One Lonely Outpost - Uman
Hey Colonists!

The first post-release patch is here! Along with the below improvements and fixes, we also greatly improved controller usability. It will need some further improvements, but you should now be able to experience some of One Lonely Outpost using a controller. Let us know how it feels so we can continue to improve it!

  • The Options Menu in now also in the Title Screen.
  • UI Resolution and Fullscreen picker Options are now available.
  • Right-clicking on an item now moves it from one inventory to another.
  • Added Sorting for chests and inventory.
  • New running animation when a Speed Boost is active.
  • Integrated "Shippy's portrait" in the Quantum Quick shop.
  • Tweaked the Bug Catching minigame overall difficulty.
  • QWERTY will not stay on tilled tiles anymore.
  • The User can now swap tracked quests on the interface if they have more than one quest.
  • Fixed various typos.
Bug Fixes
  • The terraformed texture (and wild plants) now matches the non-terraformed texture pattern in the south-east area of the Farmstead.
  • Removed placeholder data from empty Omninac tabs.
  • The "Get Nutrient Paste" objective of QO11 is now correctly tracked in the UI immediately after it appears.
  • Fixed overnight errors causing scenes to fail to load.
  • Fixed an issue on how the Pest spreads.
  • Fixed a bug where all the items were refined/processed at once when placing them in the 'Omniforge/Food Processing Unit' before the construction animation was completed.

Follow us on our socials and join the amazing community in our Discord to share your feedback and thoughts as well as any issues you come across.

Tiktok - new!
Apewar - Gombe Games
This monkey made a mistake

I'm sorry to say that I broke a few systems in the 2.0 update due to a monkey mistake, so I have to postpone the new update for about 1 week. I am very sorry for this, I will try to release the update as fast as I can.

The monkey is sad, the monkey is ashamed ːsteamsadː
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising - MrGameTheory505
Hey there Heroes,

Things are heating up with the arrival of Summer, so we hope you’ve found somewhere cool and comfortable to indulge in this month’s update!

Let’s jump in!

Komuta D’s Sneak Peek
Komu-nichiwa, komu-banwa, director Komuta here.
I'm excited to give you another sneak peak this month!

And the contents for Komuta D's Sneak Peak #3 is...

What you see here is an imageboard of a key location in the story and a 3D model of the boss that appears there... Those who have played Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising may look at this and think, "...huh?"
It looks like some sort of decaying ruin, but what kind of adventure lies in wait there? You'll just have to wait and see!!

As you'll notice in Producer J's ‘Word from the Team’ segment, the art for the characters, backgrounds, enemies, UI, effects and other props, which is one of the most important parts of the game production process, are now finished and Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is finally taking shape as the game's framework is being fleshed out.

To use an analogy, it's like an "unassembled Gunpla!" (It even makes noise!!!)

From that point we started working on improving the art's quality in order to really add that level of polish, checking whether the implemented sections were working according to the blueprints, and figuring out how to improve the design if there were any errors.
The image board above is just one of the blueprints from which everything started.

I hope you're looking forward to another glimpse next time!

Murayama's Monthly Development Report
Thank you so much for the many submissions to our recent call for the ending theme choir! We can't wait to see how it turns out.

We used a choir for the ending theme when I worked on Gensou Suikoden too. That was at the suggestion of Higashino-san who was in charge of the music at the time and the production staff.

We had the option to hire a professional singer to record the ending song, but since the theme of Suikoden revolves around a group of bandits and drifters we decided a chorus of amateurs would be more atmospheric.

The recording took place in a corner of the office and we gathered all of the development team for it. I was there too, but I was placed further away from the microphone because I’m loud and tone deaf (lol).

Come to think of it, some of the game's sound effects were also recordings of the team member's voices.

The development of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was undoubtedly started by the passion of our backers.

I hope this chorus will properly represent how this project is a joint effort between the team and our backers.

A Word from the Team
J-diary vol.9
Hello all,
Murakami J. here.

In my last report, I talked about the pixel art end goal being in sight. Well now we've surpassed it and are in the process of polishing the art materials.

I've mentioned this many times before, but the greatest challenge for the graphical portion of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has been meeting the volume of assets needed and our first priority was meeting each milestone and its quantity of assets.

