Jul 10, 2023
Disco Simulator - Dawid_Gameparic
Hello Managers! 👋

In the last weeks, we went through some improvements
 We’ve worked on many different aspects of our game and in this devlog, we’d like to walk you through some of them! 💃 đŸ•ș

Let’s start our tour outside the club. đŸš¶ We’ve been working on improving the environment around your clubs. We’ve added new areas and climatic buildings adding more ambiance towards the surroundings of your clubs. Now the club you choose not only has different clientele but also the looks of the area! 👍

Speaking of clubs
 we’ve added NEW buildings with different unique layouts! Shall we check what awaits us inside the buildings? 🙂

There are quite some quality of life changes we’ve introduced to the game, the first one we’d like to show you is the time acceleration. ⌚ Using a new panel you can speed up your game to pass the nights quicker! đŸŽ¶

Another crucial upgrade happened in the management UI. Now it’s more user friendly, has a clearer division between different employees and you can easily manage them at any time necessary! 🍾

Come and take a look! 🔍

Unfortunately, that brings us to the end of today’s devlog. We are very curious about your opinions about the recent changes so join our discord 👇 and share them with us! Also, consider adding our Disco Simulator to your wishlists to not miss on any update from the world of disco! đŸ€©


See you soon,
Disco Simulator Team
Jul 10, 2023
Daomei Village - Dawid_Gameparic
Hello! 👋

Welcome to our humble village! In our Daomei, it’s about time to start planting some of the plants some of which our region is well-known for. Would you like to join us? đŸ€” Don’t worry, we’ll teach you everything you need to know in order to start your adventure as a beginner farmer in our Daomei Village!

Let’s start with some basic knowledge. Take a look at those plants in front of you. As you can see the first 10 are different kinds of tea with the highlight being no.9 The Green Xihu Longjing Tea, followed by hibiscus, jasmine, corn, white, brown and black rice and pear & apple trees.📝

Keep in mind as a beginner you won’t have access to the more valuable seeds. You’ll have to earn your right to use them! đŸ§‘â€đŸŒŸ

Let’s move on to the steps you have to follow in order to have beautiful and bountiful crops, shall we? See that tool in the corner? It’s a hoe. Grab it and take a look at how to properly prepare your fields for the entire process! 👀

Once you’re done with this part, you can grab the bag with seeds from the table over there and start planting! It's a fairly simple step, nothing complicated! đŸŒŸ

Oh, where do you think you’re going, the work is not done yet! Grab the can and water your plants, then you can visit it once a day to check out the progress and water them again. 💩

Take a look over there, there are some plants about to grow to the next stage! 🏃 Come again in a few days to check out how harvesting should be done. 👍

Oh, you’re finally back! 😁 Let’s get to work. Grab the sickle and follow me! Do your best not to damage the crops, only cut them down, just like that.

As I said, it’s nothing too complicated, you only need to remember to follow those steps. Use this knowledge to become a decent farmer and bring more fame to our region! You can utilize the crops you produce in a few different ways:

- complete the tasks given by the villagers
- produce goods,
- omplete the tasks given by the tax collector (giving you some Emperor’s mercy points),
- or simply feed your farm animals.

Work diligently because farming is one of the key mechanics which can allow you to regain the trust of the Emperor. The other three are gathering resources, growing animals and fighting the monsters.

Remember though
 Whether you decide to become a farmer or not, you can’t flee the Daomei Village! So better get used to your new life and in the meantime, join our discord community 👇 where you can meet other farmers from the area, and add the game to your wishlists 👇 to not miss on any new Emperor’s decree!


See you soon,
Daomei Village Team
First Feudal - Harpoon Games
Thanks to Poyraz EyĂŒp and Sakinolmamlazım for the Turkish localization!

Minor fixes:
- Prolonged crafts returns Wooden Bowls if crafting recipe require Water.
- Fixed an issue where crafts returned only one Wooden Bowl even if recipe require few Water units.
Instruments of Destruction - Radiangames
I started working on Instruments of Destruction in January of 2020, which means it's now been 3.5 years of development time. But not all of that time has been spent on Instruments. Of the 42 months since the game started, I'd estimate I've worked on the game between 30-34 months total. I've also worked on updates for Speed Demons (Apple Arcade-only until 2024), created + finished Devastator for PC/consoles, and created the Rhythm Storm demos.

After version 0.261 of Instruments in early June, I spent a little time taking some elements of Rhythm Storm to create a new "skeleton project". A skeleton project means a mostly empty project with some basic code for drawing stuff to the screen, playing sounds, getting input, etc. That took a bit over a day to trim it all down and clean it up a bit. Its purpose was to both allow me to have a basic project to start with in the 2023 GMTK Game Jam, and to have something to work from for future mini-projects.


The future ended up being the next day, and what I planned to be a 2-3 day "arcade" project turned into a 3 week game that I'll reveal in the future (it's done aside from sound effects needing work). In retrospect I should have finished it in 2 weeks, but I spent too much time waffling between various art styles/variations. Between that arcade project and a couple family vacations, I only worked on Instruments for a day or two more in June.


This past weekend was the GMTK Game Jam, and I spent about 38 of the 48 hour event working on a prototype. The theme for the jam was "roles reversed", and after coming up with 10 or so possible ideas, I went with one that felt the most obvious based on my experience: Creating a physics-driving game where you direct the traffic, but can't control your own car. You can read more about the game on the itch.io page. Here's a screenshot:

Wreckless is a fun toy/game, and I can check off "Do a Game Jam" from my bucketlist (I don't have one, but it would have been on there if I did). I'm glad it's over though, and I don't have any desire to keep working on Wreckless or do more game jams anytime soon.


One thing I've realized while working on these various projects: I don't mind jumping between smaller projects, but I don't like having large not-quite-finished projects lingering in the background. I knew the GMTK Game Jam would be a turning point in my focus, and I'm glad the desire is there already: I want to finish Instruments of Destruction. I previously planned to have Rhythm Storm in the October Steam Next Fest, but now I'm less sure. If I really need a break from working on Instruments, it might happen, but I'm also fine pushing everything else off until Instruments is done.

Nothing has changed regarding what I'll be working on: A new/larger/improved single player campaign with dozens of pre-built fun vehicles to use, and redoing build-mode's UI. First up on the agenda is finishing up the work to support multiple vehicles at once (for real), and figuring out the best way to use vehicles built in the game for AI purposes (as both enemies and allies). There's a lot of work to do, but those are the two hardest remaining tasks by far, and I want to take them down now while my resolve is high.

I'm not sure how long everything will take or how frequent updates will be from here on out. But rest assured that getting Instruments of Destruction version 1.0 done ASAP (and done well, of course) is my primary objective.
The 7th Guest VR - Rach_RavenNiffler

It’s been a spectral soiree of emotions since the unveiling of The 7th Guest VR, and we are excited to share a little more on our beautifully haunting game, coming later this year!

For those unfamiliar with The 7th Guest, it was a supernatural mystery puzzle game that captivated audiences in the 90s. The game invited players to explore a haunting mansion where six guests had been summoned by the enigmatic and wealthy toymaker, Henry Stauf. Each room housed a unique puzzle, and upon solving it, players witnessed ghostly videos depicting the fate of the unfortunate guests.

As we stay faithful to the original story, we have expanded upon the characters, delving deeper into their backgrounds to enhance the overall narrative.

Moreover, we have meticulously redesigned the puzzles from the ground up, ensuring that each one takes full advantage of the immersive nature of VR.

For instance, the original cake puzzle is iconic with its sickly green glazing and skull and tombstone motif, but it was also in essence a 2D-puzzle and we wanted to add that third dimension to it. We stuck with the same principle where you need to make groups out of the pieces. But by placing it on a cylinder that you could rotate it became more tactile and also a bit more challenging as you couldn't ever see the entire layout at once. For those feeling peckish, there might still be some cake to be found.

Ideally we wanted the puzzles to be as integrated into the rooms as possible and for the library we took that very literally, by turning the walls and furniture into parts of the puzzle layout. We came up with a fun way to move life-size bookcases around the room. It also gives a nice sense of progression as you start in the Library without any books and by the end you bring it back to its original bookshelved glory.

The release of The 7th Guest VR is drawing nearer, and we can hardly contain our excitement. We invite you to immerse yourself in this hauntingly beautiful world, where mysteries await and puzzles beg to be solved.

Stay tuned for more updates, our next one will go into the behind the scenes of Volumetric capture. The future of VR gaming is upon us, and The 7th Guest VR promises to be an experience you won't soon forget.

-Vertigo Games

Space Reign - McSlade
Update 0.12 is here! Take a look at whats new and what are going to work on next.
Update preview video

Controller Support & Keybinding

Controller support is finally here! Since the beginning of the development, we have always wanted Space Reign to support controllers for the cockpit gameplay, compatible with both gamepad and stick setups. Thus, it was never a question of if, but when. With Space Reign being a mix of strategy and a space-sim, we repeatedly have to decide where to put the current development focus, especially with us being a humble 2-man team.

Basically any standard controller should be compatible, but should you find an issue, feel free to let us know. It is possible to have multiple controllers active at the same time and assign different actions to them during any stage of the game. Just open up the in-game settings and follow the UI in the controls tab.

Controllers only support the direct unit control from the cockpit, but we are still exploring a few ideas to allow at least some basic functionality for the tacview like controlling the camera and moving around, so that you can at least get some sector awareness without the need for switching to keyboard and mouse.

Besides assigning controllers, Space Reign now features basic keybinding for mouse and keyboard as well. Do not forget that the control scheme images in Database only show the default key mapping and do not update once you change them.

Weapon Gimbals

Immediately after the Early Access launch, we have received a ton of feedback and bug reports to work with, especially regarding the early difficulty of the game. With several hotfixes released,We have already made improvements to address this, but a lot of players still struggled with one particular element - weapon accuracy.

After thorough consideration, we have decided to upgrade all fixed weapons with auto-gimbal lock, which will make the guns automatically align with the target leadmarker if the center crosshair is within the max gimbal angle of the active weapons. This makes flying and aiming your ship a lot easier while still having the room for some balancing, specifically for more powerful weapons like the autocannon, which should not be as easy to use as the repeaters, especially against small and nimble targets.

Once aligned, the target leadmarker will change its size so that you know when to fire.

Since this is a major change affecting a lot of gameplay, we are still open to suggestions for fine tuning and balancing. Looking forward to your feedback about this.

Up Next
Our plan is now to continue working on bug-fixing while addressing some requested quality of life improvements. Then, we will focus on the next update with new content and upgraded player onboarding, which is scheduled to release at the end of August, just in time for the Steam strategy festival.

As always, feel free to join our discord to discuss the new features or let us know what would you like to see in Space Reign.

Good Hunting! đŸ«Ą

Update 0.12 changelog
  • Keybinding
  • Controller Support (Cockpit gameplay)
  • Weapon Gimbal Assist
  • AI Accuracy upgrade (AI ships with fixed weapons are now more precise in more difficult cases - especially against other small ships during a dogfight)
  • Lead marker animation now dynamically reacts to weapon gimbals being in range
  • Damage to missiles launched by their parent ship is now turned off
  • FIXED Another case of cockpit missile warning sound getting stuck in a loop after exiting direct control
  • FIXED AI Large ships crashing directly into Neutrals, especially during Contracts
  • FIXED Launchers not repairing correctly after resupplying
  • FIXED Taking supplies in combat practice mode causing an error
  • FIXED Hostile Ares not behaving properly in combat practice mode once spawned
Disinfection - EvilTurtle
  • Fixed some minor issues in the level generator patterns,
  • Fixed bug in level generator that would in rare occasions cause double doors
  • Fixed bug in level generator that would in rare occasions cause rooms to be placed wrongly, causing clipping,
  • Fixed client-side players being able to access the Mission Control interface outside of missions,
  • Fixed the Chiller not turning off its effects when it is picked up whilst the player already holds a tool,
  • Fixed Chiller freezing effect not resetting when Chiller is picked up mid-charging,
  • Fixed Chiller client-side jitters,
  • Fixed Tools and Weapons blocking player movement, now Tools/Weapons are pushed aside by players,
  • Fixed client-side footsteps not changing to the 'sticky' version in infected areas,
  • Fixed player flashlight & lens-flare effect not hiding when player has died,
  • Fixed Infection Eye Event getting angered by spectating/ghost players.
  • Adjusted graphics settings, Medium is now lighter on hardware and High setting is now more like the former Medium setting. The new settings should improve overall performance.
  • Changed some wrong values in Low graphics setting, performance should be improved.
  • Only hard missions will have an 'unknown' password now,
  • Infection Source has new model for the Afterlife vision,
  • Infection Eye Event now spawns and looks around for players,
  • Infection Eye Event now triggers hunts when a player stands too long in its sight,
  • Infection Eye Event now synchronizes fully between players,
  • Added new player sounds for breathing, panting, choking and getting killed,
  • Player now pants when out of stamina,
  • Made crouch animation much faster and responsive,
  • Adjusted infection death animation so the player's body doesn't stick out of the ground,
  • When a player dies from oxygen deprivation their corpse now stays visible & keeps laying on the ground,
  • Team Rank is now calculated from the average of all team member ranks,
  • Added new mission ship names.
My Heart Your Soul - javeahinteractive
Watch the Official trailer for My Heart Your Soul Rebirth Update. This major update of the game sees the story given a new experience with fixed performance issues and new features for returning players.

  • Diary Page Collecting
    - Before this update, the game had a QuickTime mini game before collecting the page. That has been removed. The page collecting is still there, including a change in the numbered amount being collected in that segment as well. At first, it was felt it could make collecting more interesting, but the QuickTime event system there ended up only hindering the experience. Also a page count was added to keep track of how many pages were collected.
  • Soul Evaluation Fixed
    - There were issues where depending on the answers you gave during Angel’s Soul Evaluation you’d only end up with just Blue. For story purposes, Blue is the correct answer for Javi, but as a player yourself, the additional soul colors are now fine tuned that now, depending on the answer you give in the evaluation, you can get any color within the soul spectrum.
  • Mysteries in Darkness Additional Content
    - The mini game is the same at its core, but new things were added to enhance the gameplay. Hidden rooms hold items that can assist your journey through Castle Eternal to retrieve the Eternal Sword. The monsters are now more aggressive than your last encounter with them.
  • Memory of Dreams Integration
    - With the upcoming light novella, My Heart Your Soul: Memory of Dreams, liberty was taken to integrate elements of that story to create clear continuity of where that story stands in the overall narrative with the inclusion of updated dialogue and additional interactions in scenes with certain characters.
  • New Minigames
    - New ways to interact with the story! I felt these inclusions would help make the story more engaging naturally and bring additional sense of fun interaction between characters and the player. Within the State Fair a Dance segment was added (Much better than just waiting for the scene and song to play and move on) and within the Winter Festival memory, a small scavenger hunt was included.
  • Additional Interactive Dialogue
    - Certain items depending on the character you have in your party could create an interaction when used. Some characters you interacted with previously from past playthrough’s will have new or additional dialogue and options.
  • AutoSave Feature
    - For players who might forget to manually save or hate saving manually, fear not there is now an Autosave feature integrated into the game. At various points during your play through, your game will automatically save itself. The manual saving is still an available option.
  • Artwork Improvements
    - As an artist I like to improve even if I feel a piece is great. As this game was being improved upon, I took the liberty of updating the artwork for some of the characters as well even if it’s a minor touch up. Some expressions were redone and added a new one or two to give a sense these characters are alive in some capacity.
  • Visual Improvements
    - Certain parts of the game felt lacking in atmosphere so liberty was taken to enhance it. The state fair is the most improved now feeling like an actual Fair with a few lighting touch ups throughout the game to give a mystical feel. You will also notice the pause menu is different including new options in the options menu such as keyboard configuration and many more.
  • Secret Room
    - In this game now lies a secret room. Find the key. Find the door. See what lies within.
  • Achievements
    - The desire for this to had been out alongside the game, but there was trouble integrating Steam’s achievement system. Now, a way was found. As you play through the game, enjoy unlocking these achievements.
    (Not all achievements can be unlocked through one play through for they are achieved by certain choices made within the story. The hardest one I can say right now to unlock will be getting White during the Soul Evaluation.)

This being Javeah Interactive's (and mine) first game, I want to put my best foot forward even if there are future improvements needed to give the best experience possible. So, I hope this major update gives just that. I’ve learned a lot when I first created this game and I’m still learning now with this update as we move forward through gameplay and story.

The Game's Creator
Kynseed - Sludgebridge

Hello there, Kynseed followers!

The second Big Build feature is called 'Totems'.

Hobs have been seen roaming with menaces for the first time, actually within the regions of Quill.

Nasty Hags place strange Totems around the land. The Hobs are mesmerised by the dark whispers coming from the Totem and are driven to strip that area of all its resources! Flowers wilt. Fish are taken. Fruit and berries are stripped from their trees and bushes. Crops will not grow. If the Totems spread, Quill will be laid barren!

So, the player will be called upon to seek out the Totems and enter the rifts they created to allow the Hobs to step through to invade the area. From there, you will have a one-room battle, free from the threat of death, in which to bash some baddies, restore order and collect some decent loot, to boot. Destroy the rifts, and the Totem is exposed for one final battle, whereafter you are showered with rewards for destroying the evil structure!

If you don't fancy going into battle, just equip and send your family!

This feature adds some extra jeopardy to the world and helps improve the overall sense of growing danger, orchestrated by the sinister creature that lurks within Toughwood

Our next feature is called 'Friends & Family'. This feature links both Customisation & Totems together but does so, so much more. More information in a few days, but until then, our tiny team needs to return to work!



HumanitZ - IssyBee
Hello survivors, after over a year since the last patch, we've decided to update the demo showcasing the new and improved Humanitz.

This also helps give us some extra feedback on all the new things we've added and improved over the last 12 months, while we wait to announce the release date of the full game.

As with any early access title, there will be some bugs and crashes, currently, we have a random fatal error that the team is working on so please make sure to read the patch notes below and save your game as often as possible.

Players are invited to join our discord to keep up to date with all things Humanitz and bugs can be logged directly in the demo bugs channel.

Thank you all for your awesome support

Demo Update Patch Notes
  • Brand new combat system.
  • Improved Zombie AI.
  • Custom characters added.
  • Clothing for your characters.
  • New lootable containers.
  • Full UI overhaul.
  • Improved Interaction system.
  • Temperature system added (Demo does not have seasons only Summer).
  • Map system added. (Currently WIP)
  • Items now highlight more distinctly in the world for better interaction.
  • Items tooltip with better descriptions and explaining what they do and what slot they fit in.
  • Weight system added.
  • Improved car system now with parts required to get your vehicle up and running.
  • Inventory improvements. (Performance, stacking equipping from containers etc)
  • Controller support added (Still WIP).
  • Daytime and nighttime sfxs added.
  • Messages added to screen when you don’t have stamina to vault etc.
  • Improved generator functionality and UI.
  • Human AI improvements, models and difficulty.
  • New crafting improvements (Timers added to crafting stations and more improvement and performance).
  • Weapon improvements and balancing.
  • Animal AI improved. Better performance and mechanics.
  • Fireplaces added to some houses for keeping warm. (Matches required to light fires).
  • Zoom out from your character with the mouse wheel.
  • New WIP control schemes added to settings.
  • Skill System WIP added.
  • Lock picking system added. (Skill required or crowbar to open locked doors or vehicles).

Things of note
  • This is an early access build so bugs and crashes are sometimes part of the process.
  • We are still working on the fatal error crash issue so save your game often.
  • Demo map is only single player.
  • You can play the game for 7 days then after that it will delete your save and you can begin a new save.
  • Some items found in the demo map might not be useful as they are part of the full game release.
  • No Seasons only Summer in the demo map.