Howl - Jana [astragon]
Howlo everyone! 🐺

As we dive into 2024, we wanted to take a moment to wish all of you an incredible start to the new year! 🎉

At the same time, we’ve got some great news in store for you: Howl is now officially Steam Deck verified ✅ Write your own prophecy on the go! 📜

How’s your epic adventure in this world of living ink going so far? Let us know in the comments if you love solving these turn based puzzles as much as we do! If you like Howl, we’d also be thrilled if you leave a review here on Steam – it helps us a lot! 💜 💌

By the way, Howl is also coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on January 23, 2024… 👀
Thank you for your continued support and happy wolf slaying…

The Howl Team
The Riftbreaker - voidreaver
Hello Riftbreakers!

With the holiday season firmly behind us, it is time to outline EXOR Studios' plans for the year 2024. We have plenty of exciting things scheduled for this year, including some of the biggest updates we have ever developed. This article will tell you what we plan to release in the coming months and the extent of changes you can expect. But first, let’s take a look at the freshly updated 2024 Riftbreaker Roadmap.


The first major release in 2024 will be the World Expansion III. Just like in the case of Metal Terror and Into the Dark in the prior years, WE III is going to consist of two parts: a free content update for all our players and an optional, paid DLC with a new Story Campaign branch. Here is all the information we can give you about the update at this point.

World Expansion III update will introduce an entirely new biome for you to explore: the Swamp. While swamps on Earth are rather uninviting and gloomy most of the time, Galatean Swamps are rich, colorful, and teeming with life. The unique creatures inhabiting these lands display adaptations never seen before in other Galatean species. The plant life is extraordinary as well, with several new species, including aggressive, predatory plants capable of attacking everything that moves. However, fungi are the true rulers of this land, as can be seen in the artwork we prepared for this biome.

You will get the chance to discover the Swamp together with Ashley and Mr. Riggs in the brand-new Story Campaign DLC. Over the course of its several missions, you will get to know what led to the discovery of this biome. Ashley will face a new kind of challenge as she discovers that the Swamp is just a shadow of its former self. Our heroes are going to restore the natural beauty and peace to this place. You will also get to experience an all-new mission variant, taking place on a map that expands further as you complete your objectives.

All our players will be able to explore the Swamp in the new Survival Mode map, which will arrive as a free content update. However, the update is not just a new map. In fact, it is a massive upgrade and a rework of many game systems you had issues with. All of the following aspects of the game will receive an upgrade, which will be free for everyone to enjoy as a part of World Expansion III.

Exploring the new biome means more opportunities for research, and that can only mean one thing - shiny new technologies for you to develop and use! You will be able to craft plenty of gear pieces to adapt your mech to the threats of the Swamps. Your base will get a makeover as well, as we’re adding several types of defensive towers into the mix. You’ll also get an opportunity to improve your economy as we introduce new ways to power your base and utilize the resources you’ve gathered.

However, in order to fit all of these new tech items into our research tree, we needed to implement a radical rework. There was simply no room left to add any more nodes, and we were not happy with the legibility of our system in the first place. This is why World Expansion III will mark the release of our brand-new research tree. Instead of three tabs separating the research categories, the new system will feature only one large and scrollable tree. We are working on making the new tech tree as easy to use as possible, which is a great challenge, given its size. However, it is a necessary step to move forward. We will try to make the transition as smooth as possible. And that is just the first of the many reworks we’re planning.

We are experimenting with associating resource costs to individual research items. In the early stages, these costs will be symbolic at best. We do not want to hinder your progress by putting prohibitive price tags on basic technologies. However, more advanced and non-mandatory tech upgrades will require you to save up a bit of cash. We want you to be more mindful of the research and make conscious decisions about the research priorities during your campaigns. This approach will also give you a reason to build up a stronger economy and expand your outposts beyond the bare necessities. As we said, though, this is an experiment and we will see whether it makes it beyond the prototype phase.

