Jun 5, 2023
我来自江湖 From Jianghu - Gamexel


Let's Cook Together 2 - pwierzbicki

We are happy to announce that we, as a team, will be participating in this year's Gamescom in Cologne.

We can't wait to showcase you all the new features, improvements and content we've been working on hard for the past year!

If you will be there, feel free to drop by our booth and talk to us in person.

Things on the menu:
  • level editor
  • new countries
  • new chefs
  • sneak peek at community levels

We can't wait to see you there!

DELUGE - riggy2k3
Hi everyone! Riggy here. ːScoutSheepː

I'm doing a short run of physical CD-ROM copies of DELUGE in order to fundraise for my current project, GENTLE! You can now own a shrink-wrapped, physical copy of my skeleton game, and every order entered before the end of day, June5, will have their name or username included inside the booklet!

I've been having a blast revisiting the game to create the perfect traditional CD-ROM edition of the game, and have been updating the game one last time to make it even more robust and functional, which you'll be able to experience on the disc and via Steam/Itch if you already own the game, so stay tuned for that!

All proceeds from this disc will go to helping me fund and develop my latest project, GENTLE! I've been working with programmers, artists and more on this one and can't wait to start sharing more information on it.

CLICK HERE to grab yourself one!

Thank you everyone for your support! It means the world to me!!!!

FATE - Naey
Attention FATE fans! Dive into the thrilling world of the Fate universe with our exclusive Mimic plush.

This limited-edition, magical chest-inspired collectible captures the dangerous essence of Mimic like never before. Don't miss out on owning a piece of the Fate universe.

Order here your limited-edition Mimic plush today and experience the enchantment firsthand.

Keep an eye on https://linktr.ee/fatefranchise for additional news and FATE-inspired content.
Hero's Land - Hero's Land
We realized that the new weapon, Tiamat's Wrath, was too OP, so we made some changes to this weapon.
The Maintenance Time: 19:00- 21:00 (UTC-5) 5th June 2023

In addition, the gameplay of Cave Raid has been updated. This update includes:
• Re-designed the skill mechanism of Tiamat's Wrath
• 6-Star weapons and gears are now Bind-on-Pickup

We've learnt the lesson. Meanwhile, we will also add more new content at a faster pace. Thanks to the heroes who support this game. Gangzi sincerely apologizes for the recent bad experience. Let's make this game better together!
Jun 5, 2023
Evil Dreams - fitbiestudio
Puzzles and mini-activities are one of the characteristic features of the Adventure genre. That's why we spend entire weeks brainstorming, designing, and implementing different minigames. All this to dilute your gameplay, we hope you will enjoy it!

Mechabellum - 钢铁指挥官开发者
Greetings, my fellow commanders! Thanks for all your support, Mechabellum had a great EA launch with a 91% recommend rate! Here is our first Dev Log. And we will try to post Dev Log regularly in the future to show you guys what are working on and answer all your questions.

The Roadmap
Important note: Game development is complicated and full of uncertainty, the roadmap is subject o change.

Before the end of June
-Improve the matchmaking experience, automatches will be using the standard Elo rating system.
-Enable players to vote to speed up game progress.
-Enable spectator delay by default in automatches and tournaments.
-Improve the report system, so we can manage the public chat better.
-Make 1-2 balance adjustments.
-Implement Various quality-of-life improvements.
-Add several new unit techs.

Before the end of July
-Launch the Credits Store, which includes avatars, avatar frames, and emotes.
-Add a third device besides Sentry Missiles and Shield Generators: Missile Interceptor
-Add fortification upgrades to the core buildings, which can consume supplies to increase the HP of core buildings.
-Optimize the replay viewing experience.
-Optimize the lobby UI layout.
-Add more unit techs and reinforcement cards.

Before the end of August
-Allows AI to take over surrendered teammates in 2v2 and continue the game.
-Add a more compact 2v2 map
-Add super giant unit: War Factory.
-Add unit skins to the credit store.

-Added 4-player free for all mode.
-Optimize the experience of survival mode.
-Adds 2 new core units: Wraith(air) and Scorpian(land). The unit names are temporary.
-Add 4-6 experimental units, they are enhanced (often enlarged) variants of existing units, and they will first appear as bosses in survival mode.

Answering community Questions
Yes, we read most of your comments under Patchnotes, your posts on Steam Discussion and Discord, and we watch Twitch streams regularly to see how players with different skill levels play.

Can I become stronger by paying(Pay to Win) in the future?

Will you continue to update the game?
We have big plans for the game still for the Early Access phase, so we will continue to update the game for sure. After the early access period, we will keep updating the game for as long as possible.

Will you make improvements to the matchmaking experience?
The current combat power system is designed for a small community of players who mainly fight in the lobby. At present, it has not been able to bring an excellent experience to players who play auto matchmaking, and many players cannot be matched with suitable opponents. We will add a new matchmaking system based on the standard Elo method as soon as possible in June, which will work together with the current combat power system. And we will keep improving the matchmaking experience.

In the later stage of a battle, sometimes the pace is very slow, is there a way to speed it up?
In the future, we will automatically speed up battles in some situations, such as when one side has only air forces left and the other side has no anti-air units. In addition, we will also add the function of players from both sides voting to speed up the battle

Sentry missile is so powerful, why?
Sentry missiles, shield devices, nukes, and various commands in the command center, they all take on an important role in the game: allowing players to quickly increase their own strength to solve problems in the current round at the expense of long-term economy. Because of their existence, the power curves of both players will lead alternately in a game, which is why comebacks happen so frequently in this game. Although the Sentinel Missile is very powerful in the current round, because it can only explode once, it will hurt the player's long-term economy. We think the current strength of sentry missiles is appropriate, and the offense and defense around sentry missiles provide more strategy for the game.

Are the nukes in the Research Center hurting the strategy of the game?
Our original intention of designing the nuke is to provide players with a way to immediately forcefully break the enemy lineup in the current round at the cost of future economy. But at present, because it is often difficult for weaker players to grasp the timing to use nukes, nukes often become the advantage amplifiers for leading players in the lower ladder. And nukes give aggressive strategies too much advantage. Taking these factors into consideration, in the recent patch, we decided to move Nuke out of the Reseachcenter and make it a reinforcement card with a price of 350.

Will there be new units?
At present, we still have 3 planned core units that have not yet been released. One is a super giant unit that costs 800 supplies, one is a medium ground unit that costs 300 supplies, and one is a medium air unit that costs 300 supplies. In addition to the 3 new core units, we are also making 4-6 units which are experimental variants of the current units, often very large in size, with powerful attributes and techs, and they will first be used as bosses in survival mode and may later be moved to PvP battles as reinforcements card. Beyond all this, we will try to introduce non-mech units in the future when we have the time and capacity to design and test them fully.

That's all for today. We will try to make this Dev Log a regular thing. Thank you all for reading and supporting us, write in the comment section, Discord server, or Steam Discussion if you have more questions, and we will try to answer them in the next Dev Log. See you around!
Jun 5, 2023
Creepy Tale 2 - Creepy Brothers
Game updated to 3.1. Must works on M1
Jun 5, 2023
Boneraiser Minions - caiys
//misc changes
- The Compendium related "save.dat" data has now been separated into its own save file called "save_compendium.dat" (just to help narrow down the save deletion issue).
- Updated the "translation_reference.csv" file.
- Mausoleum Awakens - New Game Forever: You can now save your run between loops and reload it if you die or exit the game (note loaded runs won't submit a score to the online leaderboard though).
- Castle Conquest - Stage 12 Dungeon Lift map: The layout has been tweaked (as hiding in the far side made it a bit easy). There's now 4 contraption spots which are usually taken up by Pots and up to 2 Treasure Chests. There's now a chance enemies can fall closer to you than normal (to keep you on your toes).
- A Custodian Champion enemy has been added. In Castle Conquest he'll show up in Stage 11. In Necrotic Skirmishes he'll show up instead of a regular Champion if the timer is beyond 9 minutes, and a special pink version will now show instead of the King Guard (this is just since the Guard are hard to spot in the crowd).
- Voodoo Shaman class: A new meta has been added called 'Sinfulus Witches' which allows them summon a Deamonic Witch without need of a Hero Soul pickup, and they don't count towards the Deamon minion cap (max 3).
- Voodoo Shaman class - Roots Growen meta: This has been merged into the 'Occultis Agonia' meta where instead of creating tangle roots upon each boneraise it will now create the roots when you are hurt (this change is just to make room for the 'Sinfulus Witches' meta).
- Ravenous Ravine map - Necrotic Skirmishes: Greatly increased the amount of 'Burly Boulder' contraptions, but removed the 'Possessed Lamp Post'.
- Magma Gargantuan minion: His lava pools will no longer slow you down when moving through them.
- Nuggeted Pumpkin: This has been repurposed into Pumpkin Pie where instead of creating explosions upon opening a Treasure Chest it now creates Heart and Occult Heart pickups.
- Ring of Fire relic: This now affects all pools (eg the ghost pools created by the Ectoplasm Poop relic and lava pools). The fire it creates in mud pools will now have full alpha (since it was difficult to see what the relic does with the Declutter Floor setting on).

