Paint Warfare - bananadev
Wassup gamers!

Welcome back, this one brings a new map, improvements to the tutorial and some general polish ːsteamhappyː

Train Yard Map

Introducing a new map—Train yard! This one is slightly smaller than the Koto map and is the first map to combine indoor combat in hallways with an open huge map where you can experience the movement to its fullest!

Better Ranking

Tutorial Improvements
It seemed the tutorial was valuable in teaching new players the movement, so I spent a lot of time this update improving it for new players
  • Fixed bugs with the maps and double jumping
  • Shortened the voice lines in the tutorial to make it more straightforward
  • New UIs
  • The second stage of the tutorial is now in the Mafia Island map to allow new players to experience the entirety of the game's movement

Improvements & Polish
  • Camera shake can now be disabled in game options
  • Clearer UI that you can't shoot teammates
  • The bubble grenade and flamethrower now shows damage number popups when damaging enemies
  • The game chat now remains visible in the game end and map vote screen
  • Fixed a bug where both teams would keep getting points at the end of Point Capture games
  • Made a new UI for picking up powerups/ drops from enemies when they die
  • Make the hitbox for powerups larger
  • Buffed the Akimbo pistols and pressure washer
  • Fixed a bug that caused points to not be multiplied depending on your place in FFA
Jul 16, 2023
Project Delta - flyingfireco
  • Added Video Option: Hue Shift Strength
  • Added Video Option: Particle Count
  • Added Video Option: Particle Alpha
  • Added Control Option: Jump Release Delay
  • Added Control Option: Right Stick Click Selector Enable/Disable
  • Can no longer interact with terminal while moving
  • Larger area for seed terminal interaction
Moolii's Dreamland - OKJOY
Dear players,

After organizing valuable feedback from all of you, we have made comprehensive optimizations and updates to the game and introduced new elements. The specific contents of this update are as follows:

1. We have added three difficulty levels, namely easy, normal, and hard. In response to feedback from players at different difficulties, we have made corresponding optimizations and adjustments to the game, ensuring each player can have a better gaming experience. After completing levels of different difficulties, icons corresponding to the difficulty level will appear, allowing you to better showcase your achievements.
2. You can customize three sets of virtual button schemes through the settings menu to accommodate different devices and player habits, allowing you to better personalize the game interface. We have also added button feedback effects, so you can feel the response of the buttons more clearly during the game.
3. We have optimized the game's performance and interface design, making the game smoother and more beautiful. We have also fixed some known bugs, improving the stability and playability of the game.
Jul 16, 2023
Naev - bobbens
This post is about development on Naev 0.11.0.

At the 2nd anniversary of posting about implementing raymarched fancy explosions, it’s time to talk about trying to use the system to its full potential. And by full potential, I mean custom ship explosions!

All of the factional ships have been given custom explosions, some slightly different from the “standard” explosions, while others have much more radical changes, including different explosion types, secondary effects, and radically different colours. Time to explode and damage have also been changed, while some explosions now do different damage types and/or apply disabling effects. This should help have the different factions and ships feel more different.

From the technical side of things, custom ship explosions are done by using Lua scripting for ships, similar as what was done for outfits. This opens up a whole new possibility of what can be done with ships, I won’t cover other things being done with this yet, but it has to do with the Great House Sirius rework which brings about psychic powers. All these changes will be included in version 0.11.0 which should be released around December this year. Lots of exciting development to look for for the rest of 2023!
Jul 16, 2023
Lorn's Lure: Prologue - Rubeki

I've got another area complete, and only 1.5 left to polish!

Beyond that there's:
  • 3rd detail sweep (shouldn't take as long as this second one, which was the brunt of the work)
  • Creating the crystal levels (which is much easier than main story arc)
  • Revamping a few systems
  • Beta
  • Bug fixing
  • Steam achievements

So it's the home stretch after the 1.5!!!!!

In the mean time, here's a nano dev vlog

If you're wondering why it's even more condensed, it's because I'm taking care of a baby :)

Stay tuned for more!
Jul 16, 2023
Lorn's Lure - Rubeki

I've got another area complete, and only 1.5 left to polish!

Beyond that there's:
  • 3rd detail sweep (shouldn't take as long as this second one, which was the brunt of the work)
  • Creating the crystal levels (which is much easier than main story arc)
  • Revamping a few systems
  • Beta
  • Bug fixing
  • Steam achievements

So it's the home stretch after the 1.5!!!!!

In the mean time, here's a nano dev vlog

If you're wondering why it's even more condensed, it's because I'm taking care of a baby :)

Stay tuned for more!
Cronous Online - mcreyes

🔊🔊🔊 Attention Cronians! 🔊🔊🔊

🛠 We would like to inform everyone that Cronous Global shall perform server maintenance. This procedure will be for server refreshes, updates, website improvements, etc.

[Estimated Time]
3 - 6 Hours

[Start Schedule]
Start - July 18, 2023 | 11:00 PM EST in all servers.

Incoming Event - . 2nd Summer Vacation Event.

Outgoing Event - Summer Vacation Event.

Please make sure you log out before the maintenance starts. During maintenance, the game will be inaccessible.

For any questions or inquiries, feel free to contact us using our Cronous CS link or our official Facebook fan pages!

💬 Cronous CS link

While waiting for the servers to go up, you can join the official Discord channel and discuss with the moderators about the game. 💬Discord:

Thank you for the support!

-Cronous Global Valofe Team
Falinere Fantasy Playtest - Falinere
when you lose to a boss, we also return to the dungeon vote screen
Jul 16, 2023
VerdantOfWorld:LostWay - 缓慢的蜗牛
Fine-tuning values
Jul 16, 2023
轮回修仙路 - 无羁
1. Fixed the BUG of repeated refresh of some secret environments

2. Fixed the problem that the secret realm may not be closed after reincarnation

3. Fixed an issue that can't be skipped when no one bids

4. Fix the time confusion of star ruins

5. Fixed the problem of getting items without prompting

6. Other problem repair and experience optimization