Soulash 2 - Artur Smiarowski
Greetings fellow gods,

A final demo update is upon us, it's now just 4 days till Early Access begins, and I've been hard at work with the final tests, fixes, and balancing passes. I hope you're excited to delve into more difficult locations, I've updated the Steam page with some new screenshots and gifs if you want a little sneak peek of what's awaiting you on Monday.

Aside from tweaks and fixes the main addition is the ability to favorite NPCs to have an easier time remembering great trainers and crafters.

See the full changelog below:

- Added an option to mark NPCs as favorites to keep them on top of the list in the Knowledge Screen.
- Added information to the world tile description informing if there's a river there.

- When the player character is selected and attempts to use a damaging ability, the selection is cleared with a warning.
- Ability Amplifier increasing ability range applies only to ranged abilities.
- Resources acquired after a delay, like Apples or Milk, now progress while the player is not in the region.
- Banana, Coconut, and Date Palm can't be cut using woodcutting but serves as a food source that can be gathered repeatedly.
- Claiming region doesn't provide experience after level 1 Construction.
- Dragging objects doesn't provide experience after level 5 Athletics.
- It's now possible to knock enemies off to lower z-levels.
- When applying weight reducing resources to items, the minimum weight of an item is set at 0.1.
- Removed legacy unarmed attack from Equipment Screen tooltips.
- Changed the looks of some trees to make them easier to identify.
- Tiles of maps below z-level 0 are no longer visible if they have a roof.
- Changed how music and sound sliders work so that master volume controls both by percentage set.
- Spider's Silk is now used in Velvet production.
- Fox Fur provides nature resistance on armors.
- Orchid Nectar is now a liquid source.
- Slopes can now be deconstructed.
- Increased sight range for Baboons.
- Improved the chance for constructing a strictly ordering service buildings in settlements during history simulation.
- Increased value of Honey.

- Marked and disabled crafting recipes in ordering when NPC doesn't have access to the necessary workstation or tool.
- Fixed an issue where true damage would destroy rivers and ponds.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented changing or assigning resources when upgrading items.
- Disabled walking to target using default action shoot and ranged production actions like fishing.
- Fixed an issue with special location icons sometimes showing too far from the location.
- Added information on the equipment screen that most actions won't work during world travel.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the right side of the weapon tooltip to not display on the Skills screen recipes list.
- Fixed inability to select default movement keys in Keymap.
- Fixed the Fill Container action performed from the Equipment Screen.
- Fixed an issue with some bows that would not play shooting animation and hide arrows.
- Fixed max health recalculation after receiving and dropping the Weaken Body debuff.
- Fixed roofs in Rasimi settlements.
- Fixed stairs up in dwarven guards building.
- Fixed firewood sometimes not stacking together.
- Fixed NPCs spawning on doors without opening them.
- Fixed one Rasimi building having an invalid rope ladder placed.
- Fixed lighting and extinguishing action performed on items on the ground.
- Fixed an issue where crafting didn't start properly while the player moved.
- Fixed an issue that would prevent using the look action on a higher z-level.
- Fixed the lack of a Spinning Wheel in one of the dwarven tailor buildings.

Hotfix fixes crashes related to pickpocketing and AI fishing.
Crown of Greed - Blum
Greetings, your Grace! 👑

While the king's leadership and management skills play a key role in the kingdom's prosperity, its survival remains threatened without the assistance of its Heroes. Unfortunately, as many rulers have found out the hard way, these Heroes, despite their glorious qualities, can also prove to be... rather capricious or driven by lust for gold!

Will you be able to bend your subjects to your will and oversee their actions? Will you ensure the well-being and safety of the realm? And finally, will you be able to reach an agreement with the mighty, independent Heroes?

