May 16, 2023
Caliber - mr.somick

On Wednesday, May 17, 6:30 UTC, maintenance will begin on the Caliber servers. The game will be unavailable.
Let's Pet Pets - Mathew Kelly
Quality of Life
  • Added a Max All button for buying helpers (capped at 10 for performance)
  • Removed 5 and 10 count egg packs until players have enough pets to purchase them

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issue with unclickable rocks in the town
  • Disabled buttons until players hatch there first egg

  • Lowered initial maximum pet level to 3 instead of 5
Community Announcements - yixiawulin
New server - S72 opened on May 16, 2023. Join the official Discord community, Contact the administrator to receive gift code and more.
An Amazing Wizard - Gobo
Update 0.3.28 DEMO

✅ Added:
[Astral World] Added fast upgrade function when unlocking things in the Astral World (the longer you hold the button, the faster it upgrades).
[Trap Rooms] Spikes and Totems are now highlighted in Trap Rooms.

[Main Menu] Added welcome message informing that this is a demo build and telling about some of the upcoming changes.
[Challenges NPC] Challenges NPC will now warn player if he tries to close his window without selecting any challenge.
[Chests] Killer Chest now creates Event Bubble after clearing all its enemies.

🔄 Changed:
[Trap Rooms] Trap Rooms now close only after picking up the item instead of when entered.

⚙️ Fixed:
[Switches] Fixed a bug where Fire Switches activated by projectiles were not working. Finally you will no longer be trapped in some of the Hell Rooms waiting for someone to bring a rope.
[Crafter NPCs] Weaponsmith, Spellcrafter and Artifact Smelter now properly have empty item description when no item is selected.
May 16, 2023
Critter Crops - IssyBee
Hi everyone! We’re back with some short developer updates - I’m sure you all will be just as excited as we are about them!

We’re currently working on defining all in game items and use cases. Then, we will be drawing icons for all items.

(some of our icons!)

From there, we’re moving into dialogue icons for all the NPCs and the associated dialogues.

In June the game enters the polishing stage. We're so excited - we’ll be making everything pretty before release!

(look at HOW CUTE these are though)

Thank you everyone so much for your continued support. If you want to join our community, feel free to pop by our Discord, follow us on Twitter or TikTok. We can’t wait to see you!

(still stuck on these icons, honestly 😭)

That's all for now! Talk to you again soon.

-SkyReach Studio Team 🧡
Punch Club 2: Fast Forward - Lazy Bear
Hey there champs!
So you've heard about Punch Club 2: Fast Forward, and now you’ve got your sights set on becoming the best around, knowing nothing is ever going to keep you down. The issue may well be however, that while you have the eye of a tiger, you have the body of a sloth and the fitness of one too… Well, fret not, because this is the future, and we have solutions for that, as long, of course, as you have the money.

Our hero can buy fitness machinery from the Mafia for his “Gym” (His Mum’s Garage) and do a montage like he was in a 1980s boxing film, trading pain for gain in a slow, old fashioned and “reliable, safe, time tested way”. But really, is that something you want to bother with, given this is the FUTURE? The Corporation has made sure that you have something to do every waking moment - so who on earth has time for working out the old fashioned way?

Welcome to the future
Well, good news, you don’t need to! Those who played the original Punch Club will remember Silver’s Gym, the place where you could spend your hard earned money from Casey’s Pizza deliveries or your construction job in order to use the best, most modern training equipment available. Silver’s is still there, as is the titular man himself, and the place has had an upgrade! However, not to worry if you didn’t play the original, the game makes sure you’re all caught up with anything you need to know about the world and its characters - you’ll be meeting Silver soon enough!

Silver’s Gym has installed state of the art Neurotraining equipment which allows you to pay for the machine to make you fitter, faster and stronger. In exchange for money, energy and some of your hunger meter and a little bit (or a lot) of time, you can run an unskippable program tailored to your current fitness needs. Even better? There’s no downside to this - you can run standard Neurotraining programs as often as you can afford and have time to do.

What's on the menu?
So let’s have a look at some of the programs available shall we? First up we have the Warm-Up: always a good way to start a session, this quick workout provides a balanced tone up for your whole body and gives a small amount of Strength, Agility and Stamina.

Next up let’s have a look at something a bit more intensive and a bit more focused. Let’s say you want to target increasing your Stamina and money isn’t an issue for you - in this case you’ll want to try the Marathon program, which, in return for $30, 4 and a half hours and a whole load of hunger and energy will give you the sort of output a normal workout can only dream of!

There are programs dedicated to each of the three core attributes of Strength, Agility and Stamina, available for any budget! The more money you have, the more you can build up your stats!

