Dark Fracture - PanDibbler

Greetings fearfolks,

We stand on the precipice of darkness, a silence so profound it chills the soul. It's been a while since we whispered our last update, and we understand that your curiosity has been gnawing at you. But fear not, for this silence has been the crucible in which we're still forging Dark Fracture into a nightmare that will terrify you.

The Art of Silence

Why the silence, you ask? It's a question we've pondered deeply as we used to post updates way more often. Our dedication to this enigmatic silence change stems from a profound respect for your anticipation. We believe that sharing only when we have substantial, mind-bending horrors to reveal is our sacred duty.

The Twisted Unveiling

Now, the time has come to pierce the veil of silence. Our new trailer that we have just premiered at Fear Fest: Black Summer 2023!

But that's not all; Dark Fracture is officially slated for release in 2024. We understand your thirst for specifics, for a roadmap through this labyrinth of fear. Rest assured, we will soon share more, peeling back the layers of our twisted creation.

The Labyrinth of Secrets

Within this labyrinth of secrets, we appreciate your patience. The desire for details gnaws at us too, but bear with us a little longer. Until then, if the trailer sent shivers down your spine, we implore you to add Dark Fracture to your wishlist and share your thoughts with us! Your voices echo in the abyss, and we cherish them.

The Darkness Beckons

As we delve deeper into the abyss, remember that the silence has not been a void but a canvas. It's been a canvas upon which we've painted our most intimate fears and hopes, a canvas that protects the very essence of Dark Fracture.

Until next time, at the body farm,
Twisted II Studio

Sep 6, 2023
Wizard101 - kginsberg
Miss our latest KI Live? We're broadcasting it again so you can catch up!
Rooted Playtest - Mat
We are reworking the inventory system and there are still bugs present on the client side. We have disabled death to prevent client PCs from dying without being able to consume anything.

- Sessions now display the build version.
- Inputs for "Push to Talk", "Crawl" and camera Switch are customizable in the Input Settings.
- Mouse sensitivity has been added to the Input Settings.
- "Unstuck Me!" no longer sends a bug report after excessive use (like, you really overdid it haha).
- Fix of the audio settings that are now functional (yes, you can lower the volume in the main menu, incredible).
- Fix of the global settings panel
- You can no longer overtake your teammates with your super-fast crawl.
- Items now stack in the inventory
- We added a cereal bar to start counting the number of water bottles. Bon appétit!
- Audio feedback when the character eats, drinks, or receives an injection.
- The chat has been temporarily disabled while it undergoes a rework.
- Sessions can now be protected with a password.
- UI feedback regarding thirst and hunger.
- Hunger and thirst now decrease much more slowly.
- We have temporarily disabled death while fixing the inventory for clients.
- Fixed an issue with the radial menu no longer remaining displayed on the screen.
Beasts of Steel - valentin56610
● (Weapon) Browning M1919A6 for the USA for the machine gunner class for fall 1943 and onwards.
● (In game) When a side in battle is out of reserves and completed destroyed on the battlefield, the game will end right away and the other team will win.
● (In game) Possibility to use certain static weapons while proning (Browning M1919A4, Maxim, DshK etc).
● (In game) Possibility to use keyboard arrows to move the gun + turret in first person with tanks.
● (Campaign) Possibility to split armies. In order to do so, you will need to show the content of a selected army, then, you can click on all units you want to

● (In game) Smoothed out the movement of guns/turrets when trying to aim a little to the side or up/down. It used to be 'cut' before. I am not smoothing the change in the rotation for small changes in rotation.
● (Campaign) Oil consumption by planes has been increased significantly.
● (Campaign) Oil consumption has been split between tanks and armoured cars, armoured cars needing less oil than regular tanks.
● (Campaign) Oil consumption per unit now also gets a modifier based on the unit's real life weight.