Welcome to “Crown of Greed” - an unusual RTS game featuring unparalleled and distinctive management and command systems! However, let us start from the very beginning

Free will and a deep AI system as the gameplay driving force 🧠

Your tale takes shape in the magical, Slavic-inspired realm of Rodovia, currently tormented by the enigmatic, incredibly intelligent and hellishly sinister dragon. Harnessing the power of dark magic that embraced the nearby barrows, forests, and long-forgotten tombs, life was breathed anew into a myriad of horrifying creatures. Naturally, no ruler can permit their land to be plagued by legions of undead, werewolves, vampires, or giant spiders, and the responsibility to shield your people from inevitable doom falls upon you
 and Heroes of the realm.

And so, let’s start with one of the most unique features of the “Crown of Greed” project. Other games of this genre allow you to simply select specific units and issue commands with a few clicks of your mouse. And what if... NPCs had their own free will and extensive AI systems? What if you can't order them to do something, but you have to convince or even bribe them to do it?

Due to the optimal balance of authority and the significant independence exhibited by all NPCs, you'll experience the genuine role of a ruler facing real difficulties and engaging challenges. Once you begin one of the selected missions (enhanced with additional procedurally generated elements) and explore the possibilities offered by your main, most important building - the Castle - you will be ready to give your first commands.

Heroes and Contracts 📜

Heroes, an essential element in achieving goals, can be for example induced to perform their tasks through so called Contracts. However, it is not always as simple as it may seem at first glance. Only an appropriate amount of gold or resources can convince them that it is worth taking the risk of executing such a Contract and putting their lives on the line. Therefore, one of the key skills that you will have to master will be good recognition of their needs - only then will you be able to offer them a deal they will agree to and keep your treasury relatively intact. Make no mistake, Heroes hold a deep fondness for gold, and we will delve into how they make use of it down below.

Subjects and the Castle 🏰

However, powerful Heroes are not your only means of achieving your goals. Your loyal Subjects, who are also endowed with advanced AI, await your Orders. Such Orders are used to issue tasks to all the player's direct Subjects, who do not require Orders. And so, they will carry out the Orders you approve in the special settlement management system. Being more specific, you can decide on how to collect taxes, prioritize the repair of damaged buildings, guard certain areas by your troops, or issue many, many other commands.

As mentioned above, the center of your rule will be the Castle. The Castle panel can be used to manage your lands, construct new buildings, issue Orders and Contracts or conduct numerous research. Moreover, structures are categorized into those you can construct manually and those that are spontaneously erected by your subjects. Buildings that are built by your people, such as farms, bakeries, mills, and agricultural fields are the main sources of coin (via taxes) which then go to the treasury. The higher the tier of your Castle, the more new management options you will unlock!

The Magic System ⚡

The most active manifestation of your will as a King is Magic. Using specially selected spells, you can influence the very fate of your realm. They can for example directly hurt or weaken your enemies, support Heroes during their missions, or even have a positive effect on the buildings under your control! The Magic system, if properly used, can change the course of events and save your dominion and Subjects from any harm.

The in-game world and its characteristics 🧐

With a grasp of the fundamental mechanics that make “Crown of Greed” unique among other games of this genre, it’s time for a more lore-based, immersive look. As you already know, after starting a new single-player campaign, you are introduced to the current situation of the kingdom that you inherited as your father's only heir. Now the realm has fallen victim to the attack of the malicious and cunning dragon and his dark magic.

Using a dedicated campaign map, you will have to choose one of the available missions, each with its own regions and objectives. At this point, it is worth mentioning that each of them is characterized by high replayability through procedurally generated random elements and the option to increase the difficulty level, and thus unlock special badges or increase your high score.

After choosing a mission, your trusted advisor will familiarize you with its goals and tell you what problems plague the selected area. With only your Castle, a handful of subjects and a few basic buildings at your disposal, you will have to expand your settlement and complete the mission objectives. Moreover, some of the missions have their own unique conditions and limitations that force you to try new, different strategies and development directions.

Soon after, brave Heroes will appear at your gates, looking for an opportunity to gain fame and glory. How they spend the gold they earn from Contracts is entirely up to them... although as the king, you can influence their decisions. If you remain idle, they will probably drink away their money at a nearby inn or empty their pouches playing dice. On the other hand, there are ways to maximize their utility by providing them with an opportunity to evolve.