Taking it to the extreme
So those are the limitless benefits of ordinary neurotraing, where you can unleash your full potential without any drawbacks. However, legally, we're obligated to inform you that when you embark on the exhilarating journey of extreme neurotraining, there might be slight, medium, or serious brain overload. This can affect your rage and neurotraining effectiveness and can lead to degradation of the brains ability to do anything. But, let's face it, who cares about that right now? We'll give you a sneak peek of extreme neurotraining, but remember, it's our little secret.

Just lying in the comforts of a metal tube and gaining Strength, Agility, or Stamina - what could go wrong?

And that’s that for this week’s Dev Blog - but, extra good news, you can now go to our Steam Page and try the game out for yourself! That’s right, as of now, this second you are reading this, you can download the demo of Punch Club 2: Fast Forward, and try 45 minutes of the new gameplay! Go and download it now!

We’ll see you next week Champs!

Dead Cells - mezzamazza55
Hi everyone,

Quick announcement that the Kickstarter campaign for the Dead Cells co-operative roguelite board game is live!

Check out stretch goals, daily reveals, how to play, artwork, exclusive figurines and more here -

Hope you're all enjoying the Clean Cut update, peace!

Matt, EE & MT
May 16, 2023
Gordian Quest - Brendyn YojimBev

Hey Heroes!

We'd like to thank everyone for their support, love and feedback. We are determined to continue adjusting and improving the Gordian Quest experience for everybody, so we have rolled out a new 1.3 Patch!

Patch 1.3 consists of mostly technical adjustments, but most importantly, Realm Mode's new Boss has been let loose from his cage. The Alpha Werewolf's bite is now stronger than his bark.

The Alpha Werewolf

A few moons ago, we asked the community what kind of boss they'd like to see in Gordian Quest. Over those few months, he was in training, and now he's ready for a face off.


The Alpha Werewolf has various AOE abilities and single target skills. They often focus on bleed stacks, keeping Heroes on their toes about health.

We have given the Alpha Werewolf a bunch of underlings, based on player suggestion. Like a pack of wolves, he does not fight alone, and will use his minions to provide for him. Being the loyal hounds they are, some will not hesitate to keep him protected.

The Alpha Werewolf protects his pups in exchange: he can potentially buff his underlings so they can do his dirty job as well. Be aware of how they bounce off each other.

We look forward to hearing from everyone about their experience with the Alpha Werewolf! Your suggestions have brought in a new, exciting experience. We hope to have another opportunity in implementing community suggestions in the future!

Other changes

  • Controller support for various interactions have been updated and improved, such as in the map, or when using the inventory UI etc.
  • Improved initial load times when starting the game. Players will no longer have to wait a long time when starting up the game.
  • Improved load times when game has been running for a period of time.
  • We have resolved some memory issues that have previously caused some problems at times when the user plays the game for an extended period of time.
  • FIxed an issue where having a lot of items in your inventory will lead to long save/load times.
  • Fixed certain issues causing black screen to occur when transitioning between scenes.
  • Fixed various issues causing soft locks in pvp mode.

We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to us on Reddit, Discord or the Steam Forums.

And last but not least, if you haven't already, please consider giving us a positive review on Steam if you like how we are doing so far. It would really mean a lot to us. Thanks! :haha_gq:
Super-Patriota Simulator -

Saudações Patriotas!

Versão nova saindo com correções e sugestões da comunidade!

Fix: menu in game não estava funcionando.
Fix: mouse estava saindo da janela do jogo.
Fix: personagem não pode mais chutar carros, nem atacar, enquanto estiver na cadeira de rodas.
Ajuste: cafés estão em locais mais fáceis de encontrar.
Ajuste: agora, se você já tiver executado o jogo uma vez, as mensagens iniciais serão mais rápidas. (a primeira vez que vcs entrarem no jogo após a atualização ainda vai ser no tempo antigo)
Add: novos botões de sair na interface de Digitar o grito de guerra e Discurso em cima do trio elétrico
Add: opção no menu pause para remover a suavização da câmera

Obrigado pelos feedbacks e sugestões! Conto com a ajude de vocês para ir melhorando o jogo!

Amanhã teremos outro update!
Jagged Alliance 3 - Home
This time we will talk about a topic that is often overlooked when discussing the development of a particular game – User Interface. It is an all-engrossing topic as UI and UX (user experience – how you the player interact with the game) covers a variety of game elements. From aspects like controlling hiring your mercs, controlling them in battle, getting the right information for a specific situation, to the ways you as players interact with the game world and even things like having the proper video settings for Ultrawide monitors.

Click here for the full article