The primary reason for this was the need to keep pace with the progress of each part of the game's development, but creating a large number of assets in a short period of time was not an easy task. Not only was it very difficult from a planning and management standpoint, but then securing talent, managing costs, and resolving a variety of other problems at the same time made this project a major challenge.

Somehow we managed to overcome those issues and are finally entering a phase where we can polish the finished assets.

In all the years I have spent working on video games, I personally find this part of the process to be the most enjoyable.

This is the stage where the visuals have been assembled to some extent, allowing us to look at the bigger picture as it comes into focus and make necessary adjustments and rearrangements.
With these last pushes, the final product becomes more polished and different with each passing day.

This is the most enjoyable part of development, when our only focus is on improving the game's quality.

Komuta D said this in the last update, but seeing the characters and world come to life with the addition of music and voice acting makes us so happy.

Regarding sound, its selection, timing, and how it is used can greatly affect how it breathes life into the game, so we want to spend as much time as we can on this.

It isn't my area of responsibility, but I can't help myself from talking in detail about what's been added so far.

That’s why the materials are almost ready.

From this point on, the finished product depends greatly on how much polish we can add, so I hope we can continue to make adjustments and keep pushing to the very end, dedicating as much time to it as possible.

We're entering the season of gaming events and conventions, so we'll have more opportunities to show you what we've made.
I’m sorry for repeating myself every time, but please wait just a little bit longer.

Thank you for your continued support.

Jun 30, 2023
BloodPit: Skelton II - trashcan
I am aware of a bug where sound effects from the gas keep playing after escaping. Will release a fix as soon as possible.
Abeyance - Simodo
Vaudeville, the much-anticipated, AI-driven detective game, breaks onto the scene today, marking a new chapter in the realm of interactive gameplay. Developed by Bumblebee Studios, Vaudeville leverages the power of artificial intelligence to create an immersive gaming experience unlike any other.

Set in the vibrant city of Vaudeville, a bubbling hub of culture and entertainment, players assume the role of Detective Martini, tasked with solving a series of enigmatic murders. The game offers a unique gameplay experience, intertwining AI-generated dialogues with real-time interactions. For the first time in gaming history, players can converse with characters using natural language, either by typing or talking into the microphone. The dialogues evolve in real-time, making each gameplay experience unique.

The game captures the essence of detective work through its stunning narrative structure and complex characters, each with its own secrets to unravel. Players are thrust into a world of mystery, intrigue, and suspense, where every decision can change the course of the investigation.

In celebration of the launch, Bumblebee Studios is offering an early bird discount of 35% for the first week. This offer provides a golden opportunity for curious players to delve into the heart of Vaudeville and uncover its mysteries.

Vaudeville is more than just a game - it's an evolution in storytelling, a leap forward in interactive entertainment. With its AI-powered dialogue system, it offers an unparalleled level of immersion and player engagement. Every playthrough is unique, with the AI generating different responses based on your actions and choices.

Join Detective Martini in the city of Vaudeville, where secrets lurk in every corner, and the truth is stranger than fiction. Your adventure starts today. Welcome to Vaudeville!
Ostranauts - Blue Bottle Games, LLC
Hey Folks!

Ostranauts v0.12.0.4 is now available on Steam, and your clients should be updating shortly.

This is a hotfix to our recently released "Rate My Ship" update that fixes several bugs and issues reported by players.

Saves from v0.12.0.0 and later should work. If you were experiencing issues in the older save, this patch may fix some, but others may persist depending on the cause.

  • Added code to pause game after save is loaded.
  • Added code to make factory resetting a door lock cause criminal penalties.
  • Added code to make hacking a lock via UI cause criminal penalties.
  • Added code to prevent pirates that are friends with player from mugging player.
  • Fixed a bug that caused all the air in a space station to get sucked out when an NPC put on a helmet during fast-forward.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ships to continue accruing docking fees if sold while docked.
  • Fixed O2 alarm and power notifications when docking with a derelict.
  • Fixed action button list not updating when target changes mode. (E.g. door open/close, item on/off)
  • Fixed a null which could occur when undocking and immediately re-docking.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented picking up or dropping loose passenger seats via the action buttons.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed AI to try and use any item as a hygiene item.
  • Changed the Examine Dead Body gig to handle targets that are not actually dead.
  • Changed the Volatile Prize Ship design to be worth more.
  • Changed Lilliput starting ship option to be less common.
  • Changed exercise condition to show training progress sooner, so players notice it is doing something right away.
  • Changed descriptions of new starter ship in career kiosk to explain their differences better.
  • Changed descriptive text on some items for clarity.

