Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator - MikeyShines

Hello Drivers!

Bug Fixes and Polishing in Full Swing

As we gear up for 2024, our team has been like busy mechanics, fine-tuning every aspect of Taxi Life. We've been squashing bugs (so many bugs!) and polishing the game to a shine. We're committed to making Taxi Life not just a game but an experience you'll remember.

Testing Steering Wheels
We're making sure that most steering wheels will be compatible with Taxi Life. Soon, we will share a list of compatible steering wheels with the community. So stay tuned to find out if yours is!

Top questions from the community

During the announcement of Taxi Life, we recieved a very epic response from gamers asking a variety of questions. There were a few questions that stood out over and over again, so we decided it would be a good idea to answer the most frequently asked questions here. So lets begin:

Q: Will Taxi Life have steering wheel support?
A: Yes. Taxi Life wil have steering wheel support at launch and will be compatible with most steering wheels.

Q: Will Taxi Life have VR support?
A: No. At launch Taxi Life will not have VR support. However, this does not mean that the conversation is off the table and we might go back to it depending on the success of the game and the needs of the community.

Q: Will Taxi Life have Catalan Language?
A: Keep your eyes peeled. We will have more information regarding adding the language soon.

LEGO Taxi Figurine Giveaway

Last week, we hosted a giveaway where lucky winners snagged an exclusive LEGO Taxi figurine! Congratulations to the winners - we can't wait to see where these mini-taxis end up. Stay tuned for more giveaways in 2024!

Happy Holidays and a Thrilling 2024 Ahead!

As the holiday lights twinkle, we want to extend our warmest wishes for the festive season. Happy Holidays and a fantastic New Year to all of you! We're buzzing with excitement to share what's next as we count down to Taxi Life's release in 2024.

Stay tuned, fasten your seatbelts, and enjoy the holiday season!

Hasta La Proxima!

Simteract Community Manager

Social Media Channels
Official Taxi Life Discord Taxi Life Twitter Taxi Life Reddit Simteract Twitch Channel Simteract Instagram Simteract Website
Dec 20, 2023
Mandragora - MEUR_Dani
Hi everyone!

We hope this update finds you well during this festive season! 🌟 From the entire Mandragora team, we wanted to take a moment to wish you all the happiest of holidays. 🎄

Now that the year is coming to a close, we thought it was the perfect time to look back at the rollercoaster that was 2023!

Here are just a few highlights:

Gamescom 2023 & New Trailer!

We were so happy that Mandragora got a chance to shine at Gamescom this year! 🎼 We had a booth on the showfloor (complete with giant werewolf statue, of course) where we were able to provide interested event attendees with a short demo of our game, and the atmosphere was incredible! To top it off, our trailer was selected by Geoff Keighley to be part of Opening Night Live – which was just an absolutely surreal moment for us!

🎁 If you missed out on watching our trailer live, don’t worry! You can still watch it over on our YouTube channel:

Exclusive First-Try PC Demo!

We were also able to bring a hands-on demo to Gamescom too. Thanks so much to everyone who played and shared their feedback with us!

Whenever we have a demo available later down the line that’s open to more players, we’ll be sure to let you know here in a news update!

🎁 You can also still check out our gameplay video of the demo right here:

Team interviews galore!

Our team is full of amazing people, and we were able to sit down with some of them this year and chat about their careers as well as their work on Mandragora.

If you missed out on any of them, don’t worry!

You can still check them out right here on Steam:
We’d love to continue doing interviews like these, so we want to hear from you!
If you have any requests for specific interview topics, please don’t hesitate to let us know over on our Discord or right here in the comments!

2024 will be a big year for Mandragora!

As we confirmed in our Gamescom ONL trailer, we’re looking at a 2024 release for Mandragora - so it’s going to be a big year for all of us! It’s thanks to your support that we’ve been able to continue crafting a game that we're truly proud of, and we can't wait for you to experience the magic of Mandragora.

