Selaco - Nexxtic
Attention: At this time of writing, the Early Access store page is not live yet. We made an error and are awaiting approval from Valve!

The Release Date is finally here! After lots of dedication towards the game, we're gearing up to launch a massive chunk of our work to the public.

Before we dive in, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been with us on this journey. We began working on this back in 2016, restarted the project multiple times over until we finally found something that worked to our satisfaction. In 2020, we announced Selaco with a screenshot from a build that was barely able to hold it together. The entire thing consisted purely out of prototypes and, in the distance, were visible placeholder sprites that were nothing but a string of text. Fast forward to today, and here we are, getting ready to launch something we feel is immensely fun to play, polished and dynamic. Never in our wildest expectations did we anticipate having the audience we have today.

Whether you joined us from our very first tweet many years ago, or became a part of our community just recently; your support has brought us to this moment. Thank you for giving us time, encouragement and support.

What to expect from the Early Access launch?

Our goal is to start big and build from there. We always meant to release in Early Access and to make the initial launch worth the price of admission by itself. I'm sure you've heard that before, but let me prove to you that we are not exaggerating.

Here is a summery of what to expect from the initial launch in May 2024:
  • 25 levels. For comparison, the demo had 3
  • 11 weapons, 10 of which will be upgradable with new stats, abilities and Alternate Fire Modes
  • Dynamic encounters with reactive combatants
  • Heavy emphasis on exploration and worldbuilding
  • A large number of secrets and unlockables
  • Intense combat and effects taking inspiration from John Woo movies
  • A wide range of environmental variety where no two levels look the same.
  • Full modding support
  • Gamepad & Steam Deck support
  • A synth-heavy soundtrack composed to Lawrence Steele
  • Very kind robots who clean up your mess you've created

We will elaborate further on some of these points further down

In short, there's a lot. And we have a lot of plans to further iterate upon all the stuff mentioned above. Months after playing it you may suddenly be playing a version of the game where the enemies have a brand new trick up their sleeves!

What can we expect from the other chapters?
We plan is to make Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 a little shorter than Chapter 1. The honest reason here is that the game would otherwise end up being far too long.

The story is fully mapped out, a lot of ideas are on the table and now it's just a matter of getting the design plan down for these later chapters. We will discuss more details when the time comes.

What parts of the trailer will be in the Early Access release?
Everything shown in the trailer is planned for Chapter 1.

How is patching going to work?
We care a lot about preservation in videogames, so whenever a new patch launches, we will be providing options to roll back to older versions. Basically, every available version can be selected from a dropdown menu. On top of that, there is no-DRM, so you get to keep it forever.

Saved Games may not be compatible with new updates, but that depends on what has changed. We can safely add new systems, new effects, additional layers of polish, rebalance things and more while keeping saved games intact. But the moment we alter levels, a save starts breaking.

Thankfully, since we allow players to roll back to any version they want, players can safely resume their run if that's the case.

We will also be adding in-game warnings a few days (or even weeks) before a new patch launches so players can properly anticipate it. We already did this in the demo to great effect!

Of course, ideally, saved games are always going to work regardless of what has changed and that is absolutely something we are going to try and fix. But unfortunately, not at our Early Access launch. It's a complex problem that is going to require some work with the engine.

Is there an exact launch date?
May 2024 is as exact as we can be right now! We want to remain flexible and avoid launching alongside gigantic games that have an overlapping audience. This allows us to launch a few weeks earlier / later as needed

Gamepad & Steam Deck support
In it's current state, Selaco fully supports a wide range of gamepads and our gameplay systems can be fully utilized with these! And we've improved it further since our Public Demo by adding a Weapon Wheel and an on-screen keyboard.

For Steam Deck, we are aiming for Steam Deck verification. So far, all requirements should be met, but it's up to Valve to approve it when we are closer to launch.

Modding Support
Selaco is based on GZDoom (albeit modified) so adding support for mods is going to be easy and any of the tools modders have used for Doom, can be used for Selaco. To make it even easier, we've added an in-game menu to manage your mods.

Modders are able to make completely new levels or even entire campaigns, add new weapons, add gameplay modes and much more. Honestly, there are no boundaries here given the open-source nature of the engine.

Steam Workshop is planned but we have to work out some potential issues and ensure it's actually possible with the engine. To be continued on that front.