As you can see, a lot of fixes and quality of life changes in this batch! One notable bug fix has been plaguing us since at least a year ago: the space station atmo suddenly disappearing when fast-forwarding. This turned out to be caused by NPCs putting a helmet on and removing it too fast for the atmo code to keep up, and should now finally be fixed! Let's see if that has any impact on the number of dead NPCs on stations.

We also added criminal penalties for attempting to hack doors, as that appears to be a popular pastime for some entrepreneurial players. Plus, pirates that are friends with the player will no longer mug them on sight.

We finally added code to pause the game immediately upon loading a save, so you can safely step away to grab a coffee while your game loads. (We're also investigating whether or not we can make the Autosave less disruptive. No promises yet, but there's potential!)

Another fix prevents those annoying O2 alarm and power notifications from appearing every time you dock to a derelict. While a fix to the action button UI means you won't have to re-select an item after switching it on/off, or changing it's mode.

A lot of these are fairly minor fixes, but combined, we hope they make a pretty good boost to player quality of life. And just in time for the weekend!

As always, there's plenty more for us to fix, change, and add! And we'll be continuing in roughly that order. In the meantime, let us know if this patch helps you out, as well as if it reveals new problems!

Daniel Fedor
Founder, Blue Bottle Games, LLC
Junk Survivor - Neojac
This is a hot fix for some bugs that where introduced on the last update. Game was stuttering and hard to play , this has been fixed as well as some other minor bugs.

Update List:
  • Game stuttering - Fixed and optimized game for better performance.
  • Composter wrong station - Fixed the composter BP so it crafts the right crafting station.
  • Metal Plates not dropping - Added Metal Plates as a drop in some vehicles.
  • No drinking water at ponds - When you swim in a pond now it will fill your thirst meter up.
Vaudeville - Simodo
Vaudeville, the much-anticipated, AI-driven detective game, breaks onto the scene today, marking a new chapter in the realm of interactive gameplay. Developed by Bumblebee Studios, Vaudeville leverages the power of artificial intelligence to create an immersive gaming experience unlike any other.

Set in the vibrant city of Vaudeville, a bubbling hub of culture and entertainment, players assume the role of Detective Martini, tasked with solving a series of enigmatic murders. The game offers a unique gameplay experience, intertwining AI-generated dialogues with real-time interactions. For the first time in gaming history, players can converse with characters using natural language, either by typing or talking into the microphone. The dialogues evolve in real-time, making each gameplay experience unique.

The game captures the essence of detective work through its stunning narrative structure and complex characters, each with its own secrets to unravel. Players are thrust into a world of mystery, intrigue, and suspense, where every decision can change the course of the investigation.

In celebration of the launch, Bumblebee Studios is offering an early bird discount of 35% for the first week. This offer provides a golden opportunity for curious players to delve into the heart of Vaudeville and uncover its mysteries.

Vaudeville is more than just a game - it's an evolution in storytelling, a leap forward in interactive entertainment. With its AI-powered dialogue system, it offers an unparalleled level of immersion and player engagement. Every playthrough is unique, with the AI generating different responses based on your actions and choices.

Join Detective Martini in the city of Vaudeville, where secrets lurk in every corner, and the truth is stranger than fiction. Your adventure starts today. Welcome to Vaudeville!
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - MrGameTheory505
Hey there Heroes,

Things are heating up with the arrival of Summer, so we hope you’ve found somewhere cool and comfortable to indulge in this month’s update!

Let’s jump in!

Komuta D’s Sneak Peek
Komu-nichiwa, komu-banwa, director Komuta here.
I'm excited to give you another sneak peak this month!

And the contents for Komuta D's Sneak Peak #3 is...

What you see here is an imageboard of a key location in the story and a 3D model of the boss that appears there... Those who have played Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising may look at this and think, "...huh?"
It looks like some sort of decaying ruin, but what kind of adventure lies in wait there? You'll just have to wait and see!!

As you'll notice in Producer J's ‘Word from the Team’ segment, the art for the characters, backgrounds, enemies, UI, effects and other props, which is one of the most important parts of the game production process, are now finished and Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is finally taking shape as the game's framework is being fleshed out.

