Jul 18, 2023
Gluua - OHOW
- General performance optimizations
Jul 18, 2023
HOLIDAYS - wallacelovecraft
I will try and make one final update for the game, where I'll fix the stutter problem that some people talked about. I implemented the fix in my Monomon Black Sun game and it seemed to work. So hopefully, if new people play Holidays, they won't experience it happening.

I will also be changing one of the lines at the end of the game where I say something about using the holidays 1 save file to continue progress for the next game. When or if I ever do Holidays 2, I will be doing a rework on the assets and making the characters and stuff visually smaller. I would like to just start fresh for every game. So just uninstall Holidays 1 or the delete the save if you still have it.

That is all, thank you! :-]

Update: I tried to use the fix but it didn't work. What really helped was forcing the game to run with my nvidia graphics card. I don't think I can ever get rid of the micro-stuttering. Oh well, I tried. I'm sorry.
The Mortuary Assistant - Poco
A new terror from the publisher behind The Mortuary Assistant enters the neighborhood...

Something's not quite right at the long abandoned Sunrise TV Studio Lot...

Get ready to confront your deepest fears as the puppets of your fondest memories turn on not just each other but you too! Step into a world of childhood nostalgia turned nightmarish with the highly anticipated release of My Friendly Neighborhood!

The cast of MFN is ready to meet you, but be careful and don't get too close!

Pick up My Friendly Neighborhood now!

Social Links:
Jul 18, 2023
Meridian 59 - Mayhem
A large Chess Tournament is underway - Meridian 59 players organized a ladder-style chess tournament in celebration of a recent update to the Chess Board item in-game. The Tournament prizes were largely donated by players, with a couple unique DM contributions added in after the event was underway.

The update - a change to the viewing perspective of the board when used by its player - was personally done by creator-developer 'Zaphod', which was also the last thing added to the M59 by him when it was first released commercially back in 1995!

The entries filled up quickly, with 16 players competing for 'Chess Champion', with some on standby. Players and the Chess Master, 'Essun', go over the games, which are summarized and reviewed daily in the Meridian 59 discord and on the chess website, 'lichess', as show in a link below.

Players are able to watch the chess games in-game even if they're not one of the competing players - any amount of spectators can view the board and see the matches in real-time! The games have been happening in a newer hangout for shady characters - the candle-lit Abandoned Tavern across the street from the most popular bar in the land, Familiars.

Due to the popularity of the event, another like it is expected to happen again in the future.

Thank you to 'Essun' for organizing the event, 'Zaphod' for the real-time updates to improve the Chess Board, and to all Meridian 59 players for their patronage and support.

Log in to Meridian and join the discord to get in on the conversation for the Chess Tournament and other upcoming events! We hope to see you in-game!

Have fun playing and may you suddenly feel a little tougher ~

A summation of the rules, prizes and a collection of currently posted game analysis' are below!

The following was originally posted by 'Essun' in the Meridian 59 Discord:


Open chess tournament in celebration of recent update

- all players of all skill levels are welcome

- rounds to be played throughout the week when players are available

- only 1 entry per player

Knockout-style tournament:

- one game per round, die roll determines color choice

- no external assistance (i.e. chess analysis engines) allowed

- no stalling once the game begins

- no timer, but taking longer than 10 min to make a move will result in a loss

- no game is to exceed 50 moves, if no winner by move 50, the game is a draw

- no draws by agreement, all games will end either with a winner or forced draw

- in the event of a draw, players will play a 5-minute blitz game to determine the winner

- in the event of further draws, more blitz games will be played with -1 minute to the timer per game

Final Round will be 3 games played in front of an audience, time & location TBD

- 0.5 points per draw

- 1 point per win

- same rules outlined above apply if drawn after 3 games

Here's the updated prize pool for the Chess Tournament, now featuring the kind donations of Oujia, Beumac, and Mayhem.


1st Place:

:gift~1: A special gift.

