The Cenozoic Era - {Mr.}Opendix147


So for this update on where we are with the recode we've went ahead and created a new map for this coming recode, this showcases the graphical approach and biomes we'll be using. You can find a video of this below, The North America themed biome was much needed for our cougar, elk, moose, bear etc. they'll feel right at home within this biome with it's beautiful snowy mountain vista, capturing the true feel of North America

We still have more work to do in regards of player movement, UI and overall gameplay mechanics, testing should start within the next couple months.

There's still more work to be done for the map, but this shows off where we are as of right now in terms of graphics, biomes, gameplay etc. Some other things we did was implement the Stamina bar, not too much, but considering we've laid out the ground work for how stats are handled to prevent cheating from occurring in the new recoded version which we know has been somewhat of a issue in the present game. Our plan is try and set this game up for a custom dedicated server system which would allow it to go multiplatform, EOS is already geared for that, however, it's not a confirmed route at the moment.

I will see you all next week with more content!

Different Strokes - ScottInRealLife
Changes since the last update:
  • bug fixes / performance improvements
  • paint gun (press G) you can control the color using the number keys
  • press F to flip the canvas horizontally (creates a new undo state)
  • when painting, press C to view the original, unedited version of the painting

If you haven't already, consider joining the Discord! lots of fun people in there talking about art, and other things.

If you forget the keyboard controls, check the "controls" page in the pause menu (esc or P)

Jun 4, 2023
Idle Taoist Mage Warrior - 迟到摄影师
1. Cancel the restriction that you can only get aura at level 20
2. Fix some strange bugs
Jun 4, 2023
Cryptr - science works
  • Added the amount of available points shown when pressing Tab for both talent and stat points
  • Enabled vendors to be available from the first level
  • Updated lighting in the first scene
  • Fixed other small bugs
Jun 4, 2023
NeverHome - Hall of Apathy - Shadow Gengis
Fixed a bug where selecting the "New Game" option on the title screen would create multiple player characters.
Jun 4, 2023
Price of Power - ThePandaman
Happy June everyone! I'll keep this update short and sweet.

I'm nearly done with scene 4 of 6 for Chapter 17, so I'm right on schedule for the release. :) This chapter has a lot of action (as you can imagine from the title), so the renders take a bit longer. Posing a scene with a dozen different characters is extremely annoying in Daz - the software slows down to less than 1 FPS, so making tweaks becomes an exercise in misery. I've planned this all in, though, so the release timeline is still late June, maybe the 28th or 29th? I'll give a firm date as I get closer to completion, and I give lots of updates in my Discord.

Well, that's all I have, so back to the render mines I go! Have a great week!
Captain of Industry - Captain of Industry
* Added two new languages: Traditional Chinese (繁體中文) and Ukrainian (Українська) as they reached over 50% translated, thanks everyone for your help with translations!
* Fixed dumping into assigned mine tower area (when mine tower was assigned but had "Allow only non-assigned inputs" off, it still did not allow dumping from non-assigned mine towers and storages).
* Fixed excavator mining that could get stuck when it fails to reach areas that need mining.
* Removed debug logs that were unnecessarily bloating unity log files.
* Current materials count in the recipe is now in brackets instead of after a slash to avoid potential confusion with fractions.
* Allow advanced recipes to satisfy goals. Upgraded machines were already able to satisfy construction goals. Now this support was added to recipes goals. This is handy for more advanced players.
* Other internal fixes.
Lords and Tactics - 101289228
Dear Lord:

New service 1132 will be launched on June 6 at 8:00 (UTC+8).

We have prepared new service benefits "Gold*100, Grass*10000, Wood*10000, Silver*10000 and Iron*10000", please check your email.
You are welcome to give us your valuable suggestions at any time, and you are also welcome to express your opinions to make friends who love the Three Kingdoms strategy game as well.

Lords and Tactics Operation Team.
Frebbventure - AlmyriganHero
I've finally got around to replacing the old encrypted save system with something that should allow you to transfer save files more easily. This new file format will automatically copy, but not replace, the data from your old files upon booting the game. If you navigate to the "Frebbventure" folder in AppData/local, you might see for example a file named


along with one named


In case the name doesn't make it obvious enough, the latter is your new, transferable save file. I should note, this is purely a futureproofing feature: if your old file has ALREADY been separated from its original machine, this process will, sadly, not recover it. You'll need to remove it from the folder, or the game will still crash at the file select screen.

Once your new format file has been generated, feel free to remove your old files (but, just in case this all goes belly-up, you should probably back them up.) I plan to eventually introduce cloud saves, and you won't want your outdated saves transferring between machines.
Project Speed - Smartly Gophered Games
Greetings all!
Check out the new update for Project Speed 2 here:

In other news, an update for Project Speed will be releasing shortly, so stay tuned and keep an eye out for this new update!