The Anacrusis - notthatwillsmith
Play as the Aliens in Versus Mode
Versus is a life-and-death PVP struggle between the Survivor and Alien teams. The rules are simple, Survivors need to reach the end of each map and the Aliens just have to stop them. After each round, the teams switch sides.

Scoring is based on each Survivor team’s progress through the level. Nothing else matters. Getting a perfect grab or gooping the player running ahead won’t score you any additional points, but it will net you bragging rights.

Take Control of Alien Specials
There are currently five different alien specials in the game, with more in the works.

  • Grabber - The grabber’s primary attack can incapacitate a single player, but doing so leaves them open to attack by the other survivors. The Grabber’s secondary fire is a quick melee swipe.
  • Gooper - The Gooper is a triple-threat, it’s primary attack is a long-range, area denial goo bomb able to slow the entire survivor team. A direct hit on a single Survivor incapacitates that player for additional chaos. But the Gooper’s secondary is it’s secret weapon. Get up close and start the happy dance to spawn multiple goo balls and do massive area damage.
  • Brute - With a massive lunge for its primary attack and a hard-hitting punch as the secondary, the Brute can do massive damage to the Survivors. Press and hold primary attack to see the landing zone, but know that anyone between you and your target will get knocked away.
  • Spawner - The Spawner builds an army of turrets to harass and annoy your enemies. To spawn a group of three turrets, put your crosshair on a Survivor (you don’t need line of sight, you can spawn turrets through walls) and left click. Note: We’ll add a secondary attack to the Spawner in a future update.
  • Flasher - The Flasher is a one-two punch of problems for the Survivors. Its primary attack is a quick punch with a short cooldown. The secondary attack summons nearby common aliens, keeping them from aggroing and attacking nearby Survivors until you release your attack. And the Flasher’s Survivor-blinding light is in full effect in Versus.
We’ll have more specials coming soon. We have more specials in the pipeline now, including [redacted], more Gooper variants, and much much more…

Tuned for Different Team Sizes
We’ve tuned Versus to play well with different team sizes, the default public versus games are playing great in 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 modes. Or you can set up a private game and play however you’d like.
  • If you just want to take time to learn to play the Aliens, load up a private game and turn AI humans and AI Aliens off, set the spawn rate to Instant, and fire it up. (You’ll want to open the console using the ~ key and use the console command wingame on your turn as the Survivors though). We’ll automate this process for Xbox players in an upcoming patch
  • We’ve included private mode settings for 1v1 as well, but it’s not quite where we’d like it to be yet. If you have ideas for the 1v1 mode, we’d love to hear them in the Discord

This Is Just the Beginning of the Summer of Versus
This is just the start for The Anacrusis’s Versus mode! We know there’s a lot of work left to do on Versus, but we wanted to get this out as soon as it was fun so we could start collecting feedback from the players. Here’s what we have in the pipeline before the game hits 1.0 status this fall:
  • Team selection
  • Dances and taunts for the Aliens
  • More playable Aliens
  • Scoring changes that will let teams that fall behind early have a chance at mounting a comeback
  • Better communication tools for both teams, including team chat, a team comms wheel, pre- and post-match chat, and more

Join the Discord to share your feedback and check the Roadmap on Trello to find out what’s coming next!

Episode 4 Updates
We’ve been hard at work on Episode 4, integrating changes based on feedback from the changes in Update 32. We’ve completed the art and polish pass on the first two levels of Episode 4, and done a significant redesign on the Episode 4 Finale. Additionally, we’ve optimized performance throughout the episode.

Performance Improvements
This update includes significant performance improvements that should improve perf on all systems, especially those with lower-spec CPUs.
  • Optimized AI system to reduce framerate sag during large hordes
  • Reduced the impact of the Flasher effect, especially during large hordes
  • Steam Deck users should see significant performance improvements as well
  • Reduced the disk storage needed for the game by removing redundant assets and compressing the rest. We've gone from a 40GB install to a 16GB install

Added Mixed Input Controls
We’ve added the ability for PC players to use multiple input types simultaneously in The Anacrusis. For example, you can use the gamepad for movement and a mouse (or mouse-like device, like a controller gyroscope) for aiming simultaneously. Steam Deck, PS4/PS5, and Switch Pro Controller users using the Steam Controller setup menus.

This should work with any input devices that mimic gamepads, mice, keyboards, etc. Please let us know how this works for you, especially if you have problems with hardware that you’d expect to work but does not.

To enable Mixed Input mode, go to the Settings / Gameplay menu, then flip the toggle for Enable Mixed Input in the Accessibilty section. For this release, the glyphs that indicate button presses will behave unpredictably when you’re in mixed input mode, but we’ll address that in a future update.

