Jun 27, 2023
Methods: The Canada Files - LockedOn

Exciting French Canadian news this week!!

Chapter 6 has now been completed — that means it's all coded, and fully playable! This was a chapter with a few CGs and two backgrounds to make. Now that I've begun making backgrounds, progress should go much faster. There are quite a few backgrounds, and a lot of them are pretty elaborate.

This time I'm implementing everything as I go. As soon as I get a background done, I'm adding it to the game and coding all the expressions. That should speed up the process a little.

Character designs for the File are all complete now as well! So development is going strong. I definitely do not think I'll be able to meet my target of October for full release of all the Files, but I will keep soldiering onward!

Until next time!

— LockedOn.


View the backlog of devlogs here on my website!

Support the game's development on Patreon!

The Planet Crafter - Brice MijuGames
Hello Terraformers!

The "Space Trading" Update is now available for everyone!

The terraformation of your planet will go even further with the introduction of frogs that you'll be able to breed in the incubator or find in the wild!

You will be able to send new rockets in space to gain Terra Tokens that will allow you to unlock new blueprints for new decorations, a cooking station, T2 Drones, new habitats, and more!

Are you ready to push your exploration further with the new biome ? Get ready to dive deep and discover the secrets hidden underwater.

Check out the trailer:

Your save files will transfer seamlessly to the update. But if you want to try a fresh adventure, feel free to create a new game to fully experience this update!

We took the time to read your feedbacks and implemented a lot of changes based on it to improve your overall experience with the game. By popular demand, drones can now harvest algae and vegetables, just set up a "demand" inventory for those items, and drones will get to work.

Amélie & I really hope you will like this update, and that the work we put into it during the last months will pay out!

Thanks once again to everyone supporting us, giving feedback, reviewing the game, and sending us good vibes!

Happy terraforming!

If your game is not up to date, restart Steam to download the latest version (v0.8.008)
If you have any troubles or bugs, update or disable any mods in use

Full Changelog - v0.8.008 - "Space Trading" Update

New space trading system :
  • You will receive the trading rocket recipe by mail after you reached the breathable stage
  • The new space trading platform allows to send a rocket containing items to be sold in space
  • After a certain time, the rocket will come back, giving the player an ammount of "Terra Tokens" corresponding to the rocket content price
  • Once the player have enough tokens, he or she can buy items that will be added in the returning rocket content on the next trip
  • In order to gain tokens easily, the player can use drones to fill the rockets and set it up to automatically launch once full
New terraformation stage amphibians :
  • Frogs apprears in the wild when amphibian stage is reached
  • Other frog eggs can be modified in incubator once unlocked
Community feedbacks based improvements :
  • Drones can now collect algaes, vegetables, wheat, cocoa (just set a "demand" for those items, no need to "supply" them)
  • The destructor can be set up to automatically destroy it's content once full
  • Beacons can now have labels
  • Silk worm and bee larvae doesn't share the same recipe anymore (no more RNG)
  • 2 new 3x3 habitat modules (unlock via space trading)
  • A new, way bigger container (unlock via space trading)
  • Foundations and stairs now snap to the launch platform
  • The cooking station is back
  • New optimisation techniques to improve FPS
Changes :
  • New biome : "Cenote" (access is at the top of the meteor crater)
  • A big change appears in the world once amphibians stage is reached (can you find it ?)
  • One new meteo event
  • 6 new Achievements
  • Some food items now give a temporary bonus
New Items :
  • Space trading rocket
  • Multiple frog eggs to find or craft
  • Mutagen T4
  • Terra Tokens chips
  • Amphibian farm
  • New cooking recipes : Fish stew, baked beans, cookies, cake, croissant
New Items to buy or unlock via the space trading rockets :
  • 3x3 pod habitat
  • 3x3 pod habitat with dome
  • Storage container with 80 slots
  • Drone T2
  • Cooking station
  • One new butterfly species
  • One new fish species
  • Colored Fabric
  • Colored sofa
  • Colored double bed
  • Cacao and wheet seeds
Performances :
  • Flatten game object hierarchy to improve performances globally
  • Disable map camera by Default
  • Improve autocrafters performances
  • Some small improvements here & there
Balancing :
  • Algae can only be harvested when reaching 50% growth or more
  • Mutagen 3 unlock after fish stage
  • Reduce requirements for some items

Stay in the loop

As always, don't miss any informations about Planet Crafter and Miju Games :

See you soon, and good terraforming!

