The Valiant - Home
Hello everyone and welcome to our summary of everything coming in our upcoming update!

As you may or may not know, the game has been out for a while now and after an initial set of patches (seven, to be precise) aiming to fix and balance different aspects of the game, comms went a little silent. For us this was a period of quiet diligence, preparing the game for its console premiere while improving multiple of its many facets. So now, with great pleasure, the time has come to preview the upcoming 1.09 patch release, which includes many requested features and updates, as well as a wider set of fixes.

One of the features most requested by players was the ability to issue commands while the game is paused, AKA Tactical Pause. With this patch we’ll be introducing a Tactical Pause feature which is available after enabling it in the gameplay options menu. Once enabled, players can stop time and issue commands to their units without worrying about advancing enemies. We understand that quite a few players wanted to experience The Valiant with this level of flexibility in controlling the pace of gameplay, and though it took a bit to work out all the kinks, we’re glad we’ve been able to add this feature to enrich the game for all types of players.

While previous updates addressed balance and pacing issues around the first few maps of the campaign, we know there were quite a few players still concerned with the difficulty curve and gameplay experience of the final mission. While we don’t want to spoil anything for players who haven’t reached the ending yet, this patch includes a significant rework to the mechanics of the final fight. This is not just balance updates, but feature adjustments to more organically incorporate the player’s progression accumulated during the campaign, both in terms of unlocked skills and gear. We believe the updates we’ve made are much more in line with what players expected at the culmination of their journey compared to how the fight worked previously.

We’re very excited to announce that a multiplayer demo of The Valiant will be released simultaneously alongside update 1.09. We’ve invested a significant amount of effort towards smoothing out the multiplayer experience and improving the networking implementation for better online experiences for everyone. Due to platform limitations with how invites work between demo and full games, we also added a manual invitation system so friends can play together regardless of which version they have. Demo and Full players can simply share an invitation key and join lobbies directly so the fun can be shared with all. This is in addition to the original invites system that will work the same as before for players on the same version.

The release of a console version naturally led to an improved gamepad control scheme in both the menus and during gameplay, as well as countless usability improvements and fixes. For those who enjoy playing on gamepad, this will be a much better experience.

It may go without saying, but we’ve also included countless fixed and balance improvements across the whole game experience. We’re excited for you to check out v1.09 soon, and hope you’ll have a great time playing the updates as well as jumping into MP with a new batch of demo players!

We would like to thank you all for your continued support and wish everyone a great time playing the latest Valiant patch when it releases.

Jul 6, 2023
Spirits of Baciu - Prologue - Keepingfaka
Hi everyone! ːSF6_Jungle_Spriteː

We're happy to inform you that we are on Discord!

Join the Horns Level Up Family to be updated on the upcoming Kickstarter campaign for Spirits of Baciu - The Deception! ːtmntdonː

Chat with us if you have questions or curiosities about Spirits of Baciu and share with us your favourite games, music and more! ː8bitheartː

Click here to join:

Research Story - Mikixen

Greetings Researchers!

We're happy to bring you our very first major content update, 'Alfie's Awesome Automations'!

This update focuses on automation in the game. We decided to work on this aspect of the game for a few reasons:
  • It gives a new progression goal for players to automate and optimise their farms.
  • It is an important part of base management, and contributes to overall QOL of the game by reducing repetition of tedious work.
  • Alfie's Shop exterior was already added the game, but with a placeholder to prevent entry as it did not make it for the initial release. Now, all existing buildings in the game can be entered.
Automation Features

Farming: Sprinklers, Sun Lamps! 💧☀️
Three tiers of sprinklers and sun lamps can be unlocked, covering a 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7 area. Sprinklers and Sun Lamps can be stacked to make use of the same tile.

Ranching: Auto-Collectors, Bell Tool 🔔
Auto-Collectors can be placed on the farm, and collect both creature drops and produce from adjacent pens.

The Bell Tool can be purchased for easier management of creatures. Ring the bell using Right Click to make creature followers go back to their pens. Ring the bell using Left Click to make all followers go back to their pens. The Bell only works in the Farm area, where pens are located.

Crafting: Bait Press and Feed Crafter 📦
We've heard feedback from several players, saying that crafting from the inventory can get tedious after some time when clicking through the menus. After considering several options, we decided to add two items: Bait Press and Feed Crafter, which can quickly craft some of the oft-required items. These crafters also pull from adjacent chests - one of the things we've heard players want to see!

Resource Gathering: Fish Nets and Auto-Tappers 🐟🌳
The Fish Net can yield certain items every 3-5 days when placed in water with bait. It usually yield mollusks, shells, and other items but can sometimes yield fish. We balanced it this way so that Fish Nets don't diminish the purpose of some creatures that help with getting fish.

The Auto-Tapper works on Fir trees and Maple trees, getting tapped materials every 4 and 10 days respectively:
- Resin from Fir trees
- Maple Syrup from Maple trees

In the end, this scene looks very Stardew-esque. While I tried to add new things (e.g. Lily Pads that can be placed in water), this resource-gathering mechanic is just so simple and intuitive that I didn't change it much. I hope players will enjoy it regardless!

Decor Sets and Items 🪑
We've added some decor sets and items, along with some rotateable furniture (Chairs and Lily Pads to start with).

Full v0.3 Patch Notes
We've also added a bunch of other content, fixed bugs, and made some balancing changes to the game. They can be found in the full v0.3 Patch Notes here.

Research Story is on Sale until July 13!
During the Steam Summer Sale, Research Story is 10% off!

Thank you to everyone who has supported the game in one way or another. You've been an important part of the development of Research Story and I'm excited to continue building the game with you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, I'll be here to read them.

What's next 📝
I'll be spending some time on the outstanding bugs (I know there are some bugs that have persisted for a few patches, I'll be looking at them again ;; ). Along with that, I'll be cleaning up the code base, which may not translate to new things immediately but will be good for the game in the long term. It'll also mean starting to implement localisation (specifics TBA).

Once I feel more ready to tackle the next content patch, I'll share more about it! I'm thinking of working on NPCs next. As usual, I'll keep in touch using Mini-Devlogs and on our Discord!

Happy Researching!
- Miki
Gimmick! Special Edition - andreas
Today, we're launching Gimmick! Special Edition! It's available on Nintendo eShop and revives an up until today hidden NES™ masterpiece! If you're looking for crisp pixels, a bopping soundtrack, and a stellar, physics-based platformer, you're in for a royal treat!

As the cuddly hero Yumetaro, you'll get to explore a physics-based platforming playground and use your star-shooting powers to solve tricky challenges with finesse! With the help of your fantastic star, you'll reach hidden spots, make frenemies, traverse cliffs, and pull off trick shots that'll surprise even the toughest baddies!

The original game was exclusive to Famicom™/NES™ in Japan and Scandinavia in the early '90s and is considered a hidden gem among retro enthusiasts. This Special Edition is updated with online leaderboards, achievements, time attack mode, save and quick load, rewind function, and a lovely gallery featuring the original game cartridges, artwork, and scanned manuals.

We hope the modern enhancements will make it accessible regardless of your age and experience. If you're up for a real challenge, head into "Serious Mode" to disable all quality-of-life features, and be sure to uncover all secret items if you're a completionist. There's a surprise in store if you do!

We'd love to hear about your adventures with Yumetaro, so please chat with us on Twitter @bitwavegames to share high scores and meet other gamers like you!

Happy gaming from all of us at Bitwave!
Reign of Guilds - Vatslav Verzhbitsky
Dear friends,

First of all, we are thankful for your feedback and reports that instantly started pouring in the moment we launched PT#4.

Secondly, we are thankful to those who support our project by making pre-orders. After all, for the past year and a half, our team has been operating on its own funds.

Some of the changes we prepared for PT#4 were technical; others concerned balance and economy. Apparently, just like you, we see all those issues that ensued from the scope of work that had been done in-between the playtests.

PT#4 Concept:

We decided not to wipe player characters of levels 15 and above. However, we deleted all their items and replaced the money they had with small set sums. Apart from that, they were all transported to Rivulet Island.

We’ve drastically changed the prices of most items. It came as a result of changing processing prices. Before the change, processing bear pelt cost less than flatbread. We also increased the income that people receive for their in-game activities. Unfortunately, our efforts were rendered useless by the DVB system, which increased processing prices dramatically.
All these problems will be fixed during PT#4. We’ll also try to make crafting powders as profitable as crafting items.

We’ve made significant changes in the growth of item stats and requirements. The basic concept is that a character of level 60 will never be able to wear both armor and weapons of level 11+ simultaneously, to say nothing of the more powerful enchantments of these items.

We didn’t neglect the balance of AI. All AIs’ default levels were set to 60. The stats of an AI that happens to be spawned in a lower level spawner are multiplied by the number that corresponds to the level of the spawner.
Besides, all the mobs except animals have immunities to certain types of weapons and magic.

Our primary goal for starting locations was to make mobs easier to kill, including the named ones. We decreased their damage but increased their HP. The “duels” will get longer but players will have more chances to make mistakes
This is another aspect that we will change and fix according to the feedback we receive.

Some gameplay simplifications:
Some simplifications to make the experience easier:
  • Ability trainers locations and their quests;
  • Token prices (especially those that lead to castles);
  • Prices and craft requirements of elixirs;
  • Castles AI;
  • Vendors’ stocks. At the moment, they sell items that we do not plan to sell in the future.
ROG’oms up!

Severs | Backend | Seamless
  • A tracker that keeps track of the number of created characters, decreasing the starting money the more characters have been created;
  • Buffs of higher levels were replaced with 1st level ones after a seamless transition;

Inventory | Equip | Containers:
  • Bonus HP received from items was unrestored after going through a seamless transition;

Combat system | Magic:
  • 2H alternative attack doesn’t have to be charged, but was made 20-30% slower depending on the weapon;
  • Re-balanced HP/MP restoration powders;
  • Decreased camera shake and bob with crossbow equipped;
  • The error in the damage formula of 2H special attack;

Character | Vocations and Abilities | Quests
  • The character’s hunger status has a visible tech buff;
  • The party XP bonus was doubled;
  • Increased the duration of invincibility after teleportation or entering the game world;
  • Wrong character stats after relogging;
  • abusing overweight with suicide;

Resources | Processing | Crafting | Enchantments
  • Crafting stations didn’t “see” recipes stored in containers;

  • forced teleportation to the spawn point after expiring certain individual timers;
  • several SFX for AIs;
  • wolves were made 20-30% slower: running speed, acceleration, attacks;
  • bears don’t shove so much when chasing their targets;
  • Changed the sizes and behaviors of rats and hares
  • Named AIs drop loot of higher quality and weight;

UI | UX | Visuals | Localization:
  • “Tabula Rasa” window opens on using the item
  • quest rewards tooltips (items/abilities);
  • quest tracker that tracks 3 last accepted quests;
  • the missing sounds for certain NPC windows;
  • localization of a number of menus;
  • the attenuation of in-game sounds (fixed 2D sound effects);
  • attribute, processing, black market, and enchantment widgets;
  • global chat is set as default;
  • certain map markers;
  • visual issues with dividing item stacks;
  • issues with NPC capsules being shifted.
Jul 6, 2023

Converted project to new 2022 LTS Unity version

Procedural World Generation
▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▱▱ 80%
▻ Added branches to path generation
▻ Added artificial maps to branches of path generation
▻ Added path segment and bounding box intersection test to path generation
▻ Added boundary check to path generation
▻ Added generating path
▻ Added collision avoidance with prev path segments
▻ Added re-generating path when in unsolvable situation
▻ Added integrating artificial maps to path generation

▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▱ 98%
▻ Several bug fixes

New Content
▰▰▰▰▰▱▱▱▱▱ 55%

[WIP] Youtube Short

Warface: Clutch - alik.yafizov


A new map for the "Plant the Bomb" mode called "Port" is now available in the game! The sun is shining, the palm trees are swaying, and Warface is once again clashing against Blackwood. Check out the map’s visuals in this publication!

About the Map
July — the sun is scorching hot, and the sea is gently humming just across the street. But don’t get fooled by the idyllic scenery, as Blackwood and Warface chose this quaint Caribbean port town to battle for control over important trade routes. Fight on the streets by the brilliant blue sea under the shade of palm trees, pass by the trusty cargo crane and the old town hall. And check out the backyard of that unsuspicious building just to its side, it might be important.

"Port" in the Game
Let’s see what the map has in store for you. On the top-down view you can find the key positions, vantage points and double-climb sites. Keep in mind that the enemy comes prepared as well. Good luck!

Don’t wait for the adventure to come to you, go find it for yourself! See you in the game!

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Research Story - Mikixen

New Mechanics and Gameplay Improvements
  • Added Sprinklers that water crops automatically.
  • Sun Lamps can be stacked on top of Sprinklers. Their effects will be combined while only using 1 tile space.
  • Sun Lamps (and Sprinklers) show their area of effect before placement.
  • Added resource-gathering items - Fish Nets and Auto-Tapper.
  • Added Bell Tool that herds creatures back to their pens.
  • Added Auto-Collector to collect drops and produce from creatures.
  • Some items, such as Fish Nets and Lily Pads, can be placed on water.
  • Some items, such as Chairs and Lily Pads, can be rotated when placing.
  • Tilled soil can now be removed using the Hammer tool.
  • Ability to craft Cooked Fish & Cooked Meat with Campfire.
  • Added a 'Fishing' category to the Crafting Tab. Fish-related items, such as Fish Bait, can now be crafted from there (instead of from the Ranching category).
  • Added 'Crafting Benches' to allow for quick crafting of certain items.
  • Improved detection for Creature Pens and Troughs for Controllers.
New content
  • Automation:
    - Basic Sprinkler
    - Gold Sprinkler
    - Chroma Sprinkler
    - Gold Sun Lamp
    - Chroma Sun Lamp
    - Auto-Collector
    - Bell Tool (Upgradable)
    - Fish Net
    - Auto-Tapper
    - Bait Press
    - Feed Crafter
  • Decor Sets and Items:
    - Snowman
    - Mini Fir
    - Chestnut Furniture Set
    - Cherry Furniture Set
    - Maple Furniture Set
    - Fir Furniture Set
    - Furniture Sets include:
    • Bed
    • Bedside Table
    • Chair
    • Table
    • Round Table
    • Wardrobe
    • Dining Table
    • Wooden Seat
    • Buffet Table
    • Wall Shelf
    - Rugs:
    • Maroon Rug
    • Cherry Rug
    • Honey Rug
    • Forest Rug
    • Cream Mat
    - Flower Baskets:
    • Chamomile
    • Wild Violet
    • Sunflower
    • Eggbloom
    • Starburst
    • Caffodil
    • Hydranbear (Coral)
    • Hydranbear (Pink)
    • Hydranbear (Lilac)
    • Pitch Lily
    - Barrels:
    • Covered
    • Potato
    • Carrot
  • New items that can be found using the Fish Net:
    - Water Snail
    - Apple Snail
    - Mussel
    - Peach Mussel
    - Slug
    - Lemon Slug
    - Slimeshroom
    - Jellyshroom
    - Lily Pad
    - Lily Pad (Teal)
    - Lily Pad (Lime)
  • Food:
    - Cooked Fish
    - Cooked Meat
    - Maple Syrup
    - Lavacress
  • Misc
    - Fish Bait Crafting Recipe
    - Snowman Crafting Recipe
    - Mini Fir Crafting Recipe
    - Ground Beetle (chance to drop from breaking rocks/logs).
  • New Townsfolk: Alfie the Tinkerer. Alfie arrives in Shimmerbrook on 16 Spring of Year 1.
  • New Shop: Alfie's Awesome Automations.
  • 100+ lines of additional dialogue among the NPCs. More dialogue will be added as we continue development!
  • NPCs can sometimes talk about another NPCs' gift preference.
  • Updated NPCs' gift preferences for the new items.
  • 5 new OSTs! One new track per season + one additional track for rainy days. Thanks to Bobby, DT, Shevone, and Tomás for their beautiful soundtracks! <3
  • Updated Main Menu music.
Balancing Changes
  • Increased item pickup radius from 14 to 18.
  • Brown Wool adds 3 ticks instead of 2 to the Spinning Wheel.
  • Increased time taken for wild animals to eat from a feed bowl from 3 to 5 seconds. The duration shortens to 0.5 seconds once the creature has been tamed.
  • Shipping Price of a Stick decreased from 2G to 1G.
  • Adjusted drop rate of Sticks from trees.
  • Moved the unlocking of Mines from 14 Spring to 10-11 Spring (depending on when/whether conditions are met).
  • Fixed incorrect line breaks for item descriptions in Shops.
  • Fixed being able to 'drop' important items such as Research Scrolls onto the ground when sorting chests with full chest and bag inventory.
  • Fixed one instance of being unable to interact with animals/wild plants which happens when switching from a Watering Can to a different tool while trying to water a tile.
  • Fixed Wall Decor incorrectly overlapping with some items during placement.
  • Fixed items incorrectly overlapping with Beds.
  • Fixed one of Yan Yan's favourite gift dialogue not being triggered when gifting the item.
  • Fixed incorrectly completing objective during 'Unidentified Fish Part' Quest when researching an item that is not a Fish Part.
  • Fixed 'Research Complete'! popup showing when fishing even after research was completed and before the scroll is claimed.
  • Fixed a bug where Hydranbear (Lilac) would have an error in its sprite drawing.

Happy Researching!
- Miki
Exogate Initiative - Josh - Exogate Initiative CM
Hey all!

We're dropping a quick hotfix to fix a game-breaking bug. Turns out that the Exogate could become locked permanently sometimes when there was an incoming invasion. While tactically sound, it didn't make for fun gameplay, so please take this hotfix as we roll through the week.


The Xeno Bits team
Jul 6, 2023
Boneraiser Minions - caiys
//misc changes
- Settings - General - Font Type: The Super HD font now has SDF rendering enabled making the edges a bit smoother and more readable.
- Occult Heart pickups will now cure Occult Poison when collected.
- Enboned Heart relic: This will now say in its description what your current bonus is compared to the max cap.
- Occult Purse relic: This will now say in its description what your current bonus is compared to the max cap.
- Treasured Chesty contraption: This will no longer respawn during a boss fight.

//bug fixes
- Settings - Visibility menu: The 'Full Frontal Pickups' option could cause a crash when opening the menu or switching page.
- Boneraise: If you Sealed a minion but one of the attached minion sacrifices became not available then it would effectively Banish that item.
- Boneraise: When playing as the Cylcop Exile class and using full Mouse Support the selector was a bit off.
- Boneraise: When playing as the Cylcop Exile class the item description would be cut off if were offered at least 4 items.
- Cyclop Exile class - Meaty Embiggen meta: This could offer you a Meaty Club relic even if it had reached the max upgrade cap.
- Blacksmith / Souleater Dealer: When opening the Escape Menu the Traveller menu's controls would still be active.
- Souleater Dealer: He could offer Lost Relics that you had forgotten via Goblusious.
- Ectoplasm Poop relic: This wasn't creating the correct amount of poop pools in Castle Conquest or New Game Forever. The description at level 3 was incorrect.
- Bottled Fairy relic: It was possible to use more than 3 in a run.
- Meldum Serum relic: It was possible to use more than 3 in a run.
- Giantum Serum relic: It was possible to use more than 3 in a run.
- Barrow Bonebolster spell: This wasn't upgrading Waxen Cannibals/Bandits/Elves minions.
- Brodacious Brozilla minion: Their Eggy Bro spawns couldn't hatch into Waxen Cannibals/Bandits/Elves.
- King Gigald: If he fell on an active Restless Monument then it could cause a freeze (he'll now destroy any Monuments in the way).