Iron Roads - cowleyforniastudios
No serious changes in this patch. We have fixed a bug where building and selling a station would leave you with more money than you started with. We also expanded the tutorial slightly after some feedback from the Next Fest, and we've slightly increased the starting funds to compensate for the maintenance cost introduced in 0.0.8.

Now that the Next Fest is underway, we'll likely have another small patch or two to fix bugs, optimise the game and allow for buying town tiles. However, our real effort will go towards 0.1.0, an update in which we hope to introduce cargo to the game in a new map, much larger than the Horseshoe scenario.
Wizard with a Gun - dj_lia
Come check out Wizard With A Gun with us live!

You can also download the demo from our Steam page.
Dual Universe - NQ-Deckard
Hello Noveans,

We've deployed a new hotfix. Dual Universe is now in version 1.4.1.

Bug Fixes
  • [Shield Widget] Venting button is no longer blocked incorrectly.
  • Ground material on Sicari that was appearing as an error item now displays correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the new planet’s descriptions to display the incorrect ore types.

Known Issues
  • [PVE] When your shield is down, shot VFX do not correctly align with the target, damage is still applied however.
  • [PVE] On rare occasions entering or exiting a mission may fail, should this happen please notify us via a bug report so we can investigate the issue further and assist you in exiting the mission.
  • [PVE] On rare occasions radars don’t pick up the first targets on entering a mission.

We continue the work on fixing and improving the game thanks to your feedback.
Thank you very much for your support!
Homeworld Remastered Collection - Gearbox_CM Noelle
We recently became aware of issues some players were encountering with the game launcher. We’re happy to report that this has been resolved. Thank you all for your continued patience and support.

Stay tuned to our Steam pages and social media channels to stay up to date on all things Homeworld.

If you continue to experience any issues related to performance, please file a ticket with
Cygnus Racing League - Cyg Dev Alec
Greetings Cygnus Community!

We hope you are all doing well, and that the spring/summer season is bringing some nice weather! The Cygnus dev team has been hiding away through the darkness of winter, doing much needed overhauling, rebuilding, and porting to our new engine. Now that the sun is shining and the summer solstice is upon us, it is time for us to come out of our caves and embrace a little bit of sunlight. It has been awhile since our last development blog, so we thought we would share some major news! As noted in our last blog post in January, we highlighted a lot of new features and changes we are bringing to CRL. In this post we wanted to announce our official Alpha release, major change in our game focus, as well as take a look at the progress of our previously announced items!

Now that most of the leg work is done in terms of getting the game into a playable state, we are excited to share that we will be releasing our playable Alpha in the coming weeks! While we don’t have a set date yet, we will be announcing one very soon! This small slice of what is to come will feature major changes to combat, physics, and overall aesthetic, along with the new game modes. We have more details of what will be included within the release soon, so stay tuned!

With a release in sight we have been testing many of the new features over the past couple of months. Unfortunately, we discovered that the grand scale racing mode has not synergized with the changes to the physics, combat, and map design. For example, many testers have found boosting to be an exciting and engaging new mechanic. With boosting being a powerful movement tool, it rendered much of the “racing” as moot. Players in testing have found ways to use boosting to trivialize most of the race paths we have created. By boosting through most track sections and over obstacles, the racing portion of the game has felt irrelevant. We have spent long hours trying to figure out how to better incorporate these features with the racing, without having to reduce the quality of the mechanics themselves. After much internal discussion, we decided that the aspects of the combat, physics, and new mechanics were far too engaging to water down their quality to meet the racing objectives. With that internal resolution, we have decided to remove the classic and lap based racing from CRL’s large scale game mode. We will instead focus our efforts into the new 5v5 team based racing mode. Replacing our large scale races, will be classic multiplayer combat game modes such as deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag. We know that this a massive shift from our initial gameplay experience, but we feel that this change will help make the game far more engaging. The creative freedom it has allowed the team to pursue in terms of in-game mechanics, has vastly improved the quality of the game. We feel very confident that our community will feel the same!

Now that the focus of the game has been narrowed down, we have been able to focus on bringing CRL to a whole new level! We recently ported the game over to the latest version of Cygnus engine, which will allow for a new level of visuals that we have only dreamed of. Dynamic lighting, shadows, variable roughness, new animations, and more dynamic visuals will help make the game look and feel much cleaner. Alongside the massive visual overhaul, will be greater performance gains that should help all players have a better overall experience. Culling, multi-threading, and many other development tricks should improve FPS across the board. These engine upgrades alongside the new approach to combat, physics, track design, gameplay mechanics, and gamemodes, has almost made Cygnus Racing League: Alpha an entirely new, and different game!

