liches is something I think about often. Maybe they should just be available through the character creator from the start, or there should be some requirement to become them during a playthrough.

It is problematic during playthroughs because of portrait changes, how vampirism would affect different races, or whether it should only be locked to humans.

On the other hand, it would be a cool path to immortality. Both could also be some alternative paths of the Necromancy skill. Either way, I'm a big fan of both Liches and Vampires and want to see them in the game, but I'm still waiting for any of these ideas to excite me enough to commit to them.

More Skills - discussion here

A lot can be done regarding skills. There are plenty of ideas - various magic skills, crafting skills, new ways to interact with the world, having something that expands on the leadership capabilities, and so on. Each skill takes about a whole week of work once it's fully designed, assuming it's built around completely new mechanics, but they are great for replay value. Skills are also very easy to add through modding, so I don't want to go for quantity here because modding can offer a lot of variety too.

Ultimately, a specific skill will happen if I have an exciting idea for new mechanics. Otherwise, I leave it for other passionate people to add their favorite flavor with Modding Tools.

Mounts & Multi-Tile Entities

This is something I mentioned before and still want very much, but it was always nice to have feature outside the core scope. After seeing what you, the players, want to see in the game, I've decided to deprioritize this over things like the Family System.

I'm hopeful these will find their way into the game despite presenting a rather complex technical challenge with pathfinding, as it would add a lot of interesting new challenges in combat that weren't explored in other games. We'll have to see how things progress.

Bestiary - discussion here

I like this one quite a lot, although I need to figure out the form in which to have that in the game. Some of these ideas may become a part of the Hunting skill in a more simplified form or a fully new system for collecting information about world inhabitants. Not sure yet.

Crime System Improvements - discussion here

Some more iterations to the crime system are needed, but I'm still determining where to take it with the pending Adventuring Parties and Settlement Management updates.

4. Low Priority
Popular requests that are less likely to come in the proposed form.

Carts - discussion here

Carts would be great for sure, but very costly to add, and what they solve may be solved by the Adventuring Parties update too. I don't believe it's good enough compared to other things that can be done in that time, but we'll see how things change with time.

Marketplace - discussion here

It would speed up trading, but if that's the main purpose, trading directly on the world map with a simpler GUI element would be easier to add and more efficient. But it doesn't improve trading enough to justify the time investment right now, and there are better ideas to pursue. Maybe if I ever have enough good ideas for a dedicated Trading skill, it could find its way, but right now, I don't see it over other options.

Delivery Service - discussion here

It's not a big feature, and I can see how it could save a few minutes of travel time and a couple of in-game days to unload the haul from PoIs, but I'm not feeling it. Maybe I'll change my mind as time goes on and consider it a better fit as an extension to our Adventuring Parties, as a way to send someone from our group to unload the loot. We'll see.

Game Translations

Translations to languages other than English are commonly requested. There are no plans to add official translations before we get closer to 1.0, and even then, it might be a matter of budget. Modding is also problematic because my engine only supports ASCII characters in rendered text. I did some preliminary checks recently, and it requires a rewrite, so it's substantial work. I deprioritized it for now to focus on making a fantastic game first.

Alternative Artstyle

It's been a common request to change the circular portraits to something else, and unfortunately, after reading about player expectations from different sources, I see no option for this. At this point, we'll continue improving the presentation with the current direction. It's here in the roadmap at the lowest possible priority because if something unexpectedly positive happens where we could expand the development team, we could pick it up from under the table to include players for whom this is a dealbreaker.

5. Final Thoughts

Some other major requests that were quite popular but weren't mentioned here likely didn't pass my judgment of the positive impact on the game vs. the cost of development, which means we have much better ideas to focus on right now.

There are tens of thousands of hours worth of tasks in the #s2-suggestions channel in just over a month, and judging which ones are worth the limited time we have is tough, so I have to rely on your votes to filter them out, and my judgment of whether they are impactful enough for the work they require, or whether they even fit my vision for the game. Minors are much easier because sometimes all it takes for me to see people talk about them, and I get excited enough to start working on them to include in the next weekly update, so I won't list planned minors in this document as I like to have much more flexibility with them.