To use an analogy, it's like an "unassembled Gunpla!" (It even makes noise!!!)

From that point we started working on improving the art's quality in order to really add that level of polish, checking whether the implemented sections were working according to the blueprints, and figuring out how to improve the design if there were any errors.
The image board above is just one of the blueprints from which everything started.

I hope you're looking forward to another glimpse next time!

Murayama's Monthly Development Report
Thank you so much for the many submissions to our recent call for the ending theme choir! We can't wait to see how it turns out.

We used a choir for the ending theme when I worked on Gensou Suikoden too. That was at the suggestion of Higashino-san who was in charge of the music at the time and the production staff.

We had the option to hire a professional singer to record the ending song, but since the theme of Suikoden revolves around a group of bandits and drifters we decided a chorus of amateurs would be more atmospheric.

The recording took place in a corner of the office and we gathered all of the development team for it. I was there too, but I was placed further away from the microphone because I’m loud and tone deaf (lol).

Come to think of it, some of the game's sound effects were also recordings of the team member's voices.

The development of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was undoubtedly started by the passion of our backers.

I hope this chorus will properly represent how this project is a joint effort between the team and our backers.

A Word from the Team
J-diary vol.9
Hello all,
Murakami J. here.

In my last report, I talked about the pixel art end goal being in sight. Well now we've surpassed it and are in the process of polishing the art materials.

I've mentioned this many times before, but the greatest challenge for the graphical portion of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes has been meeting the volume of assets needed and our first priority was meeting each milestone and its quantity of assets.

The primary reason for this was the need to keep pace with the progress of each part of the game's development, but creating a large number of assets in a short period of time was not an easy task. Not only was it very difficult from a planning and management standpoint, but then securing talent, managing costs, and resolving a variety of other problems at the same time made this project a major challenge.

Somehow we managed to overcome those issues and are finally entering a phase where we can polish the finished assets.

In all the years I have spent working on video games, I personally find this part of the process to be the most enjoyable.

This is the stage where the visuals have been assembled to some extent, allowing us to look at the bigger picture as it comes into focus and make necessary adjustments and rearrangements.
With these last pushes, the final product becomes more polished and different with each passing day.

This is the most enjoyable part of development, when our only focus is on improving the game's quality.

Komuta D said this in the last update, but seeing the characters and world come to life with the addition of music and voice acting makes us so happy.

Regarding sound, its selection, timing, and how it is used can greatly affect how it breathes life into the game, so we want to spend as much time as we can on this.

It isn't my area of responsibility, but I can't help myself from talking in detail about what's been added so far.

That’s why the materials are almost ready.

From this point on, the finished product depends greatly on how much polish we can add, so I hope we can continue to make adjustments and keep pushing to the very end, dedicating as much time to it as possible.

We're entering the season of gaming events and conventions, so we'll have more opportunities to show you what we've made.
I’m sorry for repeating myself every time, but please wait just a little bit longer.

Thank you for your continued support.

Idle Research - Considera Games
Hello everyone! As you may have noticed, it is definitely past the February or March goal I was hoping for. Unfortunately, there is no update ready still. Those who go to university and work full time may understand.

It is currently summer break, and I am currently a full-stack software developer intern (ASP.NET + Angular for anyone who is interested). I do have more time to work on the game, but I have become such a better programmer over the past few months. This has led me to begin a rewrite project.

The rewrite will consist:
  • Brand new polished UI
  • UI Themes!
  • Removing the current tutorial system, replacing it with a task/chapter system. If the storyline is ever made, it'll be combined with this.
  • (Hopefully In the future) modding support
  • Brand new menu and settings system.
  • Ability to have more than one playfab cloud and local account per device
  • Major performance boosts
  • Etc.

Here are some screenshots of what I have so far:
Main Menu

Don't forget your passwords! Jk, I have you covered

New Crafting/Research interface

Expandable/Collapsable stuff

New Presets Idea


Some other news:
I am no longer associated with "CryptoGrounds or CryptoGrounds Games LLC". I have rebranded to a more friendly and accurate name "Considera Core LLC", where my slogan is: "Games and software, consideration at its' core!"
Lastly, it is still pretty much me working on the game.

A good friend of mine will be joining me in making some cool ass art and a storyline for the game. Exciting stuff to come!

See ya in another few months probably haha,
Zach / Considera Games LLC