Citywars Tower Defense - Giarpy

β—ˆπ…’ 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 β—ˆ

Since the new year is near, we made a new clumsy map with a celebratory theme: A fireworks show!

In this map you must reach the end while avoiding fireworks that are coming from many directions. Also, be careful with the brown platforms that will fall down as soon as you walk on them!

To find this map, head to Noblewood's Arcade, find the Clumsy Guys arcade machine, then vote for the new level named Fireworks Show and it will start the game when the countdown is finished!

β—ˆπ…’ 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 β—ˆ

We released 3 new vanity objects:

-Champagne tower: Bring class to your party and grab a glass to celebrate!
-Party table: Grab confetti cannons and party blowers to raise the energy of any party.
-Ball drop: Countdown to the new year by bringing the famous ball drop into your home!

β—ˆπ…’ 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 β—ˆ

We released a new emote: /celebration

-Celebrate any occasion you can with your friends.
-Pop open the champagne and let confetti rain all around you!
-Unlock the emote by achieving 70 stars and claiming it at any star shop.

β—ˆπ…’ 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 β—ˆ

This weeks challenge requires you to activate many fireworks! Grab what you need in a box nearby the Weekly challenge table and ignite them to make them explode! Once a firework is activated you will progress on the challenge and get some XP!

How it works:
Unlock the Weekly Challenge table in the Star Milestone.
Place it whenever you start a map and it will record your challenge progress while you play.
You need to place it every time you start a map for it to record.
Watch your numbers grow and make sure to complete the target score before Friday.
Dec 29, 2023
Elewar: Fused Survivors - AL3xMK
  • you can now decline an epic fusion for spell A and then get offered another epic fusion, as long as the second spell is different
  • added fixed position keyboard controls
  • added some filtering to dmg dealt numbers label
Dec 29, 2023
Terranny - padrote
Next one is going to be the last before EA for sure...

- Color coded parts
- Color coded drones (by main color)
- Added level intro transition
- UI chips with no code have a darker background

- Added undo/redo functionality in Builder and Coder (Ctrl+Z/Y)

- Added a simulating indicator
- Added a list of listeners listening to a dispatcher, and vice versa
- Changed part order
Dec 29, 2023
DAMNOSAUR - evlanicentertainment
That Damned "something" is finally here!!

As this year marks the 5 year Damnoversary of the forming of Evlanic Entertainment and our Funky Fresh hit release "Damnosaur" we figured its a good time to give it a big ol' send off update with stuff to keep you entertained while we get busy working on new projects, in new engines, in new ways!! The update includes new weapons and features and tweaks and achievements that we reckon'll spice up the jazz.

We've got lots more fun things planned for the pipeline and we are very excited for the new era of Evlanic Entertainment!!

The cover image was made by

Full list of changes here:
  • Updated to Unity Engine 2022.3.4f1
  • Control scheme update
  • Similar to previous but now pressing Left bumper changes between β€œEX” and β€œBasic” weapons.
  • New Weapon: Bazooka - basic weapon, shoots out rockets that explode on impact which deals damage and knocks dinos back.
  • New Weapon: Tacks - basic weapon, deals damage and slows dinos down as well as stun them for a split second.
  • New Weapon: Dart Gun - EX weapon, shoots out a dart that deals damage over time and stuns enemies for a period of time.
  • New Weapon: Mine - EX weapon, drops to the ground then explodes when a dino steps on them.
  • Meteor Gun now fires a single meteor that makes a large explosion, however no longer is limited to one time use per run.
  • New Power Up: Invincibility - can’t die for a period of time.
  • New Power Up: Ammo Bag - doubles the max ammo and adds 10% of basic weapons ammo.
  • New Power Up: Flashbang - stuns all dinos for a period of time.
  • New Power Up: Infinite Ammo - makes it so all weapons are usable and don’t use ammo for a period of time.
  • Game modifiers that change how the game plays from turning off dino spawning to changes to spawn rates.
  • UI Redesigned to be simpler, sleeker, and more coherent.
  • Stat Recordings: Run Time, Dinos Killed, Highest Scores e.t.c.
  • Scoreboards show run time, if achievements were enabled, the multiplier, and the score.
  • New Achievements
  • Save Data made more reliable.
  • Keeps legacy data for the ability to return to the previous version if wanted
  • Reworded the tutorial to be more clear
  • Added a billboard to the middle of the world so players can see the controls in game while doing the tutorial
  • Run time doesn’t start until after it is completed.
  • Tutorial by default shows at the beginning of a session, can be changed to every time or to never show
  • Play time is shown along with the multiplier during game sessions.
Caves of Lore - cavesoflore
Hi everyone! First I want to mention a major change. There was a quest, Silk Road, that is given fairly early but could not be completed until later, and this was confusing a lot of people. I've moved the quest to later in the game. If you already have it. nothing will change.

