Nov 18, 2023
Hive Jump 2: Survivors - Raitheoshow
Demo Update Available Now

Our latest update includes some nice quality of life updates. This includes additional UI to show stat comparisons when combining weapons, updates to the font map, and other bug fixes and optimizations.

Thanks for the continued feedback! Share with your friends and follow us on social.


Also, if you haven't already, you should join our Hive Jump Discord server and say hello!

Breadbox - BitfallCo
  • High frequencies filtered out of the PET transformer sound
Aether - Shamel
  • Cast Recovery stat removed and merged with cast speed (10% cast speed will now give 10% cast recovery as well)
  • New Relics Added
  • Relics changed to feel more impactful
  • Relic icons changed
  • Special effects are now described with more details
  • Adjusted Relic drop rate (higher tier relics now drop more reliably from bosses and higher ranked maps)
  • Enemy skills now have a purple outline to better distinct from players skills
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where after a run the timer buff would still linked for the first two minutes of the new run
  • Fixed a bug where if you instantly pick a skill after leveling up the leveling UI would disapear
  • Fixed a bug where healing was less than what expected
Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions - Everguild

"Darkness does not judge. But I do."

The Night Lords will soon scourge the battlefields, as part of the upcoming 'Hidden Dagger' expansion. Get ready for their arrival on 24th November to Warhammer Horus Heresy: Legions. Check out the announcement!

Ave Dominus Nox!
Nov 18, 2023
Top Town - friedgpu
The demo is officially live! It's here for you to experience the style of our game. It's just a taste of what's to come, but we're excited for you to give it a try.

We know this demo is just the beginning, a sneak peek of what lies ahead. But we want to hear what you think, your feedback is crucial to us. Share your impressions! We want to listen to each of your comments and suggestions so that together, we can make Top Town an even more incredible experience.

And this is just the beginning of our exciting journey. We're committed to taking Top Town to new heights, and we can't wait to share more thrilling content in the future. More missions, more features, and more amazing surprises are on the way.
Nov 18, 2023
Desohunter Playtest - Teppo
- tweak healing items
- increase tiny meat drop rate
Nov 18, 2023
Stoneshard - Wayfinder

Hello everyone!

Today the topic is Cooking, a mechanic that will play a significant role in both your adventures and the Caravan System.

Important note: the effects, prices, and availability of most existing foods will be rebalanced in Rags to Riches. The numbers you see on the screenshots are also subject to change.

Cooking can be split in two parts: Basic Actions and the cooking of dishes.

Basic Actions include Roasting and Meat Salting. Roasting is basically the Cooking of the current version of the game. In Rags to Riches it’ll be performed through a separate menu with an option to roast multiple ingredients at once rather than going through them one by one.

Salting requires any type of meat and a few handfuls of Salt. Once preserved, meat loses some of its nutritional value but can be stored indefinitely, which is quite convenient during prolonged expeditions or when you want to preserve the spoils of your hunt for later.

The preparation of actual dishes is more complex. First of all, you’ll need a recipe. Some basic recipes will be available to all characters from the beginning. The rest will have to be found, bought, or earned through high Reputation in settlements. For instance, reaching Respect in Osbrook will make it possible to purchase the secret of preparing Osbrook Bread Bowl Stew, in Mannshire - Mannshire Fair Salad, in Brynn - Harpy Omelette à la Brynn. For now, we’ve created 37 different recipes, but their total number might grow by the time Rags to Riches is out.

So, you’ve got the recipe, what’s next?

Firstly, you’ll need an open fire - any fireplace or campfire will do. Then you’ll have to place a pot on top of it. Tavern fireplaces and some campsites already have pots pre-installed, but you’ll need to bring one for any fires you start yourself. Although, not every recipe requires a pot - for instance, Hunter-Style Drumsticks or Meat Skewer can be cooked without it.

In order to prepare soups and some deserts (such as Fruit Soup or Flapjacks), you’ll need to fill your pot with water or milk. This can be done simply by pouring liquid from other vessels into it.

Once this part is over, you can start adding the ingredients. Most recipes allow a certain level of deviation: sometimes, they can be interpreted quite liberally - if you cook a Vegetable Salad, any “Vegetable” type ingredient will do. Other recipes might require a specific item, such as Garlic, Onion, or Leek. Keep in mind that the end result will always look the same and have the same effects regardless of the exact ingredients used - this is done for the sake of straightforwardness and more consistent visuals.

The numbers and stats you see are a placeholder and a subject to change.

Still, there’s a caveat: some recipes have a place for optional Additives that will imbue dishes with extra effects. For example, Salt will double your dish’s expiration time, Butter will give it a bonus to Hunger Resistance, and more exotic variants (such as Jibean Spices, Nistrian Condiments, and Skadian Herbs) will provide a sizeable boost to Morale, Sanity, or Immunity.

All in all, dishes will differ not only in the amount of Hunger they sate but also many other aspects: they might reduce Fatigue, improve Morale, Sanity, or Immunity, grant bonus Experience Gain, increase some Resistances, and so on. On top of that, “Satiety” (the effect granted for overfilling your Hunger meter) will receive an additional stack and some other bonuses if you gain it by consuming an advanced dish.

Once you’re done cooking, food can be eaten directly from the pot. But if you want to leave it for later, you’ll need a suitable vessel. Obviously, soups require a deep bowl, but everything else can be placed on any plate (gold plates will work as well!). It’ll also be possible to place some dishes directly into your Inventory, such as loafs of Garlic Cheese Bread.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for the next devlog, which will be focused on the second branch of the Caravan Upgrades!
Nov 18, 2023
Vanguard: Normandy 1944 - Tom

Summary of Changes:
  • Fixed: Grenades being un-selectable for the German last stand player
  • Fixed: Rank progress bar on round end
  • Updated: Redesigned reinforcements available HUD tip (NCO only)
  • Merville Battery
    • Increased distance of German spawn points on first phase of mission variant
    • Re-added previously removed map variant
  • Lion-sur-Mer]
    • Increased distance of German spawn points on first phase of mission variant
    • Re-added previously removed map variant
[h4]Known Issues[/h4]
  1. Cursor sometimes get stuck on screen. ALT+ENTER can fix this issue for some users.
  2. Steam overlay opens when Alt+Tab back into the game. (Workaround: Change game window mode to full screen window or windowed in Graphics settings)
  3. After extended period of playing, rendering glitch can occur and leave trail behind cursor and other icons. Game restart is required.
Fear The Void - ExtraCosmic Studios
-minor bugfixing / improvements
Twofold - Theo
Hello! We pushed out an update that should fix erroneously granted achievements. Sorry for the trouble!

There's a new file in the game folder that should handle syncing everything up. In case something comes up and you may need additional help, replacing it with a custom fix will be a small matter. As always, feel free to join our Discord or send us an email through and we'll take care of it.

Fixed an error with the 1.0.31 build to restore the end-game credits.