Amélie for Miju Games

DotDot - Yiibro
According to the feedbacks, make an update.
  • Added 2 more new puzzles!!!
  • Polish the game by delete some duplicated 3D models in scenes.
  • AISister walks faster now. And you can skip walking process to next level.
  • Disable levels achievements.
  • Adjust objects' scale.
Stay tune. We planned to update and add new puzzle into the game every week!
Jun 27, 2023
Paragrowth - Flypyp
Hello Everyone! Filip, a Paragrowth developer here.
Here's another report on the latest developments in the game.

(*picking up animations will be implemented later)

June resulted in progress for exploration mechanics, such as inventory system and buildings generating.

In half of june I had tonsillectomy operation and I am recovering better than I expected, so there is a bit more to talk about for this month, than I though there will be.

After Dev Log 5 I focused on my procedural generation system and I implemented a lot of important features, which now can be used for generating many different types of layouts, for explorable buildings and for generating different looks.

Interior layout generating, to make each building fully unique.

*The procedural interior objects/furniture placement will be done in the next months

What's more, I moved my inventory system to the main project.
I started implementing new features for inventory system like vessel items, liquids and the basic crafting recipes system. When working on that, I also experimented with AI image generating tools, and found nice workflow for the icons creation. Here you will see the ugly images I prepared for input, AI generated nice image, then I slightly modified it and get cool icon for the game.

Here you can preview few items you will be able to find in the alpha version, and use them for crafting or other stuff:

I finally get used with Substance Painter software, which opened a lot of new ways for me.
Now when I lack some simple 3d item which is easy to create but would be time consuming for realistic texturing, I can very quickly do it with Substance Painter.
I started simple with tin spool and metal plate, which I was lacking for the workbench setup for the pre alpha version of the game (plate and spool around soldering iron on the table):

(maxed out workbench out of items to be found during exploration - vise, anvil, soldering iron, toolbox, efficient welder)

The plan for next month is to continue developing inventory system, working on the procedural generation for buildings/interiors, making buildings look more destroyed, adding moss, vines etc. and focusing on the world exploration mechanics.

Feel free to comment, ask questions, or give feedback!
Backpack Hero - alex_duck_dt
Hey, Backpackers!

Another Tuesday, another character!

Today we want to tell you a bit more about Tote, our magical frog!
Tote’s playstyle is very different! She mostly uses magical carvings. Due to her mechanic, Tote has her own specific pool of items, but it comes at the cost of being the smallest. Do you want to know more about her backstory and mission? Keep reading!

Tote comes from the Enchanted Swamp, a land in the South of Orderia. Like many of her kind, she spent her youth fascinated by the magic emanating from the Mother Tree deep within the dungeon, and her saplings scattered throughout the swamp. Living in the secluded capital city of Lilymist, Tote grew isolated from the outside world. She spent a peaceful childhood studying magic and was eventually enrolled in the prestigious College of the Dreaming, which housed the Mother Tree's first sapling - the Dreaming Tree.

The Dreaming Tree is said to be a direct line of communication to the Mother Tree herself and to be the ruler of its own realm known as the Dreaming. By communing with the trees, amphibians may begin their learning of magic without the use of mana stones. This is where Tote’s magical journey began. She was, and still is, a swift learner, quickly rising to the top of her class! In just a few short years she was prepared for her final research project and she would be deemed a full fledged mage of the swamp - a feat that for many can take a decade of studying.

She was preparing her final project when she heard a call for help. A call directly from the Dreaming Tree. A cry for its mother. Tote followed the call that pierced her very being. Through Lilymist and into a hidden entrance to the dungeon, she followed its corridors until it opened up into an underground grove. There she witnessed key members of the college defiling the Dreaming Tree's roots, tainting sap and writing dark sigils across the bark! The tree was being injured not only physically but also spiritually! Tote let out a yelp of surprise, alerting one of the members of this dark party - one of her Professors…

Knowing that she found herself in danger, Tote took off down the hallway towards the surface. As she escaped, spells whizzed past her head. She dodged them the best she could until eventually she was hit. Falling to the ground with a thud, Tote laid in a daze. Her former mentor approached her looking rueful. He had always liked her, but she was too much of a goody-two-shoes and wouldn’t understand his methods for gaining power. He began chanting a final spell to get rid of her, when suddenly a root burst from the ground, knocking him off his feet. The teacher's spell misfired and Tote was able to regain her senses and bolt up. Then she saw a bag hanging from a root. A bag imbued with the Dreaming Tree’s essence. She felt the urge to grab it and run. Following Dreaming Tree’s directions, she headed towards Oakshire Forest to look for Mother Tree.

Now that you know her story, let’s take a look at how Tote’s changed so far!
Tote was the second character unlocked in our Kickstarter, and was originally named Pouch, but she was the first one we actually ended up releasing. Similar to Satchel though, she went through a lot of changes in her mechanics, which is evident to many players who've been around a while because many of her iterations were released to the public.

Originally she was meant to have mana stones built into her bag, but we wanted her to be a bit more different. We tried a version where her energy was an item in the bag and was used similar to mana, but we also thought that wasn't super fun, so then we came to the idea of carvings and every version of her since then has been an iteration on that, including her most recent rework!

What do you think of Tote’s playstyle? 👀

Get ready for next week, when we’ll share another hero’s backstory!



Join the Backpack Hero community:

Jun 27, 2023
Blender - Blender Release Team
Blender Foundation and the online developers community are proud to present Blender 3.6 LTS!

Whats New

Blender 3.6 LTS is the last release before the major jump into the 4.x series, with focus on stability to make sure this a great release to hold on to for the next couple of years.

Nonetheless, this release brings a huge range of new features and performance improvements:

- Simulation Nodes, the next leap in Geometry Nodes
- A new UV packing engine
- Animation improvements
- Faster FBX I/O
- Several USD improvements including Curves/hair export
- Cycles speed-up on AMD, Intel® Arc™, and Apple Silicon GPUs
- Mesh editing and Geometry Nodes performance improvements
- Major updates to Library Overrides resyncing
- User Interface improvements
- VDM Brush Baker add-on included
- and so, so much more

A new Human Base Meshes asset bundle has been added to the demo files section on blender.org.

Explore the release notes for an in-depth look at what’s new.

Long-term Support

With the end-of-life of Blender 2.93 LTS, a new long-term support release takes place. Blender 3.6 LTS will receive fixes and support until June 2025.

For ongoing projects Blender 3.3 LTS is still actively supported until September 2024.

Thank you!

Another exciting milestone achieved thanks to the Blender community and the 3250 individuals and 33 organizations contributing to the Blender Development Fund.

Happy Blending!

The Blender Team
June 27th, 2023
Cards and Guns - familydevs
Hello community,

Another update with additions.

Best regards,
Family Devs.

Cards and Guns - 0.5.0


  • New boss: Evilgod (Not available in the Demo Version).
  • New danger: Danger 3 (Not available in the Demo Version).
  • New danger: Danger 4 (Not available in the Demo Version).
  • New danger: Danger 5 (Not available in the Demo Version).
Jun 27, 2023
Wordsearch Attack - bsagames
  • Fixed issue that load button available when nothing to load.
  • Fixed issue with loading colours related to spaces in install directory path.
  • Added a "Night" colour scheme with a star field backdrop.
Jun 27, 2023
Super VHS - reaction105
Some new stuff I've recently been working on:

- added flashlight
- added VHS camera mode
- fixed missing Plinketto signage
- fixed (I think) bottle throwing bug (they'd freeze in midair and never throw)
- fixed warehouse layout innaccuracies

I've also been spending a lot of time recently rebuilding the character/camera movement and feel. Everything from FOV and sensitivity, to movement speed, camera roll & shake, audio cue timing, and lens distortions. Trying to avoid feeling like that default Unreal Engine FPS thing. In particular, since there's now a VHS camera and VHS mode, I've been focusing on getting that to really feel tactile and realistic, not just like a filter over the regular mode.

So our perspective shifts up and right (like it's shoulder mounted), we have real user time + date, time spent in VHS mode ("recording"), real camera movements I tracked from my own footage, 4:3, reduced audio quality, zoom autofocus seeking, custom audio cues, and more. It's been tricky, but starting to feel really good. Still lots of balancing to do, particularly with how realistic (i.e bad) to make the visual quality vs usability/enjoyment.

Outside of that, I've also been working on things that I cannot talk about because they're spoilers :)

More updates soon!

Figmin XR - Tilt Five - services
You can now play multiplayer with other T5's or any of the other platforms we support.