If you give your Heroes access to appropriate buildings or the means to grow, they will spend their coin on upgrading their equipment, training, or improving their combat abilities! But there’s more. Thanks to your Contracts, Heroes can explore nearby forests, hills and misty swamps in search of powerful artifacts and items that will further enhance their power. It would be a great loss to lose such a great Hero (which can happen quite often!), so remember to always properly estimate Contracts for their power level and capabilities.

Demonstrating proficiency in command, strategic orders, planning, and settlement development may empower you to safeguard the land and its people from impending destruction. Thanks to a beautifully recreated map and diverse missions, you will visit various corners of your kingdom, each with its own characteristics and problems.

We hope that in addition to the unique gameplay, the game will charm you with its attractive, dark graphics and intriguing score. That being said, we can't wait to witness your confrontation with horrifying monsters intent on wiping your empire from the face of the earth. We're eager to see how you handle the management of unpredictable Heroes, Subjects, and other free will endowed NPCs. And finally, we look forward to seeing how you will cope with expanding your cities and whether you can thwart the sinister plans of the deadly dangerous dragon.

Thank you, Rulers!

We trust that our introduction to the "Crown of Greed" project has heightened your appetite for an exceptionally immersive adventure in the magical realm inspired by the Slavic mythology. Rest assured, we pledge not to keep you waiting for a long time, and we will soon release additional interesting information and details about the game. Thank you for staying with us, Rulers! Be sure to follow our Social Media channels and Discord server for the most exciting and fresh news. See you soon!

theHunter: Call of the Wildℱ - social
Howdy, Hunters!

Apex Hunter 2023 is about to kick off! This means it’s time to show off your hunting skills and compete for a special prize bundle, a SteelSeries Arctis Nova 7 headset, bragging rights, and the prestigious Apex Hunter 2023 Discord role.

We’re also celebrating theHunter: Call of the Wild’s newest four-legged friend, the Labrador Retriever, and just how great our community is in general. No time to waste, let’s go!


Want to take part?
Make sure you’re a member of the Official theHunter Discord and available to tune in and participate in multiplayer activities on either PC, PlayStation, or Xbox, between Tuesday 5th and Thursday 14th of December between 1800 – 2000 hr CET / 0900 – 1100 hr PST (plus a little extra time for padding).

We’ll be kicking off with a free-for-all guessing game during the stream via Twitch and YouTube on Tuesday the 5th to determine the participants. From there, seven players from each platform will move to the finals where they’ll take part in a mystery harvest and submit their three best kills for tallying. Additional specifics will be revealed during the starting event.


Determining the winners
Of the 21 contestants, one from each platform with the highest combined score will emerge victorious as the Apex Hunters of the season! These three winners will earn some serious bragging rights, along with a physical pack containing:

1 of 3 SteelSeries Arctis Nova 7 headsets
theHunter: Call of the Wild limited edition t-shirt
Assortment of theHunter and Expansive Worlds stickers

Also bestowed upon them will be the Discord community Role of “APEX Hunter 2023”, complete with an exclusive badge of honor (Custom Role Icon)!

Share the fun on social media!
Are you posting about or streaming the competition? Don’t forget to use the tag #ApexHunterComp

Read on below for competition participation requirements, considerations, and schedule!

One entry per person on either PC, PlayStation, or Xbox.

Participants must:
Any attempt at cheating will result in immediate disqualification, as well as removal from theHunter: (Official) community server.

To help moderators determine whether or not the harvests are genuine, two screenshots must be submitted with each submission: one of the Harvest screen, and one of the Codex log showing the kill.

The competition series will be held between Tuesday 5th and Thursday 14th of December and broadcast across the Expansive Worlds Twitch and YouTube official channels.

Tuesday 5th December
2-hour stream
Qualifying event (guessing game)

Thursday 7th December
2-hour stream
Xbox Round

Tuesday 12th December
2-hour stream
PlayStation Round

Thursday 14th December
2+ hour stream
PC Round and Winners Announcement

To participate in the competition, join the official theHunter Discord and keep an eye out for more updates.

++ Follow and subscribe to our Twitch and YouTube channels to get notified about new content and live broadcasts!

* Headsets will be assigned to the competition winners at random.
INSPIRE - husmanofficial
Hey everyone,

I'm beyond thrilled to share a new playtest with you all today! It has been a long time since I've done a playtest but now I'm finally at a point where I can let you play the game.

In this playtest you'll be venturing to Verdant Vale, one of the first zones of the game. You finally get to battle with the alien race the 'Sentians'. As seen in the artwork and the trailer, the Sentians invaded Earth and are planning to harvest the energy out of our lovely little planet.

Your main objective is to destroy the Sentian Obelisk, that has landed in Verdant Vale. Where? That's for you to find out!

I hope you'll enjoy playing the playtest and it would mean a lot if you could fill out the INSPIRE Playtest Survey here after playing. This gives me a clearer picture of your ideas about the game so that I can make it as good as I possibly can!

Best of luck against the Sentians!


Much love,

REMEDIUM - Mr. Horrible Gelatinous Blob
We are thrilled to announce the release of the first content update of Act 2 for REMEDIUM!

Today’s content update is the first stage in the full Act 2 release, including a new location, new mutant types, boss and new story content being made available for players to experience. A further two locations, enemy types, bosses and additional story arcs will be released over the coming weeks to complete the full Act 2 launch.

We also pleased to announce that there will be NO price increase for REMEDIUM following today’s content update. The price will only increase when we are happy with the content and quality of the game in general and Act 2 in particular. For now, the focus is delivering the most polished and content-complete version of the game during its Steam Early Access phase.

Since the launch of Act 1, we’ve been busy gathering your feedback and introducing many quality-of-life improvements and new features, many of which were requested by players already active on the Steam Early Access release. Some of these quality-of-life improvements include the balancing of battles to make weak enemies more dynamic, a reworked dash movement, new enemy spawn mechanics, improved VFX, blood effects and HUD, as well as many other cosmetic enhancements to the game world. We will continue to work with the community on today’s update to improve and polish the upcoming content ahead of the full Act 2 release and extend our thanks for the support and feedback on REMEDIUM’s Early Access launch so far and look forward to further collaboration throughout the development journey.

Following directly on from the devastating boss battle at the end of Act 1, REMEDIUM Act 2 opens a new chapter in the hunt for a cure to the Grey plague and to your very survival in the world ravaged by hordes of mutants and chimeras. Armed only with your journal, you must navigate the snowy mountain paths and survive the onslaught of warring tribes of mutants spread across three village locations. In each new location, the blood thirsty mutants are protected by a terrifying and unique boss, which must be defeated in order to unveil the path to the cure for the disease and the survival of the remaining humans.

REMEDIUM Act 2 features:
  • Act 2 will introduce three new locations with unique mutant types and terrifying bosses.
  • Today’s update unveils the new Fort location along with new mutants and boss type - Despite their beast-like looks these mutants wear armor and use human weapons like clubs, spears and even mortars. They inhabit a ruined fortress nestled into the mountainside protected by a deadly new boss. Mutant types: Grunt, Pikeman, Gunner. Boss: Huntress. Two more locations (Mine and Abbey), mutant types and bosses, will complete Act 2 and be released soon.
  • Continuation of the intriguing storyline of the hero’s deadly journey.
  • Players can craft new parts for their weapons (to further customize them and deal different types of damage) with the new reagents found in Act 2.
  • Updated visuals and player accessibility for an enhanced gameplay experience.
  • An improved upgrade system where players can now spend resources to become stronger.
  • Dash movement and Almalgams use have been split for greater accessibility.
  • Language support for English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, with further enhancements to be added.
Turf Wars: A Snail Escape - Like A Virgin
Hey Snail Squad,

I'm absolutely thrilled to announce that the wait is over – Turf Wars: A Snail Escape is officially available on Steam, and I can't wait for you to dive into this slimy adventure right now!

🐌 Why Turf Wars?Imagine a brave snail, a garden teeming with challenges, and bugs of all shapes and sizes standing in your way. It's a vibrant journey filled with slime, epic battles, and a whole lot of fun – and it's ready for you to play!

🌍 Bonjour, Hola, Ciao, Guten Tag, Olá!Exciting news – Turf Wars speaks six languages now! English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese – because snails are universal, and so should be the fun! Immerse yourself in the game in the language that feels like home.

🌟 Meet The Swarm – The New Boss in Town!Hidden deep in the grass is a surprise waiting for you – The Swarm! Brace yourselves for a wild ride as you face off against this new boss. It's a challenge, but I know you've got what it takes!

🚀 Roadmap Unveiling Soon!What's next, you ask? Later this week, I'm unveiling the roadmap for future updates. And it will be open to your input. Your feedback is like golden slime – precious and essential. Tell me what you love and what we can improve!

🎉 Heartfelt ThanksA massive THANK YOU for your incredible support. All that have playtested, given feedback and in any way helped out with the game. Your enthusiasm has fueled this snail-powered adventure, and I'm beyond grateful. Turf Wars wouldn't be the same without each and every one of you.

🐌 Play Now!Don't wait – jump into Turf Wars: A Snail Escape and start your snail-tastic journey now. Gather your friends, spread the word, and let's make this launch a lot of fun!

Thank you for being part of this incredible adventure. Can't wait to see you in the garden!

Snail Hugs,
Andreas Werdin
How To Hack In? - redbuffalo
  • Added: Loading hints (during game loading it will display random hints regarding shortcuts, and other useful information)
  • Added: CPU/RAM indicators on task bar (you can hide CPU/RAM desktop widget if you don't like it and use taskbar only)
  • Changed: Notifications look (smaller and more readable notifications)

SteamWorld Dig - Gemma_Coatsink
Why do so few citybuilders make it to consoles? And how come SteamWorld Build plays so well, no matter the platform?

Find out in this month's riveting episode of SteamWorld Telegraph!

SteamWorld Build comes to PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation & Xbox on December 1st.

Wishlist it now:

Join the official SteamWorld Discord Server.
Nov 30, 2023
Hero Realms - classicsmiley
Bug fixes:
-Pit Fight freezes after winning
Despot's Game: Dystopian Battle Simulator - [tB] Tira

UPDATE 1.8.2

In this update, we have adjusted the zombie-level boss fight, buffed eggheads, slightly nerfed healers, and made significant changes to the mutation pool

Class Balance

  • Healers class ability is buffed on all levels:
    • Tier 1: 30 ➔ 45
    • Tier 2: 50 ➔ 60
    • Tier 3: 65 ➔ 80
    • Tier 4: 90 ➔ 110
    • Tier 5: 125 ➔ 150
  • Healer’s T4 ability (Shock Therapy) radius changed 100 ➔ 75

  • Added 25% more attack speed to Tier 1-3 Eggheads.
Mutations balance

  • Bloodletting damage multiplier: 3 ➔ 2
  • Explosive Magic is now a quest mutation for mages. Fireball can be found in the general mutation pool.
Mutation pool

  • Critical Hit is not available for Tanks anymore
  • Splash is not available for Mages anymore
  • Magic Mirror is now available for Tanks, but not available for Shooters
  • Intimidation is now available for Mages, but not available for Tanks
  • Untouchable is not available for Fencers and Tricksters
  • Snake Agility is now available for Eggheads
We have changed the levels where the next mutations can appear:
  • Magic Shield is now available from level 1
  • Purr-Meow is now available from level 1
  • Damage Link is now available from level 1
  • Spatial Reasoning is not available on level 12

King of the Hill Season 19 Results

3.đŸ„‰The Wrinkled D

Congrats! Your victory medal has been added to your name on the leaderboard.

Season 20 begins today!

Check our new game out: Slime 3K: Rise Against Despot.

Join our community to share your feedback with the devs and chat with other puny humans like you:

