After the Fall® - Vertigo Games
The team at Mixed Realms have just unveiled the release date for Hellsweeper VR! The gates of Hell will open on September 21, 2023, but on June 19th you can already dive into the new demo during Steam Next Fest!

Hellsweeper VR is now available for pre-order!

Jun 8, 2023
Paperback Adventures - Fatty
Our music team has been hard at working creating and updating the music of PBA.
World of Warships - Admiral WoWS

Joining the Public Test is a great way to earn containers with Premium ships, permanent and expendable camouflages, and other valuable items. This time, we're providing you with an opportunity to obtain European Tokens—you'll need these to unlock Early Access to European destroyers! You'll also be able to try out new destroyers VII Grom and VIII Split on the Public Test Server after you complete one of the available missions.

All information on how to join the Public Test is available on a dedicated page of the official website.

The forthcoming Update 12.5 brings a new iteration of Asymmetric Battles, improved bot AI, and other new features. Check out our Developer Bulletin and get involved. See you on the Public Test Server!

Leave Feedback

Round 2 Schedule
Starts: Thu. 08 Jun. 18:30 CEST (UTC+2)
Ends: Tue. 13 Jun. 07:30 CEST (UTC+2)

Captains, thank you for participating in the first round of the Public Test for Update 12.5! Your feedback helps us to improve the version and fix errors. Check out the changelog and join the second session of the Public Test!

  • Balance changes were applied to some ships. Details are available in a post on our Development Blog.
  • Changed ship spawning positions in Asymmetric Battle. Now there will always be 2 ships on each flank.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the icing visual effect to be displayed incorrectly on a number of ships.
  • Fixed a bug that could disable Secondaries in battle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused destroyed ships to continue playing AA gun sounds and animations.
  • Fixed several other issues.

Special Features of the Test
You can participate in Asymmetric Battles on the Public Test Server! They will be available between the following times: 06:00–05:00 UTC.

Starting with Update 12.5, it will be possible to set restrictions for ship types and specific ships in each league in Ranked Battles. These restrictions can be changed during the course of a season.

To test these changes, a special season of Ranked Battles will be held on the Public Test Server. Battles in all leagues will be fought with Tier X ships of all types. Teams will consist of three to six players, depending on the number of players in queue. Ranked Battles will be available on the Public Test Server between the following times: 00:00–23:30 UTC.

Please note: Due to the technicalities of the Public Test, ship restrictions don't apply to bots in Ranked Battles on the Public Test Server.
From the start of Ranked Battles on the Public Test server, it will not be possible to enter battles aboard X Shikishima. On June 2, at 14:00 UTC the restriction on X Shikishima will be removed, but submarines and X Louisiana will become banned from participating in this battle type, and the limit on the number of players in teams will be changed to 2–5, depending on the number of players in the queue. With these new restrictions, Ranked battles will continue until the end of the 12.5 Public Test.
Combat Missions and Rewards
Progress through combat missions on the Public Test Server to earn Community Tokens. These Tokens can be exchanged for various rewards in the Armory, including rare permanent camouflages, containers, and other in-game items.

The rewards for activities on the Public Test Server may differ from those on the Live Server.
Please note: The Battle Pass rewards on the Public Test Server differ from the rewards on the 12.5 Live Server.
Earn 250 Base XP in a single Random or Co-op Battle.

Reward on the Live Server: 100 Community Tokens.
Earn 1,000 Base XP in Random Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 200 Community Tokens.
Earn 8,000 Base XP in Random, Ranked, or Asymmetric Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1x Tactical Special container.

Reward on the Public Test Server (Round 1): VII Grom

Reward on the Public Test Server (Round 2): VIII Split
Deal 500,000 damage in Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1,000 Community Tokens.
Fight five Asymmetrical Battles and deal at least 50,000 damage in each battle.

Reward on the Live Server: 500 Community Tokens.
Earn 200 "Target hits" ribbons or 5 "Destroyed" ribbons in Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 450 Community Tokens.
Earn 7,000 Base XP in Ranked Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 75 European Tokens.
Earn 15 "Set on fire" ribbons in Random, Ranked, or Asymmetric Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 7x Pioneer expendable camouflages.
When you first enter the 12.5 Public Test Server during Rounds 1 and 2, you'll be credited with 750 Coal and 100 Doubloons on the Live Server for each round.

Public Test of Update 12.5 includes special missions that will bring you rewards on the Live Server.
Recurring Combat Missions
Earn 12,000 Base XP in Random, Ranked, Asymmetric, or Co-op Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1,600 Community Tokens.

Earn 1,000 Base XP in Random and Co-op Battles.

Reward on the Live Server: 1,000 Coal; 2,500 Free XP; 200 Community Tokens; and 500,000 Credits.
This combat mission will only be available on the second and third days of each round of the Public Test. The mission refreshes at 02:00 UTC.

Combat Mission Chains
First Chain
Deal damage, earn Base XP, and obtain "Destroyed" ribbons.

Reward on the Live Server: 1x Tactical Special container and 6x French Squadron containers.
The chain will be available for completion throughout the entire duration of Public Test 12.5.

Second Chain
Gain victories, earn Base XP, deal damage, and obtain "Destroyed" ribbons.
  • The chain is available for completion three times per day between the following times: 11:00–15:00 UTC; 17:00–21:00 UTC; and 22:00–02:00 UTC.
  • You can complete the missions three times and also obtain the rewards three times during each day of the Public Test.
Reward on the Live Server: 5,000 Free XP; 700 Coal; 800,000 Credits; and 10,000 Elite Commander XP.
You can find more details about the combat mission chains in the Public Test client.

Players who join the 12.5 Public Test Server will also receive the following rewards on the Live Server: 250 Doubloons, 2x More Coal containers, and 1x Tactical Special container.

In total during Public Test 12.5, you can obtain up to 7,500 Community Tokens; 25,100 Coal; 4x Tactical Special containers; 2x More Coal containers;6x French Squadron containers; 14x Pioneer camouflages; 150,000 Free XP; 24,400,000 Credits; and 280,000 Elite Commander XP.

Starting Bonuses
  • The research prices for ships and ship modules will be substantially discounted.
  • You'll be able to reset Commander skills free of charge.
If you're joining the Public Test for the first time since the release of Update 12.4, you'll be awarded the following additional bonuses:
  • All researchable Tier VI and VIII ships with 19-skill-point Commanders
  • 500,000,000 Credits; 30,000 Doubloons; 250,000 Coal; and 90 days of Warships Premium Account
  • Sets with expendable economic bonuses and 50 signals
If you fought at least one battle on the Public Test Server during the 12.4 Public Test, your account will be copied from the Live Server to the Public Test Server.

A Robot Named Fight! - MattB

A major update was just release for my new game Kapital Punishment 22XX. Currently in early access the game is on sale for $3.34 cents until June 22nd. The update adds ACT I of story mode. It's the first of 3 Acts: Act I, Act II and Act III.

Kapital Punishment 22XX tells the story of a humble miner, arrested trying to steal medicine for their dying community. The game begins when they're sold to the highest bidder for human experimentation.

It takes place in the 23rd century when a vile conglomerate of oligarchs lord over the fractured territories of the Americas from a floating fortress-city known as KAPITAL. This de facto cartel-state maintains control over the populace with brutal cyborg thugs known as KAPITAL OPERATIVES (KOPs).

This fist act of story mode sees you escape the W.A.R.R.I.O.R brainwashing program. Now augmented with KAPITAL cybernetics you have to escape Homan Corrections. Homan is a private prison that auctions off its inmates to defense contractors, media conglomerates hosting blood sports, and nefarious research companies like Terra Futurus.

Every level has secrets to discover as you recruit comrades and bash your way through waves of KOPs.

It's got puzzles...

...and sick boss fights!

If you're a fan of A Robot Named Fight (especially if you're a fan of the lore ;-) ) you should check it out! It's only $3.34.
Jun 8, 2023
Zompiercer - DDDimanN

Corrected mistakes

  • Fixed a critical bug that allowed zombies to kill the player with one hit in a doorway.
  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to pick up items underwater.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to collect water from a mountain river in the first location and a small lake in the 4th location.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions - Space Catamarine


The first of Khorne's rewards unlocked during the last raid becomes available today! The Premium Daemon Angron avatar features in today's shop.

Get it now and transform your profile with the embodiment of pure rage!
Jun 8, 2023
Start11 - [SD] redskittlesonly
This update brings various enhancements and fixes to improve your experience with Win11. It includes improved functionality for WinKey usage, ensuring compatibility with different applications and input methods. We have also worked on optimizing touch taskbar detection, addressing any issues that may arise. Furthermore, we have resolved reported compatibility problems and made overall system improvements to enhance stability and performance. You can expect a smoother user experience and a more reliable taskbar behavior, especially when using touch-capable hardware or switching between monitors.