What is going to happen with the demo?
For the time being, the demo will be kept online. However, we may take it down closer to launch because it's becoming increasingly outdated and already doesn't reflect the quality of the final product.

We may, however, launch a brand new demo after the launch that uses the newest build. But that remains to be seen.

Thankfully, you get to keep the demo forever if it's installed on your system!

Can you talk about what improvements have been made in regards to common demo critiques?
Yes! We are doing this in a future blog post. We think it makes more sense to do this when everything has been finalized.

We are going to take a moment to celebrate the reveal of our release date. It's still hard to believe this news is finally out there, and that's pretty damn exciting!

If you have any burning questions, we recommend hitting us up on Discord or make a thread on our forum page.

Take good care and have a fantastic weekend!

- Altered Orbit Studios
Shardpunk - RV Novar
Hey everyone!

Firstly, we’d like to, once again, thank you all for providing such valuable feedback for Shardpunk: Verminfall. Since the release, your thoughts and opinions have helped us shape the game into what it is today.

We’d like to take this opportunity to summarize all the major features that got added to the game over the course of the last 6 months!

Two free DLCs, a handful of new features, tons of tweaks and improvements!

In short: now’s a perfect time to play through Shardpunk once again, if you haven’t in a while.

And if you haven’t played yet, we strongly recommend embarking on an adventure in Capitol right now, there hasn’t been a better time!

Connect with us on our official channels:
Follow Shardpunk Developer on Twitter
Follow Retrovibe on Twitter
Visit Retrovibe Publisher Page
VergeWorld - RV Novar

The brand new gameplay trailer for VergeWorld is here! Check it out for a glimpse of upcoming features, environments, ships, and weapons!

Make sure to check out the VergeWorld demo here on Steam!

Wishlist now:

Connect with us on our official channels:
Follow VergeWorld Developer on Twitter
Follow Retrovibe on Twitter
Visit Retrovibe Publisher Page
Sep 30, 2023
The Crown of Leaves - Dizir
• Fixed misplaced Mare hands in one of dialogs.
• Roui no longer mentions Grullo when inspecting the well if he has not met him.
• Roui no longer mentions Serban's role in creating the bracelet unless he knows about it.
• Roui no longer reappears near goblin body.
• Fireflies near the lantern on the Drobeski vardo are working correctly.
• The door remains closed if you leave the abandoned house alone.
• Fixed the overlay of music after pulling out a fang.
• Fixed sprites of eyebrows and hair for Ingrid, Bo and Lazy.
• Fixed other minor bugs and typos.
Translation updates:
• Fixed incorrect translations of some in-game terms and names.
Known bugs:
• Connection lines are noticeable on some character sprites.

Village Monsters - Josh Bossie
Not even COVID can stop this train, though it gave a good run for it.

The best part of this week – beyond being able to implement missing Kickstarter backer rewards – was the creation of The Big Board, which will track our progress towards v1.1. We are still on schedule for an October release.

Previous Restoring a Village: Week 0, Week 1

The Good

Creation of The Big Board

By far the biggest accomplishment was creating The Big Board.

Every single task I have left to do on v1.1 is listed, categorized, and now tracked via The Big Board. When the bottom bar reaches the right side we’re ready for release.

Not all tasks are weighted equally (for example, art and writing issues are generally much easier than code / testing tasks, etc.), but it’s good as a rough guide.

Code Refactor refers to slower and more measured manual code migration from the corrupted source. Features include testing / implementing / reimplementing features of the game.

Feedback and Bugs are similar to each other. Both have been reported by players and testers in the last year, but the latter are defects, while the former represent suggestions or ideas to improve the game.

Finally we have Art / Graphics / UI and Dialogue / Writing. They are probably self explanatory.

Kickstarter Rewards Implemented

All the missing Kickstarter rewards have been implemented into the game. About 30% in total were missing, which is too many though thankfully less than I feared.

There are a number of backers who never got back to me, or perhaps their responses were eaten up by KS’s survey tool or email. In any case, as far as I’m concerned there’s no time limit. If you never sent me anything, or if you did but it’s still not in the game as of v1.1, then please reach out and I’ll get you sorted.

The Bad

First Day Blues
I discovered a number of crashes that could arise on your first and second day in the village. The reason has to do with the scheduler: villager schedules are purposefully simplified so nothing goofy happens while you’re trying to meet everyone.

