Tiny Combat Arena - Why485
Hello! This one is a long time coming and the culmination of a lot of behind the scenes work and also what was effectively a weekend side project for a while.

Tiny Combat Tools

The Tiny Combat Tools have been released on GitHub. The game has always been built with modding in mind. The game's JSON data files were meant to be edited, and with the new mod loader from last patch, no longer required overwriting the game's native files. Unfortunately adding new content is a lot more complicated, which is where the TCA Bundler comes in.

Using the new tools and TCA Bundler, you can import models and preview them exactly as they would appear in the game, using the same materials and shaders as the real game. This finally allows for the addition of new content by mods.

Check out the GitHub page for more details, along with instructions on how to import models.

Please keep in mind that there isn't a UI yet to show mods that are loaded and any errors, so if you plan on modding the game it's recommended to stick with the tester's branch in the meantime since it will print error logs to the screen.

Yak-141 by nuclearstonk and giantenemycrab


The progress on night time is both ahead of schedule and close enough that night is now selectable in the game! The time of day system has support night for a long time, waiting only on an implementation of night lighting such as streetlights, runway lights, and beacon lights. All of these are now in the game and thanks to the tech artist look fantastic! The distant point light rendering saw another revision and now looks great at all resolutions and all distances, as well added support for blinking beacon lights.

Finalized Sand Island Map

With a couple new bases and other redesigned ones, the Sand Island map is approaching finished. Only gameplay related work remains, which means updating the Strike Instant Action missions along with the Arena UI improvements necessary to build out the first campaign.

New features: - New mod loading system - Mods can be loaded on top of each other - Core game is now a hardcoded "mod" that gets loaded first - Many new buildings and props placed around the updated Sand Island map - Lights rendered as pseudo-sprites for pixel perfect point light goodness - Night is selectable in Instant Action - Automatic HUD dimming at night time Improvements: - Unified loaders for all JSON data - Text adjusted to work better at low (800x600) resolutions - Better runway lighting - Updated many buildings to use the new point lights - Added PAPI lights to Murasa Bugfixes: - Added quotes around the names of duplicate/overwritten data error/log messages - Bad campaign data no longer corrupts the persistent Arena save file - Bad campaign data no longer breaks the Arena selection UI - MapList.json now loaded on a per-mod basis - Vehicles initialized through the mod system - Fixed gun display name not showing correctly - Fixed markings not appearing correctly on Expeditionary field Balance: - AV8B roll rate increased 140 -> 180 JSON: - In Loadout definitions, "Aircraft" renamed to "Name" - In Loadout definitions, "Loadout" renamed to "Loadouts" - "Store" in the Store definition has been removed and made part of the Store definition itself
Nov 1, 2023
Jam Scrapz Collection - Onye Nacho
Battle it out in this online multiplayer top-down arena game inside the house with two elemental players - light or dark. Who will emerge victorious?

Luminous is back and more polished than ever! A swift duel for supremacy and dominance. A spooky game of arm wrestling on drugs manufactured just in time for a good old Hallow's Eve with a few bottles of wine with the boys (or girls)!
Nov 1, 2023
Towers Deck - Cleansing Water
Hey, Small bug fix update. Don't forget that you can report encountered bugs by pressing F12 in game, Thank You all who done it!

  • Some non English language fixes
  • Fixed bug with upgrading random cards from events
  • Fixed bug in later levels when a lot of towers are built
  • Fixed teleport tower bug, that it could teleport enemy back without killing it ever
  • UI bug fixes
  • Balance change to Reinforcement card, decreased it's effect

Have fun playing
- Emilijus
Nov 1, 2023
Crossfire: Sierra Squad - VR 스튜디오 PM
Greetings, Mercenaries!
This patch addresses issues that some of our players have been experiencing, especially since the last update. Please see the patch note below for more details.

1. Improved Weapon Controls
- The angle offset issue that occurred since our last update has been fixed.

2. Multiplayer Improvement
- Multiplayer rooms will now show the region you’re playing from.
Note: Users in different regions won’t be able to play together. With the regions now displayed, you can make sure that you and your friends are playing from the same region.