I hope this helps answer questions about the future of the game. Seeing so much excitement has been fantastic, and I hope you'll find even more joy in the coming months. Let me know in the s2-suggestions on Discord if you think I still need to include some essential features. As I mentioned, the roadmap may change as better ideas come along the way.

Next week on Thursday, I think it's time for a new playable civilization. It's been long enough since we added one. Fun times ahead!

Till next time,
The Pegasus Expedition - FQ_Dom
Greetings, Directors!

We have received quite a lot of feedback since our last update - thank your for this, since it allowed us to prepare a new patch, fixing many of the issues you've reported. Please, keep it coming and post your thoughts about the game here on Steam or our Discord! We truly appreciate your ongoing support.

Also, The Pegasus Expedition is now at an all-time high 75% discount, as part of the Fulqrum Publisher Sale. This makes it the perfect time to get yourselves a copy of the game, or complete your collection with the Artbook and Soundtrack!

Change Log:
  • Fixed the issue with dragging and dropping creating duplicating units
  • Fixed the issue with unlocking "The Purge" campaign (previously this could not be done if tutorials were not active. This is now fixed and we added several checkpoints to the game that open the campaign, but the player needs to reach at least one of these by playing)
  • Added right click info to the transit station and supply hub - tooltips
  • Fixed the issue with derelict progression not being counted correctly
  • Fixed the issue with quests not always counting colonies correctly*
  • Fixed the issues where Chinese localisation would cause autosaves to overwrite the previous one
  • Fixed the issue with system names shown on top of each other in the trading window
  • Fixed the issues with the game showing unintended dialogue options that may corrupt the game*
  • Fixed the "Capture Hur" quest not triggering if Hur was already captured**
  • Fixed "Unhor Free State" not spawning
  • Fixed the issues with Daras faction behavior
  • Fixed the issue with game showing wrong number of operatives (both count and cap could be wrong)*
  • Fixed issues related to turns not being endable
  • Fixed the “Pacifying the Ror Clan” quest pointing to wrong system
  • Fixed the issue with Admiral count being shown wrong*
  • Fixed the issue with derelict stopping turn from ending.
*These issues require the player to load save before this has occurred since the save has been corrupted.
**If the player has already captured the system, the issue can be fixed by abandoning and retaking the system.
Hearts of Iron IV - PDX Chakerathe
Hello there generals, it's your friendly neighbourhood Community Manager, Katten, here to talk about, Trial of Allegiance, the first-ever country pack for South America. Our aim was to craft a thrilling experience, allowing you to feel the power of constructing a regional superpower to confront emerging international threats or to use its power to expand your empire abroad.

Last year, we announced the formation of a new team dedicated to content creation. The Trial of Allegiance Country pack is the result of their efforts, showcasing three major focus trees for Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Furthermore, it introduces additional content for both old and new tags in South America. If you haven't seen our announcement trailer, be sure to watch it below!

Before I pass the mic to our Content Designer leading the development for Brazil, I also want to let you know that as part of our push for more HOI content, the team is also working on another big and exciting project that will be dropping later this year. So stay tuned, and as always happy map painting!


Hello there! AveeBee here to introduce you all to the work we’ve been doing in South America, kicking things off with a deep dive into historical Brazil! Some of you are likely very familiar with the history of the nation during this time period (we see you Brazil players!), but there’s likely a lot more of you that aren’t quite as familiar with this area of history beyond smoking snakes and the Brazilian Expeditionary force. So, I’m going to try and give a brief overview of the nation prior to 1936 and how that is represented in game, before moving into the narrower chapters of historical events from the establishment of Estado Novo, the Vargas era and Brazil’s eventual participation in World War II alongside the allies.

