Sep 3, 2023
Lunars Playtest - Onizuka
  • Minor bug fixes
  • item usage bug fixes
  • Game Timer Fixes
  • Minor board UI visual updates
Car Manufacture: Prologue - Stereo Games

Dear Manufacturers

We've heard your feedback and understand that there might be some confusion regarding the differences between the Prologue and Demo versions.

Keep in mind that we published Demo a while ago. The game is constantly evolving and we are doing our best to make it one of a kind.

Here are the major changes:

First of all, we have separated the Tutorial from the Indie 501 scenario. Both of them are no longer limited and you can continue playing as long as you want. The scenario is also placed on the new map.

Secondly, we've introduced the Save & Load. Which in combination with the previous change allows you to come back to the game at any time or even try out different strategies and outcomes.

Some of the gameplay changes:

Technology System is completely reworked. We understand that it's limited in Prologue but it also has changed due to some of the balancing/gameplay choices we've made on the way towards the final version of the game.

Conveyor tools have been refreshed. We've made changes based on previous testing feedback and made the process of building the Assembly Lines more intuitive and accessible.

Storage mechanics have also changed. We've replaced the previous slot system with containers that can now number way more resources with less space and make the progress of different types more logical.

We've also implemented a brand new Orders system. With the depreciation of Transport Links, Orders allow for more complex connections and transport logic flow. More of that will be available in the full game.

Amount of cars have not been changed but some of them are completely new. It helps with more variety in both looks and production.

Other than that there were countless of Quality of Life fixes and improvements.

Thank you all for trying out our game. We give all our heart into it and we hope you gonna love it as much as we do.

Development Team

Sep 3, 2023
Reality Break - courtney
I have updated the Reality Break Demo with lots of quality of life improvements! Please head over to the game's community forums to see a full list, and let me know how it plays!

Thank you for checking out Reality Break!!
The Backrooms Deluxe - Lory Games
Fixed most of the map bugs. If you encounter more feel free to reach out with a screen recording.

Sep 3, 2023
Unaware - Aces Games
Hello all,

I know, I’ve been very quiet for a while, but now I want to share what I've been working on lately. It may not be visible when playing the new update at first glance, but a lot has been changed underneath the hood.
The entire codebase has been completely reworked. That was really necessary for the future progress. After doing this overhaul some bugs have been flushed out as well. All patch notes are listed below.

All UI elements and scripts have been cleaned up. The game used to handle all UI logic within a single script, but now that script has been divided and spread out into multiple scripts instead, so that each script only handles its own logic. This is a way more efficient solution and it also saves a little performance here and there.

Same goes for the object interaction functionality such as Puzzles, Items and NPCs. All interactions used to use a single script for every interactable object and then based on its name was able to find the correct function to initialize by comparing two strings. This was a really terrible solution and could quickly do some wrong behaviors.

The very next thing for me to do, will be to synchronize the alpha version with this brand new demo version. That shouldn’t be too hard.

In the near future, the goal is to add following systems to the game:
  • Save / Load feature
  • Reworked NPCs (AI)
  • Localization Support
  • Player Controller
Distant future goals:
  • More content (Lore, Puzzles, Objectives, NPCs / Enemies?, Environments etc.)
  • New Humanoid models and animations, including eyes and mouth.
  • New 2d artwork (Icons, drawings etc.)
  • New music for the game
Last but not least I want to mention that Unaware has a 4 year anniversary. It feels so unreal that 4 years have passed so quickly. Unaware - is the very first game project I released on and it has been through a lot of changes. I’ve made a video which showcases some of the major overhauls the game has received over the years. Check it out here:

Patch notes:
  • Improved all UI elements in the game. The old version used several canvases. Now the game only uses one for all the UI.
    • Improved the Journal & the document reading system. This Includes fixing the bug where wrong documents could get displayed.
    • Improved the Game Menu.
    • Improved the Inventory.
  • Improved the way of interacting with objects work like with puzzles, items, NPC’s etc.
  • Added the functionality for Localization, so it will become easier to change language. Additional languages will be added eventually.
  • Disabled the Chess puzzle gameplay. Now, you only need to find the missing pieces to solve the puzzle.
  • Within the Stove puzzle, it’s now easier to drag the pan around.
  • Added a culling feature onto the kerosene lamps which will boost the performance and also prevent unwanted light bleed through the walls / floors.
  • Changed the way transitions between cameras works (Player’s vision to a puzzle view and back).
  • Fixed a bug where the candle holder still worked after running out of candle wax.
Fantasy Survivors - buttonsoft
Hi all,

We've added another map-specific weapon for Forest Dungeon, the oil flask. This bring the number of map-specific weapons to 3 for all the "big" maps.
We also spent a lot of time smoothing out movement of the Guardians, especially when they recover from status effects.
  • New weapon Oil Flask has to be unlocked via damage over time in Forest Dungeon or Corrupted Forest maps. The Rush map mode won't be available for these maps until the new weapon has been unlocked.
  • The "oily" status effect turns into "oil fire" when hit by fire. Oil fire does a lot more damage.
  • Oil and water does not mix, so a "wet" status repels the "oily" status and vice versa.
  • Made the gem cutter more useful by changing the chances of finding a gem or a marble to 20% each and crystal dust to 60%.
  • Overall improvement of the visual effect of enemies being hit.
We hope you enjoy the new weapon and find some interesting status effect synergies.

Till later,
Sep 3, 2023
Antimatter - geoffroypir
It has been a while since the mid-July devlog, but this was certainly not idle time.


