This update is part of a series of changes meant to improve the balance of the early game and provide inventory management QoL for the whole gameplay experience.
Changes: -All chests now have garbage bins -Chests now have quickstack to/from inventory options. When clicked, these will only pull items to/from inventories that already have the items. I.e., you can use this to refresh your stock of bullets or serums from a chest, or deposit to a sorted chest without disorganizing it. -Chests now have a deposit all/take all button. -Chests now have a 'sort' button. This simply sorts items in the order that the game's inventory registry is constructed - so uses the same ordering that the creative mode menu does. It's not always 100% perfect, but in the near future I'll go through and once-over the registry construction so that items are ordered from less-rare to rarest.
-Psychic ruin no longer suppresses stamina regen - this was too punishing and made combat quite clunky. Instead, I'm trying out making 'charge' style attacks take double-time under the effects of Psychic ruin. May also play around with slowing automatic weapon fire rate.
-Repair beacon now has health and does not break after a single hit.
-Fixed crash related to ore extractor mouse-over.
-Fixed formatting errors for starmail header
-Vortex solstice can now be suppressed using a peaceful transmitter
Halloween is a holiday inextricably associated with spooky and weird costumes, groups of children and engaging traditions. The whole thing is laced with a touch of mystery associated with the not entirely clear origins of the celebration itself.
To keep you properly entertained in addition to the sale, we have prepared in World War 3 a free gift and an entire event where you can get a ton of items just for logging to the WW3! Details of our Halloween event can be found in this dedicated article.
We have prepared two sets of schemes and two operators for you: Soul & Hellfire. You can find both sets and individual operators in our in-game Shop from October 25th, 23:58 CEST, until November 02nd, 23:58 CET.
Free gift - Halloween balaclava - 30th-31th of October
Balaclava refers by its design to the white Skull. The only functioning eye is located in the mouth. If it doesn't scare you, it will certainly terrify an enemy met in a dark alley.
The Soul bundle includes the Strikes Blueprints: Type XVI Soul and Wolverine Soul.
Type XVI Soul
Japanese tank destroyer - Soul version, equipped with additional rod armor and extra ATGM module. The vehicle was painted in a unique camouflage that fits perfectly for night ops.
Wolverine Soul
Polish Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Soul version, equipped with additional net armor. The vehicle was painted in a unique camouflage that fits perfectly for night ops.
Hellfire bundle – 1560 UNC
The Hellfire bundle includes the Weapons Blueprints: M4 MWS Hellfire and Beryl Hellfire.
M4 MWS Hellfire
M4 MWS in a special Hellfire version. Equipped with a silencer and an additional sight to support ranged combat. The rifle in camouflage consisting of blood red, black and dark green.
Beryl Hellfire
Beryl in a special Hellfire version. Equipped with a comfortable handle and an additional collimator sight. The rifle in camouflage consisting of blood red, black and dark green.
Please note: Blueprints don't automatically unlock full access to these weapons. Once purchased, the player can only use the weapon in the configuration that was bought.
An operator equipped for battles conducted at night. The dark uniform combined with dark paint all over his body camouflages him perfectly where light cannot reach. On the helmet an advanced night vision system is attached.
Bloody Arnie – 960 UNC
Operator adapted for night combat. The blood red camouflage will work well during the full moon. The ghost-style mask will terrify more than just his enemies. On the helmet an advanced night vision system is attached.
We hope you enjoyed the Halloween event and dedicated sale! Fall out Operators!
Ladies and gentlemen, allow us to introduce you to a character who embodies the essence of style, music, and cool spirit. Say hello to Lumi, the ultimate fashionista with a heart full of melodies and a head full of knowledge!
Lumi is not just your everyday character; she's a dynamic personality who knows how to strike the perfect harmony between fashion and music. You can spot her a mile away, dazzling the scene with her impeccable style and an ever-present smile that's as infectious as her favorite tunes.
But don't be fooled by her glamorous appearance alone. Lumi is more than just a pretty face. As you get to know Lumi, you'll discover that she's not only a trendsetter but also a trailblazer when it comes to spreading positivity and good vibes wherever she goes.
Get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Lumi on Freestyle 2, where every step is a melody and every moment is a fashion statement!
Dates to Recall: 🔹 Question Submission: October 25th to October 27th. 🔹 Answers Posted By Devs: October 30th to November 3rd.
Participation Steps: 🔹Once you are in the ask-your-question channel, make sure to read the guidelines. 🔹 Double-check faq channel to ensure your question hasn't been previously addressed. 🔹 Before posting, confirm that a similar question hasn't been posted in ask-your-question channel. 🔹 Share your query in ask-your-question channel (Just one question per post!). 🔹 Want a particular question tackled? Give it a thumbs-up! 👍
Reminder While we're eager to respond, keep in mind that Unforetold: Witchstone is still in progress. We might not be able to provide or have a precise answers for everything but we'll do our best.
We are excited to reveal that the Master of Magic free Halloween update is now out. Get ready to experience the thrills, chills, and magical abilities that this captivating update has to offer.
Meet Bladud the Necromancer: ‘Long has my kin been called weak, but now the orcs shall rise through Death and conquer all!’
Bladud was formerly a strong orc general, but he became a legendary figure and was known as a powerful Wizard. He governed his orc clan for decades alongside his powerful queen, Belit. Still, they were both disappointed by the apathy that had engulfed their nation. Once renowned for their fierce fury and brutal strength, orcs had learned to be good at everything yet excelled at nothing.
Belit and Bladud had different ideas about what lay ahead for their people. Bladud saw the wisdom in their people's development and tranquility, while Belit yearned to return to the old ways of war and pillage. Rather than going back in time, he looked for ways to strengthen the orcs without sacrificing their newly discovered nature. As a result, he became proficient in the Death art of Orcmancy, a talent devoted to the advancement of the orc race. Bladud is armed with Death Magic Books and has an unusual ability called "Orcmancer." This ominous method only gives the orc race more power. Under Bladud's leadership, orcs acquire an immunity to death and the ability to steal life from their adversaries. Furthermore, for each defeated orc in combat, the Wizard gains Casting Skill.
Three new Wizard traits, all death themed
Orcmancer: Bladud has learned a new and terrifying skill called orcmancer. Only the orc race can grow stronger as a result. With each defeated orc in combat, the Wizard gains a Casting Skill, and the orcs under his command gain the ability to steal life from their adversaries and become immortal! The Wizard's starting race must be orcs, and they must be Death Magic users.
Necromancer: by adopting the Necromancy path, wizards will be able to use the new Death spell "Undead Hero," which will enable them to raise deceased heroes as amazing undead units. Additionally, they will fight all battles under the influence of Darkness without having to use a spell to do so.
Death Eater: after every battle, these evil sorcerers eat their fallen foes to replenish their armies' health. But only those who possess Death Magic can use this evil force.
The Master of Magic Halloween update offers new gameplay enhancements and a delightfully eerie atmosphere that will enchant you as the leaves turn to shades of crimson and gold.
So, dust off your spellbooks, sharpen your wands, and prepare for a spine-tingling journey into the mystical realm with the free Halloween update.
Hey guys, after a long run on the preview branch we finally have the adjustments for the maximum number of items live. So now you can set how many grenades and Molotovs your teammates can buy at the beginning.
Additionally we made some runtime adjustments to keep the communication with the Twitch servers up and running.
Unfortunately we also have some bad news: Unfortunately, we are forced to disable the in-game highscore for privacy reasons. So no new highscores will be sent to our servers anymore. Existing scores will be deleted in the coming days.
1. Autosave caused frezes (slowed the game down) every 10 seconds. 2. Optimized analytics that was called on every hit, causing performance loss. 3. The attack speed potion on the Archer caused a black screen on transitions. 4. Sharpening Stone reduced weapon level during transitions. 5. UI layout in the Talent window. 6. The Cat selection window was not selecting with the gamepad. 7. In the Kikimora window, it was not selectable by gamepad. 8. The layout of the Blessings windows. 9. Leshy was not typing text when meeting. 10. Localization of the Broken saves window. 11. Player's color could change when moving to another location. 12. Blessings for Runes in the Wastelands near the cave increased the amount of runes when transitioning. 13. The Sharpening Stone could reduce the level of a weapon to a negative value if the Blessing of Skillful Sharpening taken at the Ancient Forge near the Tree was taken and applied. 14. All of the same Perks in abilities could be dropped when selecting a character. 15. The amount of reputation for opening the entire map was increased to 50. 16. The keyboard button was displayed when playing on the Gamepad to pick up traps with Snaps. 17. With three open slots for character selection at the campfire, duplicate classes could be caught and Recruit would not appear. 18. Some Blessings in the Wastelands near the cave increased the level of runes. 19. When disabling Auto Aiming, the Sight could behave inadequately. 20. During melee combat, when using the Mouse, the scope would appear on enemies. 21. Every time a character's state changed, a UI update was triggered, which could cause performance loss. 22. Incorrect currency images in Blessings windows if not enough Amber was available. 23. Increased the chance of Artifacts falling out of monsters when receiving the Blessing of Sharp Vision. 24. Blessings "Sharp Vision", "Skilled Seeker", "Generosity of Fate", "Reaper Healer", "Strong Stomach" did not work as described. 25. The "Inner Fortitude" blessing only worked after using the well, if you go to another location. 26. Baba Yaga did not give Amber after completing the quest. 27. Polkan's blessing in the Swamps was not selected. 28. Double imposition of Blessings. 29. Kikimora could take items if they were less than needed for the quest and not give them out if there were enough items. 30. The Black Hole did not attract at locations with the Swamp boss. 31. Spirit Guardian did not attack enemies at the location with the Swamp boss. 32. Incorrect button names in the Blessing selection window. 33. The texts above Sirin's head at the Oak were not aligned on the right side. 34. Some classes used the default Stamina Cost value instead of the modifiable one. 35. Corrected the initial position of the arrow when firing. 36. Archer's Bomb sound could freeze during transitions. 37. Fixed text position of NPCs in the Wastelands.
Версия 1.0.5
1. Автосохранение вызывало фризы (подтормаживало игру) каждые 10 секунд. 2. Оптимизирована аналитика, которая вызывалась при каждом ударе, что приводило к потере производительности. 3. Зелье скорости атаки на Лучнике вызывало черный экран при переходах. 4. Точильный камень снижал уровень оружия при переходах. 5. Верстка UI в окне Талантов. 6. В окне выбора Кота не выбиралось геймпадом. 7. В окне Кикиморы не выбиралось геймпадом. 8. Верстка окон Благословений. 9. Леший не печатал текст при встрече. 10. Локализация окна Сломанных сохранений. 11. Цвет игрока мог смениться при переходе в другую локацию. 12. Благословения на Руны в Пустошах рядом с пещерой увеличивали количество руны при переходах. 13. Точильный камень мог снизить уровень оружия до отрицательного значения, если было взято и применено Благословение "Искусная заточка", взятое у Древней кузни рядом с Древом. 14. При выборе персонажа могли выпасть все одинаковые Перки в способностях. 15. Количество репутации за открытие всей карты увеличено до 50. 16. Для подбора капканов с помощью Щипцов отображалась кнопка клавиатуры при игре на Геймпаде. 17. При трех открытых слотах для выбора персонажа у костра могли попасться дубликаты классов и не появлялся Рекрут. 18. Некоторые Благословения в Пустошах рядом с пещерой увеличивали уровень рун. 19. При отключении Автоприцеливания, Прицел мог вести себя неадекватно. 20. Во время ближнего боя при использовании Мыши на врагах появлялся прицел. 21. При каждом изменении состояния персонажа вызывалось обновление UI, что могло приводить к потере производительности. 22. Неправильные изображения валюты в окнах Благословений, если не хватает Янтаря. 23. Увеличен шанс выпадения Артефактов из монстров при получении Благословения "Острое зрение". 24. Благословения "Острое зрение", "Опытный искатель", "Щедрость судьбы", "Жнец целитель", "Крепки желудок" не работали в соответствии с описанием. 25. Благословение "Внутренняя стойкость" работало только после использования колодца, если перейти в другую локацию. 26. Баба яга не давала Янтарь после завершения квеста. 27. Благословения Полкана в Болотах не выбиралось. 28. Двойное накладывание Благословений. 29. Кикимора могла забрать предметы, если их меньше, чем нужно для квеста, и не выдавать, если предметов хватает. 30. Черная дыра не притягивала на локации с боссом Болота. 31. Дух хранитель не атаковал врагов на локации с боссом Болота. 32. Некорректное название кнопок в окне выбора Благословения. 33. Тексты над головой Сирин у Дуба не были выравнены по правой стороне. 34. Некоторые классы использовали дефолтное значение Стоимости выносливости вместо модифицируемого. 35. Поправлено начальное положение стрелы при стрельбе. 36. Звук Бомбы Лучника мог зависнуть при переходах. 37. Поправлена позиция текста у NPC в Пустошах.