Context Pre-1936

After the fall of the Brazilian Empire and its reconstruction as a republic, oligarchs from the agricultural industry dominated the nation's economic and political life. This came to an abrupt end in 1930 when Getúlio Vargas led a revolution to overthrow the old republic. Following this, the nation attempted to establish a new republican system that would avoid the issues of its predecessor. However, the various forces that backed Vargas ultimately created a constitution which satisfied none of them. In this power vacuum, Vargas dominated the politics of the nation in his role as president.

Amidst this political turmoil, the communist party and their allies orchestrated an attempted revolution of their own in late 1935. Although this revolution was ultimately crushed by forces loyal to the government, the ramifications of it were still being felt in 1936 as the establishment prepared to sentence and punish the leaders of the movement. Furthermore, the fear of communist infiltration of society would give politicians and the military a justification for their more authoritarian policies in years to come.

Another internal problem that had plagued Brazil for decades was the issue of separatism. Many of the constituent states of the republic had at one time or another attempted to secede or at the very least had sizable separatist movements. Many of these movements had grown from a sense of being neglected by the federal government. A related issue at the time was that of the Cangaço; bandits who operated in the North East of Brazil. Although violent in their activities, they often gained support among the poor for their resistance and attacks against the wealthy in the region.

On the economic side, Brazil was devastated by the Great Depression. As a largely extractive economy based on agriculture and resource exports, the economy began to collapse when other nations stopped importing goods such as coffee. The government attempted various measures to stabilize the situation but by 1936, it remained stagnant. As was often the case during the time period, this led to many Brazilians turning to more radical ideologies to lift them out of poverty and insecurity.

On the foreign policy front, prior to World War I, Brazil had been engaged in a naval arms race with its neighbors in Argentina and Chile.This had culminated in a number of famous dreadnoughts such as the Rio de Janeiro which would end up in the hands of the Ottoman Empire and ultimately the United Kingdom. Brazil had been aligned with the Allies during the first world war, following an attack on civilian shipping by Germany in 1917 which allowed the unpopular government of the time to focus the nation's anger at enemies overseas. In the inter-war years, Brazil would primarily be focused on its domestic issues, but anxiety remained that the old foe of Argentina could take advantage of Brazil’s internal strife.

In game, we represent these issues with a number of national spirits that must be overcome if the nation is to prosper or expand. (Icons may change before release)


The period in which the game starts primarily revolves around Vargas attempting to maintain his grip on power under the constraints of the flawed 1934 constitution. As we will see throughout this diary, Vargas is an odd figure that often escapes the usual political categories we often place leaders in. He came to power on a wave of liberal reformism, but would eventually flirt with the tenants of contemporary fascism and would ultimately suspend democracy to keep himself in power. However he would also implement reforms that appealed to the rural poor and the urban workforce. To represent this in game, Vargas begins as the leader of the ruling democratic provisional government, but he won’t stay that way for long.

(Vargas will be getting a fresh portrait, but it wasn’t quite ready to be hooked into the game just yet)

Next, we’ll take a look at the historical portion of the focus tree.

As you can probably tell, the historical portion has some overlap with the alt-history branches too, but I’m keeping those relatively hidden for a later diary. The first portion of this branch requires building enough support among the military or fascist movement to be able to orchestrate a ‘self-coup’.

As you can see in the earlier screenshots of the ‘Weak Government’ and ‘State of Emergency’ national spirits, Brazil starts with a ticking time bomb of steadily increasing non-aligned and communist support. This requires the player to focus on curtailing the communist influence as quickly as possible. Historically, Vargas gained support from the military by taking a hardline anti-communist stance. Meanwhile, he also attempted to win over the Integralist movement to his cause in order to appeal to urban workers who might otherwise turn to communism. We will discuss the integralist movement in a later dev diary, but for now you can think of them as Brazil’s take on Italian fascism.

With enough anti-communist/democratic support, this culminates in ‘The Cohen Plan’ focus. Historically, a document that went by that name was forged by forces aligned with the government. The document supposedly outlined plans for a communist takeover of Brazil and was used by the government to justify a wave of authoritarian measures being used to protect the nation. Despite the document being a complete forgery, Vargas succeeded in suspending democracy. In game, taking this focus requires the player to complete the following focus: ‘Estado Novo.’