Another area of the game that is going to see significant changes with the release of World Expansion III is the balance of weapons. The majority of Superior and Extreme quality weapons show significant balance problems. They are either overpowered, making them a must-have choice, or severely underpowered, rendering them useless against late-game enemies. We will try to fix this situation by flattening their power level a little bit. We will reduce the number of special properties that weapons receive during crafting. While it will slightly reduce the DPS of Superior and Extreme quality weapons, you will be able to add special properties later with the use of the revamped mod system.

Weapon Mods in The Riftbreaker were previously divided into two distinct categories: property enablers and property bonuses. If you had a +1 Piercing Mod, you could only use it in a weapon that had the piercing property, or you had to first insert a mod that enabled piercing for that item. The system was confusing and caused your mod collection to grow to an unreasonable size. After WE III update, all mods will enable their corresponding property on a weapon, saving you a mod slot in a weapon that was previously blocked by an enabler.

This simplification will make the system more welcoming and easily understandable. Mods will also be grouped in the inventory by type, reducing the size of the list significantly. We will also change the inventory screen to let you clearly see all the stats and properties of your guns and upgrades. The redesigned layout will allow you to check all the important stats at a glance and easily compare two items in your inventory.

The loot system is getting a major overhaul as well. Previously, we followed the logic of “a wild animal can’t drop a minigun for you.” We now realize it was an unnecessary limitation and did not reward you enough for dealing with increasingly difficult attack waves. With the new system in place, not only will you get the chance to find powerful weapons in the wild (sometimes beyond the level you’ve researched). You will also get more chances to find rewards scattered across the map in miniature versions of bioanomalies you already know. We hope to give you an incentive to explore each map and allow you more chances to find something exciting and useful.


All of the features and changes above are under development already. We’re introducing these reworks to lay the foundation for the endgame expansion, another free content update we are planning to release this year. We want to give you an optional goal to strive for after you have finished the Story Campaign mode. This part is not in the works yet (not everything, at least), but the refresh of the elements we mentioned before will give us a good start. Please bear in mind that the following are our plans, and they are subject to change as we make progress toward the release of the endgame update (or updates - with so many things getting reworked, it might turn out to be impossible to release it all at once).

The core of the endgame update is the ability to generate additional, randomized missions on the Orbital Scanner screen. You will be able to choose the biome you want to explore further and play an additional mission taking place on a new map. These maps will sometimes utilize a brand-new type of map tile we call “encounter tiles.” Encounter tiles feature unique spots that will serve as the main point of the mission. They will vary in purpose and character, giving the additional missions an aura of mystery and encouraging you to explore the secrets of the planet.

Another problem we would like to solve with the endgame update is outpost attacks. In the current version of the game, once you set up your outpost and leave the map, nothing can ever happen to that base unless you come back. It is not what we originally intended, and we would love to change that in a future update. Our plan is to allow outposts to be attacked when you’re not around. You will receive a warning about an incoming horde drawing near one of your bases. If you choose to ignore the danger, your remote base will get destroyed or severely damaged. However, you will have a couple of minutes to travel there and help defend your facilities. Hopefully, this will make the game more dynamic and exciting in the long run.

We would also like to add more variety to the sub-objectives you receive while on your missions. There are only a couple of them in the game at the moment: destroy a nest, hunt down a boss creature, or clear an infestation of acidic yeast. We’ve had more objectives planned and prototyped but simply did not have time to flesh them out before the release of the game. Now, with much more experience, knowledge, and your suggestions pouring in for years, we believe we can finally make this system worthwhile and less repetitive than it is currently.

Completing the activities in the endgame will bring you closer to an all-new alternate ending to the game. The details of this will remain a secret for now. All we can say is that it will require you to stay on Galatea 37 a little bit longer than expected, but with your help, the planet may yet become the second home for humanity.