  • Improved handling of WinKey functionality on the latest Win11 builds. Now compatible with Explorer patcher and correct WinKey usage.
  • Note: Currently, elevated apps in the foreground are not supported. Further investigation is needed to address this issue.
  • Enhanced detection of the touch taskbar on Win11.
  • Additional fixes aimed at resolving reported compatibility problems with the KB5026446 Windows 11 release.
  • Addressed the taskbar shifting problem on Win11 with touch-capable hardware. This tweak should, at the very least, resolve the issue of mismatched DPIs when switching between an external and internal monitor after turning off the external monitor.
  • Resolved issue 6309 where right-clicking on the sound icon on the taskbar opened the menu on the second monitor.
  • Fixed taskbar problem when switching primary monitor by unplugging monitors.
Offroad Mania - activegamesbox
Update for June 8, 2023:
+ updated Japanese translation (20 words);

p.s. Thank to FJI from Japan!
Jun 8, 2023
Project Zomboid - nasKo

A lot of stuff in a WIP state at the moment, so not too many big flashy shiny things in the blog this time round. Hopefully enough to whet your whistle though.

In terms of work on the four central pillars of 42, the next big thing happening will be the next merge-in of the crafting revamp to the central trunk build. This will primarily be the crafting station code, which has had a bit of rewiring – and now will also allow for benches/machines etc to (optionally) have ‘parts’ items that degrade on use and can be viewed/added/removed via a maintenance tab.

Meanwhile, RJ is working on integrating his deer tracking with the foraging/search mode integrated into Build 41, while in our tech upgrade ‘optimization / lighting / more depth & height’ branch we continue to play a bit of whack-a-mole with issues that have arisen with such foundational changes. So, this week, as an example that’s been stuff like: savefile thumbnail creation being borked, zombies spawning on water, the tops of tall tiles showing through the floor above etc.

Finally, in the realms of MP and the continuing mission to bring inventories etc. server-side the gang have been working on getting trapping and nu-fishing working with the new systems, and solving various issues that occur with new object creation also.

Let’s pop quickly back into the revamped farming, which this week has had some ease-of-use controls added in to make things less of a click-through-UI nightmare and bring a touch of extra Stardewwy-ness.

This video shows various elements of fun stuff – but primarily that by taking a farming tool into your primary, pressing RMB and aiming, and then pressing ‘E’ will have you go about the farming action. Likewise with sowing seeds, and harvesting.

CAVEAT: Please note that these controls aren’t final, and also that there’s a fair amount of animation polish required to make it all look super-smooth.[/u]

Also, here’s a quick timelapse of them plants a growin’.

  • As previously mentioned, alongside readable newspapers and newsletters, players will now be able to pick up flyers that advertises places of interest on the Knox Event map – and then also reveal that location on the player’s own personal map. This week we’ve really been knuckling down on this, as we’ve realized it’s a great tool to direct new players towards buildings favoured by many in the community for their safehouses. Anyone able to name the following locations from the real estate advertising?

  • As well as expanding the current map, we’re also giving existing areas of the map a loving glow-up. Take this amazing improvement from Ayrton as an awesome example.

  • Clearly any new build will also be coming with new clothing, hats and whatnot. Martin’s also pumping out loads of new fun stuff for you to loot, wear, and also for those tricksy zombies to wear too.

Finally, we spotted this out on the wires. How good does this make our lore look and sound?! Maybe AI doesn’t provide a terrifying nightmarish future after all! (Or if it does, it at least it will make the chaos look and sound really good on YouTube!)

This week’s survivalist from SerØ. A changelist of all our pre-release and post-release patches since the 41 beta began can be found here. The Block of Italicised Text would like to direct your attention to the PZ Wiki should you feel like editing or amending something, and the PZ Mailing List that can send you update notifications once builds get released. We also live on Twitter right here! Our Discord is open for chat and hijinks too. Experienced games industry gameplay coder and want to join Team Awesome? Jobs page here.
Jun 8, 2023
Travellers Rest - The Bullet
  • The modifier and order panels now show the total amounts of items in a single slot instead of showing groups in different slots if the same items are in different chests.
  • We have fixed several bugs that prevented hens from entering and leaving the chicken coop.
  • Now NPCs cannot block the player.
  • We have fixed a bug that allowed the player to pass through the walls of the tavern if he paused while leaving the tavern.
  • We have fixed a bug that caused feta cheese not to be displayed as a cheese ingredient.
  • We have fixed some other minor bugs.