Jul 21, 2023
11111Game - hexyarts

Most important patch notes:
- New, improved tutorial (now also available from within the game),
- Better navigation and controller support,
- Faster game loading,
- Enhanced music player,
- Added a companion to cheer on your victories,
- Added Ukrainian translation,
- Improved inverse color theme,
- Many smaller bugfixes and tweaks to improve the game experience.
Lock 'n Load Tactical Digital: Core Game - Metcalf
- added text to the message log when a 2 is rolled on an Ordnance Attack to indicate it is an automatic hit.
- fixed a bug where a solo Leader sent into a Close Assault while carrying an appropriate weapon would not enter the target hex, even after making the the morale roll.
- fixed Emplaced vehicles to be correctly unable to pivot.
- fixed shots to rear hull of Emplaced vehicles to correctly ignore the emplacement.
- fixed Auto-Rally getting stuck if there was a medic in a hex with mixed units and it wanted to heal a non-allowed one (related to Jul 10 change).
- Sniper's Den: second attempt to replace map 16B that went missing.
Jul 21, 2023
Touhou: New World - XSEED Liz
  • Added new higher difficulty options (Bullet Hell) accessible from the launcher.
    • Bullet Hell
      Greatly increases the number, speed, and damage of enemy projectiles.
    • Bullet Hell Plus
      In addition to the above changes, increases the game speed by 25%.
  • Improved dash
    Increased rate at which dash can be used.

  • Reduced recovery after knockdown
    Reduced time to recovery after taking a knockdown hit.

Build ID: 11747134
The Black Masses - Brilliant Game Studios
Hello everyone! Some may know that today we did the full release for UEBS2.

Over 2 weeks ago, a portion of our team has officially been shifted to resuming development for Black Masses. We are still some months away from an update, but we want to be transparent and let you know that development is officially resuming. We are excited to finally finish this game. We again apologize for the situation we ended up in. We are a small team, and funding comes from our own pockets. However the release of UEBS2 has allowed us to continue development for Black Masses, regardless of what profits are made. We hope you understand, and we are very excited to finish this.


Brilliant Game Studios.

Jul 21, 2023
Finesse - ethan_from_chicago
This update introduces diagonally-moving lasers! Be on the lookout for obstacles that start high and go low.

You can also find a preview of an upcoming feature. Look for the "Disco" button on the "Studio" tab in the menu.
Dream Tactics - Ashe
Hello everyone!

We are proud to announce that Dream Tactics is now being published by Freedom Games. For those of you who may not know, a game publisher can take care of a lot of the business and marketing side of releasing a game. That includes managing our store pages, marketing and advertising the game, helping showcase the game at both digital and live events, PR, and a lot more. Working together with Freedom allows us to focus on making the game the best it can be and provides us with the resources to do so. We’re very excited to see what this brings for us as devs, and for you as fans of Dream Tactics!

You may also be concerned about horror stories of publishers ruining the vision of a game or forcing arbitrary restrictions on the dev team. For Freedom, that couldn't be further from the truth. Freedom has been a great partner to us, only enhancing and supporting our vision. We were very careful when considering whether to go with a publisher or not, and selected Freedom because they are committed to our vision of the game, and only want to see it reach its full potential as we see it. We maintain complete creative and development control, and Freedom wouldn’t have it any other way!

Thank you for your continued support, as always, and we’re looking forward to what our new partnership with Freedom will bring!

That being said, we’re always happy to answer any questions and chat about Dream Tactics! Feel free to join our Discord and check us out on Twitter to connect with us and the rest of the Dream Tactics community!

Thanks for reading,
Spectra Entertainment

Business Heroes: Street Grub - Thor
Hello heroes, 🤗

Since we concluded the alpha test earlier this month, we have painstakingly reviewed all the fantastic feedback we received from the community. While most of it was positive and encouraging, we discovered that difficulty navigating the UI and rough player onboarding were recurrent pain points players experienced.

As a result, we decided to embark on a total overhaul of the User Experience to eliminate, or at least minimize, as much as possible, those pain points. This process will be executed in a feedback loop with our discord community to ensure the outcome effectively addresses the issues.

UX Redesign Brainstorming 🧠
  1. Ranking of game mechanics by skill level
  2. User flow analysis and review
  3. Critical player progression paths for New and Expert players
  4. Research tree conceptualization and initial design

Looking for a unique blend of intricate strategy and classic tycoon gaming? 🎮Join our community and dive into a world where every burger flipped is a step towards your tycoon dream. 🍔👑
Carry Onward - Rippero
Step into Thomas' world in this narrative-driven gameplay short! 🚀 Explore a beautifully crafted house, interact with emotional objects, and discover five unique endings. 🏡🗝️

Embrace the journey of leaving home and finding hope! 🌟 Get the game now with a special launch discount! 🎁🎮


Thank you for your support! 🙌 Let's embark on this emotional adventure together! 🌠

Carry Onward,
Axon TD: Uprising - Tower Defense - WindStrike
We're proud to announce that Axon TD: Uprising will be releasing onto Early Access on Wednesday, August 2nd for $19.99! That's right, it's less than 2 weeks away!