We are so excited to showcase more of the gameplay soon, especially the portal hopping…But all in due time! Thank you for your feedback and support over the past three years of development! We are so grateful for all of the help our community has provided, and we cannot wait to see the insanity you all create within our new sandbox!
Wizard with a Gun - dj_lia
Come check out Wizard With A Gun with us live as part of Steam Next Fest!

You can also download the demo from our Steam page.
Farm Keeper - ipoon
Howdy Farmer!

We're back with another update based on your fantastic feedback! This time around, we've focused on making the game more enjoyable for different playstyles and giving some extra love to our beloved livestock.

  • Animal growth has been revamped! Now, your animals will gobble up those tasty farm plants right from the start of the day. No more waiting for another day to feed them.
  • We've balanced the chicken eggs, ducks, duck eggs, and milk to align with this new feeding behavior.
  • Brace yourself for some massive bonuses on the mountain tile. You'll be reaching new heights of success in no time!
  • The water tile adjacent effect will now activate the moment it's placed in the game. Timing is everything, so make a splash and preserve that precious stamina (and tomatoes)!
  • Our relax mode just got even more relaxing. Take a deep breath and soak in the tranquility.
  • Oh, and we couldn't resist fixing a few pesky typos on some descriptions. Quality control, you know?

Thank you for being an amazing part of our farming community and providing us with your valuable feedback. Keep on growing, Farmer!

Mid-game save? We hear you! But it's a tough nut to crack without breaking things. We're working on it. Keep farming and stay tuned for updates. Thanks for being patient and understanding!

Your whimsically quirky landlord
- Napas -
Jun 20, 2023
Stellar Serenity Playtest - granideagames
Several problems with the use of joystick and others with the new items added in the last big update have been fixed.
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan - Fenryo

We are all inspired by heroes with infinite courage and infinite strenght. Those who never give up and who never fail. But we are more inspired by those who fall and who get up again.

No one achieves perfect wins all the time, we will fail and cry. We will feel that we are not worthy for our dreams, not enough skilled for our duties.

There are two critical moments in life when the "fear to fail" will hit you harder and bring you close to depression:
  • When you start your journey and you see all the challenges coming.
  • When you are close to succeed on your main goal and you realize that it was not the "endgame" but the start of another level of apocalypse.

That's normal to fear, this is "the growth path ".
We are all normal humans seaking for greatness despite our imperfections. And we should never be ashamed of that. We need symbols on our way showing us the light again and again.

That's why we wrote the "prince depression" passage in Aurion. At some point in the story, Enkwo is totally overwhelmed by the challenges of the world out of Zama.

After his greatest victory, Enkwo finally realize that he is powerful enough to take back his kingdom. But the freedom of Zama is not the "endgame", it's just a checkpoint of a greatest and more difficult challenge.

Like a lot of us Enkwo had first to go through a denial moment (in good company with the funny Dramane)

Then when he hits the bottom, he decide to face the truth again, with a more calm and pragmatic mindset.

When fear is paralyzing you, one of the most important solution is to be honest with yourself. Don't deny your emotion, face them with calm and resilience.

The ultimate power to overcome fear, may lie in the love we have for someone else (our kids, friends, lovers, parents, cats, dogs, etc). And the fact we are willing to strive to protect this other one.

If you enjoy meditating on your life, and you also love epic Fantasy stories. Play Aurion here on Steam and get 3 volumes of the Aurion Graphic Novel by clicking on the picture below.

Million Monster Militia - Dejobaan
Have you ever fantasized about being the hero America desperately needs? Well, the time has come to make that dream a reality with Million Monster Militia. Picture this: it's you against 50 towering bosses, each holding a key city of the United States hostage, including the newly annexed Montreal. You've got the grit, the determination, but now, you need the army.


Every turn is a gamble. It's a roguelike recruitment sim where you rally beasts, soldiers, mechas and even the unexpected - from radioactive waste to mad scientists. You're not just building an army; you're crafting an unstoppable force, a rag-tag legion with incredible synergistic powers. The catch? Once your troops hit the battlefield, you've got no control over them. You've got to strategically assemble the right fighters, the right combinations that will kick those giant bosses into outer space.

The strategy lies in the unpredictable chaos. You have 150 troop types to choose from, and the line-up will change every run. But, each choice, every win, brings you one step closer to liberating 'Murica. Picture the victory, the cheers of the crowd as you free each city. That could be you.

Don't let Nyarlathotep and his goons turn 'Murica into their playground. Grab your chance to be the savior, the strategist, the leader. Because, in the end, you're not just playing a game - you're taking 'Murica back!