May 26, 2023
Rivalry warlord Sengoku - StaticOssanGames
・minor update.
May 26, 2023
Idle Taoist Mage Warrior - 迟到摄影师
1. Repair the BUG of the mage pet's blood volume display.
2. Increase the number of elite monsters, which have a chance to encounter. Elite monsters have a blue base color. After killing, there is a high probability of getting Nascent Soul equipment and gems.
3. Automatic sale will not sell +9 equipment and Nascent Soul equipment
May 26, 2023
十五 - 斩火
1. Fixed a bug where Guo Yun's depression value may decrease under certain circumstances
2. Optimization of dialogue text when preventing Wang Defa from going to the factory
3. Optimization of dialogue when meeting Rodi for the first time (supplemented with the information that Guo Liang is the monitor)
4. Correction of typos and optimization of wording in the text
5. Optimized the prompt for striking the clock, making it easier for players to grasp the timing of striking the clock
6. Optimized the judgment conditions for achieving gambling related events (to avoid the problem of repeatedly jumping in the event achievement state)
7. Whether to optimize the button text for Xiaomeng's redemption (to avoid the text that appeared when he had already saved his father)
It Is Ticking - bi day smoke r :(
Harder Than We Expected
We were surprised to know 95% of players can't win the game, maybe we're doing it too difficult, and we understand how frustrating to be stuck at specific bombs without any answer. Asking about the topic on the discussion forum is also not a convenient choice.
So we'll publish Hint and Answer on our social media platforms
  • Youtube
  • Youtube Short
  • TikTok
  • Twitter
We do it regularly, If you got stuck and can't find the solution for the bombs, consider searching for our solutions.
Youtube Channel:

Join My Facebook page:

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Follow my Twitter:

Contact me:
May 26, 2023
Survival Academy - ganitani
If there is a problem with the intro, restart the game and skip the intro.
UNLEASH HELL - NoLight Games
It's been a minute, but rest assured UNLEASH HELL is not going away. It's just a mammoth undertaking for a solo dev, so I will be getting help. More on that at a later date.

So here is what is currently happening.

After Realms Deep 2021 UNLEASH HELL was in a bit of a torn apart state as I had to add a ton of content and create all kinds of code to support the systems needed to produce the Trailer for Realms Deep and I had to do it fast. The end result worked but was pretty messy.

It took a month or so to get it all straightened back out and of course in the end the game was better for it as a lot of the stuff I had to create was on the list for the future anyways. But... there were still a few loose ends that I never tied up before I stopped working on it so I was never able to upload the new build.

The game sat dormant until last week. I spent a few hours over this last week to finish up all the loose ends from what I didn't finish up and made a new build and uploaded it.

Currently it's back to fully playable state and it runs great. I'll be getting it back in the hands of some pro's to get that juicy feedback so I can start slowly moving in the right direction again.

I don't have any timelines on anything right now but things are moving again, albeit slowly.

More Later,
May 26, 2023
The Hopebringer - VR Dev
* Dodging with the arrow keys now works properly if you are a client in someone else's server. Previously it was only working for the owner of that server instance.

* Added new mage based clothing options.

* Introduced new transmuting recipes.
Prince of Suburbia - Part 1 - josselynstark
Exclusive 20% off Part 2 (Paid DLC) during the Steam Summer Sale
Get ready for an epic Summer Sale on Steam from June 29th to July 13th, 2023! We're thrilled to announce that during this limited time, Prince of Suburbia - Part 2 (Paid DLC) will be available at an exclusive 20% discount. It's the biggest discount ever offered for Part 2 (Paid DLC), so mark your calendars and grab it while it's hot!

Progress continues on the last two updates to Part 2
We have some exciting progress to share about the final two updates planned for Prince of Suburbia - Part 2.

First things first, we're thrilled to announce that the art phase for the second beach update (V0.95) is now complete! Huge kudos to our talented artist, auxiliaryout, for his amazing work.

Coding for V0.95 will have to wait a bit as we finish coding an update for our other game, A Shot in the Dark, which is set to release next week. But no worries, coding and testing for Prince of Suburbia are usually the fastest part of the development cycle. Once we're done implementing all the content, we'll focus on preparing the machine translations for the Steam release.

As we expected, the art for V0.95 wrapped up before we could fully dive into writing and coding. This gave auxiliaryout a chance to get ahead on the final planned update, V1.0, and work on remastering the remaining art that needs to be remastered.

Our hope is that getting ahead now will allow him to take a well-earned break before we start any epilogue/additional DLC content after Part 2 is finished. After working tirelessly on Prince of Suburbia for multiple years, he has earned it!

To speed up the release cycle for V1.0, we've brought on board two new team members to assist with writing: Rachel Writes (you can check her out on DeviantArt and support her on Patreon!) and the talented Yvlan_Angel.

We're excited to be on track to achieve one of our top goals for 2023 – releasing V1.0 of Prince of Suburbia! V1.0 is shaping up to be a grand finale, offering all the characters a satisfying end to their respective stories.

Stay tuned for more updates as we gear up for an incredible conclusion to the main Prince of Suburbia story. Thank you for your continued support!

Here are some more previews from V0.95:

May 26, 2023
Tactics V: "Obsidian Brigade" - From Nothing Game Studios
All graphics modes are now available with Steam Deck support!
May 26, 2023
Parts Unknown - Highdev777
New events will be added online frequently! Explore around and see what's new! Cash prize for best outfit on the runway take a screenshot of your outfit and send to

Other updates made:

1. Fixed camera in story mode

2. Expanded map in online mode

3. Real animations coming soon via deep motion