As the year draws to a close, we're simply filled with gratitude. All your enthusiasm, creativity, and support have fueled our journey, and we're super excited to share more Mandragora with you in the coming months as we make our way towards release! 😊

Wishing you a holiday season filled with laughter, joy, and of course some quality gaming time, too! 🎼

See you next year! 👋
Alchemia Story - Alchemia Story Team

What are "Hideouts"?
This feature allows you and your Bond members to build your own Hideout.
You can also obtain Hideout EXP and Hideout Points by completing "Bond Quests", which are implemented at the same time as the Hideout feature.
The "Boost" function activates by using the "Hideout Points" and gives you various buff effects.
As your Hideout level increases, the amount of "Boost" buffs increases, and the rewards for "Bond Quests" change.

Hideout Information
You can see HIdeout information from Menu > Interact > Bond.

Hideout Status
You can check details about your Hideout.
Bond Nameă€€ă€€ă€€ă€€ă€€ă€€ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Name of your current Bond
Hideout Levelă€€ă€€ă€€ă€€ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Current Hideout level
HIdeouit Pointsă€€ă€€ă€€ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»HIdeout Points your Bond currently has
My Hideout Pointsă€€ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»My Hideout Points you currently have
Current EXPă€€ă€€ă€€ă€€ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Total of current Hideout EXP
Until Next Lvă€€ă€€ă€€ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Amount of Hideout EXP required to level up
You can also check the Boosts you've learned at each level and those currently in effect.

You can activate Boosts.
You can also check the Boosts that are currently activated.
Bond Quests
You can check details about Bond Quests.

What are "Boosts"?
You can access Boosts from Menu > Interact > Hideout Information > Boost.
There are two types of Boosts: "Overall" and "Individual"
Overall Boost
You can activate up to 3 Boosts.
You need 100 Hideout Points to activate one Boost.
By activating the Boost, all Bond members will get the effects.
The Boost is activated for 24 hours.
Individual Boost
You can activate up to 3 Boosts.
You need My Hideout Points to activate a Boost.
You can activate one Boost for 1 hour with 10 My Hideout Points. (If you want to activate a Boost for a longer time, you are charged more points. )
You can activate them for up to 100 hours.

About the function to manage permissions to change Hideout boosts[12/27 Update]
You can check boost permissions via Menu> Interact> Bond> Change Permissions.
The bond leader can grant permission to activate Hideout boosts to each bond member.
*All members' permissions will be disabled as default.
*Permissions can be changed by the bond leader.

What are "Bond Quests"?
You can access Bond Quests from Menu > Interact > Bond > Bond Quest.
There are weekly "Co-op Quests" that you can play with your Bond members, as well as daily "Solo Quests" that you can play by yourself.

Co-op Quests
You can play the selected quest with your Bond members each week.
The quests and rewards you can get change by the Bond level.
*Co-op Quests update every Monday at 0:00 JST.
*The Bond level you have by Sunday at 20:00 JST will be reflected.
*The quest status will reset during the update.
*Even if there is a similar quest after the update, your previous progress will not be transferred.
*If a Mamono is defeated while being in the same party with the same Bond members, the progress level will not be duplicated.
*About new Bond members
┗The quest is automatically accepted from the next update after the member has joined.
┗New members won't get the rewards from the week they joined.
┗If you leave the Bond before receiving your reward and rejoin the same Bond, you will become a new Bond member and will not receive the reward for that week's Co-op Quest.

◆Co-op Quest Rewards
Rewards can be received when the Bond Leader presses the receive button on the Co-op Quest list.
Hideout Points, Hideout EXP, and Bond Donations will be added to your Bond when you receive the rewards.
Other rewards will be sent to the Limited Time Reward Box.

Solo Quests
Daily quests for Bond members to play by themselves.
Only the player who clears the quests can receive the rewards.
The rewards will be sent directly to your bag after pressing the receive button.
*About rejoining a Bond
┗If you leave the Bond and rejoin it before completing the Solo Quests or receiving the rewards, your status will be carried over.
┗If you leave the Bond after receiving the Solo Quest rewards and then rejoin the Bond, your Solo Quest status will be carried over.
┗Individual points you got before leaving the Bond will be carried over when you rejoin another Bond.
Screw Drivers - Novapichu

Hey, fellow car crashers
 er, race drivers!

