Jan 1
Fungus Reaper - Elastiskalinjen

Happy continuation of the new year!

Patch notes

- A "skip turn button" has been added
Press the switch mushling button when all the mushlings have been placed
(Unlocked it by winning with the second character once)

Developer notes
During development I considered implementing this, but decided against it. Why you ask?

I am a bit afraid that it will be used too much, therefore putting you in a situation that could have been handled if you stayed calm and moved around the board. By putting it as an unlock, I can guarantee that you are ready to play the game faster.

/ Sebastian
Multris - RustyMonster
New Features

  • Added a CUSTOM mode
  • In CUSTOM mode, the rules are the same as MULTRIS mode except that the player can select the maximum possible size for a piece.

Gameplay Changes

  • Pieces now rotate around a center point rather than always being re-drawn from the top left when rotating
  • [/h3]
    • This allows T-Spins to now be possible
  • Pieces will now push themselves off of walls (wall kicks) if a rotation would otherwise place them into a wall or existing piece.
  • [/h3]
    • This can be leverage to place pieces into holes that would otherwise be impossible without wall kicks.

    Visual Changes

  • WALL sprites and BLOCK sprites have both been updated to look much better
  • [/h3]

    Bug Fixes

  • Scores above 999999 are now properly supported
  • [/h3]
  • Fixed a bug in which the piece generation algorithm was running in the background constantly during gameplay.
  • [/h3]
  • Fixed bug with textures disappearing after resizing window on Windows.
  • [/h3]

    Technical Changes

  • There are no longer any static arrays in the code that have a dynamic size calculated at runtime.
  • [/h3]
  • Switched to using the SDL memory allocation functions.
  • [/h3]
    Cones in Space - a_coneish_one
    Another day another update, this update is minor but does add some substantial content, peep the list here:

    -fixed crashes related to stone cone
    -fixed audio settings not loading at game start
    -added fragment shader in settings
    -added option for specular lighting in options
    Schmaragon Playtest - mogadishu
    Sound balancing.
    Jan 1
    Exit the Backrooms - Mine Paper
    Fixed multiplayer, added jumpscares, and more. enjoy.
    Jan 1
    Tangled Crisis Playtest - AMCfrost
    . The music now continues throughout the levels, changing randomly between 3 songs when finished
    . Improved beginning white area by changing it for a more colored pattern, so it creates a more visible starting area
    . Added a sound when the time starts for better perception that is already counting
    . Game over menu retouch and polishing its animations. Adjustment of levels of general SFX
    . General optimization
    . Changed the level design of some levels, to be a better challenge
    . "Feedback" and "Wishlist" buttons were changed to blue color for better distinction

    . Boost duration value adjusted from 0.6s duration to 0.5s
    . Added a 0.3s window of immunity after being hit, so that the player doesn't get hit locked between enemies
    . The time for each level was balanced to ensure the player could collect all coins if wanted, within the time limit
    . Reduced the amount of coins you get when picking up the hidden chest from 50 to 10
    . Losing a level now subtracts a fixed amount of coins instead of the previous percentage approach
    . Changed the time you lose from getting hit from 3s to 5s
    . Changed the coins lost from hitting enemies from 10% of you score to a fixed 10 coins

    . Resolved a bug where a chest spawning in one of the random points would crash the game in the Arcade level
    . Resolved a bug where the game over sound would not be properly played in the later levels
    . Resolved a bug where Boost into an enemy and getting hit, would activate the boost sound and effects without giving you the extra added speed
    For Your Information - vubeatz
    A few months after the release of For Your Information in the Multiplayer version, we quickly realized that it was a small mistake and we started our game from the wrong side. That's why we're happy to announce that a Single Player version is now in production.

    Thanks to the opinions, comments and your tests, as well as the statistics we collected, we quickly realized that the multiplayer version in the unknown world of For Your Information does not answer your questions about the world presented, the lore and what the conflict of spies and bodyguards really means.