The final thing on our roadmap for 2024 is the Co-Op Multiplayer. As you know, we have been working on this for a long time and even started a closed beta program a couple of months ago. While the beta tests were limited to PVP only, they have provided us with heaps of much-needed data to improve the game's netcode. The progress we managed to achieve in the past couple of months, thanks to your help, has been significant. We have been able to complete a Survival Mode mission in co-op on stream for the first time! Here’s the full, unedited VOD from that stream:


As you can see, while things are far from perfect, we have made considerable progress. We’re able to consistently clear Survival runs. Now, it’s only a matter of getting the performance to an acceptable level. Once we do that, we think that we are going to be able to expand our closed beta from Deathmatch to full Co-Op. From that point onwards, we will start introducing multiplayer-centric changes, like adjustments to the difficulty level, more interaction options between the players, additional challenges, and more. If you want to be a part of this, make sure to sign up for the closed beta here:


We do not have any estimates when it comes to the release date. Our progress has been quick lately, and it feels like, for the first time, we can finally see the end in sight. Still, we can’t predict what challenges lie ahead and prefer to be flexible. We will keep you informed throughout the year. The closed beta will receive updates frequently, and we will keep collecting data from your runs to see where our game is lacking. We will invite more and more people to test with us and stream live gameplay on a regular basis. If there is anything we can do to improve communication with you on the multiplayer front - please let us know.

So that’s it - our roadmap for 2024. If everything goes according to our plans, by the end of the year, The Riftbreaker is going to be almost a completely new experience. We’re always eager to hear your suggestions and learn what we can improve, so join us at to let us know what you think!

This is going to be a good year!
EXOR Studios
3 Hit Blunders Bundle - Late_teur_t_gem
Live Now. January Update - Week #3

Retroa Retroa Builda

Started to implement the real modern controls. Demonstrated progress.

Wall jumping has been added, I still have to sort the double jumping.

At the moment the water can have a kind of weird effect on the modern man.

See what I mean. ːsteamsaltyː @Water

Collapsing platform seam to work, unless your falling, then they seem to not want to know you. Please don't drop onto conveyors, they just want to kill you.

Ice works, but I think it activates the old jump mechanics at the moment.

Running on conveyors, seams fine. But hell, they don't want to let you jump. Better tie those laces.

Please Note!

Modern mechanics is only available in creation mode, for you to play around with. But be aware they may break. Please make sure you have a solid floor, for modern man to stand on, from the start. Oops forgot to account for no floor when falling. If you get a red screen of death, I think you can press ESC key to get back to title screen, unless you can remember were the stop button is. Sorry for any inconvenience. Obviously the modern controls won't be put into game as main controls, until more stable, promise!

Thank you for your time, and thank you very much for your patience.
Orpheus - Iko
- arrange hermes boss pattern (it was unfair)
- fixing texture bugs
CarX Street - Walter, the Frog
What's up drivers!

It's been a while since we shared any CarX Street PC version news and today finally the time has come to fix that.

1. CarX Street will be coming to Steam Early Access this year. Early access means, that we'll be developing and improving our game for some time before the official release happens.

2. At the end of the past year, we had our first ever closed beta-test of the project, and we have plans to conduct another one before the official release.

3. Based on closed beta test feedback, we've compiled a list of bugs and various improvements that needs to be fixed and implemented in our game.

According to our rough estimates, we'll need 2-3 months to finish all the necessary work and after that we'll organize another round of closed beta test which will be a sort of final test before Early Access release.

Once again, we'd like to point out that game development is a "live" process and some unforeseen circumstances are possible to happen and affect development process, so we are not ready yet to announce any specific date for Early Access or final release.

But we'd like to assure you, that we'll keep you informed about the development process, and we'll be back with the news as soon as we have something to share.

Thanks a lot for your support.

Screeps: World - o4kapuk

Season #6 is open! Spawning opens January 25th at 18:00 UTC. The game will start on February 1 at 18:00 UTC. This season will last for 2 months, till April 1.

What is Season World?
It's a parallel world where all players start on equal terms. Everyone has GCL/GPL 1, equal 100 CPU from the start (which does not scale with GCL). The world will last until April 1, 2024. Then the season end and we will distribute valuable rewards among participants.