It’s been just over a week since we released the Project Vroom Vroom prototype, and we really loved seeing all the creativity you have already displayed! This is a dream project for us, and we are very keen on getting and listening to your invaluable feedback.

Thanks a million for engaging in our game!

Since its release, we have been working hard on updates and fixes for Vroom Vroom. Below, you can find quite a long list of all the stuff we’ve already put in the game.

Please feel free to continue suggesting both changes and additions, as well as bug reporting!

Full changelog:

Weekly challenge
  • Added the first weekly challenge to the game. You can start it from the main menu.
King challenges
  • New Speed King challenge: The looooop (and yes, it contains a loop)
New Building Colors
  • We have hidden eight new part colors somewhere on the map. They look like little books. Find them in the free drive to unlock some new colors for building your vehicles!
Minor changes
  • The “Dirt Wheel Medium” now only weighs 30kg instead of 60kg.
  • The current time between checkpoints of the speed king is now displayed with a drop shadow, so it should be better readable even in front of bright, blue sky.
  • Added a Discord invitation button to the main menu.
  • You can now enable camera orbiting mode in general settings. This allows you to freely rotate the camera around your vehicle.
  • The red stones inside the half-pipe now have colliders.
  • In creative mode, all king challenges can be played now. No matter what level you have.
  • Instead of showing that unlocking creative mode takes 15 minutes, it now displays 30 minutes as average time to unlock the game mode.
  • The wings are now colorable. Only the carbon wing is not colorable, since, well, it is made out of carbon, and it is absolutely unthinkable to put paint onto something so beautiful.
  • You can now switch between automatic gear shifting and manual gear shifting in general settings. If you want to shift gears manually, you have to use the (,) and (.) keys.
  • In the last five seconds of a king challenge, a slight ticking sound starts, which notifies the player that he doesn't have much time left.
  • The dirt tires now flip automatically to make their running direction face forward.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed “Unity editor” being displayed in the top left corner during king challenges. Now, the own Steam name is displayed.
  • Fixed missing translation in the parts shop. The Undo-button is now correctly called “Undo” instead of “RĂŒckgĂ€ngig”.
  • Fixed where, sometimes, the debris of destroyed objects was floating. Now, they should come to rest while lying on the ground.
  • Fixed floating stones in front of the speed castle bridge.
  • The Stepper motor tutorial was never ending, and caused the game to be restarted. Now everything works as intended, the tutorial actually ends.
  • The orbit camera mode now also uses the sensitivity set in the general settings.
  • Fixed UI having overlapping elements in some screen resolutions.
  • It was possible to get an immense amount of points in the Stunt Queen, by just driving outside of the map.
  • When using the stepper motor to power wheels, the car no longer has immense power.
  • Fixed the terrain collider behind the crash king castle.
  • The kings and queens don't do any reactions anymore after the challenge has ended.
    Stepper motors had some weird behavior, if W, A, S or D was assigned as the actuation key. Now, you cannot assign these four keys anymore since they are used for the driving logic, and thus, these won't interfere anymore with each other.

We will contiune to improve the game so keep the feedback coming!

You can either join our community discord and talk directly to us or you can submit your feedback through our Feedback Form.

Have a wonderful Holiday Season and thanks again for playing!

Dec 20, 2023
Firestone: Online Idle RPG - igorbarysheff
What’s new:
  • New Mercenary, warlock Vilon is available now on Pirate Ship.
  • Guild logs. All guild events have been thoroughly gathered in guild hall and can be accessed by any member of the guild.
  • Hall of Fame. The winners of new server competitions, starting with Talamer, will take their place in the Hall of Fame in Leaderboards menu for all eternity.
  • Active guild expeditions are now cancelled when leaving the Guild. Also, in that case the guild coins from completed but unclaimed guild expeditions will be automatically donated to the Guild.
  • Added Achievements for new research trees.
  • Alchemist research now starts instantly.
  • Arena of Kings battles now will be cancelled if the opponent has moved up the ladder.
  • Total power of your war machines added to the campaign mission screen.
  • New animations in Pirate's prize menu.
  • Fixed an issue with arena power not refreshing when changing the squad.
  • Fixed an issue with arcane crystal damage not being registered.
  • Fixed an issue with the amulet of astrology showing the wrong number of rewards.
We want to thank everyone for reporting issues you encounter!


