REMNANT II® - micah.seff
We launched Remnant II on July 25th, and we are humbled and grateful for the overwhelming positive response from the community. Your support and enthusiasm for Remnant II have been truly inspiring. We are aware that a small portion of players have encountered some bugs, ranging in various levels of severity.

We know that encountering bugs and glitches can be frustrating and can hinder your excitement for the game. We take these issues incredibly seriously, and our team is working to identify and address these issues as quickly as possible.

Since we’ve launched, we’ve already addressed some early issues that have popped up such as progression blockers in the Labyrinth and Nightweaver’s Web and issues with the Waterharp Puzzle. We will continue to work to deliver fixes for remaining issues over the coming days and weeks.

Some of the issues we are currently looking at:

  • Improving overall performance
  • Addressing crashes and issues with higher end systems
  • Addressing issues with the trait system
  • Other Progression blockers and missing items
  • And other fixes!
Thank you for your support and understanding. We are determined to make Remnant II an unforgettable adventure for all players, and we will continue to refine and improve the game.

- - Ben Gabbard, Development Director
Jul 27, 2023
Digital Mate - DigitalLife
Team Fortress 2 - erics
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Add ConVars to control Mann vs. Machine team limits on community servers
    • tf_mvm_defenders_team_size
    • tf_mvm_max_connected_players
  • Fixed the Pastel Trance Unusual taunt effect not drawing two Balloonicorns
  • Fixed names/descriptions for the most recent HugsTF medals
  • Updated pl_venice
    • Gameplay
      • Relocated first Blu spawn (now split into two individual spawns at random)
      • Moved 1st Red spawn further away into a new room
      • Added new upper entrance into building next to Point A (thanks Delila)
      • Added new exit from 2nd Red spawn room
      • Moved a building entrance near Point A to a new walkway area above
      • Removed upper entrance and Point C routes in building next to Point B
      • Added new raised position at the main open inside area between Points C and D
      • Added new route near Point D
      • Added new cubby spot at Point D
      • Removed part of the balcony at the final Point
      • Widened door between 2nd Blu spawn and Point B
      • Removed a door to upper room near first Blu spawn & connected the balconies
      • Opened section of the building next to Point C for faffing and uber charging
      • Altered the underneath of the balcony at the building next to Point C
      • Tweaked roof area near Point B to make it easier to counter
      • Tweaked walkway between Points A and B
      • Added some minor cover near Point A
      • Lowered railing at above position near Point C for Turrets
      • Added cubbies across the map to improve gameplay for Engineer, Spy, etc.
      • Removed engineer building & added smoother clipping on the raised bridge
      • Added/removed/moved some health & ammo
    • Art
      • Improved lightmap scale across the map to produce nicer shadows
      • Increased saturation and slightly adjusted style of some materials
      • Expanded the 3d skybox and made it viewable from more locations across the map
      • Fixed flag models
      • Made certain areas feel less like empty spaces
    • Misc
      • Fixed strange missing texture error in middle connector
      • Fixed error in soundscapes
      • Added more direction signs across the map
      • Fixed misaligned payload particles
      • Boat near first Blu spawn has drifted off into the distance
      • Other minor changes
Pawsecuted - PokingWaterGames
  • Fixed hideouts eventually respawning even if a settlement is built on top of it
Wraithbinder - Wizardfu

Greetings, brave warriors!

Here we are wrapping up another fun Wraithbinder beta. Thanks to your feedback, some improvements were made like solving random crashes and adding Steam Cloud sync.

About that multiplayer...

Welp, after working on this feature non-stop for most of the last few months, there are still some quality issues. Basically, making a multiplayer game by myself has been a supreme technical challenge. lol. Rest assured, I have made an online multiplayer game before, so I'm confident everything will work out eventually.

Another beta soon-ish

I want to share this multiplayer feature with you when it is high quality, smooth as butter and a super fun experience with friends. In light of that, Wraithbinder will return soon with another beta dedicated entirely to multiplayer.

As soon as I am confident with the code, I will post an announcement on Twitter, Discord and Steam letting you know it’s available to play. It will be like a surprise beta!

A list of what's new in the latest couple updates:
  • Solved the Boss missing his axe weapon
  • Made relics land in an X shape so they are never on top of each other
  • Solved "server timeout" message between floors when not connected to the Internet
  • Solved a framerate slowdown issue
  • Enabled Steam Cloud sync
  • Separated settings per platform so a player can have different settings depending on the device they are using
  • Fixed crash handler on Windows so it displays an accurate stacktrace instead of "couldn't map function name"
  • Improved menu sounds so they are less bleep bloop
  • Solved character's name off the top of the traits menu for some window ratios
  • Solved Continue always starting player aboard ship in offline mode
  • Solved character getting stuck aiming in one direction
  • Solved characters able to use Blink, Boots, Bow and Boomerang during cutscenes
  • Hopefully solved the random crashes when transitioning to next floor
  • Created a menu down arrow animation for menus that are scrollable
  • Made the mouse cursor more noticeable
  • Made all menu options cycle / wrap so its easier to use when only left clicking
  • Made character style choice either random or sequential based on option
  • Changed "X ability is required" to "An ability is required" to not influence player's choice of ability
  • Disallow Dash ability from crossing Boots or Blink gates
  • Solved Bomb and Jump abilities missing tooltips
  • Solve characters rotating on main menu accidentally
  • Solved a bug where picking up an alternate weapon would instantly crash the game
  • Created the Join Game menu which lists matches a player can join
  • Made small chests spawn multiple items in multiplayer
  • Made multiplayer share exp for creep kills when players are near each other
  • Limited multiplayer co-op mode to 2 players for now
  • Solved many, many multiplayer desyncs
That’s all for now, bravest of warriors,

Vault of the Void - Josh Bruce
Hey everyone -- time for me to swing in with another Dev Diary update, sharing a bit of progress on the 2.0 Patch coming!

Not much preamble here from me -- just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the words of support on the last Dev Diary re: pricing structure. I was worried that some may feel let down a little by my pivot there, but it was really reassuring to see that everyone agrees with the decision! Thank you all!

Okay let's dive into things...

Card/Item Structure
So as I continue working through the battle screen, as I mentioned last week, it was time to get the cards working! I originally planned to continue with the old way of cards programming, where I just code up the effects manually in a card processor. Shu and I had a chat and want to try something however, and I’m glad we did!

Basically, the Card/Item/Void Stone code has now pivoted to a PlayOps system which uses JSON code on the card entries themselves to perform and list all the effects. The underlying setup here was a bit larger, however, the end result is a chance at something that everyone has been asking for -- mods(ish).

I’ll clarify a little bit more -- right now the way things are setup means that custom Cards and Items are technically possible. Shu and I will be working on some documentation to show what methods and calls are permitted from custom stuff, and how to code these. A lot of this we're still trying to figure out the best way forward, but we also don't want to clog up the pipeline of 2.0 and Mobile release too much right now. The ability to code and load your own custom cards and items probably won’t be ready at 2.0 -- we’re not pushing too much focus there right now. Rather, right now, we’re working on the infrastructure to allow this in the future. Here is an example of a few cards:

[[{damage: 6}, {combo_add: 1, combo: 0}], [{damage: 9}, {combo_add: 1, combo: 0}]]
[[{damage: 16}, {rage_increase: 50}], [{damage: 20}, {rage_increase: 50}]];
Time To Maim:
[[{block: 6, rage: 0}, {rage_increase: 50}], [{block: 6, rage: 0}, {rage_increase:50, rage: 0}, {rage_increase: 50}]];

These are a few more simple examples, however hopefully it shows how easy it will be to string some new cards together. More on this to come in the future, but very excited about how this is working!

Simulated Results
One of the other major let downs of 1.x, is the damage preview scripts. Probably the most !bug reported issue on the Discord is based on damage previews being wrong on cards. Previously, this was mostly hand code with me, a 1300+ line script with many "ifs" and catchs and exceptions trying to semi-simulate results. This also never took into account Artifacts or other effects.

I decided to rectify this issue!

The way I’ve code things now, the game has a full card and artifact simulation process going on when you hold a card up to play. The game simulates the results before the card is played, showing the exact amount of damage, no matter the Void Stone, trigger count, Rage mid-trigger, enemy status etc. So far, it's perfectly accurate and the ability to preview Artifact effects at the same time is great as well!

Heres an example of Fan of Blades ready to trigger (I gave Smash Swift in this example to test the Rage stacking mid trigger). You can see the small amount of Bleed showing on preview.

It brings up a small discussion that's been going on internally right now -- and that is the simulation of random effects. Take for example, Grapeshot. As programmed right now, holding Grapeshot up to play will actually preview the exact damage results across enemies on the field. This has been a bit of a hot topic internally, and most people are leaning towards wanting this information not shown. Whilst the system is set up to support it, a decision on if it will be enabled or not will be made shortly!

Simulated Grapehot:

Event Rooms
Shu has been actively working on Event Rooms, and as of this typing, I think it's just the Well of Stars left to code up! All events are in the Run JSON, predetermined, with the long standing bug of some rooms “not being re-enterable” finally fixed. I’ll be moving to these rooms and redoing the UI on all these after battle, to make sure they’re working to the new UI Scaling and small screen layouts.

As part of the Event Rooms, Shu has also been working through the Run JSON to ensure its all in there, and cleaned up and ready to go. The structure seems pretty set in stone, and we’ll be testing it more over the next 2 weeks. However, if it gets the tick of approval, I’m going to be releasing an example of this JSON early here for you all. This means that those of you who like to make tools/websites etc for these games, you’ll be able to see how things are structured. Also, it means the Speed Running/Competition community can get an early look at things to set up processes on their end. More of that in the next blog!

Overall, that's pretty much where things stand now. I just got the final few animations back from Sanjeev as well, so the Swamp Witch Totems and also the Voidling are all finally animated! There's much more happening and we’re working around the clock to get this finalised and released on PC, so you all can be playing this whilst we optimise the last few bits for Mobile and smallscreens.

I’m still optimistic about getting a PC Beta out hopefully around mid August, even if its just for the Hidden to start with. I can’t wait to have this done so we can start crushing out some awesome new content for Vault!

Thank you everyone for the kind reviews, and for staying so patient during this process. I’ll make sure it's worth the wait!

All for now
- Josh

Jul 27, 2023
Survivor - kolacape
Hi all, I would like to apologize for my sudden absence. I recently caught a bad flu and have been quite sick for the last week. However, as of writing this post, I am feeling much better and will resume development starting from tomorrow!

I know this is a fairly short announcement but I didn't want to leave you guys in the dark and provide an explanation for what's been going on.
Town of Salem 2 - BlankMediaGames
Hotfix patch!

Bug Hotfixes:

• Fixed "Unknown role" bug when a day kill happens with hidden roles modifier.
• Fixed: Houses no longer stay despawned if someone leaves in lobby and someone is shuffled to their spot.
• Fixed: Role icons showing as ? for all roles in graveyard.
• Fixed: Experimental chat no longer plays sound effects more often than intended.
• Fixed: Slightly increased font size of Noto Sans in chat.
Duelyst II - Estonian Psycho

Patch 0.2.11 will go live at around 6AM UTC/1AM ET on Friday 28th of July.

This update introduces kickstarter backer skins, gauntlet decks in friendly games and top winstreak on the profile page.

Read the full notes here.
STG Football - greg
The SuperTeam Games team is excited to soon launch STG Football on Steam. We will be providing periodic updates in our Community Hub section regarding the status of the Early Access version of our game. Thank you and more news to come.