For any of you with Special Early Access to the game, there'll be a new build tonight that unlocks the rest of the game, Campaign included. We'll post up Version 0.0.7 Patch Notes alongside it when it's ready.

For everyone else, read on to find out what you should expect from the Early Access release!

What's that inactive button on the bottom row?


Start with the basics here!

Anyone that played our previous game, Element TD 2, knows that we love making games with lots of depth. This is still true in Axon TD, but this time, we decided to make learning the game a lot easier. In general, we sought far more intuitive mechanics and tower designs. It's much less APM intensive, and you've got unlimited time between waves to figure out what you want to do.

Oh, and on top of that, there's an actual Tutorial in the game.

Now with 120% more pop-up ads dialogues!


Characters and a story? In a Tower Defense? Nonsense!

One of the things we wanted to focus on in Axon TD: Uprising is to tell an actual story. No, not "a great darkness has befallen the land, and only you can stop the hoardes of minions and stop the great evil".

Instead, it's "robots have taken over the world, and only you can stop them".

In the Campaign, you play as Patricia Jones, a defense contractor that's called to Planet Mega-451 to stop a "minor incursion". Of course, things are a whole lot worse than the request let on. Your ship is shot down (spoiler!), and you find yourself stranded on a planet infested with robotic enemies called Axons.

Ignore the fancy debug options in the corner, they're not real, and neither are we.

Build up your Loadout, progress through Tech & Upgrade Trees, and tackle the first 2 Chapters of this campaign, encompassing 15 Missions. Meet other characters, learn to love/hate robots, learn to love/hate mankind, and learn some of the truth behind this war.

Quick Play

This may or may not be the most optimal way to handle this map. Experiment to your heart's desire!

A mode where you can skip the progression and jump right into it! Select your loadout from among the game's 32 Towers/Traps/Mines and 8 Overloads, try to beat the level, and get the highest score you can on the leaderboards! You can even turn on modifiers like Random Loadout and Rush Mode for some extra challenge.

12 Maps will be available from the start!

Co-op Mode

You can see (and judge) everyone's loadouts before you all ready up!

It's like Quick Play, except up to 4 Players work together to defend against the Axons on much larger Co-op maps! Coordinate with your team using contextual pings, and send resources as you need to. This mode supports maps for 2, 3, or 4 Players!

That's a big map. We're gonna need a bigger boat... or bigger towers?

Survival Mode

This outcome is just one of many possibilities...

Survive against 30 Waves of increasing difficulty in this Roguelite Mode. Tack on whole islands, build your loadout over time through a selection of randomized rewards, and if you beat the gauntlet, compete on the leaderboards!

If the first map wasn't challenging enough for you, there's even a second one...

Early Access Features
  • 32 Towers, Traps, and Mines
  • 8 Overload Abilities
  • 25+ Unique Enemies & Bosses
  • An actual Tutorial
  • 15 Mission Partial Campaign
  • 12 Quick Play Maps of varying difficulties
  • 9 Co-op Maps that support up to 4 Players
  • 2 Survival Mode Maps
  • Leaderboards for Survival, Co-op, and Quick Play Modes
  • And 34 Achievements!
And of course, we have plans to expand just about all of the above throughout Early Access into Full Release. Once we release on August 2nd, look forward to our Roadmap!

Wishlist the game and join our Discord!


Ship Simulator Realistic - gregory12
This Update includes a vast amount of work that had to be done , including all the optimizations , new ship , improvements in ship maneuverability , new Ship (One Container) and a new test scene with a panama locker. More port Details , more spawn point , Game Engine upgrades (soon we will move to Unity 22 from 21) , Loading Optimizations and many more list is down below and photos as well


  • Small UI changes to Main Menu (Buttons - Multiplayer Menu)
  • Square Minimap
  • Major Optimization in the Scene Loading
  • Improved Ship Physics in high seas
  • Improved UI Readability
  • Improved Mooring Panel
  • More Spawn Points
  • Updated Unity Version
  • Updated Ocean System
  • Updated Weather System
  • Updated Titanic
  • Underwater Fog Adjusted
  • Updated Modding (Textures and loading models are faster , more reliable)
  • More Spawns In Greece Scene
  • Port Fenders to all Greece Ports
  • Scalable UI
  • More Mooring Points to some ports
  • Fixed Some issues on editor Scene
  • Fixed Mostly Ship that turning by themselves
  • Added a decimal more to fuel quantity
  • Added Text of loading progress on the Editor Scene
  • Added Fps Counter to Editor Scene
  • Added Safety Measures to avoid errors and multiple ships spawning in editing scene
  • Panama Locker Test
  • Radical Menu to Choose Camera
  • Pivot Camera
  • Adjusted Ships Acceleration
  • Fixed Mooring Button be available only when hydraulics are enabled
  • Unity Engine Update

Updated Titanic

Port Fenders

New Mooring Panel

Adjusted Underwater

Pivot Camera Selection