For the full patch notes list visit:
Dec 20, 2023
Freestyle 2: Street Basketball - [GM] Clyde

Greetings, our fellow adventurers! *wink*

We've prepared a new Event that you will surely enjoy!

Event Period:

2023/12/20 00:00 ~ 2024/01/09 23:59 (PST)

Event Mechanics:

- Once you have entered the Event page, you will see two doors that has a corresponding Mission.
- Each door contains a particular reward so choose your Mission wisely!

Note: You can only select 1 Mission and you cannot revert your selection.

- Once you have completed the Mission you have selected, defeat the monster and claim your reward!

- You may check your Mission progress by clicking on the Mini Map on the lower left side of the Event page.

- Once you've seen the fog, you can use the Night Vision Goggles to remove the Fog.
- Removing the Fog allows you to proceed to the next stage.
- Fog blocks the pathway. The Fog will be removed automatically when you move
to the block right next to the Foggy block.

Note: You can obtain the following items randomly.

Mysterious Portal:

- Randomly transport you to a random location within 3 blocks (Forward or Backward).

Trade with the Devil:

- The difficulty of the mission increases when dealing with the devil.
- Rewards that can be acquired over a period of time will be upgraded.

Note: Mysterious portals and Trade with the Devil are located in certain
parts of the map, and you can choose whether to use them or not.

Best of luck on your adventure and feel free to check the Event Help for any questions you have in mind!

~ Freestyle 2 Team
Barotrauma - Dynamoon

Hello everyone!

We've just released a hotfix to address issues in last week's Winter Patch. See the list of changes below, and enjoy the holiday season!


- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the game to crash without generating a crash report (which would lead to a "pipe was broken" error if the issue happened server-side). The issue had to do with a stack overflow when throwing specific kinds of console errors: one common case was when the game failed to connect to our server to check the GameAnalytics consent, which lead to a crash on startup.
- Fixed piezo crystals sometimes spawning right at the start of the level.
- Fixed assistants not being able to pick all tier 1 and 2 talents.
- Fixed location names disappearing when locations change their type in saves started in pre-1.2 versions.
- Fixed selection rectangle disappearing from items when zoomed in by more than x2 in the sub editor.
- Fixed "killcrawlerswarmlarge2" mission not having a description.
- Fixed bots sometimes choosing to wear broken diving suits.
- Fixed currently visible particles freezing when lowering the particle limit.
- Fixed dragged characters always colliding with stairs, making it impossible to drag them past the stairs.
- Fixed "drunken sailor" talent not nullifying the negative effects of drunkenness.
- Fixed stun from the "lightning wizard" talent activating if you cause damage to yourself (e.g. by breaking a wall and taking damage from the shrapnel).
- Fixed escorted security officers sometimes inspecting the crew for stolen items during escort missions.
- Fixed basics tutorial sometimes getting stuck in the "weld leak" objective.
- Fixed ancient weapon not flipping horizontally when aiming it to the left.
War Selection - Bookkeeper Johnson
25% off everything!

Strategists and battle masters, welcome!

A big sale has started in our game.

Now you have the opportunity to purchase any of the 11 countries, the "Special Game Modes" set, or the exclusive "Imperial Edition" with a 25% discount.

