Aug 1, 2023
Stacklands - sokpopco
More fixes! :sl_rat:

  • Fixed Fish and Chips and French Fries ideas not being achievable
  • Fixed a bug where you could create Happiness using a Book without the Curse of Sadness being active
  • Fixed some foods not being marked as cooked to slow spoiling on the Island
  • Slightly changed the Well recipe to both accept springs and water. You also need a villager to build it.
  • Spirit cutscenes can now only play in the Spirit Worlds
  • Poop Slime now drops magic dust or... poop!
- The Stacklands Team
Aug 1, 2023
Geometry Arena 2 - 011 Games
The two main parts of this update are the new Initial Upgrade feature, and the rework of the Defender.

Update Log
Added initial upgrades in talents, which also supports loadouts saving and loading.
Reworked the stats, skill, and modules of Defender.
Improve leaderboard related functions.
Add some new icons.
Fix some construct issues.
Optimized the rules for selecting the location of some constructs.
Removed the special stat "Force Effect" and the game parameter "Enemy Weight".
Reworked the difficulty option "Extreme Survival".
Reworked the Ranger module Reckless Dash.
Adjusted the effects of some upgrades.
Improve damage number display.
Optimize the game's physics layer settings.
Added new setting options "Minion HP Display" and "Boss HP Display".
Upgrade mechanic change: for each upgrade type, each upgrade owned within the type increases the appearance weight of the remaining upgrades of the same type by 30%.
Added a new battle BGM.
Changed the compilation technology of the game from Mono to IL2CPP.

Your suggestions and feedback are quite valuable to me.
Please feel free to share them via Steam or Discord.
I'd love to hear from you!
Geometry Arena 2 Discord
Aug 1, 2023
CometSoldier - SawaiwaGame
Hello, the game was successfully released today.
I hope you enjoy playing "CometSoldier".


The development of this game is complete, but we are thinking about adding new playable characters in the near future.
I'll let you know when I can report it ><
CyberSurfer Playtest - CyberSurfer, LLC
CyberSurfer Playtest Update v.006

What's New:
  • Added Horizontal Orientation for Phone App
  • Added multiple controller orientations (0°, 45°, 90°)
  • Update Player Movement with more fluid rotations
  • Added Controller Orientation Menu (Accessible through Settings Menu)
Vertical Orientation
This is the vertical orientation for the phone app. The vertical orientation is the starting orientation for the phone app.

Horizontal Orientation
This is the horizontal orientationfor the phone app. We got a lot of feedback asking for a orientation akined to Mario Kart or a driving wheel. So here you go!

Change Controller Orientation in Phone App
Enable the Phone App Options Screen by holding two fingers on the screen until a blue screen appears. Disable the checkbox to orient your phone in the horizontal position.

Controller Orientation Menu
You can now select your starting angle more effectively and understand the rotations of your phone. Go to the settings menu in the Main or Pause menu and select "Change Board Orientation".

📱 Download the Mobile App (Game Controller):
🍏 iOS: Download on TestFlight
🤖 Android: Get it on Google Play

Join the Discussion:
💬 Discord

The CyberSurfer Team
Better Fly Fast! ✌️
F1® 23 - Electronic Arts
Revisit the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix in F1® 23 with the latest F1® Replay event.

Take the place of any driver on the grid, based on where they started at this year's race, with objectives linked to where they finished 🏆

Play Now !
Noble's Life: Kingdom Reborn - Adrianus
Dear nobles,

we are back with the first Dev Diaries this year (how time flies!) and in accordance with our preview we'd like to tell you about one of the most important characters in Noble's Life - the city.

We have already covered the certain level of autonomy of the capital of the player's estates (in Dev Diary#12 - Power and faith), we showed its appearance, we promised free exploration, but today we are explaining some of its functions.

There can be many villages, but rather a dozen than several dozens. Additionally player's character has the ability to create new ones, and even conquer others or lose them. Some of the villages can even come close to the level of a small town. In addition, it is possible to increase or decrease the land's borders or even search for resources, but the city will remain one. In Noble's Life we assume the role of a small landowner.

Due to its uniqueness, city will have its own economic system (that we are going to cover another time) separate from estate map. Industry will appear only in the capital, because it is there that the craftsmen's workshops will be established (that's another subject we are going to return to).

Additionally, shutting yourself in the castle and ruling from there is not always a good idea. That's why a trip to the city and examining the situation that you are supposed to decide about, may allow you to acquire new information coming in handy during the audience.
Consequences of the decisions
However, the main purpose of the city will be to illustrate the player's decisions made as part of the main mechanics of the game, i.e. the audiences (described for example in Dev Diary #11 - Audiences).

One of the easy-to-picture examples of decisions: if the player decides to support the inn's rebuilding, they will see it actually rebuilding in the city. If not… its ruins will blemish the city. At the same time, the renovated building itself will not only be a nice-looking gold generator for the player's character's treasury. If the player feels like it, they can enter the inn and hear about their generosity from the inn's owner, listen to the gossip or have a beer.

You won't help people in need? Expect to see beggars in the city. You help wounded veterans, you will see a hospital where they are recovering. Moreover, you may visit them, and once they are healed they might even be recruited again.

Additionally, shutting yourself in the castle and ruling from there is not always a good idea. That's why a trip to the city and examining the situation that you are supposed to decide about, may allow you to acquire new information coming in handy during the audience.

This is the aspect of city that we want to show during the next playtests the most.

The estate's capital is supposed to be developing. At first it's recovering from the damage caused by the invasion (if you don't know what that's about, check Dev Diaries#8 - Kingdom Reborn out) so with every month there will be new places available to see, while others' conditions will change. The latter means that the clues that are available in one round, may be gone in the next one.

Gradually, there will also be more places to visit inside, such as the above-mentioned inn. And it's worth mentioning that by going out we don't stop being a baron. We can, for example, call for our soldiers to do something. This aspect is something we are working on and we will do our best to make it available in some form during the playtests.
Second playtests
And finally, a few specifics about the upcoming playtests. We still want them to take place soon. The most probable term is September 2023, although it's unlikely going to be the beginning of the month. The sign-up will again start in advance.

We assume the playtests will last about two weeks, maybe a little longer, maybe shorter.

As part of the available content, we are going to share the first two rounds (two months) of the game and probably a fragment of the third one. As part of this, you will be able to visit the city described in this DD, although still in a rather unfinished version. In a nutshell: we want to share almost twice as much as we showed in the first playtests!

We believe that this will help you see how many options the full game will have to offer and how much the decisions you make can affect the gameplay.

We will cover the details of the second playtests soon, most likely in the second half of August.
Aug 1, 2023
Sym.BIOS: Torn Asunder - monochronomicon
We're happy to show the first 10 minutes of Sym.BIOS: Torn asunder, available in French and English. The video shows gameplay from the beginning up to the direct consequences of the first choice in the game. We're showing off a different choice in each language. We hope you enjoy this slightly longer and more detailed look at how the game is played and how the story unfolds. Additional links to the youtube page can be found here:

and here:

Femdemic - An Idle World Feminization Game - relattic
Hey everyone,
Today's update addresses some criticism of the Idle gameplay and introduces some bug fixes. There will be a few more smaller updates until this weekend, so stay tuned.

Here are today's changes.

  • New Mutation Boon: Bacteriopharg Unit that lets you auto-buy units
  • New Mutation Boon: Stochastic fluctuation that lets you automatically level up areas (except clothes choices)
  • Added end-of-run reward: +1 Bacteriopharg on new runs
  • New Setting for auto-advancing dialogs

  • Changed Max-Body-Score in Compliance mode depending on Specialization. None is 7. All others are 10. Some are higher.
  • Removed the mechanic that scales up Es-Sigma costs of higher specializations.
  • Rebalanced some Mutation Boon effects

  • Fixed a bug that let players mutate a second time from a host that had already been used to Mutate
  • Fixed a bug that didn't remove the mutation boon chosen on a host that loses connection
  • Fixed a bug that led to the menu button not being shown on the end screen.
  • Fixed a bug that led to upgrade sorting being wrong if nothing had been selected. Reverted to previous default.

  • added a Confirmation screen before playing Compliance story for non-kinky players
  • added more explanation to the Libido requirements for advancing gameplay in Compliance story

I hope you enjoy these changes and look forward to playing more Femdemic over the next few days.

Star Trek Timelines - NancySTT
Greetings, Captains,

The Elysian Kingdom is the theme of our next campaign, ¨Elysian Kingdom¨.

It will feature: Lady Audrey Chapel (new) 5*, King Ridley (existing) 5*, Queen Neve (existing) 4*.
The last reward of the Ultimate track will be Elysian Kingdom avatar.

This campaign will start on Tuesday, 8/08 at 12am ET (17:00 UTC), and end on Monday, 9/09 at 11:59pm ET (Tuesday, 9/05 at 04:59 UTC).

You have one week left to complete the ¨Play The Music¨. campaign!

Lastly, we hope you’ll enjoy this week’s event.

Thank you for playing,

Aug 1, 2023
SPEARHEAD - Bluessing
Many people suffer from heat waves and heavy rain.
The days are getting hotter, so take care of yourself.

development log will be uploaded in September.
(No calendar)