Hello, this is BarSim, the development team of BAR OLD PAL VR: PROLOGUE.
First of all, I would like to thank you for your enthusiastic interest and support since its launch on November 20, 2023.

Since its release, we have recognized that there is a problem with hand tracking through repeated feedback and reports.
We identified the issue of hand tracking being stopped when moving the stage while the object was gripped, and countermeasures were prepared and applied to the patch.

If you download the version you posted today, you will be able to play the version that reflects that patch.

Despite our countermeasures, hand tracking issues may arise at unexpected points.
To address this, we added the 'RESET HAND' tab to the menu widget.

In the event of a bug or hand-freezing issue related to hand tracking, the 'RESET HAND' tab can be executed to reconfigure the hand actor and play normally again.

Our BarSim team is continuing to test at what point the hand tracking bug occurs, and we are actively accepting feedback from users.

If there is a hand tracking bug, please email us about the situation and it will help us solve the fundamental problem.


We apologize to all users who have experienced difficulties in playing due to unexpected bugs, and we will do our best to prevent negative experiences in the playing process due to bugs or issues.

It would be nice if you could look forward to the news that continues to be added, such as menus, stories, and functions.

Thank you.
Shot Supreme - gunnel.cringes.0o
Hi there! Bronson here, the man behind the one-person game studio BrightWorm and the developer of the game Shot Supreme!

Shot Supreme is available now! It's the first game I've made entirely solo, and I'm super excited to share it with you.

Shot Supreme is an arcade basketball game inspired by incremental games. It's like a clicker, but you have to score baskets instead of simply clicking. The game provides a chill, zen-like experience when you want to zone out and relax a little.

If you have suggestions, feedback, or issues, you can find me at the official BrightWorm discord server.

Thanks so much for checking out my game!

Kingdom Heroes M - littleant0416
🚧本次維護時間 🚧
因應改版相關調整作業本次維護時間預計於 11/28 (二) 08:30~15:00,進行例行維護作業!
👉【11/28 維護更新公告】>>{LINK REMOVED}
👉【11/28 活動&商城更新】>> {LINK REMOVED}
魏 : 汝南、許昌、陳留、長安、徐州、鄴。
蜀 : 宛、新野、襄陽、江州、上庸、漢中。
吳 : 盧江、壽春、江夏、長沙、柴桑、豫章。
2)麒麟塔會固定時段,隨機出現在 靈壁、烏林、武關。
5)當同一勢力擁有2塔時,會觸發麒麟天威機制;在「第3塔地圖」 時,2塔勢力將會被削弱(debuff)、增強弱勢勢力(buff)。
a)自由制:軍團長/無軍團玩家 前往欲轉換勢力城池宮殿;滿足條件並繳交銅錢即可加入。
b)邀請制:由該勢力君主點選 軍團長/玩家 進行邀請;被邀請方滿足條件並支付銅錢即可加入。
5)自創勢力特色:擁有專屬勢力頻道、專屬勢力旗幟顏色、可邀請/驅逐 勢力成員、國戰時可與其他勢力對戰。
6)創立時可選擇「協約國」(魏、蜀、吳);自創勢力者 解任務、荒野 機制會自動認定為協約國勢力來進行。
2)玩家可從 武魂擂台/技能詳細 來觀看真武魂技資訊。
1)可從 主選單/副將 入口鈕,開啟副將頁面。
9)自動功能/攻擊 頁,可設定「自動召喚副將」。
【修正】軍團:團長/副團長 在未轉讓職位狀況下退團,將會立刻刷新軍團頁面。
【修正】主頁面/小地圖 無法穿透點地的問題。
【新增】潛能開放 第11層、第12層之第三階 效果。
【新增】潛能開放 第13層、第14層、第15層之第一~第三階 效果。
【新增】活動:巔峰寶箱 檔期開始。
【新增】藏珍閣:小毛驢 品項。
Nov 27, 2023
Delivery Kore - naraenc
[Major update announcement]

◻ Add a Prologue Cinematic

We've added a prologue cinematic to help tell the story of the game.