:lightningbolt: A Profile Engraving,

♟️ An engraved & colored chess board,

:Prism: Your choice: a red 3-sided prism OR a unique chocolate colored 5-sided prism

:shilling: 300,000 shillings


2nd Place:

:mace2: Engraved Black Colored Hammer w/ 2 effects:

Heavy and blunt, this hammer is a powerful weapon, capable of shattering flesh and bone. It is the favored weapon of the mining folk of Jasper. The craftsmanship of this hammer is admirable, obviously the result of hundreds of hours of work by expert hands. The words 'Crafted in Darkness' are delicately engraved on the edge. A swirling green 'GMT' is stamped into the pommel.

This hammer is in flawless condition.

:daemonmask: Daemon Skeleton Mask

:Prism: the prism the winner didn't choose

:shilling: 100,000 shillings


3rd Place:

:skullmask: Skull Mask

:NecklaceofJala: Jala Necklace

:shilling: 25,000 shillings


4th place:

:Rose: Rose

:shilling: 25,000 shillings


5th-16th place:

:MaskAnt: :MaskMummy: :MaskShrunken: :masktroll: :MaskRoXeo: a random mask or toy!

Game Analysis:

Round 1, Match 1:
Rend vs Hektic

"First match of the chess tournament happened tonight between @A guy named Phil (White) & @Hektic (Red). Hektic won the roll and bravely chose to play as red, giving Rend first move advantage as white.

It was a very close game between two evenly matched opponents and it seemed like either could win at any given moment, both were sweating! But in the end, Hektic prevailed as white resigned just as the game was entering its end game."

Round 1, Match 3:
Psilotripitaka vs Grok!

Game #3 between Psilotripitaka (White) & Grok! (Red) was probably the best game yet. They were very evenly matched and the game was incredibly close until near the very end when Psilo pulled slightly ahead. Very well played by both players.

Out of the opening and through much of the middle game, Grok had the upper hand, but one small misstep caused the table to turn.

Round 1, Match 4:
Ouija vs. Judge Dredd

Here's video of the 4th match of Round 1 Ouija vs. Judge Dredd. Lots of games happening tonight, so there's probably going to be a flood of these...

Round 2, Match 1:
IceWing vs Psilotripitaka

Next, we had our first match of Round 2 between IceWing (White) and Psilotripitaka (Red) which was a game with a wildly swinging pendulum featuring our second checkmate of the tournament. Winning this game advanced IceWing to become our first semi-finalist. Congratulations!

Round 1, Match 5:
Old Boy vs Black Panther

Then we returned to Round 1 and had match 5: Old Boy (White) vs Black Panther (Red) which was fairly one sided in white's favor, but BP has never been one to back down from a fight. Still was a very exciting match!

Round 1, Match 6:
Lonesome Traveller vs Grunk

Last game of the night was game 6 of Round 1 between Lonesome Traveller (White) and Grunk (Red) and this was another fairly one-sided but exciting one. Lonesome was less experienced by his own admission but still put up a good fight and found creative ways to get out of many of the corners he was backed into.

Round 1, Match 7:
Alzoneth vs Haven

This afternoon, the 7th match of Round 1 between Alzoneth (White) and Haven (Red) took place and it was a very creative and fun one! Both players admitted to being inexperienced at chess and I'm glad the roster worked out that they got to play together because it was a great game and it seemed like both learned a lot from each other. Both made mistakes, but covered for them with creative tactics.

They both only made 3 moves between them the engine considers blunders and had very high accuracy ratings.

Chronicles of Vaeltaja: In Search of the Great Wanderer - Vaeltaja
Deadline for the competition has been extended until this Sunday (August 20th) as I'm quite busy with the release version of the game at the moment, so there's still five days left to participate. Winners will be contacted by the end of this month and they will get their prizes just before Chronicles of Vaeltaja: In Search of the Great Wanderer launches by the end of September 2023.

Original Announcement:

Welcome, traveler!
I am happy to announce a competition that will give you the opportunity to win a Steam Key and a DRM free copy (at Itch.io) of the Chronicles of Vaeltaja: In Search of the Great Wanderer release version.

