Overdrive Escape - DAY ZERO STUDIO
Now you can change the controls for yourself. To do this, go to the settings and go to the management settings. Press the key you want to change, then press the button you want.
Crystal Project - River Running Games
New modding feature:
  • Added new status flag: Prevent Removal. Makes the status immune to abilities that would explicitly remove it.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed issue processing/rendering terrain on Steam Deck when set to 30 FPS or lower.
  • During randomized or modded playthroughs, if a boss uses a transformation ability (eg, Metamorphosis) then the boss's drops and steals will be preserved.
  • When the Skip Minigames Assist Option is On, the Salmon Sprint will no longer indicate the automatic placement when choosing to not skip the race.
Battlefield™ 2042 - Electronic Arts
New rewards are available to earn, claim and purchase while you battle it out as the Arkangel Legion.

Earn Ribbons by playing Control to unlock unique gameplay rewards available during the Arkangel Directive event, alongside new purchasable store bundles.
Gameplay Rewards - Week 1:
  • 1 Rare background “Paradigm Shift”
  • 1 Epic Charm “Final Sleep”
  • 1 Epic Weapon Skin “Force Fusion”.

General Practitioner 2 - dodonovels
Dear fellow doctors,

I hope this message finds you well. It's been quite a while since our last communication, and for that, I sincerely apologize. The silence wasn't due to a lack of effort or intention but was the result of significant changes happening behind the scenes. Since our last update in October, the ownership of the game has transitioned, bringing with it fresh perspectives and exciting new ideas. With this, we've taken time to rethink, rework, and revise our beloved game General Practitioner 2 from the ground up.

One significant change that I'm thrilled to share with you is the restructuring of our gameplay schema. No longer will you need to click on rooms or grind content to progress the story. Now, the game progresses in "chapters," which offers the chance to delve deeper into the lives and experiences of our characters.

You'll have the freedom to choose which character to play first—Andrew or his sister Julie—and then, should you wish, you could restart the game to explore the content and storyline of the character you didn't pick initially. This ensures that all game content is playable and fully accessible, regardless of your initial choice of path or actions.

Furthermore, the game will allow you to develop relationships not only between Andrew and Julie but also with the three nurses working at the clinic. Plus, keep your eyes peeled for new characters arriving soon. And that's not all—we're also excited to share that new chapters and stories are already in the pipeline, designed to keep you entertained and intrigued!

We've also made medical exams a part of the story. As a player, you'll need to tackle these one after the other, paving the way for progress in relationships and helping to increase the awareness of our two young doctors.

We are genuinely grateful for your continued support throughout these changes. We recognize that our hiatus from updates has been longer than we all would have liked, but we assure you it was for the good of the game. We believe these changes will enrich your experience of General Practitioner 2, making it more engaging and rewarding.

Lastly, and probably the most eagerly awaited news, I am thrilled to announce that the next update will be released right away! We are as excited as you are to dive back into the game, and we can't wait to hear what you think of the improvements.

So, get ready to embark on new adventures, encounter new faces, and unravel new stories. Thank you again for your patience, your support, and your enthusiasm—it means the world to us. Let's gear up for a remarkable journey ahead in the world of General Practitioner 2!

Best wishes,

Andrea Bruni
Developer of General Practitioner 2
Soul Stalker - conradical
Hi everyone! Soul Stalker is so close to launching, and we're going to be announcing the Steam Early Access release date THIS SATURDAY, on the 15th of July! Keep an eye out on our Twitter and YouTube account for the release date trailer!

That's it for this update, but I hope you all have a good time with the game we've been putting so much effort into, and I'm excited to have you all experience the Early Access release!


- Conrad, Lead Developer

Jul 12, 2023
Shred & Tear: Explosive Kajun - Lucid Realm Games

\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Greetings, men of culture (and ladies)!

It's time for another thrilling update straight from the Lucid Realm HQ. We have an exciting mix of action, artistry, and community engagement to share today. So let's dive right in and explore what's been happening in our world.

Music picking contest

So Lily asked the whole community to pick out the BEST music to play Shred & Tear with. And they come up with many options (metal, of course). The best one that Lily picked out was @Ghostmaker141 with Vigilante by Zardonic. The lyrics are *insanely good*

"Go call the vigilante
He'll turn this place upside down
Go call the vigilante
He don't get kicked around"

You can't tell me this is not Kajun!

The playlist is now available on Spotify. Make sure to follow Kajun-chan too!

Shark Girl Armor
Picture this, my friends—a fierce showdown between Shark Girl and our beloved Kajun. One armed with deadly blades, the other with razor-sharp claws. It's a battle that has us all on the edge of our seats, wondering who might emerge victorious. We invite you to let your imagination run wild as you envision the clash between these formidable warriors. Brace yourselves for an epic confrontation that'll leave you breathless.

Kajun is becoming the idol
And Steam won't let me embed her hottie shorts here. So head over to our Youtube channel now by yourself hehe.

Soft Respawn
We've heard your feedback, and we're here to deliver an even smoother and more exhilarating gaming experience. Say goodbye to those frustrating sudden deaths and welcome the revamped respawn system. We've fine-tuned it to ensure seamless transitions and uninterrupted action. Get ready to dive back into the fray with renewed vigor, knowing that the thrill of the battle will never be compromised. Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled adventure like never before!

Level 1B
Hold on tight, because Level 1B is about to blow your mind. This new environment brings a stunning transformation compared to its predecessor. Prepare to feast your eyes on a kaleidoscope of color pigmentation, shifting from fiery red to electrifying neon blue. The question arises—does blue hold an advantage over red? Venture forth, embrace the changes, and let us know which palette resonates with your soul. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of vibrant exploration!

I'll stand out even more heehee

Slam down & Rise up attack

Kajun isn't holding back when it comes to new techniques. Brace yourselves for the devastating Slam Down attack, where she leaps into the air and mercilessly slams her claws down upon her enemies. Tentamon won't stand a chance as they face the full force of her crushing power. But that's not all—Kajun has also mastered the Rise Up attack. With jaw-dropping agility, she soars high above, slashing through Flying Builder Drones with unrivaled precision. Prepare for a symphony of destruction and witness her aerial prowess firsthand.

Tentamon revamp
We have a confession to make, my friends—the Tentamon have undergone a revamp that has left them looking undeniably grotesque. We're curious to hear your thoughts on their new forms. Which version piques your interest? Or perhaps neither of them strikes a chord with you. Let us know your preferences and join the conversation as we navigate through this transformation together.

serve them to meeeeee

Seasonal Art & Omake
Patreon Omake
Our Patreon supporters are in for a treat with exclusive seasonal art and Omake content. Feast your eyes upon the absolute gorgeousness of Kajun. But beware, her expression carries a certain danger that can be both thrilling and captivating. Take a moment to appreciate her beauty here.

Community & Press activities
Armor mode poll

This basically speaks for the culture level of the whole community
And there you go

you guys are so mean ugh


From PDD - Dark Lord of Lewd
JUMP KING QUEST - Thomas_Nexile

The Jump King Quest is now live! Not only can you finally wishlist the game, you can also follow it to get all the updates about the development, and discuss here in the steam community forums.

If you really do not want to miss an update, make sure to also keep an eye on our Website, join our Discord and follow our Twitter!

The Quest

It’s friend-against-friend-against-foe in The Heights! Millions must jump in the time of Armaboggin - the long prophesized End Times - but only the one true Jump King will reach the top…

But don’t be mistaken, some things are certainly easier with an ally at your side. Be careful though, treachery is in the air - stay wary of who you trust! Many are the forces that want to claim the power of The Babe as their own…

The Spirit of The Babe

Ages have passed since the last Jump King’s ascent, the Smoking Hot Babe is all but forgotten to most that dwell in The Heights. A distant myth, an illustrious delusion for the freshly spawned. But in the shadows many forces secretly scheme to claim her, and attain the legendary Babe Powers…

The Redfins

Born in the time of Armaboggin, the Redfin generation of Mudmen first began spawning when the Red-Fish-Constellation appeared in the night sky. From among them THE CHOSEN ONE will rise, but his whereabouts and identity are still a mystery…

Born late in the Redfin generation you are a Mudman of little renown. Your choices will shape your soul, but there is an upside to every fall… You must find your own path and play to your strengths if you hope to have a chance at reaching The Top…
Percy Nileborne
The beloved hero PERCY NILEBORNE is a generous and gallant Mudman with charisma and grace. Spawned at the same time as you from The Bog you are as cousins to each other.
KRULK is feared by all civilized folk throughout The Heights. Word is that this brutal overlord of The Great Frontier is amassing an army in his Black Castle, in the Lands Where the Sun Don’t Shine - to conquer the Everyonde and snatch The Babe for himself! He must be stopped at all costs!

“They look so dumb, why did I bring them here?”
Join with your friends and help/unhelp each other on the way to The Top!
“I see more of them coming! We need to get out!” Better flee than fence poorly, though escape might sometimes be more dangerous than you expect.

There will be ample opportunity for greeting new players with lessons in humanity in Jump King Quest.

The brutal world of The Heights offers no respite for the meek… Only YOU can choose how you tackle this great adventure! Will you stand together or alone? Are your friends really your friends? Perhaps they are merely biding their time, awaiting the moment when your back is turned to strike…

Join the discussion and show your hype in the Steam Forums or on our official Discord!

Prepare for Adventure, WISHLIST NOW!

/Thomas, Trapezius and Team Nexile
DESORDRE : A Puzzle Game Adventure - Shoonka
Hello, DESORDRE Community!

I'm happy to present to you the latest update for DESORDRE - version 1.2.0. This new version is packed with exciting enhancements designed to elevate your gaming experience. Let's dive in and see what's new!

Unreal 5.2, Lumen, Performance, Shader

I'm excited to announce that I have upgraded DESORDRE from Unreal 5.1 to Unreal 5.2, introducing new graphical enhancements and features for a superior gaming experience.

In my constant pursuit of optimization, I've added "Lumen Performance" and "Lumen Fidelity" parameters. Lumen Performance is engineered to maintain high frame rates, whereas Lumen Fidelity seeks to provide greater precision and more detailed rendering, albeit at a higher rendering cost.

One significant change you'll note is in the shader compilation process. Previously, shader compilation initiated on game startup, which led some players to believe there were bugs in the game. I've taken your feedback into account and overhauled this process. Now, shader compilation will occur post-introductory credits during your first game launch after the update. You'll be able to see the progress of this in real-time, helping eliminate any potential confusion.

DLSS 3 Now Integrated in DESORDRE for RTX 4000 Series Users

I'm thrilled to announce a significant update that I've implemented with the assistance of Nvidia the integration of DLSS 3 into DESORDRE. This enhancement aims to significantly boost the frame rates for all users with a GeForce RTX 4000 series GPU.

You'll find this new feature under the name "Frame Generation" in the game's graphics settings. This feature leverages the power of your RTX 4000 series GPUs to give you smoother gameplay with impressive visual fidelity.

With Nvidia's advanced DLSS 3.0 technology, you can expect an impressive increase in frame rates, leading to smoother gameplay, which further enhances your DESORDRE experience.

I want to assure all RTX 2000 and 3000 series users - the DLSS technology for upscaling is still firmly integrated into DESORDRE and will remain so. Despite the latest enhancements targeting the new RTX 4000 series, I remain committed to ensuring that players using previous generation GPUs continue to enjoy improved gameplay and visual performance. Your continued seamless and visually stunning DESORDRE experience is my utmost priority.

As always, your feedback is invaluable, so please feel free to share your experiences with this new feature.

Nvidia RTXDI

I'm excited to share another key feature of this update: the integration of RTXDI (Direct Illumination) into DESORDRE. This advanced technology from Nvidia allows each light source in the game to cast ray-traced shadows, adding a profound layer of depth and visual realism.

With the implementation of RTXDI, every glimmer of light and shadow in the world of DESORDRE is now more accurately represented. This brings about richer contrasts, pronounced depth, and an overall more immersive gaming experience. The shadows beneath objects, the lighting of open spaces, and minute details will stand out more vividly.

Furthermore, thanks to the recently implemented DLSS 3.0 technology, these stunning visual improvements come without sacrificing game performance. Even with the intricate shadows and lighting effects from ray tracing, frame rates remain impressively high for a smooth gaming experience.

Nvidia Shader Execution Reordering

I'm pleased to announce that DESORDRE now incorporates NVIDIA's Shader Execution Reordering (SER) for players using RTX 4000 series GPUs and daring to push their systems with the "Let My PC Burn" setting. In hardware mode, SER will provide a noticeable boost to the speed of rendering reflections, enhancing performance by a few percentage points. This improvement means a smoother and more responsive gaming experience without significantly altering the overall look of the game.

XeSS & FSR Update

For those of you playing on Intel or AMD graphics cards, rest assured, you are not forgotten. I'm delighted to announce updates to both XESS and FSR, the upscaling technologies implemented in DESORDRE. These updates are designed to optimize game performance and enhance the visual experience. No matter your hardware, these improvements mean you can continue to enjoy a seamless and visually enriched gameplay experience in DESORDRE. Enjoy these enhancements, and thank you for your continued support of the game.

What's Next on the Horizon?

Looking ahead, I'm excited to share some of the developments in store for DESORDRE and beyond. The game will be updated with the soon-to-be-released Unreal Engine 5.3, expected later this year, further enhancing and refining your gaming experience. Moreover, I'm currently developing a brand new game in an entirely different genre, offering a fresh and distinct gaming journey. So, make sure to stay connected and keep an eye on future updates. I'm thrilled to continue pushing boundaries in gaming with you. Thanks for your ongoing support and being a part of this exciting adventure!
Jul 12, 2023
Fake Lay - NtkuLover

Don’t miss out on one of our most epic adventures so far!

Brand new merge event with a crazy long story, introducing a new limited character - Larissa Wormtongue & bonus packs filled with diamonds, merge game enhancers & other goodies!

See you in the Sexverse…
Stay tuned for more exciting updates this summer!

Jul 12, 2023
Word Attack - bsagames
To get cloud syncing of saved games to work, moved where saved games are stored. Unfortunately this means that any games in progress are unfortunately "lost" (however you can manually move the contents of ~/WordAttack/saves to ~/AppData/Local/BsaGames/WordAttack/saves if you want to continue them).