But the scheduler wasn’t playing nice with everyone, especially visitors, which could result in a seemingly random crash depending on the time of day and the visitor who was trying to barge in. Thankfully it’s fixed now, but what a mess that was.

Technical Slog 2: Electric Slogaloo

The technical slog continued through this week and I’m ready for it to end lol

The Weird

Terrible Night for a Curse
Sometime last year I was joking with some friends and family that Village Monsters was cursed. Seemed like whenever I began to work on the game in earnest, something bad would happen in the real world to yank me away from it.

Last week I made the formal announcement on Kickstarter and Steam that development has resumed, and what happens? Myself and nearly everyone I know gets COVID. The curse is nothing if not consistent!

Thankfully everyone is fine. For the two kids it was just a bad cold, and for me it was an issue of extreme joint paint, a sore throat, and a killer headache.

The weirdest part is that getting COVID in 2023 feels very… othering. Absolutely nobody wants to deal with COVID anymore, and that includes doctors and nurses who seemed generally annoyed about answering questions.

But I suppose that’s a subject for another time.

Drift: Space Survival - Friartruck
I'm really excited to share The Sand Update, the first major content update to Drift. This free update will be released on October 7.

New Features
Desert Biome
There is a new striking biome to be found in the field. Covered in sandy, silicate dust and with a plethora of resources to be found, the desert biome holds a lot of mysteries - shipwrecks, islands and more!

Getting off the ship and up to speed can be a chore - but not anymore! The new launchpads give you an explosive start to your journey into the field.

Long Range Scanner
Tired of leaving things to chance? The Long Range Scanner, with a little help from data cards littered through the field, will guide you to rare resources, strange readings and more! Requires massive amounts of power.

Ship Power
Massive amounts of power? Your suit is no longer the only equipment to require high voltage power. For now, only the new launchpads and long range scanner require ship power, which is provided by new power supplies.

Tired of the same old rocks near your ship? Dream of second home ownership? Then outposts are for you! Drive a spike into an asteroid and set up a new base - overlooking a beautiful vista or near your favorite crystal mine.

Tractor Targets
Launchpads help us leave in a hurry, but getting home can be a pain with no rocks to tractor to. Tractor targets can be placed on your ships, outposts and asteroids to provide a simple path through the field, all the way home. Upgraded versions that increase speed are also available.

...and more!
Unlimited crystals from a new crystal drill helps ease the resource grind for large builds. New equipment like the inventory expander or build range extender help make building easier than ever. 18 new research opportunities guide you to the new content. New floors, walls and props give more creativity when designing your ship or outpost.

It's not just about the new stuff. Many things of the base game have been improved as well.

  • Reduce energy usage of both jetpack and tractoring
  • Improved asteroid models for performance
  • HUD Icon when tractor beam is on a valid target
  • Better feel for speed in the field
  • Show which way is the front for many building pieces
  • Optional Speedometer
  • New settings to reset tutorial messages from the robot and to replay just the last one.
  • Increase light output from lamp posts

Bug Fixes
It wouldn't be an update without a few bug fixes as well. Here are the most interesting ones.

  • Fix scenarios where shipwrecks would quit appearing during a game session.
  • Reduce time to load the build menu
  • Fix flickering fog when near a cave
  • Upgraded base engine of the game which should solve many crashes (but maybe add new ones? let me know!)

Beta Testers Required
Overall I'm excited to see this in your hands. If you're interested in helping find the rough edges, a new beta build will be available tomorrow, October 1st, on the next branch on Steam.

Thanks for playing!
Sep 30, 2023
Super Raft Boat Together - Shattered Journal Games
  • Super Kraken bite will not interrupt the fight and leave him idle.
  • Super Kraken tentacles won't break rafts on death.
  • Turret Rafts now have a max bullet amount that can be shot at a time to reduce lag.
  • Upgrade indicators on rafts will only show up if you have enough to upgrade.
Beast Blasters - Suppressed Taco
  • Added trap icon above trap to make it easier to find after placing
  • Added icons to UI for item numbers and Kyle's tasting indicator
  • Fixed problem where Gulp kept getting distracted on his phone
Sep 30, 2023
GameZero - gutts
Sep 30, 2023
GameZero - gutts