Vargas Era
Estado Novo, or New State, marks the end of democracy in Brazil for the time being. While Vargas remains in power, his ideology is switched to non-aligned along with the ruling government. To cement his grasp on power, Vargas not only used the emergency powers of the 1934 constitution, but drafted an entirely new authoritarian one inspired by the Polish constitution of the time.

To the left of this branch, we have a number of focuses that represent the utilization of the new constitution by curtailing the separatist movement (Decree Number 37 - this focus removes the separatist movement national spirit) and increasing stability by clamping down on political movements and increasing employment.

In the center of the tree, we have a number of focuses that are shared with the Integralist path which are concerned with kickstarting the economy, expanding the nation's intelligence services and its research capacity.

Industrial Branch
Before jumping into the more foreign policy orientated aspect of the historical focus tree, let's take a look at the industrial branch.

Due to the aforementioned impact of the Great Depression, Brazil’s primary objective is overcoming its reliance on exporting coffee and raw goods, instead building up a domestic industrial base and consumer economy. As occurred historically, the first step towards this was the establishment of the coffee department to better control the supply and price of coffee exports.

Around this time, a number of radio stations were also established in Brazil that would keep the public informed and entertained. Although many would ultimately become propaganda outlets for the Vargas regime.

A number of the focuses in this branch interact with a modifier in many of Brazil’s states that were historically neglected. The ‘Resource Extraction’ focus for example gives a research bonus and reduces the penalty of the neglected state modifier.

A number of these focuses will be familiar to you, expanding industry, infrastructure and efficiency through various means. So we’ll skip towards the end of this branch to take a look at some of the more unique focuses for Brazil. We have two focuses at the end here which allow the player to make a choice between establishing a domestic motor company (taking the form of a military industrial organization for those who will be playing with Arms Against Tyranny) or expanding ties with the Ford Motor Company through the expansion of ‘Fordlandia.’ Fordlandia is a fascinating piece of Brazilian history, whereby Ford established a colony to expand production of rubber for their car tyres. During World War II, access to rubber became crucial for the Allies and Brazil attempted to meet the demand.

We also have some light alt-history in this branch allowing Brazil to establish its current capital a few years earlier than it did historically.

You may have also noticed a focus in this branch called ‘Deal with the Cangaço.’ A number of states in North East Brazil begin the game with a negative modifier where the Cangaço are operating. Every so often, a mission may be carried out by them which will lower stability or allow them to spread their influence to a new state. The aforementioned focus therefore unlocks decisions to allow law enforcement operations to take place that will remove the negative modifier from the respective state.

We have some interesting alternative interactions with the Cangaço, but you’ll have to wait for the alt-history dev diary to see them!

World War II
Let’s get back to the historical political branch. Once the domestic and economic situation in Brazil has been steadied, attention can be shifted towards foreign affairs. Historically, Vargas and his regime dismantled much of the democratic apparatus of the Brazilian Republic. As such, the Axis powers were keen to promote trade with Brazil and the United States became increasingly worried about the nation aligning with fascism. Despite concerns over the erosion of democracy, the US therefore attempted to win over Vargas to ensure Brazil remained aligned with them.

Much of the US attempts to sway Brazil consisted of economic and military support, for example, aiding in the construction of a massive steel production facility near Rio de Janeiro in exchange for setting up air bases in North East Brazil for the US Air Force. This alignment with the US however also served to deter Brazil’s age-old foe, Argentina, from antagonizing them for fear of American retaliation.

When World War II erupted in Europe, demand for Brazilian rubber and other resources began to increase as access to British controlled rubber plantations and supply lines across the seas became vulnerable to Axis interception. As ties between Brazil and the Allies increased, German U-Boats began attacking Brazilian shipping in the Atlantic. This pushed Brazil to declare war on Germany in 1942.