To participate in the competition you have to download the Chronicles of Vaeltaja demo, either from Steam or https://witchgrove-games.itch.io/chronicles-of-vaeltaja-in-search-of-the-great-wanderer-demo, and play it to find out the answers for three questions. You only have to answer to one, but answering to all three questions will improve your chances to win. If you have downloaded the demo already, be sure to update it and start a new game, as a small patch has been released just before this announcement to unlock content related to this competition. The patch also features some minor fixes which will be detailed in the patch notes, which are released separately.

One person can only win one Steam Key and a downloadable copy of the game, and there will be three winners altogether, one for each question.

1. After you complete the farmer's first task, you will eventually meet Hermin, a nervous guy who needs your help. It is easy to disappoint Hermin so that he will wander off and will never be seen again, but there is a way to make him share his problems with you. If you ever manage to help him with his real trouble, the quest doesn't end when you collect your reward from him. There are three slightly different end results, but any of them will qualify. What is the unfortunate fate of poor Hermin?

2. When you gain access into the Old Tower in either of the questlines, there will appear three Outlaw mobs in the Northern part of the Great Forest. You have a slight chance for a rare item drop from any of those Outlaws, but you can only get it once. Which item you can acquire from them?

3. If you manage to disappoint Hermin and he wanders off, another questline will open. Eventually it will lead you to the Old Tower. What are you asked to look for from the Old Tower?

When sending the answers, please remember to write 'Chronicles of Vaeltaja Competition' as subject. Send the answers with personal information (name, age and country) to Witchgrove Games' email address:

The competition starts NOW and it ends in August 15th 2023. Winners will be contacted few days later, before announcing the results.

Your email address or personal details will NOT be used for marketing purposes and only Witchgrove Games' employees (which is just me) will get access to the provided information.

Good Luck and Have Fun!
MUA - Nirvana90
1. Fixed ranking error
2. Sparrow skin error fix.
Jul 18, 2023
The Dungeon Tower - RTrasarti
- Bug Fix on Quests killing the boss
- When hero is dead clicking on the screen is equal to press ESC
- Bug Fix on upgrade abilities
- Bug Fix on screen start-up random event
Noble Fates - xobermon
Butchering Fix bug that caused resulting Meat and Hide to have half Durability Salvaging Fix bug that caused resulting Items to have half Durability Dismantling Fix bug that caused resulting Items to have half Durability
Restart the game and steam to pick it up!
OneBit Adventure - SpaceKryptonite
The time is near as we move forward to the next evolution of OneBit Adventure! The Elites are here to bring new challenges to your adventures, but also the new Adventure Upgrades help provide the buffs needed to push your steps to the next level. New boss loot chest along with tons of goodies are in store. Grab some coffee or tea or a smoothie and prepare yourself.

15 New Elite Enemies
Elites are powerful entities that roam OneBit in a way to stop you from going further. The higher your level and the further you go, the more Elites there will be. Learn their attacks to avoid taking damage while dishing damage when they are on cooldown. Killing them will provide equipment of higher grade than normal as well as more xp than your typical enemy! To avoid spoilers, I’ve put all Elite info along with move set to the bottom of this post! Check it if you dare!

New Adventure Upgrade Feature!
Upgrade your adventures to reach your maximum potential! There are 13 new upgrades with some specific to classes that allow you gain buffs for your current adventure. You can hold up to 5 upgrades and increase its tier up to 5 times. Upgrades are found by traveling upwards with a max of 500 steps apart. The upgrades can be skipped if you want to avoid rerolling and wait for the next upgrade goal. Hardcore mode has it more rough as there are no rerolls for adventure upgrades so choose wisely! Upgrades can also be found on the second page of the stats equipment screen. Below are currently all the available upgrades and requirements.

Boss Looting
Normal boss spawns will now drop a boss chest when killed. This makes it easier to get all your loot and press on upwards!

2 New Loot Rarity!
We have extended the reach of new heights by fixing lag past 100k steps and with it, more loot rarity. You should now be able to increase your power further and potentially reach greater heights while not being hindered by cpu power! (until someone reaches 2+ billion damage D:)
  • Ancient – Loot rarity available at 50,000 steps
  • Galactic – Loot rarity available at 100,000 steps
Halloween Event Pack Update
Halloween Event Pack is more gruesome than ever! The bosses above now have a variant skin when using the event pack and will be present for the month of October for everyone to fear!