The fleets have improved in all aspects, the archetypes are better, the AI expanded, parasites (ships hosted in carriers) are automatically managed, and fleet movement has been overhauled for better performance and stability.

This fleet is currently performing a new type of mission which consists in largescale mining operations

The most visible aspect is the UI, it used to be very complicated since managing ownership across intertwined alliances was complex and assigning the fleet formation quite cumbersome.

Point Defense turrets against inbound missiles

I have tried to hide this complexity as much as I could and here is the final result.

Most informations are accessible though tooltips and interactions through context menus.

Assigning a ship is also possible directly when selecting a ship or any UI representation of the ship through a context menu. There are many reasons that can prevent recruiting a ship, it is often a lack of influence toward a faction or an alliance issue with another ship in the fleet.

This ship won't join our fleet because it is not allied with all other ship's factions.

Another important aspect is the formation, the fleet AI manages 4 possible formations.

A ship's formation will determine it's behaviour

This determines how individual spaceships behave when breaking formation.

Core formation




Spaceships and modules

This is quite huge, I have decided to bite the bullet and completed a ship and module editor (not yet in-game), with automatic balancing of power across modules, cost, semi-automated placement of modules collision geometry, etc...

I have then redone every single ships, space stations and modules with support of the editor.

This is not an easy task, especially given the number of modules for each ship and the manual placement.

Here is a list of 100% completed ships (this is a catalog in a text editor)

Automatic loadout
Ships now dynamically create loadouts of compatible modules for each slot, for example, ships designated as an escort will automatically choose point defense turrets. There are many roles and possible combinations.

Spaceship AI & Strategic AI

The threat analysis and faction decision-making has been developed further, and there is now "conquest" and "fleet mining" missions. (lot of work)

Uh, that's it... AI has nothing that can be shown :/

Crew Transfer

"Crew" which also designates landed parties can be transferred between each other.

Ammo & Magazines

While it is a good opportunity to show the new overhauled ship UI, the major addition I'll show is ammo and magazines.

"Ammo magazine" is a new type of module for cargo slot that increases the amount of combat-ready storage. You can store ammo in cargo but it is not as secured (secondary explosions) and can't be used by weapons. You can only do a transfer while docked.


Regions aren't just a cosmetic addition but were added to overhaul how city/nation manage planet tiles (previously designated as "regions" themselves).

The problem is that managing dozens of regions was cluttering the player with information and micro-management. The simulation itself is still accurate to the tile level but now management and AI decisions are mostly taken at a region's scope.

This UI is going to change to show a single aggregated region ("Flaness"), instead of these cluttered informations

Primitive population

The problem with past simulation was that every human population was simulated as a nation which is very complex and also requires the entire planet to be generated.

Uncivilised populations, those under the influence of the giant worms, or those who never recovered from the Antimatter crisis, are now simulated in a more abstract way and they only retain the characteristics from the historical simulation. This allowed me to populate much more planets with almost the same level of detail.

After a certain threshold of development, such population will evolve into an in-game nation.

Trade venture

Trading with locals is possible from any region, even outside a nation's border, it takes 2 days to spread the word and gather merchants. If within the border of a nation, you access its market. Trading with primitives is possible as well, and the market will be the equivalent of the subsistence production of the region (subsistence production is highly dependent on local resources )

Editor Mode

Adding a fleet to one of the existing faction with the editor
Added dozens of editor mode interactions, this is the premise of an in-game editor.

This is completed (what a pain!) this is quite a milestone, but doing this late clearly saved me months of maintenance overhead.

I also confirm some wishes I had for Antimatter, that are now reality :

  • No loss of data and bare-minimum procedural regeneration: This means any world you create will stay as detailed in the simulation as well, not just visually and not just when revisiting them.
  • Possibility to play a new character in the same universe or carry on by playing an existing AI character. (currently only doable by manually changing the save file, but the simulation supports it)
  • A lot of freedom in scenario building.

Here is a picture depicting the complexity of the hierarchy of unserializable classes :

Each colored cell is like being whipped while walking barefoot on broken glass. If you have some dolorist fantasy to fulfill, do this. You are welcome.

Death Rabbit Arena - emopeoplemustdie
V1.0.3 is now live with a lot of changes to Death Rabbit Arena along with ways to optimize your playing experience online!

-New Improved sounds
-Weapon handling and damages updated
-NYC map has new areas to explore with more spawn points and also lighting improvements.

-BEFORE PLAYING MAKE SURE TO GO INTO SETTINGS AND TURN YOUR VIDEO SETTINGS TO MEDIUM OR HIGH! If your playing on an NVIDIA 3090/4090 you can utilize Ultra settings. For any other GPU make sure you use MEDIUM OR HIGH and see which one is the best for your setup! Ultra is only for GPUS with over 24GB VRAM.
Para Eyes - shawnostudiosllc
- New Map "Asylum "
- New Gamemode "Custom"
- Changed sanity drain delay from 10 - 15 for "Lights out" Challenge.
Flutter Away - Runaway Play
Join us for a special stream of urbanbohemian playing Flutter Away!

Hi everyone! We’re so excited to be able to re-broadcast urbanbohemain’s stream of Flutter Away. We first saw Urb’s stream prior to launch. In it he plays through the full demo of Flutter Away which includes all of Day 1!

The more we watched, the more we fell in love with his playthrough - we think it perfectly encapsulates the vibes of the game. Enjoy! <3

Please be sure to go check out his channels, we’re a huge fan of his content and we think you’ll love it too!

Find urbanbohemian here: