Hexahedra - Sidequest Ninja
Tiny Teams 2023 starts on Thursday, and Hexahedra will be taking part. There'll be lots of streams of games made by small indie teams, like me and the excellent group of freelancers helping me bring Hexahedra to life.

Octavius, who is himself very tiny, is already hyped for the event. Join him in checking it out from 3rd-10th August!

Deep Space Outpost - NirisGames
New repair scenario has been added. With this mission your task is to repair the damaged friendly ships in this sector as soon as possible. Thought with the repair bay addition it made sense to add a scenario to make use of it.

Think this may need some fine tuning as:-
  1. Any ship destroyed ends the mission. Which may be a bit harsh, so may allow some 'accidents'.
  2. As soon as last ship repaired, mission is successful. Think i may alter that, so they at least have to leave the map.
I'll be tweaking this over the coming week, so any comments, do let me know with a discussion post.

Full update notes:-
  • New repair scenario added. Fix ships no credit reward in scenario. Scenario fail check.
  • Improve: Starting level resources added to custom difficulty settings.
  • Improve: Ship repair tooltips.
  • Fix: Missing end game text translations.
  • Fix: Load game - don't update audio emitters.
  • Fix: Ambient station noise level on initialise.
  • Fix: Station builder door check on placement.
IGNISTONE - ken-kato

Thank you for reading our post!
We have updated IGNISTONE's Steam store page to provide more information about the game.

  • To better convey the world of IGNISTONE, we have added some gifs to the description.
  • Added some village scenery, intense battles, and equipment selection screen that captures the world of IGNISTONE.

Please take a look at the new store page and explore the exciting world of IGNISTONE!

Nitro Nation VR - illbgreat
Event Details:
Date: Thursday, August 3rd Time: 3:30pm to 4:30pm PDT Location: Nitro Nation VR Demo on Steam Platform for communication: https://discord.gg/v8RybDxsuV Hosts: Nitro Nation VR developers

We're grateful for the fantastic turnout at our previous playtest event and want to keep the excitement going by hosting another one!

To participate, make sure you have Nitro Nation VR Demo installed in your Steam library and join our Discord server. We'll be hosting the event in the multiplayer lobby, so be sure to arrive on time and ready to race.

During the event, you'll have the opportunity to chat with the developers, ask questions about the game, and compete for bragging rights as the fastest racer on the track.

Mark your calendars for Thursday, August 3rd, 3:30pm PDT and we'll see you there!

Aug 1, 2023
Last Devil - aassdd2135
1. In Hell Mode, the special room (?) Increased chance of encountering treasure chest bosses.
2. Reduced cost of the Wishing Pool.
3. Reduced cost of carrying a partner into battle.
4. Charlotte's damage coefficient increased.
5. Reduced cost of making out with the heroine.
ImmaterialAI 5 - Futuresoup Tech
Here we finally are everyone, the conclusion to the ImmaterialAI 5 lifecycle!

With more back-to-back changes than double the entire development of ImmaterialAI from version 0.1 to 2.5, ImmaterialAI 5 has more of everything for every type of user. ENJOY!

Rollout of ImmaterialAI 5 now live for all Windows free, Lite and Plus users.
1. Highlighted
Quantum node (Plus only)
  • unlocks at level 50
  • quickly open a node recommended by quantum noise from the home page
  • (desktop only) CTRL+Q+N to open a new recommendation in the navigation stack from wherever you are
    • node pool is affected by search query and current filters
  • requires
    • setup with Australian lab (from Quantum Noise)
    • internet to get quantum noise latest data
Child lock
  • enable/disable from Settings
    • enabling requires just tapping the option
      • disabling requires a birthday at 18 or above to be entered on a keypad in-app
    • while child lock is on you can't change or delete nodes made while child lock wasn't on
  • can create nodes while child lock is on
    • nodes while child lock is on get assigned pre-made world "Child lock view"
      • new default world added: "Child lock view", created when you make your first node while the child lock is on
    • these nodes can be editted or removed while child lock is on
Season 3
  • now live, lasts until Jan 1st
  • finish all quests on gold/diamond to
    • unlock 4 skins for free and Lite users
    • unlock 2 more skins and a new UI mode for Plus users
  • Arabic added
    • with right-to-left UI conversion

2. Data
Tags (Plus only)
  • can create tags and set them in nodes, node types, links, link types, worlds and tags
  • every item can have 0..* tags
  • every tag displays all items tagged with it, tap elements to open each item
Worlds(Plus only)
  • World filter (app bar)
    • can now exclude worlds
    • hover the icon to see all excluded worlds at a glance
    • UI reworked in dialog to support individual world exclusion
    • nodes tied to excluded worlds won't show up everywhere in the app (including backups)
  • deleting a world will now ask you if you want to also delete all nodes inside that world
Task board (Plus, Lite only)
  • new filter available in the task board
    • tap it to cycle through seeing 1. all tasks, 2. only root nodes, 3. all parents, or 4. only child tasks
  • if any task nodes are marked as focused => those nodes will be displayed in a separate 'Focused' section at the top of the task board
  • Nodes on the board each get these actions:
    • change task status
      • tap to cycle between 'to do', 'in progress' and 'done' states
    • change focus
      • tap to focus/unfocus a task
    • open/select world
      • if node has a world => opens that node's world in the navigation stack
      • if node doesn't have a world => open the world selection dialog to choose a world for your node, automatically saving the node's new world on selection and updating the board
  • tasks design changed
    • tasks that are root nodes (aren't children in parent links) are now highlighted
    • tasks that are children of other nodes are more diminished and smaller
  • all task actions get tooltips on hover
Node types
  • (/Plus, Lite only) create and open nodes of type X from inside node type X
  • new default node types: process, location, state
Link types
  • (Plus, Lite only) link type constraints re-introduced
  • new default link type: at location, truth status
  • can now set the truth status of any node
    • requires level 50
    • can choose between relative truth, absolute truth or no value
    • shortcut CTRL+5
  • (Plus) new property: image
    • used as a background for the node in your library
    • can be file paths (Desktop only) or URLS
  • (Plus) new property: file
    • can now connect nodes to files and folders
    • tapping the section will open the folder or run the program
  • Lite users get the advanced description editor that allows for easy embedding of other nodes, images, files into a nodes' description
  • Tree view inside nodes is now top to bottom instead of left to right
  • exporting nodes from Big Picture, Tree view, (Plus) Quantum field or Clusters now available for Web users
  • every item now has a tags section
    • tap any tag to open it
    • tap "+" to add a new tag
  • automatic backups work in the web version too

3. UI/UX
  • 5 sorting options available, tap the magnifying glass icon on the navigation bar to change sorting option
    • alphabetically (& backwards)
    • by date (latest and earliest)
    • vanilla (prioritize meta data and unlock level of features in sorting)
  • can persist sorting choice from Settings
  • CTRL+SHIFT+F to open the file or folder tied to the current node
  • CTRL+I to trigger the image selection dialog while in a node
  • CTRL+SHIFT+S to open sorting
  • opening files tied to nodes opens the file or folder in a separate detached process
Upgraded node actions
Certain actions inside nodes now have a secondary use, being able to change filters or open new pages in the stack on tap:
  • (Lite, Plus) go to Task board from task state change
  • (Plus) go to Me board from me state change
  • go to backups from copy to clipboard
  • show only focused from set/remove focus
  • show only favorites from set/remove favorite
[h4]Truth status filter [/h4]
  • unlocks at level 50 for all users
  • tap it to cycle between all nodes, relative truths, absolute truths, and back
  • can combine with category filters, focus, favorites, me status, ancestry
[h4] Task filter (Plus, Lite) [/h4]
  • new state : "Not done" showing all tasks that are not labelled as done
  • new hot words for the search bar: not done, !done, open to automatically show all tasks that are not done
    • e.g. search "not done|cat:system" to search for all systems in your library that are marked as tasks that don't have their status done
  • search "tags" to see all tags
Me filter
  • new hotwords
    • searching "new me", "new_me", "old me", "old_me" automatically turns on the filter
    • can be combined with other searches e.g. "new me|test|cat:feeling" to search for feelings that contain the text "test" and are labelled as "new me"
Main menu
New screen featuring
  • Continue button or "Select path" for new users
  • Settings
  • latest updates' patch notes
  • more download/upgrade options depending on the platform and license
  • list of scrolling reviews
  • quickly change language
  • more in later versions
  • unlock your path's 2nd and 3rd AI chats at level 7 and 10 (from 4 and 5)
  • (Lite, Plus) 45 new icons for node types, worlds and tags
  • can now go from the path selection page back to the main menu
  • can go from settings to main menu
  • changes that require a restart (e.g. changing to/from a custom database) lead to a new "Restart now" screen
  • UI updated for all item details
  • app bar actions' icon colors now darkened or lightened based on the current skin
  • closable content bubbles (with 'X's for removal e.g. in ancestry tree children/parents lists, dependency tree dependents/dependencies, etc.) now feature icons
  • searching by node id now works, paste the id to find the item with that internal id (tied to debug mode)
  • new default skin: clear
  • night mode skin reworked
  • colors for unlocked & locked widgets updated
  • performance mode light and dark modes updated
  • portrait resolutions (where window height > width, e.g. phones)
    • advanced node editor buttons are now smaller to have more room for typing
    • additional UI and UX fixes
  • path selection UI updated for mobile
  • dialogs for deleting a node have the styling fixed for their titles

4. Settings
  • accessible from the new Main Menu
    • limited features for users that haven't selected a path yet
  • can now select skin from the path selection page
  • data debug mode
    • used so we can investigate issues while not accessing any user data
    • if on
      • obfuscates text in nodes, node types, links, link types, worlds and tags when creating backups
      • shows the item's id in the item's description, tap to copy to clipboard
  • locally tracking data changes
    • useful in the future for merging databases
    • can make exports not include change info
    • can opt out of tracking change info from Settings
  • shared database mode
    • can select a custom database location from Settings and path selection
    • can be used to run multiple Mesh apps simultaneously
  • can configure animation speed
    • slow, normal, fast, faster or fastest
    • persists across restarts

5. Other
  • backups contain tags and tag references
  • AI chat session nodes are not visible in searches
  • further localization added to nodes, settings, imports
  • IAI supports Mesh 1.4 data model
  • you can now long press on content bubbles to get the same usability as when tapping them
  • world constraints would interfere with the world selection dialog
  • multiple fixes for searches
  • search dialog sizing fixed in AI chats
  • home page searches now exclude intuition training results, the selected path and AI chat sessions
  • fixed filtering while there is no text searched
  • font sizes on the splash page adjusted to better fit on mobile
  • fixed cases where inner link data wouldn't be restored in backups
  • fixed home not refreshing after node deletion
  • can search for worlds while searching in parallel for other data/features
  • more
- the ImmaterialAI team
Aug 1, 2023
Battlefield™ 2042 - Electronic Arts
Update 5.2.0 for #Battlefield2042 is now live across all platforms. A game restart may be required to continue play.

Here is an overview of what’s new:

  • Map Rework: Hourglass
  • Vault Weapons: All-Out Warfare attachments for SMGs, LMGs, and Sidearms
  • Squad Management: Squad Orders, Lock/Remove functionality
  • Ammo Crate improvements
  • Dispersion tweaks to SMGs and LMGs

With this release we have fulfilled our commitment that we made to you during last year’s lead up to the launch of Season 1: Zero Hour - we have now reworked all of our launch maps. We’d like to thank you for your continued feedback, but also your patience as we’ve worked to roll out these improvements to you. Let us know how the Hourglass feels!

We are also completing the work to roll out the last set of All-Out Warfare attachments to SMGs, LMGs, and Sidearm Vault Weapons. You will also find further tweaks to these weapons to ensure their gameplay and versatility matches their All-Out Warfare counterparts. Share your thoughts on the feel of these changes, as we’ll be making adjustments if necessary.

Alongside Season 5: New Dawn we also made our first iteration of Squad Management improvements available to you. However, you told us that this feature did not feel complete without “kick and lock” functionality, as it didn’t offer leaders full control over their squad. No matter our previous reasoning for not initially including these options, you’ve told us this functionality is crucial to your squad management experience so we’re adding both these features.