Aside from that, I've made some gold cost changes to Forging and Sharpening, as well as adding some new regular and unique items to shops.

I'm trying to address the most pressing concerns from the feedback I regularly get. I will continue making improvements for the foreseeable future.

Remember, you can always join the Discord channel and chat with me and others to talk about the game and/or make suggestions or ask for hints.

+ Moved Silk Road quest further into the game to prevent confusion
+ Added new items that can only be bought from vendors
+ New Unique items only available in shops
+ Forging and Sharpening now cost progressively more gold as the item gets better
+ Minor typo and bug fixes
Dec 29, 2023
Into The Flames - BluRR
Build 1030

Bug Fixes
Fixed Fire Alarm 100 Rivet Rd
Fixed Controller Ladder Extend/Retract + Helicopter rotation
Fixed new garage door opener keybind not working
Fixed Quint 1 ladder not being able to be used from rear even though buttons popped up
Fixed Player riding on the roof of rescue 3

Station 6
Updated Color Scheme
Changed some exterior elements

Station 2
New version of station 2 added to map
War Thunder - Blitzkrieg Wulf

Welcome to the 100th War Thunder Steam Screenshot Competition!

The new year is upon us! We loved seeing your screenshots from last week, especially those with a holiday theme. The three most popular and three selected by us will get 300 GE. See the winners down below!

Let’s begin the 100th edition of our competition!

Create a stunning screenshot and submit it on the War Thunder Steam Community Hub with the tag #WTscreen100. You have time until the 5th of January to submit your screenshot.

After that date, 6 winners will be selected (3 of which will be the highest rated by the community and 3 selected by our judges), each of which receive a reward of 300GE.

  • Your screenshot must feature a vehicle with an armament of 100mm or less.
  • You must add the #WTscreen100 tag (title cannot have any other text in it).
  • Screenshots need to be compliant with the War Thunder rules.
  • You need to be the author of the screenshot.
  • Screenshot needs to be new. You cannot use those which have previously been published or used in other competitions.
  • We will only accept raw screenshots from the game. You cannot use any editing software nor any other visual enhancements (like Nvidia Ansel filters).
  • You can use filters and settings built into War Thunder.
  • You can use the replay functionality built into War Thunder.
  • Rewards will be delivered to the author's account within 14 working days.
  • [/list]

    And now, time for the winners of the competition’s 99th edition - Happy Holidays!

    Winners selected via community votes:

    Winners selected by our judges:

    Each winner will get 300GE! Congratulations and see you next week!
    Dec 29, 2023
    Snail Simulator -
    - Fix for number of achievements
    Dec 29, 2023
    Mtn Chaos - TnT Gamez

    Included in this update:
    * Ring Race game mode now available to play
    * Leaderboard categories for Stopwatch and Ring Race game modes
    * Wheels no longer collide with each other to reduce instability
    * Wheels have different stats so they're not just visual changes
    * A number of bugs have been fixed too

    From our team at TnT Gamez LLC we want to say thank you all for joining us on our Indie game dev journey. We look forward to bringing more updates and experiences in 2024
    Dec 29, 2023
    Game Time Glizzys - Typotron
    -Remove Christmas themes :(
    -New Title Music
    -New 'Wrong Order' alert