//bug fixes
- Crypt Hub: If Christmas Mode was off but you then turn it on in the Hub then you could get trapped inside the tree when it spawns.
- Mausoleum Awakens - Win Game Screen: Fixed a couple of issues with some of the Christmas Mode text not displaying correctly.
- Some of the classes that have meta that makes specific Deamon minions not add to the Deamon cap could still be sacrificed to summon a Diablos thus bypassing the Deamon cap further (Sorcerer Hollow, Imp Contraptineer).
- Creative Plaything: If you were playing New Game Forever then quitting to the creative hub would just restart the current loop.
- Crypt - Piggy Banky: You could still buy/sell a meta even if it had already been maxed (it wouldn't take you over the max cap but still felt weird).
- Ectoplasm Poop relic: The ghost pool could spawn very close to another ghost pool.
- The top player text position would jerk up if a stage intro text faded out.
Techtonica - lauren
As we approach Early Access launch, we’re mostly focused on bug fixes and performance gains. Our art team, however, has been focused on upgrading the UI and menus in Techtonica.

UI is extremely important. We’ve all played games where menus were clunky and frustrating. Tweaking these elements and making them user-friendly while still looking rad is a difficult task, and our art team tackled it well. We previously covered the HUD UI update here; give it a read if you’re interested!

Today, we’ll share some more UI upgrades and dive into the thought process behind our UI design.

Let’s get to it.

The Inventory Menu Overhaul

The original menus were developed for our pitch demo. They supported different mechanics, many of which we tested and scrapped over the course of early prototyping. The art team was also developing the art style for the rest of the game which was going through fast and furious iterations. As both the art style and set of mechanics solidified, it became obvious that we had to update our UI to suit not only the new designs, but also the new story and narrative content.

Some features in this screenshot have been nixed... Like the health and energy bars from when we had survival mechanics!

The inventory and schematics menus are actually still pretty similar to the early designs (and will be undergoing a visual overhaul sometime in the future), but when you compare them to the new layout, it’s still pretty different.

There's a ton of info relating to both the resources and recipes in Techtonica, and there were a bunch of decisions to be made in terms of what exactly to show the player and what to keep in the background. It's pretty common to hear, "Oh, we should be showing that number, too," during development. While squeezing in another line of info can work from time to time, it's much easier to design a robust UI system that supports these types of changes.

The new inventory menu has organized the information needed in a much more efficient manner, cleaned up the fonts and color scheme, and added a lot more detail.

In the future, Techtonica’s inventory menu will look something like this.

While some of the features won’t be available for Early Access launch, eventually players will see machine statistics like throughput, fuel consumption, and more in their inventory menu.

Settings, Settings, and More Settings

Below is the old settings menu from our first demo.. featuring a placeholder name for Techtonica while we started design!

While this looks clean, it was no longer representative of our current layouts and design, and we needed more options. Our current Settings Menu (with lots of new options) is below!

For the settings menu, we tried to be conscious of different gaming setups as well as accessibility for all of our players.

Eventually, our settings menu will look more like this:

Unlocking Satisfaction

Finally, a fun UI effect we recently added is the unlock animation for terminals. Every time you repair a terminal, you get a really cool effect that we will improve over time.

We wanted to make the player feel excited about repairing the production terminal, and what better way to do that than a full screen animation?

Finally, we've got some big news.

The demo is being removed from Steam on June 9th.

With Early Access launch on the horizon, it's time to say goodbye to the demo. It's no longer representative of the game we're launching into Early Access this summer.

If you’d like to chat more about the UI or what’s coming to Techtonica, join our Discord.

Until next week.