How to join the season?
In order to spawn in the Season World and start playing there, you have to get access to this particular season. You can obtain Access Keys at the official store, in-game market or Steam Community Market. Season #6 access costs according to the following schedule:
  • 5 Access Keys - January 19
  • 4 Access Keys - February 1 (season start)
  • 3 Access Keys - February 15
  • 2 Access Keys - March 1
  • 1 Access Key - March 15

What are season rules?
Every season will have different rules. Season #6 rules are described below:

In this season, your starting position - whether closer to the resource-rich top or the more novice-friendly bottom - is an important factor in your overall strategy.

The season begins in a large area of 40 x 100 rooms. Prepare for a world that evolves daily, opening new rooms to the right and progressively closing those on the left. The first half of the season sees a steady pace of change, with one line of rooms opening and another closing each day. In the second half, the pace intensifies, with two lines closing for each new one that opens, heightening the sense of urgency and strategic depth.

Your mission is to claim and develop rooms as swiftly as you can. As the world moves, so must you. The energy you invest in upgrading each room becomes your beacon of triumph. When a room you've claimed closes, it's not a calamity but a celebration, as you're rewarded with score points equivalent to the controller progress it made from zero. Remember, energy spent on maintaining RCL 8 rooms doesn't count – it's all about expansion and progress!

As the season ends, the final territories will be closed and scored, marking the culmination of your strategic journey.

Other game changes: every player has constant 100 CPU, the market is not available, terminal structures can send resources only to your own terminals.
API documentation for the season is already available.
Knock on the Coffin Lid - marfonium
Knock, knock!

It’s Friday and the new entry in our developer diary is making its way to you. The second work week of the year made us more active than ever. You’re going to see it all for yourself now, below.

Daddy Can Do, Daddy Can Do...

…anything – and that’s a fact. Especially now, when his arsenal includes updated attack animations. Just look at that left hook! As for his mighty axe blow, it can be fended off only by sturdy armor or inhumane agility.

Animated METAMORPHoses

As you can see below, elves have finally had their turn with SPIne-procedures. Our latest patient was Bjorn’s fellow in misery – the strong and very angry Lycan. He changes his appearance so swiftly now. It’s simply stunning! However, he still needs to work on his manners a bit.

But, to be honest, we are surprised that he patiently sat through the whole process without obliterating everything around him. We all know how those 'wolves' can be.

No Peace in This Coffin, pt 2

Remember how we kept working and working on the coffins on the character selection screen? Well, we can inform you of the following: there have been some movements in the matter, in the literal sense of the word. We’re happy as ever to share the interim results with you.

How do you like the new animations? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments!

Peace and Quiet

A couple of backgrounds have been animated this week, too. Let’s add some serenity and fluidity to our diaries.

It seems that someone was not letting the characters past here…Someone insane, obviously.

And here we diversified the goblins’ ecosystem with the fungi kingdom. Because why not?

KOTCL has talent, err, questions

This week, we’ve been gathering up your questions for our video diaries. Don’t miss this chance to ask us about whatever interests you. We'll do our best to answer, even if it’s a question about the release date. We promise!

Speaking of talent, we’re always on the search.

How About Some Chit-Chat?

Hello again, my friends. It’s Andrew aka Innrey, the founder of RedBoon.

The farther into work, the deeper, as they say, and the more tasks, of which we already have plenty. But what am I saying? Getting deep into work is exciting and engrossing (spoiler: well, not always, which is a pity).

After significantly changing the game balance in the last year we still have things to strive for.
Aside from the long-suffering Vanadis, Bjorn requires an intervention, too. He’s still got some misbalance that messes things up.

For example, while playing for Bjorn, you can endlessly use all sorts of combos on enemies thanks to the ability to use health points to draw more cards. Bjorn also has some imbalanced cards that give armor and healing. And if you combine healing with drawing cards, you become a terrible and undefeatable force (if you didn’t known about this, hurry up and use it before we nerf it all). On top of that, Bjorn is still quite powerful in the lycan form; his multiple attacks, additionally multiplied by the strength stat, sweep away all before him. All of this is great fun, of course, but it doesn’t really fit with our concept of how Bjorn’s mechanics should work.