Bug Fixes
  • Created and fixed a bazillion bugs we discovered while building Versus mode
  • Adjusted the navmesh in most episodes to reduce pathing errors
  • Fixed areas where bots and aliens would get confused in Episode 4
  • Fixed areas where alien common would get stuck in spawns, which created quiet periods where there shouldn’t be quiet periods
  • Fixed some cases where player bots wouldn’t save players from grabs or goops
  • Updated the German localization based on feedback from German players. Danke schön!
Jun 26, 2023
Party Quiz - PD
New features:
- Support for video questions
- Improved usability of the score adjustments window
- Introduction of a voting window at the end of a game (will only appear if you haven't voted for the pack you just finished playing; voting is optional and can be skipped)
- Clear error message when attempting to select an asset from a protected location (e.g., drive C:); credits: bateman
- Improved error notification system to provide better user feedback
- If there is no one left to answer a question (everyone has answered wrong), it will automatically be marked as failed
- Settings now accept decimal values, allowing for more precise adjustments (e.g., 15.0 seconds -> 15.2 seconds)

Jun 26, 2023
Bridgebourn Playtest -
  • Added a new music track for the Reaper boss fight.
  • Blood reaper fight now plays the Hunted theme.
Jun 26, 2023
GameZero - gutts
Jun 26, 2023
GameZero - gutts
Magic Potion Stories - ARTIFACTS


特に第4作『マジックポーション・ミリオネア』をプレイされた方には、本作を通じて理解が深まる部分も多いでしょう。 パステル姉弟とクローディアの関係、その馴れ初め、登場人物たちのつながり、不穏な事象の詳細、etcetc… それら多くの手がかりが、本作の中に秘められています。どうぞ手にとって読み解いてみてください。

また本作はビジュアルノベルとしてはかなり実験的な作品になってますので、 奇抜なゲーム好きな方々にとっても楽しめる一作かと思われます。 初リリース日から時間のたった作品ですので、プレイ動画配信も全編においてOKとしています。 ぜひそちらでも楽しんで、本シリーズ原初の深淵に足を踏み入れてみましょう。


(※本作の対応言語は日本語のみです! This game is available only in Japanese! )
Unification - CrushPoint
No longer will dying return you to all the way to the beginning, forcing you to retread early biomes, unable to retry the challenge that bested you because the seed is lost.

Get revenge with immediate respawns at the beginning of the level, or retry the entire run by learning the seed upon ejection.

  • seed is now shown above stats on menu, with an initial ? if unseeded or ! if seeded
  • unseeded runs now choose from a valid seed which is hidden during play and revealed upon ejection
  • seed now only regenerates after ejection
  • reduced penalty of death to automatically respawning at the beginning of the current level with full health
  • added death reason subtitle while stunned and awaiting respawn
  • added credits to Options menu
  • enemies are now automatically dropped if they die while grabbed
  • extended range of jackhammer and allowed double block destruction
  • re-enabled collision impact damage, as gravity claws are sufficient to maintain control while falling
  • simplified tutorial
  • added keymap tip to beginning of tutorial
BLACK STIGMA Playtest - White_triester
Here are illustrations of three unique costumes that can be earned with BDP!

Check out the BDP program

The Climax of Killer Action
BLACK STIGMA Playtest - White_triester

< Prologue >
Lurking among us in the light of day, there are those who live a life of darkness.
They take lives for a living and have formed an institution of their own.

There is the traditional contract killing organization, AS (Achromatic Servant),
and the unconfined and emerging contract killing agency, AB (AnyBody).

< AS : Achromatic Servant >
AS has worked throughout the years using a secluded mansion somewhere in the France-Switzerland border as their base of operations.

AS started as a small community of "Masters"–"professional servants" who killed and gathered intel for major political and financial figures since the 18th century. Generation after generation, their influence grew as they became an organization specializing in assassination and intel services.

The organization's founder, "Mr. One", reestablished the group by implementing a more professional system and naming it "AS". Members of "AS" operate by disguising themselves as generic employees, such as secretaries, butlers, waitresses, and construction workers.

"Unnoticeable by those who deserve to live and only noticeable to those who do not."
“AS” values quiet and efficient execution hidden from plain sight.

< AB : AnyBody >
After the passing of "Mr. One", "Mr. Anyone" was vested with total control of "AS" as its second leader. As a graduate of the "Academy," an institution within "AS" that trains young members, "Mr. Anyone" has proved his skill and talent since he was a juvenile.

However, for some reason, “Mr. Anyone” took things into a different direction from when “Mr. One” was in charge. He claimed that the "Academy" was a device that suppressed human nature and free will.

Not long after, "Mr. Anyone" left the organization with "Zero," who was a member of "Hardworkers," which was group within "AS" that shared a common goal. Together, they took over an external force known as the "Gray Crows" to establish a new organization now known as "AB (AnyBody)".

With the two commanding men at the helm, agents from "AB" will do anything to get the job done, even cruelty or mass murder.

< Conflict between ‘AS’ and ‘AB’ >
Meanwhile, as "AB" was a combination of internal and external forces that were hostile to "AS",

it was fated that they would be in opposition to "AS". With the addition of the members that "Mr. Ten" banished from "AS," the resentment they held towards "AS" only worsened.

The two institutions are extreme opposites in their pasts, their values, and their natures.
And now, driven by an age-old resentment, "AS" and "AB" point their guns at each other.

Warhaven - Nexon

Hello, this is Warhaven Team.

After eight days of sweet journey, Steam Next Fest has come to an end.
We deeply appreciate everyone who participated in the test.

We'll take each and every one’s feedback into serious consideration,
and we'll do our best to improve upon it until next time we see each other.

※ Note:
The customer support will be available until 18:00 [PDT] on Tuesday, June 27 after the test ends.

Thank you again for your support and enthusiasm for Warhaven.

Thank you.