This is a great reason to update your gaming arsenal and add novelty to your strategic battles.
Dec 20, 2023
Zombie Defense: The Last Frontier - KaZzantip1997
Hello friends!
In general, the update is ready, a lot of new things have been done and I hope the project will come to life.
From the main point it is:
- Now the 1-person shooter, honestly, I really liked it, it looks clearly nicer;
- New weapons, remaking the sounds of old ones, bullet effects and more;
- 3 new maps: military base in the forest, desert and city;
- Zombies now use different animations, new sounds;
- Turrets with a minigun and a flamethrower, of course you can add a rocket launcher and a laser, but I didn't really like them;
- Optimization, now FPS is much more stable;
- Redesigned menu and lobby
I haven't decided when to release it yet, as well as the format. I think that every week there will be a patch with new content and bug fixes.
Dec 20, 2023
Riders Republic - UbiTobbee

On December 20th, we will kick off the Winter Season! A good time to embrace some hygge, right? Or join the winter activities the Republic has in store for Season 9!
13 weeks of Challenges, Live Areas and Live Events for everyone! More competitive mass races? You bet! And Oni X is back to make sure you don't slow down during the winter!
And to begin this article, let's have a quick visual recap, shall we?

The Cartoon Pack!

Since the introduction of Cartoon Mode in Republic, there's been a longing to experience the world in cel-shading all the time or capture it in photos. Guess what? Now you can!
Grab the pack and get not one, but two pairs of glasses to immerse yourself in a cartoonish dimension!
Or wear the full outfit to look like you're hand drawn to all the other riders around you!
And for those moments when you're itching to capture the magic in action, our pack has you covered with a nifty Cel-Shading filter. Whether you're in Photo Mode or Replay Mode, this special feature lets you snap screenshots or record videos with an extra dash of animated flair!
The pack will be on sale for the first two weeks of Season 9, so don't miss out!

New Seasonal Content
Tis' the season to sit back, wrap up warm, and toast the year's victories.
In Republic, a new season isn't just a change of weather; it's an adventure waiting to unfold each week. New elements to conquer, new places to meet your fellow riders, and a gear-filled progression that's nothing short of epic.
Brace yourself for a 20 level journey where one of the final rewards is an exclusive edition of SteepSteep's Gilson skis.
Ride on and reap the winter's bounty!

Mass Race Competition
Get your competitive juices flowing, racers! Season 8 has kicked off the thrills and spills, and the Mass Race competition is still going strong in the Republic. A seven-day adrenaline rush of special Mass Races where everyone's armed with top-of-the-line gear and there are no collisions to slow you down - the ultimate recipe for pushing the speedometer to the limit.
This season, get ready for Mass Race action every three weeks, a rhythm that keeps the excitement pumping. As in Season 9, your rank will unlock special rewards. Finish in the top three and you'll receive unique gear each competitive week. Make it to the podium in four different mass race events and the coveted full outfit is yours. Ready, set, race for glory!

Oni X!
Guess who's still throwing down the gauntlet in the Republic? Oni X, the relentless challenger, is back in the mix, ensuring riders stay on the edge of their seats. Brace yourselves, because this season, he's woven into the program, serving up a fresh challenge every three weeks.
For those daring enough to face Oni X and emerge victorious each time, there's a gleaming reward waiting – a slick, shiny outfit to flaunt your triumphs. The question echoes through the slopes: Are you ready to take on the challenge and carve your name into the legend? The stage is set, riders – saddle up and show Oni X what you're made of!

As he offers new challenges, Oni X enters the arena in the perfect winter outfit! Conquering with both comfort and style, this Oni X Winter outfit will be available in the store throughout Season 9. Whether it grants you Oni X's abilities or just keeps you warm, it's a win-win!

Party on, Riders! As the year comes to a close, the Republic is throwing a celebration extravaganza just for you. Join Standa for a ride to ring in the New Year and a special Lunar New Year rendezvous!
Prepare for weeks of events where every turn brings a new adventure. And that's not all - strut your stuff in a brand new outfit created just for the Year of the Dragon. For those ready to embrace the challenge, a special reward awaits in celebration of the Lunar New Year! The year is going out with a bang, so saddle up and don't miss out on the festivities!

Embrace the season, riders! Just a friendly reminder not to exhaust all your energy in the mass races or facing off against Oni X—save some for the challenges Season 10 has in store!