◻ Making it easier to birth Porings

Porings are no longer born through the portal of birth.
You also don't have to go through the unpleasant task of giving birth to a poring.

As soon as you find a Poring, you can pick it up and spawn it on the spot. When a Poring is born, the forest around it is restored.

Give birth to the Poring and restore the beautiful Forest of Eleusis!

◻ Harvesting plants and using them

If you find plants in the forest, be sure to gather them. You can exchange them for various items through the merchant. Items allow you to move faster, break ores and more in one go, and can also instantly restore your stamina.

You can also use them to personalize your costume.
Through the vendor, you can dye 5 types of hair in 15 different colors. There are also colors for 7 types of outfits.

◻ Customize your forest

You'll now be able to customize it.
You can remove or rearrange the grass or trees in the forest. This allows you to create your own forest.

Also, use a shovel to remove any unwanted plants.

If you take a Poring to Mama, you'll get a Forest Spirit that you can plant.

◻ Fog of Desire

In the fog, you can't see anything, and all the spirits in the forest are gone, so you can't farm them. This is where the Poring of Light comes in. You must birthing the Poring of Light in the Portal of Birth to dispel the fog of desire.

◻ 30+ achievements

Achievements have finally been added. You can try to get it!

◻ Mission to find a research paper for Eleusis

Find the research papers scattered throughout the forest and bring them to Elder Root. He'll give you some of Kore's hair as a reward, so be sure to find it and make Kore look even cuter!

◻ Various feature enhancements and bug fixes

We've changed the way stamina is consumed: the value is larger and running out will no longer cause Kore to fall.
Destroying ores and other items will now drop them immediately. You don't have to pick them up anymore.
Added to the world map!
Changed the screen that displays controls to be more visually appealing.
Added an option to hide the game UI so you can fully enjoy the open world views.
We've found and fixed a bug that could cause Kore to fall under the ground and prevent you from progressing in the game (please report it if you encounter it again).

◻ And finally...

We've completely rebooted the game to make it better, but we're sure there are still a lot of things that need to be done, but we're going to keep working on it to make it even more fun. Please give us lots of feedback on what's missing so we can improve it.

Finally, thank you so much for playing the game!!!

Throw in a picture of the office cat who is helping (?) with game development and you're done.
Nov 27, 2023
逐鹿 - TKG Games
Nov 27, 2023
Mob Factory - NavierIsStoked
Import changes:
- Added a few more steps to the tutorial
- Some types of load crashes have been fixed
- Resource hitbox made smaller (should reduce clogs, but not eliminate them)
- It is possible to build on the entire crystal island now
- Dying now only removes raw item drops

Minor changes:
- Goblin hammer animated while crafting
- Older translations updated
- Minor performance optimizations
- Minor bugfixes
- Chest on spider island gives one more turret
- The game now internally tracks how many times you've beat it (will be important for new game+ content)

We're also developing a wiki here, if you want to contribute:
Many editors good with tables have gotten their hands on it, but we're still missing some important sections.

Ghost Road Awakening - 鬼道游戏工作室
Hello STEAM players, hello everyone!
Today we uploaded a new general game PV promotional video, hoping everyone can enjoy it.
In the promotional video, a large amount of content about the game's underground scenes, gameplay, and features was introduced.
At present, we are doing more program testing, optimization, and polishing details. The demo version will be launched soon. Please pay attention to our news announcement.

Warframe - Markus
It's almost time for the biggest night in video games, Tenno! Tune in to The Game Awards on December 7 for an exclusive announcement from creative director Rebecca Ford and community director Megan Everett!

That's not all there is to celebrate, either — we will also be running an exciting Warframe Twitch Drop! Watch The Game Awards at for 30 minutes with a linked Account to earn a free built Sevagoth Warframe!

We're thrilled to be nominated in the Players' Voice category at The Game Awards 2023! Make your voice heard by voting for Warframe between now and Wednesday, November 29th,

The Game Awards airs live December 7 at 7:30 p.m. ET on Twitch. Save the date — you don’t want to miss this!
Community Announcements - 专业坑队友
Nov 27, 2023
TimingSpace - Tme