    Therefore, the main goal of the single player version is to tell you the story of the company you work for and we will outline the conflict of two groups known from the multiplayer.

    The new version also means the transfer of work to Unreal Engine 5. We see great progress and acceleration of our work on this engine and we are sure that we can provide you with a much better gameplay.

    We will soon start a Playtest of the basic mechanics that will be present in the game - don't expect a plot or complicated sequences - just a simple open space and a simple task - getting out of it!

    So - we'll see you soon at the playtests - don't forget to leave feedback on our Discord!

    Ah and Happy Birthday in 2024!
    Konkwest - VCT
    Hello there!
    Vincent here, the developer of Konkwest. In this post I want to let you know of the state of the game, what I changes were made to it in late December, and what my following steps are in 2024.

    Development Update late December 2023: UI, localization, bugfixes + more

    Feature changes

    • Updated several UI graphics, amongst which are: the main UI window background, the text buttons texture
    • I have updated the localization package and added German and Dutch translations for more parts of the game, now surpassing over 50% (felt, not measured) translation completeness. I have also improved on some previous, bad translations.
    • Improved Android build quality, amongst other things thanks to having switched compilation from using Mono to IL2CPP.
    • Added a Help articles system to the game, which can be accessed by clicking a ?-button in the game. It only offers a rudimentary introduction for now, but I will add more articles to it, so it can really help you understand all parts of the game.


    • The multiplayer mode is no longer accidentally limited to 10 players per game.
    • The Android version now doesn't look for the Steamworks integration anymore.

    Next steps

    • The mobile version of the game is not running as performantly as I would like (mainly because my own phone is pretty old), and although I made some improvements to it, I want to try further improving that, and prepare the game for launch on a popular mobile game storefront, so that you can play together with your phone-gamer friends upon release.
    • My friend Leon made some more amazing music for the game, which I will implement into the game soon.
    • The multiplayer mode still has a few stability issues and no server browser as of yet, both of which are features I am looking to add before launch.
    • In addition to that I have collected a long list of features to add, of which I am looking to add several more to the game before launch, and even more when Konkwest is out!
    • As an indie developer with basically no budget, my main challenge making Konkwest is to get people to know about it.
      I have little concern, that the game would be poorly received, since almost everyone who tried the game thus far enjoyed it and had a good time. It's just that I need to get the word out. More people need to know about Konkwest, so that it can become a successful product when it launches this year.
      I will try my best to work on this and I am happy to have the support of my friends in this endeavor. If you like the game and would be willing to contribute to it's success already before launch, please add it to your wishlist and tell your friends about it. Thank you!

    Thank you for your interest in Konkwest and for reading my post :)

    Best regards,

    Master of Chess - BRANE
    It's 2024. It's the year Master of Chess gets released.

    Safe to say I'm really excited for this year and my projects. If you're not visiting here often you might be wondering what's the latest state of the game. So here it is:

    The Plan
    • I'm working on a FREE chess app about Chess Openings that I've extracted away from Master of Chess. It's called Chess Opening Repertoire Builder (CORB) and I plan to release it in February. It's my way of saying thank you to the chess community while simultaneously getting experience with releasing games on Steam.
    • I'm upgrading the Demo. The newest update doesn't bring many new improvements but is more focused on polishing the existing experience. Expect an update in January.
    • I'm preparing first alpha build of Master of Chess which I'll release on Itch.io. It's the biggest milestone of the game and I'll do my best to deliver it this month. This work is on hold right now because of some workstation issues but I should continue working on it soon.

    Big thanks to everyone that have reached out and gave me their piece of mind. It's of great help in shaping this game. I'm loving it, I'm excited for what future holds.

    Happy new year and lets stop the blunders!

    Jan 1
    TinkerTech Playtest - dylanpdx
    Happy new year!

    - Improved performance
    - Minor bugfixes