We see it this way: lycan-Bjorn uses very powerful one-off attacks, casts debuffs on his opponents - for example Bleeding - but receives curses as a trade-off. That would be a peculiar and logically sound way to help elf-Bjorn.

Although many players are not very fond of Bjorn’s mechanics of curses, we’d like to make playing the lycan more attractive and add more variability so that players will find it interesting to explore new strategies rather than just abusing the game over and over. However, making it too difficult is as bad as making it too easy. The key is not to overdo it. We won’t forget about taming our inner hardcore and finding the right balance.

Perhaps, on this profound note about balance, we’ll end our diaries for this week :)

Wishing you a great weekend and successful game runs!

Check out our social media, where you can ask questions, have discussions with other players and our team, and contribute your suggestions – we're always happy to hear from you

Star Stuff - laura
🌟Hey there, star friends!

We're so excited to announce the launch of our Prologue!
Our automation game is really coming together (still planning for a 2024 release!), and we couldn't miss offering you a slice of what's been cooking.

Just head there to discover the secrets to star-making:

If you enjoy the Prologue, we'd be super happy if you could consider leaving us a review! Any feedback is so important for an indie team ❤

Hope you'll have great fun, and feel free to jump over Discord if you want to talk to us directly!

🌟Keep on shining,
Ánimo Games
Wolfpack - Admiral Testbar
Recognition Manual Filtering Fix
We've addressed and improved the recognition manual filter, ensuring a smoother and more efficient experience.
Stay tuned for upcoming quality of life features that will further improve the recognition manual in the coming weeks.

Network Fixes
Work on the network issues are currently in progress, and we're expecting to deploy test builds to our testers soon.

Thank you for your continued support,
The Wolfpack Team
Tower Tactics Arena - asraworks
  • Enemy health now also scales with the wave number! The exact amount depends on each enemy.
  • Projectiles that generate animations on collision (like the ones produced by the Static Ionizer tower), now have their opacity reduced by 50%.
  • As long as you have 3 or more unique towers, the shop is guaranteed to offer you at least one tower that you already have! >>> As long as you have 3 or more unique towers that can level up, the shop is guaranteed to offer you at least one tower that you already have! (this also excludes towers that can level up but are at level 3)

Balance Changes
Stat Upgrades after leveling up
  • Attack Speed: [5%, 6%] >>> [5%, 5%]
  • Range: [10%, 15%] >>> [8%, 8%]
  • Armor: [4, 6] >>> [5, 5]
  • Luck: [6, 8] >>> [5, 7]
  • Faith: [10, 12] >>> [8, 10]
  • Evasion: [6%, 8%] >>> [5%, 8%]

  • Now spawns in groups of 3-4 at the same time.
  • Base health: 80 >>> 30
  • Now spawns in groups of 2 at the same time.
  • Base health: 150 >>> 80
  • Projectiles needed to break the shield: 80 >>> 60 (you can also break it by dashing through)

Most Luck and Faith scalings in towers have been reduced by approximately 25% in general. (varies depending on the tower)
Crystal Miner
  • Crystals given: 30 >>> 2 * wave number
Life Absorber
  • Fire Rate: 1.25 >>> 0.7
  • Damage: 20 (+50% Strength) >>> 35 (+80% Strength)
  • Range: 250 >>> 200
  • Damage recovered as health: 5% >>> 2.5%

Weaponized Faith
  • Rarity: Common >>> Uncommon
Ionized Field
  • Rarity: Common >>> Uncommon
Awareness Amulet
  • Enemy dash speed decrease: 20% >>> 15%
Angelic Rifle
  • Faith given when obtained: 20 >>> 10
  • Attack Speed given: 20% Faith (unchanged)
Golden Amulet
  • Crystals given each wave: 20 >>> 10
  • Now also increases the chance for enemies to drop crystals on death by 10%.
Holy Mantle
  • Faith given when obtained: 40 >>> 33

Blue Devil
  • Cost: 25 >>> 30
Deep Healing Heart
  • Cost: 30 >>> 35