Squad Orders are also included in this update! Work together with your squad to complete objectives and earn additional XP (Squad Order Bonus). All combined, we hope this offers you the Squad Management experience you are looking for. Send us your thoughts.

The team is excited to get this game update in your hands as it covers further areas of your feedback that we’ve been looking to action. We can’t wait for you to play it.

Cabin of Shadows - Dueling Impostors- - 株式会社ネストピ
We have updated based on the opinions and bug reports received from players.
If you do not update your game to the latest version, you will not be able to find your opponents.

- Added indication of specific role ratios.
- Fixed role appearance ratio.
- The amount of souls is now reduced by 2 points if both players are human or both players are werewolves and are defeated.
- Adjustment of experience gained at the end of a match.
- Fixed a problem in which werewolves appeared too frequently in the game.
- Fixed a bug where the UI disappeared after an error message.

After the release of this game, we have received feedback from many people regarding this game, and some have pointed out its breakdown as a competitive game.
We apologize for the anxiety and inconvenience this has caused.
I would like to explain our future update policy.

We do not want this game to be a competitive game where you can only win or lose or cheat your opponent.
We want to keep a balance where players have to cooperate with each other first, but at the same time, they have to be skeptical that the other player might be a werewolf.
In order to achieve this, the probability of werewolves appearing is very important, but due to a glitch in the current version, werewolves are more likely to appear than expected.
We are planning to update the game today to correct this situation.

At the same time, we will also change the amount of souls reduced in the total takeover rule from -1 to -2 when a player fails in a situation where cooperation between humans or werewolves is required.
This is a balance adjustment to make players more aware of cooperation rather than competition.
We hope you understand our policy.

We will continue to brush up the balance of the game so that it will be a good mix of cooperation and competition.
We will announce on Twitter and Discord when we have decided on the modification policy.
Aliens: Dark Descent - hylia
Dear devotees of the Darwin Era,

Firstly, thank you, followers, for your unwavering dedication and immense support. Contained within this manifesto are the latest advancements and enhancements made for the ascension of Aliens: Dark Descent. Our most committed guardians have worked tirelessly to bring forth the long-anticipated transformation.

In line with our promises, we present new campaign options:
  • The ability to disable the "Death Clock".
  • The option to skip the prologue mission onboard the Pioneer Station, provided it has been completed at least once.
  • We've also integrated an autosave feature that triggers when you exit the Otago at any moment, ensuring the preservation of your progress and any modifications made to your base and marines management.
Rest assured, our commitment to enhancing and refining our ideals remains unyielding. We diligently review your feedback and prayers to aid us in our endeavor to ascend to a superior form of life. Stay tuned for upcoming updates, and once again, thank you for your overwhelming support in our dream.

Best Regards,
Romain Clavier
First of Marlow's Followers
Darwin Era

Major bug fixes
  • Addition of a security to avoid the players from triggering the ARC tutorial while being in the Command Room narrative sequence in Dead Hills (Mission 1) which resulted in a blocker.
  • Amputated marines are no longer visible on the Mission Report, a message indicating the marines is in the medbay is added.
  • Improvement of a previous fix that was unlocking Olduvai (Mission 11) for players stuck at the end of Pryce of Deception (Mission 10).
  • Using the skill Incineration inside the ARC/APC will block the extraction and the movement of the squad.
  • Fix a crash that was occurring when a marine fell through the ground, got deleted by the game and the player clicked on the marine's card.
  • Fix of many blockers that could occur on the Cover tutorial of Berkley's Dock (Mission 2).
  • The attribute Smart Ass can no longer be proposed to the Tecker class.
  • It is now impossible to spam the RB/R1 gamepad button to do the first phase of the Sector Map tutorial in Dead Hills (Mission 1) to prevent a blocker.
  • Improvement of the performances when aiming with a skill.
  • The Psychiatric Care Unit is no longer accessible before unlocking it.
  • Addition of a security to avoid a blocker during the First Deployment Tutorial between the Prologue and Dead Hills (Mission 1).
  • The squad will now be teleported inside the defense room to avoid blocker in Harper's Hell (Mission 3)
  • You cannot extract during the Crusher reveal to avoid blocker in Dead Hills (Mission 1)
  • Fix performance problems caused by the drone in the Harper's Hell (Mission 3)
  • The objective "Get rid of the guardians" in Olduvai (Mission 11) will now trigger properly when deploying or redeploying your APC to a specific waypoint
  • Fix of many pathfinding problems during the last mission (Mission 12)
  • The marine panel will now correctly update the statistics of the marine when affected by an specific state (ex: Tired)
  • Improvement of the performances when exploding a barricade
  • Fix some cases where a mission can't be completed at 100% even when all the objectives are completed.
  • Fix of the lift during the mission of the "Tantalus Base" (Mission 08) where the lift may stay stuck once inside.
  • Fix of the lift during the mission on "Pharos Spire" (Mission 10) where the outside doors don't open on the first floor (Office Floor) after completing the objectives.
  • Fix of a crash occurring when a marine dies while interacting.
  • Fix of a bug where a marine can be pushed outside of the map resulting in a blocking situation (The marine is now teleported back to closest valid position).
  • General Stability Improvement and several fixes on various crashes.

Minor bug fixes
  • Being in the option menu was still counting in the mission duration statistic.
  • The lift that allows you to go from the Refinery (Mission 3) to Olduvai (Mission 11) will always be on the floor the squad is on.
  • Fix a cover that was not working in the Basement -2 in Olduvai (Mission 11).
  • The marine's animation will not loop anymore when spamming the validated button during the marine attribute selection.
  • Increase 'Stubborn' label font size to make it more noticeable when it's in effect.
  • Shelter icon will disappear if the door has been destroyed.
  • "Overloaded Deployable Motion Tracker" can no longer be interacted with after they explode.
  • Loading a save inside a trigger box no longer triggers all the events on the map.
  • Dead marines with the personality trait "Kleptomaniac" will no longer steal materials.
  • Aggressiveness gauge will be the same in the tactical view and when opening the map.
  • The Precision Shot now correctly makes noise when used against Eggs.
  • Reduced the ragdoll of "big" xenomorphs when killed by explosions.
  • Pressing "Confirm" a few times to extract marines will no longer leave the UI message on screen.
  • You can no longer interact with survivors through the Fog of War.
  • The C4 is now correctly appearing on the barricade at the end of the interaction.
  • Attempt to fix the Recon cloth movement when the active pause is pressed or released.
  • The Drone can no longer weld from its position, it will correctly reach the door first.
  • The Drone's welding now plays the correct VFX.
  • The Stop order can now also cancel Drone orders.
  • Tweaking of the Codex UI for better navigation.
  • Wheels of the APC will not spin during the descent to Omicron Dig Site (Mission 11).
  • Increase of the rat speed in Nuclear Protocol (Mission 5) to avoid the player catching him up and breaking the narrative sequence.
  • The animation of the UI when picking up a sentry will now be played correctly.
  • The Fog of War will be correctly removed when you destroy a wall and leave the room before the explosion happens.
  • The datapad shortcut will no longer open the Sector Map UI if it was the last Map mode that was open.
  • Fix some shelter issues on Harper's Hell (Mission 3).
  • Fix a spawn that was eligible for massive onslaught even though the area was not unlocked yet in Harper's Hell (Mission 3) creating a blocker.
  • Tweaking of the animations of Otago's UI.
  • Fix of a room where it was impossible to create a shelter in Olduvai (Mission 11).
  • Opening the map during the installation of a sentry will no longer make the ammunition of the sentry disappear.
  • Fix of the animation when opening the map.
  • Part of the UI could stay while the map was open.
  • Fix many collision issues across all locations.
  • Warriors can no longer jump on a marine that is welding a door to prevent the xenomorph from getting stuck inside the door.
  • The objective marker "Check your cameras" in Pryce of Deception is now displayed at the right position.
  • Fix the tooltip of "Tired" state in the Inspect Squad tab of the map.
  • Aliens will no longer get stuck inside slopes when dashing.
  • Making noise with a drone will now correctly set the Hive awareness to Detected.
  • A message will be displayed when a marine carrying a follower is outside of the lift but the rest of the squad isn't.
  • Moving the drone no longer removes the cover from the marines.
  • Marines' lights could be partially broken when carrying someone and after dropping it on the floor.
  • Fix some parts of the UI in the Otago's Armory.
  • The head's rotation of synthetics in the last mission (Mission 12) now works as intended.
  • Fix an issue occuring in some languages where the text indicates that a marine is inside the ARC/APC was overlapping the marine card.
  • Some texts were not correctly aligned in the description of the missions in the Mission Selection Screen.
  • A Marine in "suppressive fire" state can now perform a reprimand.
  • Moving the cursor outside of the Command Deck in the Prologue won't block the progress anymore.
  • Prevent an issue during Pharos Spire (Mission 10) where the elevator to reach the Security Floor could not work under specific conditions.
  • During the mission located on "Refinery" (Mission 03) fix of the doors at the North east of the map on the ground floor, where the ARC can get through a closed door.
  • Fix of the enemy position in every mission to avoid them being stuck in the environment.
  • Fix of the objective indicator of the mission located in "Pharos Spire" (Mission 10) indicating the wrong lifts.
  • During the mission "Pharos Spire" (Mission 10), a door of a building has been closed on the ground level next to the spire, to avoid the squad being potentially attacked from an ambush during a scripted sequence.
  • Fix of the marines watching in the wrong direction after going out of the Carrier.
  • Add security to avoid a crash occurring during the lift transition between "Berkley's Dock" and the "Montero".
  • Enemies stuck under the map can no longer block an interaction if your squad sees them.
  • Fix a crash occurring when the player uses the flamethrower and cancel it before validating it.
  • The player can no longer rebind the Left/Right mouse buttons to avoid blocking situations during the game.
  • Fix of the Marine's sight on "Dead Hills" (Mission 01) to avoid them being able to see inside rooms while being outside.
  • Fix of an issue triggering a game over if the last living marine of the squad is inside a Power Loader.
  • Fix of the "Massive Onslaught" GUI not displaying when loading a save made during a massive onslaught.
  • Fix of the cursor not displaying when the player has ordered a "leave mission" or a "redeploy" to another location and the squad is killed while extracting.
  • Fix of an issue when spam clicking on the cancel button above the marine inside a lift resulting in the cancel button staying displayed indefinitely.
  • Fix of a glitch occuring on the skill menu and interaction menu, where the error message displayed the wrong information if the player moves too quickly between the options.
  • The cinematics subtitles are no longer visible when disabled.
  • During the cover tutorial of the prologue, add a focus and orient camera on the cover position to reach, to avoid a blocking situation for widescreen users.

  • The light displayed above the drone to better see it no longer cast shadow on the floor.
  • Fix of an objective that was mentioning the APC before it was unlocked in Berkley's Dock (Mission 2).
  • The Powercore in Atmospheric Nightmare is now properly localized.
  • Fix of the "Egg" Codex Entry to match the design.
  • Fix of some bullet points on the "Stress Factors" Codex entry.

  • It is now impossible to redeploy your squad during a Massive Onslaught.
  • Improvement of the Praetorian behavior. It now makes a circular attack when passing through the squad.
  • The Synthetic bodies can longer be interacted with in the fog of war.
  • Flamethrower isn't blocked by explosive barrels anymore.

Quality of Life improvements
  • Addition of an option to limit the FPS on PC only (60/120/144/Unlimited).
  • Addition of a campaign option to disable the Death Clock.
  • Addition of a campaign start option to skip the Prologue once it has been completed at least one time.
  • Tweak some acknows to improve the pacing.
  • Addition of music in the marine deployment and the mission return screens.
  • Addition of an autosave in the Otago when returning to the main menu or leaving the game.
  • You can dismiss dynamic pop-up with right click.
  • Doors of a shelter will now have an icon above them to help players identify which one is required to be welded.
  • Rework of the Xenotech Panel to accommodate 11 slots.
  • The player can no longer leave the control mapping menu without resolving input conflict.
  • Marines ordered to carry or enter a Power Loader are no longer eligible to perform one of the following interactions afterward: place a mine, sentry, deployable motion tracker, tripod.

Exolotl : ZIAN - JellyLab
- Update Speed for Character Atk and combos
- Update Character Jump
- Update Character Atk damage area
- Fix bugs
- Improve gameplay