Tiny Witch - Creative Hand
We're thrilled to announce that our acclaimed game, "Tiny Witch", is no longer confined to your PC screen. We've been officially approved for the Steam Deck!

Get ready to mix, brew, and enchant on the go! Whether you're whipping up magical potions at home, delving into shadowy dungeons, or soaring on your magic broomstick, you can now take the magic of "Tiny Witch" wherever you roam.

Give thanks to the cauldron and start prepping those potions, as grand magic is about to become even more portable and potent!


If you'd like to keep up with more of our work, here is our newsletter.

Best regards,
Ramon Barbosa
Path to Prosperity - Essence Games

Hi everyone,
Work on the pioneer wagon is going slowly but steadily, so I want to take today to discuss a topic that has repeatedly been on my mind as I am developing it and as I keep trying to set things up to be as reusable as possible: The transport wagons.

With the upcoming changes to logistics and village mechanics, it will be necessary to create an additional unit to handle inter-village logistics. So let me start of with explaining why a new unit is even necessary:

I think I have mentioned quite a few times now that having global logistics has been a sure way to slow down logistics in your main base to the point where your villagers are no longer getting enough food to sustain themselves, leading to a quick end to the game. Consequently, logistics being contained to individual villages is important to make expansions possible and (more importantly) actually a fun thing to do. However, that means that each village will have its own economy and logistics system, which defeats the purpose, if it cannot interact with other villages.

The “simple” way to handle this for version 0.8 will be to leave warehouse workers as global logistics workers, while idle workers will be contained to their immediate area. As a result, idle workers should keep up with logistics at home and in the expansion area, while warehouse workers will still move goods from, e.g. the farm in the original base to the market in the expansion village that is calling for more food. However, this seems like a suboptimal way of handling inter-village logistics. If individual processing buildings can still create a call for supply from individual supply buildings halfway across the map, warehouse workers will be constantly busy and the player will have little control over prioritising the transport of, e.g. gold, from the expansion base back to the main one.

This leaves warehouse to warehouse (or village to village) logistics. Rather than creating calls to the global pool of buildings, calls will be issued only within each village, and the player needs to make sure (as one option), that the required goods are actually in the village. This could mean creating additional food production buildings in the expansion village, or setting up a transport system between the warehouses, where excess food from the main base gets sent to the expansion base (as you can currently do between coop players, for example). Of course this comes with its own challenges: How do you handle having more than one expansion base, if you want some of the food to be sent to the smaller one, and lots of excess food to go to the larger one instead? How do you adjust to having cleared one route to the expansion village, but your logistics workers keep taking the route that is still full of pirates?

With all of this, I am hoping that the transport wagon will be able to help. The transport wagon will have lots of space for goods, so each time it goes back and forth will be a big help for the forward base (or bring back its products), while the player will be able to define its waypoints for the journey similar to what you can do with soldiers. Of course this does not yet solve the problems of how to distribute goods, but it means that there are potential solutions. Looking, for example, at the way that the Anno series of games handles transport with ships, a transport wagon A could be set up on a trade route between base X and Y, grabbing 50 food each time it reaches X and dropping it off every time it reaches Y. Meanwhile, a transport wagon B could have a trade route between X and Z, grabbing and dropping off 100 food for each path. This solution would not necessarily ensure that either base would have enough food, but would place the tools to ensure sufficient supply firmly in the hands and actions of the players, rather than leaving it to an automated system that can be easily overwhelmed.

Of course this comes with yet more questions: If the wagons are operating independently like that and move between different villages, do they have an accommodation building like the villagers and soldiers? Or are they “outside” of the scope of accommodations and food, like the pioneer wagons? Can they be escorted by soldiers for protection? Many of these questions will impact how the pioneer wagon best gets designed so I don’t have to redesign it again in 2 months. I have not yet made my mind up on all of them, and am also still considering a system where the transport wagons would not be manually set on trade routes but instead controlled by a “macro level” warehouse logistics system - but I will keep you updated on my thoughts.

