Home Sweet Home : Online - Home Sweet Home

Announcement from the Home Sweet Home : Online Team

The server is undergoing weekly maintenance on the 7th of September 2023 from 10:00 AM (GMT+7) onwards In order to ensure the security of players' IDs, We kindly request all players to log out of the game during the mentioned period.

For players who registered 'Vow', on Thursday, September 7th, 2023, the system will automatically grant an additional 300 'Vow' points. Players must log in to claim the Greedy pot within 23:59 (GMT+7).

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
Apocalypse - Zombie City - royyorllc
The demo for Apocalypse - Zombie City is now available to play on Steam, allowing players to gauge their interest in the game before obtaining the full version. Whether you're interested in playing the demo or experiencing the full version, consider adding it to your wishlist!

To try it now, click this link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2513850/Apocalypse__Zombie_City/

If you have any questions, thoughts, or feedback regarding the demo, please don't hesitate to comment on the discussion board. We are always eager to hear what you have to say.

Thank you for taking the time to read this announcement.
Freestyle 2: Street Basketball - [GM] Clyde

Get Legendary Tier rewards via Grace's Unique Treasure Box!

Event Period:

2023/09/06 00:00 ~ 09/24 23:59 (PDT)

- Normal and Rare Keys can be purchased or obtained as a reward by completing
Unique Missions
- Rare Key can only be used if you have a Rare Box available
- Rare Box can be obtained by using Normal Box Keys or completing
Unique Missions
- Unique Missions resets every day (00:00 Server Time)
- If you open a certain box, you'll earn Mileage points.
(Normal Box: 1 Mileage / Rare Box: 2 Mileage)
- Earned Mileage can be exchanged for your desired item at the Exchange Shop

Normal and Rare Key Prices:

Rewards List:

Unique Missions:

Exchange Shop:

- FreeStyle 2 Team
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona - Troy - Warsim!
Sep 6, 2023
Freestyle 2: Street Basketball - [GM] Clyde

Get rewards just by logging in on a specific amount of time!

Event Period:
2023/08/16 00:00 ~ 08/29 23:59 (PDT)

~ Freestyle 2 Team
Ghostland Yard - LeFoV
Well, it is done. The final content update for Ghostland Yard
This update brings the second part of the Apocalypse World! You can now fully enjoy (or hate because it's kinda hard) the Apocalypse World
  • The Mountain Apocalypse
  • The Submarine Base Apocalypse
  • The Station Apocalypse
You now have 60 more stages to discover! Note that they are still no souls to collect in the apocalypse world, but you still have medals to earn!

If you enjoyed the bonus stages, you may be surprised with the 6th Apocalypse world..!

We added the Apocalypse World soundtrack to the game, we hope that you will like it! We also added for the Apocalypse World some new death sound effects.

Some bugfixes

  • The super-fast-rising-lava-bug was fixed
  • We introduced a critical bug with the last update, the final boss was not doable without checkpoints, it is fixed
  • There was some color issues on the apocalypse menus, it is fixed aswell

What's next?

We will release the game in 2 months and push the last content update, but this is not the end - yet!
We still have to complete the cutscenes and add some polish to the game - for example, a very big and obvious indication to press "X" to swap to the Apocalypse world.

Once the game is released on PC, we won't be far anyway, we'll still patch the game and fix what needs to be fixed, but we won't add additional content to the game: no plans for DLCs or sequel at the moment.

As usual, we are still eager to hear your feedback, do not hesitate to use the "feedback" panel in game or to join us on discord. Thank you very much for your support and feedback!

Talk to you soon!
Sep 6, 2023
Freestyle 2: Street Basketball - [GM] Clyde

Looking forward to something special? We got you covered!

Simply log in every day for 5 days and get fabulous rewards!

The 5th Day reward is for you to find out what's inside the Box.

Event Period:
2023/09/04 ~ 2023/09/10 23:59 (PDT)

** Reminders:
- Rewards are distributed via Gift Box upon checking in
- You can only check in once per day, and resets at 00:00
- Once the event ends, the check-in info resets. The event begins on the next day
- Hidden rewards are available on Day 5

- Freestyle 2 Team
Heli-Cats - DrearyWeary

Watch a mission 1 gameplay video using Cat A to learn the 3 main scoring methods. It shows how staying at a low power level, not using focus shots, and firing at close range allows attaining a score more than 3 times of that playing for survival. The score of 205,600 in this single mission alone is more than the majority of Trial Mode scores in the demo that encompass two missions! Cat A, in this case, is much more versatile than many believe it is capable of. In addition, mission 1 becomes an important start stage to get a much earlier first extend in Arcade Mode.

All of this can be replicated in the demo so give it a try! Do note that getting hit 3 times in Trial removes any focus bonus at mission end despite having infinite armor. It will also be more difficult to attempt such moves as the missions get harder, so an optimal combination of the scoring methods that takes into account safety will be needed.

Formulating a good leveling strategy based on personal skill that balances score and survival is the key to higher scores and far more important than fast reflexes!
Tennis Elbow 4 - ManuTOO
Here's another regular update. The most noticeable addition is the possibility to play TEM2 within TE4 if you have bought both games.

There are also several tuning & fixes done from user reports.

I hope you'll enjoy it. :-)

And here's the complete changelog.

New Features :
- World Tour : if you have bought TEM2, you can now play it inside TE4 and become a tennis coach
- Localization : Czech translation by MichalR70 and Korean translation by Land of the sky, thanks to them ! ːsteamhappyː
- Commentary : about 200 new commentary lines about specific cases on the serve

Changes :
- Strike : the volley drop shop is now a bit less efficient (ie: the opponent has a bit more time to reach it)
- Strike : the drop shot is now a bit more efficient
- Strike : the slice requires a tiny less preparation time to be hit efficiently
- Service : the strong and normal services on the 2nd serve have now significantly less precision (to simulate the stress)

Bug Fixes :
- Acceleration style : the Heavy Hitter handicap wasn't applied
- Service : the services that should have been fast could actually end up being quite slow
- World Tour : fixed a few issues when setting up a doubles tournament, especially with more than 1 human players

Notes :
- I didn't test too much how was working TEM2 inside TE4, so if you notice any issues, please let me know :fear:
- If you play with the Mod XKT, you'll have to disable it (by setting the Default profile) to be able to see the TEM2 icon in the Main menu and activate it

=== Mana Games ===
Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors - Prelude - Reija
Hello Agents!

We've launched Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors - Prelude as a fully playable demo of Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors. You'll be able to experience much of the game for free, and you'll even be able to transfer your progress to the full version if you decide to purchase it.

Full Version:

We hope that this prelude will also help us to introduce Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors to as many players as possible, to help grow our community and the feedback we receive. With the help of our incredible community, we have already made a lot of improvements to the game and we look forward to doing even more in the future.

For now, enjoy the game and let us know how you like it!

Best regards.
Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors Team