In game, we represent this situation in a number of focuses and decisions whereby Brazil can choose to work with the United States and gain some bonuses, but the US will expect Brazil to join the war within two years. Failure to do so will result in the US ‘intervening’ militarily to ensure Brazil makes better decisions in future…

Joining the war of course leads to the creation of the iconic Brazilian Expeditionary Force, along with a number of new 3D models to match.

Historically, the Brazilian Expeditionary Force, went on to fight in Italy and played a crucial role in defeating Axis forces there. But it is of course up to you how you intend to deploy your forces to win the war. In some of the screenshots you may have noticed some alt-history focuses. We will go into them more when we discuss alt-history Brazil in the coming weeks.

Military Branch
Now, some of you may have noticed I’ve been focused on the political and economic side of the focus tree so far. Don’t worry, we also have a separate military branch to finish off the tree.

As many of the nations we’re expanding on in this DLC start with fairly similar military capabilities and issues at the start of the game, we took the decision to create a core military branch that will be utilized by all the new nations. However, countries have their own unique focuses and effects built around this branch to better represent the more unique aspects of their history, as well as country specific icons etc.

As can be seen in the above screenshots, the branch contains distinct army, navy and air sub-branches. The intention with these sub-branches is to give as many options as possible for creating a truly bespoke military, without allowing the country to become out of proportionally strong. However, that isn’t to say that you can’t fully utilize the full tree and turn Brazil into a military superpower, it’s totally possible.

I hope that gives you some insight into what we have in store for you all. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to post them below. In the coming weeks I’ll be following this diary up with one on alt-history Brazil. But next week you have the Dev diary for Argentina to look forward to.

Thanks for reading!
Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition - Nixxes_Community
Hey everyone,

Are you ready to continue Aloy's epic adventure on PC? On March 21, you'll be able to explore the Forbidden West, battle awe-inspiring machines and encounter new tribes. Horizon Forbidden West is the beloved follow up to Guerrilla's critically acclaimed Horizon Zero Dawn, and this Complete Edition for PC also includes the Burning Shores expansion, which continues Aloy’s journey and takes players to a treacherous volcanic archipelago after completing the main quest.

Today we are excited to announce that the PC version of Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition is now available for pre-purchase with bonus content, including:

  • Blacktide Outfit and Blacktide Bow* (available only with pre-purchase)
  • Nora Legacy Outfit and Nora Spear* (available only when linking your Steam account to PlayStation Network)
  • 2 Special Outfits (Carja Behemoth Elite and Nora Thunder Elite)
  • 2 Special Weapons (Carja Behemoth Short Bow and Nora Thunder Sling)
  • In-game Resources Pack including ammunition, potions, and travel packs
  • In-game Apex Clawstrider Machine Strike Piece
  • Exclusive Photo Mode pose and face paint
Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition on PC features unlocked frame rates, customizable graphics settings and a broad range of performance-enhancing technologies, including NVIDIA DLSS 3 upscaling and frame generation. AMD FSR and Intel XeSS are also supported. For players with high-end hardware and extra headroom, image-enhancing NVIDIA DLAA is also available. The game leverages DirectStorage for quick loading times on PC.

On your journey in the far-future post-apocalyptic world of Horizon, you will discover a variety of highly detailed environments, including lush forests, sunken cities, vast deserts and impressive mountain ranges. With ultra-wide support, you'll be able to take in the vistas in a panoramic view. Gameplay is supported in 21:9 ultra-wide, 32:9 super ultra-wide and even 48:9 resolutions with compatibility for triple-monitor setups.

Fully customizable mouse and keyboard controls let you traverse the Forbidden West and fight ferocious machines on your PC the way you want to. The game also features extensive controller support, including Steam Input support for remapping and customization of your peripheral of choice to your preferences. Use a PlayStation DualSense controller for the most immersive experience, with adaptive triggers that let you feel the tension in the string of your bow and haptic feedback that makes you feel the impact when you’re engaging in melee combat.