● (In game) Potentially fixed collision with ghost trees.
● (Campaign) Enemy armies were not uncovered when Fog Of War was removed after a friendly unit was deployed on the map. Only the bullseye would show.
● (Campaign) Rough terrain and mixed armies (planes + ground units) and oil consumption.
● (Campaign) Oil cost to move into tile could show a lot of decimals... Too many... (capped to 2 now).
● (In game) Very rare instance of buildables being red (meaning cannot be built) when trying to build it over 2 overlapping terrain.
● (In game) Casings position on PM1910 static MG.
● (In game) Trying to build a Nebelwerfer 41 would send you up in the sky.
● (In game) DshK casing ejection rotation.
● (In game) SG-43 static weapon various issues.

● Nothing.
Arcane Revolt - Moonflake
Hello rebels!

Exciting News: We're thrilled to announce that we'll be participating in Gaming Istanbul, an annual gaming exhibition held in Istanbul. Join us at our booth for an exclusive demo of Arcane Revolt and be among the first to experience the immersive world we are crafting.

See you at Gaming Istanbul!

Don't forget to wishlist Arcane Revolt

Please consider wishlisting Arcane Revolt if you are interested in what you see and want to help passionate students in their indie game dev journey.

not available - MitrandiL99
Hi everyone, waifu is back, thanks Aboulicious.
Minor changes to the game, fixed collisions in some places, minor optimization. Also removed unnecessary lines that set the wrong tone for a game referring to childhood memories. A lot of small changes.

I'm a solo developer and this game is my first experience in Gamedev, a game I did for creativity, to test myself, and where I made a lot of mistakes. The game has kept me under a lot of stress all these months. Now I want to put the game behind me. And yes. the game won't be available in the steam store soon, that's what I decided myself. What I need now is peace of mind and healing. I plan to take a pause, and continue my education in game design and further with new experience and knowledge to direct my energies to my next game with the working title "Kith" - it will be a new experience and a new concept with realism, a completely different genre and setting, and the emphasis is on cinematography. This time I hope the project will be created by a small team. This is a challenging project on which I want to significantly improve my skills in game design.

Thank you for your understanding.
One Lonely Outpost - Informality
Hey Colonists!

We're back with another patch with tons of improvements and some bug fixes!

  • Experimenting with an optimized loading method to improve start-up loading times (especially for Steam Deck).
  • Character name no longer appears as "Player" in dialogue.
Bug Fixes
  • Game should no longer get stuck after the holo-fire cutscene.
  • Player Customization options save and load correctly now
  • Fix for player character customization loading. Defaults should show for less time if at all.
  • Player character animations should freeze after customization less often.
  • Colony Food Supply no longer gives a new request if completed early.
  • Omni-OS main menu no longer shows code snippets
  • Individual ores are no longer more expensive then ingots
  • Green Tea now takes damage when it is not watered
Known Issues
  • Game will appear to become briefly non-responsive when first loading, this is due to loading optimizations and is not a crash.
  • Character customization may briefly revert and animations freeze while loading in animations and shaders.

Follow us on our socials and join the amazing community in our Discord to share your feedback and thoughts as well as any issues you come across.

Tiktok - new!

World of Retailing - Maze GER
- NPCs wont disappear at higher rate than respawning again anymore.
- The Budget for each customer has been raised to allow for higher chance of selling valuables.
- Increased chance for NPCs to visit larger shops so they are self-sustainable.
- Changed the way NPCs are getting handled.
- Reowrked some of the safe-game mechanics.
- Fixed some issues within the shelf system.
- Removed some unused codes
Sep 6, 2023
Gulf Echoes: Tent of Treason - OneMac
-Fixed an achievement bug.
Politon - mr.pinq
Hello Knights,
We are happy to announce our second patch notes including improvements in localization and gameplay. Have fun!

Localization Updates
  • Added support to match game language to Steam language on first open.
  • Added German language support
  • Added missing title and in-game text translations
  • Updated incorrect translations

Gameplay Improvements
  • Fixed various problems caused by real-time order animation
  • Updated Campaign level 6/7/8 maps
  • Fixed town center placement logic
  • Improved Bot order handling logic

UI/UX Improvements
  • Added objective highlights to Campaign mode
  • Fixed localization text size resizing
  • Added language selection option to settings