3. Bug Fix
- Completing a mission in crossplay and returning to the lobby now properly shows the Steam ID above the guest character (instead of the local PC name).
Path of Exile - CommunityTeam_GGG
At ExileCon 2023, Senior Graphics Programmer Alexander Sannikov gave a presentation on the techniques used in the Rendering of Path of Exile 2. Whether you have an interest in Graphics Programming or you’re just curious about how we create unique rendering techniques for Path of Exile, then this is the presentation for you! Check it out in the video below.

We hope you have enjoyed all of the ExileCon 2023 presentations. If you’ve missed any or just want to watch them again you can check out the whole playlist here!
AdventureQuest 3D - glisel

Gladius of Autumn Harvest
This elegant sword is crafted from a silvery metal alloy firm a steel but light as a twig. A World Tree branch was pruned to become the hilt and infused with powerful Druidic magic to combine these two opposing elements.

The Gladius of Autumn Harvest weapon is included with all packages from the Upgrade Shop, including Guardian and Lore Strider. Guardian packages also give the Gladius of Summer Light weapon. Check your inventory on your next login after purchase.

Note: All accounts that had made a purchase from the Upgrade Shop in November prior to this update on November 1st, 2023, were retroactively awarded these items.

What if I'm already a Guardian?
Great! When you buy any package, you will get both versions of the Gladius of Summer Light directly added to your inventory.

If you miss the promotional period, Guardians can still get the Gladius of Summer Light. Head to the Guardian Tower to talk to Fortes. He has a shop for "Special Guardian Rewards" where you can buy the Gladius of Summer Light and any other special Guardian items released through these monthly promotions with Guardian Class Tokens. Make sure you have completed the Guardian Initiation to unlock class gear.

Check out our Patch Notes!
The News pop-up has reappeared, Ravenspire's Doom map got some adjustments, and Pizza Hero has received some bug fixes and new quests! Read the details in our Patch Notes for this week.

TrackDayR - ALEale

- Fixed sideways fall bug in wheelies
- Worked on balance management in wheelies (wheelie assist OFF)
- Fixed "no sounds" on multyplayer mode
- Improved engine - The engine response is more sensitive now

We are continuously working on improving wheelies without affecting the overall flow of the ride. Since we need a lot of feedback to work on it we thought we'd send this build, in the meantime we'll continue development.


Nov 1, 2023
Monster Hide - TheLittlesGames
- Some improvement in hunt mode
- Some improvement in wave mode
- Improved main menu
- New words have been translated into French
- Some minor changes
- Bugs fixed
Town of Salem 2 - BlankMediaGames
Patch R.1.1.42 - 11/01/2023

Halloween is over, and the Pilgrims are gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving! Pick up the new Iron Chef skin, and Turkey pet. You can view the newest patch notes down below:

Added New Character - Robert the Mayor
• As the leader of his town, Robert is a man of the people.

Added New Pet - Sir Gobbleston
• This feathered beast stole the hat it wears from a small town member.

Added New Skin - Iron Chef
• Only the most proficient in the culinary arts are allowed to wield this mighty boxwood Spoon.

Added New House Decorations
• Summoning Circle - Floor Decoration
• Salem Emblem - Wall Decoration
• Regal Fireplace - Wall Decoration
• Stone Visage - Lawn Decoration

• Added a new Silhouette for Monarch.
• Added a new Silhouette for Seer.
• Added a new Silhouette for Psychic.
• Stability improvements.

Bug Fixes
• Fixed a bug that caused icons to duplicate if you swapped between Map and Death Animations in Personalize.
• Fixed an issue where Ghost Points would be forfeited if a player disconnected with a pending challenge against them.
Town of Salem 2 - shapesifter13
Added New Character - Robert the Mayor
• As the leader of his town, Robert is a man of the people.

Added New Pet - Sir Gobbleston
• This feathered beast stole the hat it wears from a small town member.

Added New Skin - Iron Chef
• Only the most proficient in the culinary arts are allowed to wield this mighty boxwood Spoon.

Added New House Decorations
• Summoning Circle - Floor Decoration
• Salem Emblem - Wall Decoration
• Regal Fireplace - Wall Decoration
• Stone Visage - Lawn Decoration

• Added a new Silhouette for Monarch.
• Added a new Silhouette for Seer.
• Added a new Silhouette for Psychic.
• Stability improvements.

Bug Fixes
• Fixed a bug that caused icons to duplicate if you swapped between Map and Death Animations in Personalize.
• Fixed an issue where Ghost Points would be forfeited if a player disconnected with a pending challenge against them.