On behalf of everyone at Nixxes Software and Guerrilla, we can't wait for you to jump back into the world of Aloy on PC!

In the coming weeks we will reveal more details about the system requirements for Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition on PC. Follow Nixxes Software and Guerrilla to stay up to date on the latest news:

1000xRESIST - Fellow Traveller Ben K

1000xRESIST will be participating in The Storyteller's Festival!

We'll have a gameplay broadcast running throughout the the event, so head over the the game's Steam page to check it out!

In case you missed it, 1000xRESIST is a finalist in the 2024 IGF Awards!

The game has been nominated for three awards in total, including Excellence in Narrative.
  • Excellence in Narrative: Nominations are based on quality and impressiveness of storytelling in a game - including, but not limited to, scenario, plot construction, story, dialogue, and other major factors.
  • The Nuovo Award: The Nuovo award is given to the game that most fearlessly executes a challenging, unusual, or idiosyncratic approach to game making, takes substantive risks, and makes jurors think differently about games as a medium.
  • The Seumas McNally Grand Prize: Nominations are based on the overall innovation, quality, impressiveness, and enjoyability of each entered game.
The award ceremony takes place during GDC on March 20, but in the meantime you can vote for 1000xRESIST in the Audience Award here.

Head to the store page now to wishlist the game and play the demo.


Follow the 1000xRESIST journey below:

Sengoku Dynasty - SwordsOfTheSouth


We are busy working on the substantial Kintsugi update. As a reminder: Kintsugi, as part of Wabi-Sabi, an aesthetic concept, refers to the art of reassembling broken vessels and decorating the cracks with gold, silver, or platinum.

We have already introduced two features: the new animals, and the upcoming performance improvements. Of course, that won't be all, and we can't reveal a number of exciting things right now. But you are welcome to ask questions again, for example, are the new animals just as insidious as the boars and has the game world become a slightly more dangerous place?

Let your imagination run wild and let us know what you hope to see in the Kintsugi update (or in a later update).

The closing date for questions is 1 February 2024 at 23:59.
Sherman Commander - murmur
Hey, Tank Commanders!

In our previous peek, we delved into the urban chaos of Aachen. Now, let's venture into the challenging landscapes of Normandy. It's not just pretty scenery, it's where strategic warfare takes center stage.

Normandy, rich in history, is a place where Allied forces faced a maze of obstacles, both natural and man-made. From hills and tree lines, through rivers and ponds, all the way to fences, stone walls and the famous hedgerows which posed some of the most serious tactical challenges for the attackers in this phase of the war. Not only did these barriers limit visibility, but also channeled the attackers into killing zones, where German defenders were dug in, with concealed anti-tank guns trained on the most probable vectors of approach. Overcoming these challenges often required innovation, such as tank-mounted "salad forks", allowing tanks to break through the hedgerows and open new pathways for the infantry.

Thick forests may impede movement, offering opportunities for ambushes. Destructible fences and walls allow for creating new pathways, and capturing crucial bridges and fords will often be key to victory. While small bridges accommodate only infantry, larger ones will allow tanks to cross, thus becoming pivotal points that demand careful consideration. Rivers, though beautiful, might prove insurmountable obstacles, potentially altering the course of the battle.

Normandy's rural charm unfolds with scattered villages, rustic houses, and barns dotting the picturesque countryside. As peaceful as it might seem, the environment is a maze of death traps, illustrating the scope of predicament that the Allies faced during the Normandy breakout. In this challenging theater of operations, only commanders with a keen eye and tactical acumen will gain the upper hand over the enemy.

So, gear up, Commanders, as we embark on a journey where the fields of Normandy become the battlegrounds of strategic brilliance.

All best,
Sherman Team

🔗 https://linktr.ee/ironwolfstudio
🗨️ https://discord.gg/qcDF2ZZ

Fabledom - Terry_Dear Villagers (Com Dev)

Follow our Dear Villagers Twitter for a chance to win a Steam Key to open the gate of Fabledom! 🗝️

Good luck!

