Jul 28, 2023
Pocket Rogues - Ortan
The new massive update significantly overhauls the entire pet development system in Pocket Rogues. Now each improvement will be much more meaningful, and each of your pets will be much more unique and customizable.
In addition, in update 1.36 improved multiplayer (yes, it's still in Beta): now you can play with three players, and you can create rooms in two more locations!


- Each pet, in addition to the standard ability, now has 4 slots for additional ones (such as Immortality or Vampirism), which can be freely combined. New slots will become available after leveling up the pet, and new abilities can be obtained by defeating monster champions and mini-bosses in dungeons
- All pet abilities have 3 levels and can be improved with skill points and gems
- Unlocking unique perks, such as new Obsidian Tower mods or item blueprints, are now displayed on the summary screen
- Pets and mercenaries (but not summoned creatures) can now be set to one of five behaviors: normal, defensive, aggressive, hold current position, and ignore enemies. The type of behavior affects the movement speed of the creature and the radius in which it notices enemies
- Barrels and troughs with water can now be used to restore some of the HP (the water from the trough has a chance to poison the character)
- Minimap size can now be customized

- Added new Ambush
- Added new Treasury
- With a 20% chance, instead of a regular altar, a "cursed" version of it may appear: in order to use it, you must first defeat several waves of monsters

- "Burial Mound" and "Adamantite Garden" locations are now available for creating rooms in multiplayer (Ultimate version required)
- Added the ability to create rooms for three players (Ultimate version required)
- Added the ability to change the connection server (three regions are available: Europe, USA and Asia)
- Clicking on the character icon in the lobby will display the nickname of the player who created the room
- Improved multiplayer stability

- The starting level of the bosses that occur between locations in the Obsidian Tower now depends on the floor from which the descent began
- Level of mini-bosses accessed through gates in the Obsidian Tower is no longer tied to the level of bosses between floors
- The base stats of pets have been increased, and the improvement of each of them is now more effective
- "Immortality" of pets now works a limited number of times, after which the pet will disappear until the next visit to the Camp (the resurrection counter is reset if the creature is alive when visiting the Camp or if the player used Decoction of Blackgrass)
- Decoction of Blackgrass can be dropped from more monsters
- Pet "Lynx" no longer has the standard ability "Collect Coins" (this ability is available for purchase and use by any pet)
- Pet "Golem" no longer has the standard ability "Resistance to diseases" (this ability is available for purchase and use by any pet)
- Creature ability "Vampirism" is now calculated according to the damage dealt, instead of the base damage
- Mutually exclusive ring effects can no longer be generated on the same ring
- The cost of all improvements to the Menagerie building above level 1 has been increased
- Base HP of "Grim Paladin" boss reduced from 635 to 540
- Increased the cost of selling blacksmith stones and ingots
- Blueprints no longer drop if the player has completed less than 12 raids

- Equipped shields, books and grimoires are now displayed on the character
- Appearance of pets now changes when they reach levels 15 and 30 (previously it happened after levels 10 and 25)
- Changed minimap icons for chests and stairs
- Objects like sacks and small crates (which never drop loot) are no longer displayed on the minimap
- Added the ability to quickly enable/disable sound effects and music in Settings
- Updated appearance of Altar of Battle, Altar of Defence and Altar of Fighting Spirit
- Updated tab icons in the Bestiary
- Added alternate floor view for Crypt of Emptiness
- Passive items can now only be sold one at a time
- To move the camera to an ally, its icon now needs to be held for more than 0.2 seconds (normal pressing opens the menu for setting the behavior of the satellite)

- When visiting the Lost Tomb with "Downworld Expanses" or "Brave Downworld" modifier active, the game could freeze
- Players might experience a black screen when entering the Treasury in a group raid
- When minimizing the game during loading, a black screen could occur
- When switching between the game and other windows, the entire screen, except for the interface, could turn black until the next restart of the game
- The effect "Stun" did not affect the player's characters
- Drawings of some items disappeared when transferring the save to a new device
- Multiple passive items could sometimes be stacked in one inventory slot
- When choosing a second item in the Forge, items that were not suitable for combining were not darkened
- When upgrading items with standard effects in the Forge, the total number of free sockets for effects could be less than it should be
- When using Rune of Sanctuary or Rune of Greed, two portals appeared at once in multiplayer
- When controlling with a gamepad, navigation in the inventory did not work
- Rating points in the Tower could be incorrect for surviving characters
- When destroying a tombstone (in the Lost Tomb) with a fireball, skeletons did not appear from it
- Minimap could remain open when moving to the next floor
- When the Pandemic modifier was active, the effects of poisoning and petrification were applied instantly, instead of filling the corresponding gauge
- Pets could not attack Nightmares
- Pet ability "Collect Coins" may not work properly
- The "Tower Shield" effect did not work properly
- Near the Ancient Guardians, the sound of a shot was continuously played
- When resurrecting with the Cross of Life, the animation of the character could be broken
- Chat messages overlapped each other when there were too many of them
- When loading a saved dungeon or leaving the camp gate, the state of the buttons for instant healing and creating a portal were not loaded, as well as the original number of monsters on the floor
- When the character moved, the picture could lose clarity
- Minimap zoom was reset when going to the next floor
- Improved optimization and fixed many small bugs
Matrix Hearts - Season 1 - blueottervns
Ello Otters!

I am happy to announce that Chapter 4 of Matrix Hearts is fully written, and I am working on programming! And while I am working on the next season of the game, we also have updates to work toward for this current season.

The animation refresh was supposed to launch this afternoon, but there were a few things that we realized we had to fix.

+While no one had noticed the issue, there is a huge one that involves not being able to name your bird if you are on that route. I could have fixed this without telling anyone, but that's not the Otter way!

+The current heart route with Layla and the route with Xia needs a slight rework. The hearts aren't adding up to correct paths and achievements, and we want to fix these because, you know, romance game, romance girls.

I could have waited for the in-game phone update, but it felt more appropriate to fix these as soon as possible, so this update feels like the best. There is going to be a light push to August 12th (ish) for the release of the update to include these otterly-amazing things.

And if you want otterly-amazing, Steam cards are coming on the 12th as well featuring anime graphics for your favorite girls!

-The Otter Team
Time Wasters - Proton Studio

New Ravebow Loyalty Challenge: Only Up
  • Earn a Solo Victory with Ravebow to unlock the Only Up Challenge
  • Enemies Spawn From Above
  • An Elite Fire Circle Moves Up
  • Enemy Speed Multiplier 2
  • Enemy Hull Multiplier 2
  • Gold Per Pickup -0.5
  • New Loyalty icon will replace Solo after earning an Only Up Victory
  • To play, select Ravebow as the Captain then select Only Up from the Select A Challenge screen
  • Added Unlock Missions & Steam Achievement
  • More Loyalty Challenges may be added in future updates
Loyal Crew Ravebow
  • Get an Only Up Challenge Victory with Ravebow to unlock
  • Loyal Crew Ravebow can immediately join the crew at the start of a run
  • Ravebow must not be Banished to join your crew
Select Captain Screen
  • Captain Icons display if Captain Is Banished or Available As Crew
    • Regular Icon = Available As Crew or Waiting to Unlock Crew
    • Red Icon = Banished Crew
    • Grey Icon with a Lock = Captain Locked, complete mission to unlock
  • Crew can now be Banished or Unbanished from the Select Captain Screen
  • Pressing Tab, RMB or the Y button will toggle Banish Crew / Unbanish Crew
  • The Banish Crew / Unbanish Crew tooltip is displayed in the Captain Info panel
Space Cube Upgrades
  • Available As Crew is now Banish Crew
    • X in Banish Crew row = Banished Crew and will have red icons
    • Empty Box in Banish Crew row = Available As Crew and will have regular icons
    • Lock in Banish Crew row = Captain Locked, complete mission to unlock
  • Upgrades can be bought and sold anytime, even if a captain is banished
  • Pressing Space, LMB or the A button will toggle Banish Crew and Unbanish Crew
  • Loyal Crew can now be turned on/off from the Space Cube Upgrades Screen
  • When in the Banish Crew row, press Tab, RMB or the Y button to toggle Loyal Crew
    • Purple Loyalty Icon = Loyal Crew On and Captain can immediately join crew at start of a run
    • Grey Loyalty Icon = Loyal Crew Off, crew must be selected through in-game upgrades
  • When starting a run Loyal Crew is selected from left to right of the Captain list (ie if all Loyal Crew turned on it will select Corrosia, Raven and Ravebow, possibly Kat depending on the selected Captain)
Laser Strike
  • Pink lasers fire after the Blue lasers instead of at the same time to spread out the DPS coverage
Mine Enemies
  • If destroyed by the player weapons it will have a blue explosion damaging nearby enemies
  • If destroyed by the player colliding with it there will be a red explosion and it will cause damage to the player
  • Fix - Mine damage not scaling correctly
The Land of Shadows : Asylum - IGaming Studio
External environment update:

- redesign of the outdoor environment (garden)
- Installation of a set and a play area outside the asylum.
Wall World - Amber Jam
Hey wall diggers,

We are working like bees creating this DLC for Wall World. And we want to show some things we’ve already done.

Wall World: Deep Threat will bring you new epic tiers and biomes, dangerous bosses, powerful weapons, helpful relics and upgrades, and even more secrets buried in the Wall. Prepare to drill really deep!

Here is just a small piece of everything that awaits you in the Deep Threat DLC:


Among the new ones – a zyrex with ranged attacks, moving only by jumping:

One of them is the Chemical Weapon, which fires gas bombs in a ballistic trajectory. The bombs explode on impact with enemies and leave clouds of gas at the site of the explosions, causing minor damage to enemies:

Meta Upgrades
Take a look at Jump in Place. With this upgrade, the player gains the ability for the spider to jump off the wall and fall to the same place, damaging nearby enemies:


Regarding the bosses, all we can say is that you should be brave and well-armored, because their rage and power increase after each fight.

One of the bosses you'll encounter is named Zeus. Despite both of you being pretty similar, don't underestimate their might:

We prefer to keep the rest of the content a secret until the DLC release. Let us know what you think about this stuff 💥

And, of course, don’t forget to add Wall World: Deep Threat to your wishlist to stay tuned and not miss its release:

Pixel Composer - MakhamDev
- Gradient is now animatable.
- Palette animation of different lengths now won't create extra black color.
- Add project-wide setting
- Default surface dimension
- Default palette

- Add an exit button to close the tab.
- Each project now opens in its own graph panel.

- [Animation panel] Dopesheet label width is now adjustable.
- [Animation panel] Add active area indicator for nodes with active properties.
- [Animation panel] Add an option to unlock easing in the y-axis.
- [Preview panel] Onion skin for animation.
- [Preview panel] Minified tool rack.
- [Inspector panel] Expression textbox now has autocomplete.
- [Inspector panel] Color picker won't activate on the alt key if a textbox is active.
- [Graph panel] Add the ability to set a node in a group as a tool node, making tools on that node visible when inspecting a group.
- [Graph panel] Improve connection line drawing performance.
- [Add node] Add a "related" section to recommend common nodes use after each junction value.
- [Color, Gradient selector dialog] Add an option to display only the selected palette.
- [Color Button] Add a quick select button to select colors from the project palette quickly.

- New rate remap node: Remap animation to a lower framerate.
- New armature sample node.
- New random shape node.
- New region fill node.
- New palette shift node.
- "New" color replaces node.
- Expression now support array creation and manipulation.
- Expression now support function calling.
- Trigonometry (sin, cos, tan)
- lerp
- wiggle
- random, irandom
- Expression now allow array member reassignment.
- Looping/ping-pong mode can now be set to affect only N-last keyframes instead of the entire track.
- Expression now terminates if a recursive call is detected.

- [Armature create/pose] Previewing nodes now frame the bone properly.
- [Armature create] Add button to remove bone in the inspector.
- [Armature create] Add move and scale tools.
- [Armature bind] Add bone translate and scale properties.
- [Armature bind] Add flashing color on an unbound surface.
- [Export] Add frame range property.
- [Camera] Oversample settings can now be set per surface.
- [Camera] Add depth of field property.
- [Lens blur] Now works with alpha channel.
- [3D extrude] Add smooth extrude.
- [Canvas] Brush preview is now hidden when using the color picker.
- [Canvas] Improve previewing system, now only have 1 output.
- [Canvas] Add selection tool.
- [Cache array] Frame range now use the same indexing as the animation panel.
- [Replace color] When using "set others to black" with mask, the masked-out area is also set to black.
- [Scatter] Add an option to rotate the object along the path.
- [Sprite stack] Add highlight property.
- [Particle, VFX] Add collision ground property.

- [Armature pose] Fix moving bone not apply rotation properly.
- [Gradient Out] Fix node not loading.
- [Camera] Fix parallax error.
- [Camera] Fix camera aspect ratio error.
- [Replace image] Fix detection error.
- [Render Sprite Sheet] Fix spacing not applied on the second image.
- [Cache, Cache array] Fix cache result not persist between saves.
- [Particle] Fix Rotate by direction property wiggle at the first two frames.
- [De-stray] Fix the node removes too many pixels.
- Fix expression error with a constant, single value.
- Fix expression error caused by space between variables.
- Fix the text area cursor not moving between lines properly.
- Fix the texture interpolation setting missing.
- Fix new empty project does not show save dialog on exit.
- Fix crash when closing the project with multiple projects opening.
- Fix save bug caused by duplicated UUID.
- Fix the rendering bug when creating a gradient with more keys than the maximum limit (128).
- Improve performance on idle.
Victim - Error_Esc
-Reworked the logic for all of the NPC interactions

-Added Skeleton NPC interactions

-Redesigned the Sentient T.V. Boss

-Added a sign and an aesthetic to an early area

-Changed the Sprite's design for the Ancient Cell & the Future Cell Key Slots
Jul 28, 2023
Spire Horizon - RAGNAGUS
  • Change equipments Icon.
  • Fix character's torso bug.
Folcroft Monastery - blackknifegames
Currently there is an issue with unlocking certain achievements and how they are triggered. I appologize for this error. This is my first Steam game/official game release so I will work on troubleshooting the problem and get a fix for that as soon as possible. This is new to me so this may take some time, but I hope it does not ruin your impression of the game. Please enjoy it if you can and I will work on a fix for the achievement issue in the meantime.
Stellar Watch - White Leaf
Hey fellow Watch!

We've got some thrilling news to share!

Stellar Watch is rocketing its way into this year's PAX West! We're over the moon to announce that we've been selected as one of just twelve indie games awarded a free booth at the convention, as part of the PAX Rising showcase. We're packing our bags and bringing a significantly updated demo to the show floor, featuring new natural hazards, intriguing enemies, and powerful upgrades.

But what if you can't join us at PAX West this year? Not a problem at all! The revamped demo will be launched on Steam at the start of the convention, so all of you can join the action as soon as it kicks off, right from the comfort of your own homes.

And here's the cherry on top: we've been hard at work designing a collection of exclusive pins representing each of our drones! These will be available for the first time alongside the release of the new demo.

We're extremely excited to see the Stellar Watch community grow, and we can't wait to share all the new experiences we've crafted for you. Your unwavering support fuels our determination to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience.

(Be the first to join playtests of our latest version!)