Tier 1 Profession Available at Level 5
To help you dive into OneBit’s class skills faster, the first tier profession is now available at level 5! Since the second profession introduces newer synergy in builds, we have decided to keep those at level 15. One day, we will get 2nd professions for all classes! (just need to work on some new stuff first)

Shoutouts To Jub
Jub on Discord has helped with creating all the new animations, Elite enemies, ideas, and more for future updates so be sure to give thanks as this update would not be possible with Jub!

What’s Next?
While I spent a lot of time on Greed, I believe its time to bring some love back to OneBit. Major updates are coming to bring more exciting moments, new discoveries, a bunch of new equipment, and eventually 2nd tier professions! It was tough waiting for new content as progress was coming to a halt, but that wait is no more. It is time to solely focused on OneBit Adventure for the coming months and will be setting aside Greed for the time being. I will be looking for a programmer who has a passion and understanding for OneBit to help work on Greed. Working on 2 projects at once without giving all the love and attention to one or the other was not good enough. For the time being, I will work as hard as possible on OneBit to get the funds needed for a team to work on Greed so help by sharing OneBit and let us grow this community more than ever before. You, the players, have helped with feedback, introducing new players through Discord, and even building content together. Thank you and look forward to more exciting updates!

Release Notes v1.3.138
  • Added 15 new Elite enemies
  • Added new Adventure Upgrades feature with up to 13 upgrades to help spice up your adventures
  • Added 2 new loot rarity tiers. Ancient for 50,000+ steps and Galactic for 100,000+ steps. All max rarity equipment has extended to Galactic except for the following changes.
  • Added new boss skins to the Halloween Event Pack
  • Added 75k and 100k fast travel steps
  • Reduced max rarity for Large Rod from Mythical to Rogue
  • Kept max rarity for Defender-C and Brod-H to Mythical
  • Reduced Diamonds gained in Underwater Dungeon from 25 -> 10 for max amount. This still is more than overworld chests. Future expansions will provide more opportunities to earn more Diamonds.
  • Updated first professions to be available at Level 5 and second tier professions to be available at level 15
  • Updated Beyond the Grave to scale with 1% of Expedition buffs
  • Updated Oxygen damage when running out to decay more faster the longer you remain without oxygen. Every 10 steps increases damage by 5% of max hp per turn
  • Updated opacity of actions UI to allow you to see what is behind them
  • Updated Event Packs to be permanent packs
  • Removed Weak Death Notice from Adventure Quests
  • Removed Trap Death Notice from Adventure Quests
  • Fixed a bug with quick purchase while viewing Event Pack screen
  • Fixed double xp timer not decreasing when max level as wisdom xp is used when enabled
  • Fixed Go Home screen not hiding after opening Adventure Quests
  • Fixed Beyond the Grave not giving the correct hp and dmg stats to Zombies with skins
  • Fixed Bleed Chance still appearing as equipment upgrade after Bleed Chance reaches 100%
  • Fixed Avatar Taskbox denying scrolling event when attempting to scroll on an Avatar
  • Fixed VIP 2 Avatar not unlocking on older accounts
  • Fixed prestige text not saying max prestige level reached when you reach prestige 5

SPOILER: Elite Move Set, Spawning, General Stats
Most elites generally replace the spawn of their respective normal version, except for Elite Mimic Chest and Elite Flan. Elites have a base chance of 30% to spawn an equipment which can be increased with Ascension and Looting stat.

Amanda the Adventurer - Poco
From the same publisher as Amanda the Adventurer comes a new nostalgic terror in your neighborhood!

Something's not quite right at the long abandoned Sunrise TV Studio Lot...

Get ready to confront your deepest fears as the puppets of your fondest memories turn on not just each other but you too! Step into a world of childhood nostalgia turned nightmarish with the highly anticipated release of My Friendly Neighborhood!

The cast of MFN is ready to meet you, but be careful and don't get too close!

Pick up My Friendly Neighborhood now!

Social Links: