The Ouroboros King - uri.32
The Polish language has been added.
Also some minor bugs have been fixed, including some affecting the phoenix (spike shield interaction, and getting killed on its spawning spot), gorgon immobilizing after rewind, and boomerang plus blade dancer interaction.
New Stars - adamjr
This is part three of the 'Interstellar' update. This part is focused on subjugation and violence. Imperial holdings provide a more fun way of taxing subjects. With Purge Doctrine, you can take revenge on aliens and enforce scorched earth tactics by literally destroying their planets.

Origins decide what you spawn with, and allow you to choose the backstory behind your empire. Currently, only isolationist players will get their own unique origins as a second ability.

[h4]Start with 1 extra population, housing building, and amenity building.[/h4]

We, the survivors, unite under a resolute leader on a new horizon, committed to building a nascent empire in uncharted territories with hope and determination.

[expand type=details]
Emerging from the ashes of a destroyed homeworld, we, the survivors, find ourselves stranded on a new colony, the last bastion of their once-thriving empire. Led by a determined and resourceful colony leader, they stand together, ready to embark on a journey of rebuilding and advancement. With a sense of hope and determination, we plan to expand their influence to new stars, exploring the vast unknown and working towards reclaiming their old star system. The prologue sets the stage for our epic journey, as we strive to build a new empire from the remnants of the old and carve out a bright future among the uncharted realms of the cosmos.

Xeno Exterminator: SHATTERED WORLD
[h4]Start with an exterminator fleet.[/h4]

Our homeworld, once prosperous, was ravaged by an alien menace, driving us on a relentless crusade for vengeance against all alien lifeforms.

[expand type=details]
Once a bastion of prosperity, our home world was ravaged by an enigmatic alien menace, leaving naught but a fragmented and desolate landscape. Scarred by immeasurable loss, we survivors, led by our former general, harness our anguish and forge a path of vengeance. Driven by an unyielding desire for retribution, we embark on a relentless crusade, seeking to exterminate all alien lifeforms, so that none shall suffer the same fate as our kind. Our shattered world stands as a somber testament to our past, fueling our relentless pursuit and rallying us towards a future shaped by ruthless determination.

Hegemonic Subjugator: IMPERIAL HOLDINGS
A dark and formidable force rises with the advent of the Hegemonic Subjugator.

[h4]Grants designated slots to build on subject colonies.[/h4]

[expand type=details]
Strength: Gives more resources per slot than megacorporations; high reward.
Weakness: If subject becomes independent, slots are lost; high risk.

- 75% of resources goes to overlord.
- 25% of resources goes to subject.
- 2 slots are designated to overlord for each subject colony.

[h4]Star clans can be integrated into your empire.[/h4]

Note that UI buttons are in the process of being tweaked so they look slightly different.

[expand type=details]
- Costs power, and energy depending on system count.
- Must be have a neighbour system to the space clan to integrate.
- Works with all clan types: peaceful, and barbaric clans.
- If clans have allies (alliance builders), they cannot be integrated.

Strength: Prevents unnecessary military losses; easy real estate.
Weakness: Expensive; Is the cost worth the reward?

The Indoctrination Temple is a place of ideological indoctrination and submission, enforcing the hegemonic rule and prosperity of the imperium.

[expand type=details]

Jobs: Propagandist (Produces: +4 Amenities)
Bonus: Removes all border friction for empires which are neighbours to the colony system.
Type: Non-stackable; Can only be build in capital.

The building accommodates numerous chambers dedicated to interrogation, brainwashing, and indoctrination, where dissidents are subdued and subjected to psychological manipulation to conform to the hegemonic ideology. Advanced technologies enable the subjugator government to maintain control over the colony's resources, economy, and infrastructure, exploiting them to fuel their insatiable thirst for power.

AI Behaviour:
Has max aggression, always looking for new subjects. Likes to build Imperial Citadels whenever possible.

Xeno Exterminator: PURGE DOCTRINE
The Xeno Exterminator embodies a relentless and genocidal crusade against all non-native lifeforms in the galaxy.

[h4]Can raze occupied colony worlds.[/h4]

[expand type=details]
Strength: Can permanently destroy colony worlds so nobody can use them, creating buffer area.
Weakness: Takes 1 year to destroy colony, so counterattacks can disrupt process.

- Razing colonies causes -100 'Genocide' opinion for all non-isolationist players.

I was considering whether to add a world destroyer ship, or manually destroying colonies. The latter option was a lot simpler and also acts as a foundation if I ever decide to add world destroyers in the future.

[h4]Start with an exterminator fleet.[/h4]

[expand type=details]
- Exterminator fleet is 5 gunboats (corvettes).

The Gene Cleaning Facility is a sinister installation dedicated to the eradication of alien species and the preservation of genetic purity.

[expand type=details]

Jobs: 1x Genetic Engineer (Produces: +6 Food, -2 Energy)
Bonus: Increases pop growth in your own colonies, 'cleanses' population in occupied colonies.
Type: Non-stackable.

- Only occupied colonies are purged/cleansed of population.
- A non Xeno Exterminator government that fully controls the building gets a pop growth benefit.
- Effects only occur inside colony with building.
- Last population is kindly spared.
- This is a cheaper way to send colonies back to the stone age, without destroying planets.

Each month, in a foreign colony you occupy:
  • 75% chance population is lost.
  • 25% chance population is 'cleansed' and migrates to your empire.
  • -5 Genocide opinion is triggered with all players for each population that is changed.

AI Behaviour:
Has max aggression, may declare wars without warning, or reason. Likes to build Gene Cleansing Facilities whenever possible.

Other Changes

Subject Resources
Suzerains give 25% of their resources, puppets give 50% of the their power to their overlord.

More updates are being worked on. There is still one more part of the 'Interstellar' update remaining. There have also been more changes for an unannounced update, which will completely change a different part of the game.

Stay tuned for more updates...
Feel free to comment your suggestions below.

🎮 Playtest New Stars:
⭐ Wishlist New Stars to support development.

This page is intended to be a development preview, which may not reflect the final state of the game.

- Star satellites icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
Jul 7, 2023
Gulch Guardians - cryy22
howdy, pardners. this is a bigger update n’ usual, taking two weeks fer me to git out the door instead of the usual one. the biggest change here are the updates to everyone’s favorite old west catalogue, the Varmint Ledger.
yer tellin’ me a varmint wrote this ledger?
the varmint ledger is now available everywhere – and a heckuva lot more useful. click here while in-game to pull up the ledger:

jobs in the ledger come in 4 flavors:
  • you haven’t ever even seen this job – these are silhouettes and their names are unknown
  • you’ve seen this job in promotion options, possibly even promoted a unit, but you haven’t used it in battle – these are darkened and their names are known, but not their details
  • you’ve seen and used this job – you can see everything about ’em
  • this job isn’t available in the demo – can’t see nuthin’, pardner!
click a job to see more about it in the brand new (but suspiciously familiar) “job info panel”:

the panel on the side shows which jobs yer selected job promotes from, and promotes to, and you can click ’em to navigate to those as well:

since this is a new feature, let me know in the Discord if you run into any related bugs while you’re messin’ around with it.
runnin’ buddies
some cards and abilities depend on named groups that jobs belong to, like “outlaws”, “cynics”, or “villagers”. in this update we’ve got a few new ways to make sense of these.

hovering over a job will now show you which groups that job runs with. this is mostly useful when hovering over the job item in a unit’s tooltip:

i’ve also added group membership to the promotion chooser thingy (and the varmint ledger, of course):

  • brand new varmint ledger full o’ new goodies
  • job groups visible from unit tooltip, promotion chooser and varmint ledger
  • jobs that have been seen in promotion view are now “known” – they won’t appear as “???” in tooltips and menus
  • varmint speech sound no longer ends abruptly
  • FIX: varmint speech stays regular size when the varmint is scaled down
  • FIX: varmints in the support crew no longer pop behind UI when swapping with varmint on the team
thanks fer readin’, amigos, and thanks fer playin’.

Jul 7, 2023
Merchant of the Six Kingdoms - Cory Long
Kai quest completion updates dialogue and other info for some characters
You can now see the dragon for free if you have secured a loan previously
Travel interface now indicates reduced taxes and tolls for King of Coin
Fix UI of election on some resolutions, targeting 2560x1440 and 3840x1400
Alt click amount can now be customized in settings

also. steam demo is so outdated. and I can't do anything with this, because betrayer programmer. I (me and Nemo) looking for a new programmer. we looking for a new programmer
Jul 7, 2023
Tabletop Warriors - Mad Goblin
This is a small patch to resolve an issue where GM players on Oculus/Quest were incapable of using the grip button to interact with figures on the game board.
Cones in Space - a_coneish_one
A new update has been released for cones in space! This was mostly just a bug fixing update, but a few additions were made as well! here's some of them:
-armor tab in inventory
-fixed saving/loading bugs
-fixed softlock bugs
-fixed misc bugs
-added three belts
-added gravity shafts
-added ui for what upgrades you have
Sphere 3 - Evanesca

A rune activation rate is on!

The steeper the rune, the more desirable it is, and the more difficult it is to activate it. Many glorious warriors suffered on the field of this battle, and the wounds are still fresh. Now we will heal them!

Today only the chance of successfully activating runes has been increased by 50%!

Activate your runes with rate:
  • x1.5 to success when activated

Remember that the Fortify Rune Crystal will increase your success rate by another 100%, and you will be able to activate your runes with a 2.5% chance, while the Save Rune Crystal will protect your runes if something does go wrong.

Now everything will work for sure!
Good luck!
Action! - Gameplay Recording and Streaming - Mirillis
Hi Everyone,

In version 4.34.0 and 4.35.0 we have added some cool features for your webcams:
- Alpha mask (rectangle, circle and ellipsis) with custom edge blur for a PRO touch
- AI-powered face tracking to make your face always stay in the middle of the alpha mask :)
- On-key webcam show/hide global alpha animation

All these new features are available in the webcam settings window.

We hope you will like it!
Jul 7, 2023
The President Playtest - Ornycar
- Added a system for managing the party, its budget and its members, accessible via a button in the "Political management" window.
- Presidential elections added
- Parliamentary elections added
- Prime Minister position added
- Added a basic system of cohabitation, where it's not possible to appoint a prime minister if the player doesn't have a majority. A prime minister from the player's party increases the chances of a law being passed. A prime minister from the opposite party increases the chances of becoming an ally.
- Added an option to dissolve the assembly, accessible via a button in the "Political management" window.
- Added an option at game creation to choose the election date.
- Added a window to view the results of past presidential elections.
- Addition of tooltips
- Addition of a system of favorite figures and access to favorites via the top bar.
- Addition of a "Job history" page in the figure window.
- Addition of a "Voting history" page in the figure window
- IP ready to spend indicator added
- Correction of UI bugs
- Preparation of a system to modify the number of votes required to pass a law
- Figures can now be sorted by ministry affinity
- Default ministers are of the same party as the player
- Bug fixes