Until next week!
Song of a Spirit - TheConceptBoy

After 4-ish years, the game gets an all new breath of life as it's rebuilt from ground up in Godot Engine. All the unnecessary fluff like crafting and mining, which did nothing more than delay when you could finally place down the first few notes. All that nonsense really served no purpose and has been removed to make way for the creative mode. All sound orbs and tools are made available right away, just take a break, chill and make some tunes.

Hope you enjoy.

Next plan is to implement a more detailed game instruction manual. Last version had redirected the player to a hosted webpage where the game mechanics are taught. This was due to the fact that the game was initially made in Game Maker Studio which offered an abysmally piss poor Interface toolset. All the text drawing had to be done manually so any prospect of an in-game tutorial presented a monstrous time sink. An external web-based manual, albeit janky, did the job. But now that I've moved to Godot as my mainline engine, I found it offers a slew of phenomenal UI nodes and tools, so creating a more helpful manual is my next step and will be handled as a minor update.
AColony - ZeroTris
Hi everyone,

it was a hot summer and there was more work to do than I've planned in, but I have a new short update for you which includes the access to the experimental branch. You can find all new additions for this version on the list on the end of this post (including the full animal taming mechanic, all new animals, all new constructions & more).

Experimental Branch

With this update I will give you access to the experimental branch, so that you have the option to test and play upcoming updates before they are released on the public version. Here is a brief description of how to access this branch:

  • Right click on the game in your steam library and select Properties
  • Select the Betas tab
  • Enter password: password1234
  • Select the experimental branch

On the experimental branch can occur more bugs and errors and the only supported languages for the new text entries are English and German.

But I hope you enjoy it! :)

Plans for the Public Update
The new full version will be released on the public branch in around the next 1-2 weeks. I have only a few tasks left and have to wait a little bit until the remaining translations come in.

A more detailed description about all new functionalities (plus screenshots) will come with related final update.

Update List (on Experimental Branch)
Here I have a list of all new functions, mechanics and fixed of the experimental branch (v0.3.012):

It's recommended to start a new game so that all new animals appear in the world (otherwise existing animal groups have to be exterminated, which causes new animal groups to appear).

  • added animal taming & pet mechanic
  • added new skill (animal taming)
  • added new animal (pheasant)
  • added new animal (cat)
  • added new animal (dog)
  • added new animal (wild boar)
  • added new animal (claw wolf)
  • added new animal (carrion snails | little, medium, centurion, queen)
  • added 2 new constructions (basic & modern animal food producer)
  • added 2 new constructions (basic & modern animal feeder)
  • added 3 new constructions (basic, modern & hightech animal cage)
  • added 3 new items as animal feed (plants, meat, human meat)
  • added 3 new technologies (basic, modern & hightech husbandry)
  • added new job section (animal husbandry)
  • added new event (mysterious wanderer & revenge)
  • added new event (huge animal herds)
  • added animal traders
  • added insect traders
  • wanderers can be called via radio station now
  • colonists & pets can be medicated on ground now
  • added new item (medicine case (basic))
  • item medicine (simple) got replaced with item medicinal herbs
  • added squad manager (Ctrl + click on colonist or pet) (is still in testing)
  • updated all animals so that they can have different colors now
  • added trust system for pets
  • added trust level for pets
  • added many special actions for pets (depending on trust level
  • added new items (snail meat, new glands & snail queen's head)
  • added decompose states for colonist and animals
  • animals can eat corpses now
  • added body mass system in relation to eating corpses
  • insects have now a decomposing texture
  • added new mood effects
  • added new status effects, poisoning & injuries
  • added mechanic to pet a pet with new happy face expression
  • ethanol is now cheaper to produce
  • added new tab to building menu for stuff regarding pets & animals
  • added new section to priority overview menu regarding pets & animals
  • added option to display pets to colonists overview menu (new button)
  • extended technology tree size
  • pets can be selected in main menu now
  • updated door UI and extended functionality
  • fixed negative influence of factions on barter
  • conversations get quit now when exit dialog panel
  • fixed storage zone resource overview was not disable panels from previous zone
  • fixed immune has still shown poisoning effect in status panel
  • power cables can now also placed with priority by menu
  • combined nutrition & medicine panel in colonist status settings
  • updated combat / shield icons
  • fixed centipede nest respawn bug
  • fixed that steam connect didn't worked when at first in single player menu

I hope you enjoyed this short news and are already looking forward to the next update,
Oct 16, 2023
Mutant Karate Canary - Troldkarlens Hat
The focus of this update is bug fixing and reducing player pain.
Addressed both Mouse & Keyboard and Controller issues.

Change Log
  • Options menu
  • Resolution
  • Windowed
  • Vfx on/off
  • End turn button dimmed when disabled
  • End turn (Y)
  • Lock mouse in FPS mode
  • Added “skip” option, “for choose reward”
  • Scanner range increased
  • Color “E” in Briggs dialogue
  • Crime icon appear on Map and has longer range

  • No sound on some buttons in main menu
  • Pause menu issue with mouse
  • Pause Control graphic
  • Buy Pizza magnet in shop
  • Perks disappear in UI
  • KO animation plays twice
  • Dialogue appears multiple times
  • Space stops working
  • Card rearrange bugs

Next update will focus on the card game and making it more clear what goes on in the fights.
Evolution Survival - drierwhisper728
-Biodomes (Very much WIP)
-New Achievement

-Other color related problems
-Certain items not dropping something when dropped.

Dungeon Tycoon - John Pilgrimson
To our incredible Dungeon Tycoon community,

Thank you so much for this incredible Next Fest, it has been truly incredible to have so many people try out our demo and show enthusiasm for it. This retrospective is born out of the incredible amount of feedback you have provided.

Results of the Feedback Survey

80 people were also kind enough to fill in our feedback survey. Here are the results:

  • More than 80% absolutely loved the demo. Only about 2% had a bad time playing it.
  • Around 89% thought the game was easy to understand.
  • Some 6% didn't like how the game looked. Ouch.
  • More than 85% thought the game was easy.

Key Concerns & Our Learnings

From the myriad of feedback received, some recurring themes emerged:
  • Longer Tutorial: We realized the importance of guiding our players more thoroughly in the early game.
  • Wall Visibility: Introducing options to minimize or hide walls for an optimized visual experience.
  • Hotkeys: Enhancing gameplay efficiency.
  • Camera: Making the camera usage more enjoyable.
  • Bugs and Behavior: Addressing glitches that affected gameplay, from major issues to the amusing 'negative visitor amount' anomaly we encountered.

Demo By The Numbers (As of 16/10/2023)
Your enthusiasm was evident:
  • Amount of people that claimed the demo: 7,161
  • Amount of people that played the demo: 2,658
  • New wishlists: circa 2,500
  • Average time played: 54 minutes
  • Median time played: 30 minutes

The Road Ahead for Dungeon Tycoon

Realm System: We're in the midst of designing a captivating realm system, where mobs are summoned from various thematic worlds. Whether it's the searing heat or the chilling cold, each realm will immerse you in its unique ambiance, bringing with it creatures that perfectly encapsulate its essence.

Code Cleanup: Game development can be a messy affair, especially when the clock's ticking. We’re taking a step back to tidy up our codebase and reevaluate some of those midnight-oil design decisions.

AI Overhaul: NPCs are about to get a whole lot smarter and more interactive. Want the details? Keep an eye out for an in-depth devlog coming your way soon!

Deepening the Lore: As a tight-knit team of three, every coffee-fueled brainstorming session counts. We're not just coders and designers; we're storytellers. And we're hard at work weaving intricate tales and histories that will breathe even more life into the world of Dungeon Tycoon.

Mapping Out Adventures: Exploring new terrains? Absolutely on the cards! We're brainstorming on diverse maps to elevate your gameplay experience.

Behind The Scenes: Our Game Dev Journey
Creating a game feels like navigating a maze sometimes—exciting paths, unexpected dead-ends, and eureka moments. To our fellow devs, you know the drill: that balance between experimentation and execution is always a thrilling challenge. And to our players, it's about turning those trials into a fun, engaging experience for you. We've been playing with ideas, sometimes scrapping them, other times refining them. Some of our behind-the-scenes antics might give you a chuckle! But it’s all in the spirit of crafting something memorable. Your patience and passion fuel our journey, and together, we're shaping the world of Dungeon Tycoon into a thrilling odyssey.

Here are some images of our journey developing DT:

Crawler was born!

The hero and the crawler art test

Grid system, item placing

Room detection and darkening shader

Initial game design idea

New look, new VFX

...and the game today:

(Courtesy of our players on Discord)

Closing Words

As we draw this retrospective to a close, it's hard not to be overwhelmed by the weight of the journey we've undertaken. Those initial moments, filled with simple joys like successfully placing walls in a line on our laptops, now seem both distant and deeply cherished. From humble beginnings to the burgeoning community around Dungeon Tycoon, the progression has been nothing short of magical.

Yet, as significant as this journey has been, we are acutely aware that an even grander adventure lies ahead. With the foundation we've built and the support of a community as passionate as you, the horizon is bright with promises and potential.

In closing, let us reiterate a sentiment that can't be stressed enough: thank you. Your encouragement, feedback, and sheer enthusiasm are the winds in our sails, the fire in our forge. Here's to the roads we've traveled, the dungeons we've delved into, and the vast landscapes yet to be explored.

With profound gratitude and anticipation for the future,
The Dungeon Tycoon Team.

Urge - EnDrew
Hey Everyone,

Another update is here! Introducing some new fog-spreading events, improved AI pathing, more interiors, some changes, and few fixes. Please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in Community Hub or in the game's Discord server.

See you in two weeks!

- fog-spreading events (similar to geyser eruption)
- few more Urlando interiors
- tugboat wreck interior
- bulletproof & tarp armor are now also visible on your chest
- hit stun animation for hazmat enemies
- placed underwater enemy spawners to newer areas
- engine turn off sound when exiting a vehicle

- improved AI pathing
- you can now move while in air
- Urid-crusted boxes now drop only high-grade items
- enemies will now go against the attacker after death of target
- chainsaw guy now has a better looking chainsaw
- green big bush now drops both wood & organic waste
- reworked some textures
- reworked some sounds
- reworked few models

- melee weapons & guns wouldn't hit objects/enemies if you were right next to them
- low height falls would sometimes cause damage
- underwater enemy spawners didn't work (causing very low amount of fish & sharks)
Death Horizon: Reloaded - Horizon Lab

We are thrilled to announce a major game update packed with exciting improvements!

In this update, we have introduced brand-new weapons, expanded the game's settings, enabled cross-play between PC, Meat Quest, and Pico, implemented numerous game enhancements, and resolved various bugs.

New weapons:

- Added new edged and bladed weapons: knives, machete, axe, pickaxe...
- Added chainsaw.

New settings:

- Added the possibility to play in sitting mode.
- Introduced a left-handed mode.
- Included the option to change the gun angle.
- Implemented the ability to hold weapons without continuously pressing a button.
- Added the option to turn off blood effects.


- Improved the functionality of melee weapons.
- Improved FPS stability and reduced FPS drops.
- Achieved smoother zombie animations.
- Updated bHaptics to the latest version.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed several bugs in the co-op game.
- Improved puzzle work in Scene 5.
- Made UI fixes in the main menu
- And some other bug fixes and improvements

If you come across any bugs in the game or have ideas on how we can enhance your gaming experience, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@dream-dev.com.
Move 'n' Bloom - Waldemar Umaniz
Move 'n' Bloom will be permanently free from 01.11.2023.