May 12, 2023
The Last World - razorgamestudio
Hello everyone! 👋

One of the chemical element that is widely used in the industrial sector is sulfur. It is used in the production of sulfuric acid and can be found in rock.

Produced in the Component Factory from Coal (x10), Water (x50) and Natural gas (x20). It can also be found in some rocks scattered throughout the area.

Name: Sulfur
Max Stack: 500
Dimensions: 1x1

Join to Discord

Friends, the game is constantly evolving and I need your support. Leave your comments and feedback about the game. Let's raise her to Olympus together!

Kind Regards,
Erochin Semyon
《蜀山:初章》买断版 - Inmotiongame
















Two Point Campus - TwoPoint_Steggs
Hi everyone,

We hope you're having an awesome Friday so far! We've just released a very small hotfix for players playing in Thai language:

Build: 6.3.127109
  • Fixed issue when launching the game in Thai language caused by Modding release

Have a great weekend!
The V0.51 Adjustment Update has been released!
You can confirm the current version from the Title Screen.

- Adjusted Burger model + gave Burger a bandana (temporary model). The bandana changes colors to indicate Burger’s health!
- Added damage numbers! This will make it easier to determine how effective your attacks are.
- Increased player charge launch speed by about 40% and Orbit Mode attraction speed by 50%. These changes result in an overall faster tempo.
- Greatly increased targeting zone. This massively reduces the amount of precision necessary for targeting an object to enter Orbit Mode, and should result in smoother gameplay.
- Added countermeasures to make it harder to miss an object when launching from close Orbit.
- Reduced default gamepad stick sensitivity by about 20% based on user feedback. You can also adjust the stick sensitivity from the Options menu.
- Other minor fixes and adjustments
Crusader Kings III - PDX-Trinexx
Attention Rulers,

To celebrate the release of our latest expansion, Tours & Tournaments, Crusader Kings III will be free to play until Monday, May 15th at 10:00 PST!

We're also discounting the base game and previous DLCs until Thursday, May 18th at 10:00 PST, so if you've been waiting to pick up some of our older content, now's the time!

Current Discounts
  • Crusader Kings III -50%
  • Fate of Iberia -20%
  • Royal Court -20%
  • Northern Lords -20%

Additionally, we're happy to announce that you can now adorn your Steam profile with some regal flair through our new points shop. Animated avatars, profile backgrounds, and a full CK3 themed profile bundle can be yours right now; check it out here!

Thanks to all of you for your continued support; it means the world to us to have such a passionate and dedicated community.

Join the conversation and connect with other Paradox fans on our social media channels! Official Forums Official Discord Steam Discussions Twitter Facebook Instagram Youtube
The Last Castle Playtest - 庾楼月
1. Added some experience optimization functions
2. Fix known bugs
MiniMap Kingdom - YuruOwO 悠露

【MiniMap Kingdom】Update # 249~255

The version #249~255 of MiniMap Kingdom was updated this month,

This version fixes many bugs and added a MiniMap System to the game,

Sorry for being in the hospital for so long,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm still working on this game,

This version has also made a lot of detail improvements,

The program and game content have also been balanced and optimized,

If you find any bugs, please let me know,

I will fix it as soon as possible,

Thank you.


Update details:

2023/5/12# 250~255

- Added a new minimap system.
- Added a small map switch button.
- Added minimap automatic focus.
- Added extra free range for lenses.
- Added better AI for villagers to go home.
- Added the function of automatically and continuously building city walls.
- Added the function of automatically destroying buildings continuously.
- Improved main menu.
- Improved difficulty selection.
- Improved color selection.
- Improved unit status UI.
- Improve king status UI.
- Improved enemy status UI.
-Improve AI's fighting style.
- Improved AI population and building display.
- Improved AI attack and peace display.
- Improved AI large town building time.
-Improved AI fort building time.
- Improved AI population growth rate.
- Improved teaching system.
-Improve the camera tracking lock function.
- Improved town building order.
-Improve the minimap to zoom freely.
-Improve the large map camera to zoom more freely.
- Improved castle UI.
-Improved time and frame rate system.
- Improved performance and unit collision.
-Improved system performance for physics collisions.
-Improved balance and reduced gold consumption.
-Improve balance and reduce knowledge consumption.
-Improve the balance and reduce the HP of the building after it is occupied.
-Improve the balance of the blood volume of the city wall.
-Improved balance to increase builder repair amount.
-Improve balance and reduce AI base population.
- Improve the defensive effect of defensive buildings and walls.
- Improved hints when resources are low.
- Improved building and terrain UI order.
- Improved preset terrain selection roads.
- Improved speed and terrain display.
- Improved castle defense display.
- Improved initial happiness.
-Improve the calculation problem of the number of buildings.
-Improved to increase the healing amount of villagers when returning to the building to rest.
-Improved to increase the amount of repairs when villagers return to the building to rest.
- Improved dragoon battalion range description.
-Improve the range of sound effects.
- Improve BGM.
- Improved sound range.
-Improve the effect of raising player's restaurant and chef.
-Improve and reduce the happiness loss of villagers' death and injury.
-Improve the game frame rate and dynamic computing system.
- Improved late game performance.
- Improved late game villager movement graphics.
- Improved villager auto production when building.
-Improve and increase the service scope of town citizens.
-Improved happiness changes for villagers needing dwellings.
-Improve the UI display of the number of buildings.
- Improved calculation of mana required for buildings.
-Improve and reduce the resource consumption of dragoons.
-Improved to increase the happiness of construction workers repairing buildings.
-Improve the happiness of villagers treated by doctors.
-Improvements Increase the happiness of services provided by citizens of various towns.
- Improved AI population and resource stat reporting.
-Improve the calculation method of AI food happiness.
-Improved description and translation of villager rebellion.
- Improvements to reduce the chance of buildings needing maintenance.
-Improve the chance of villagers returning home.
-Improved to increase the movement speed of villagers.
- Improved farm and worker house order.

2023/1/9 #249

- Improved happiness system.
- Improved base building layout.
- Improved shop and school layout.
- Improved balance of various building resource consumption.
- Improved hints when resources are low.
-Improve slowing enemy spawn rate.
-Improve and reduce AI dynamic building frequency.
- Improvements to reduce game over conditions.
-Improved arrow tower damage.
- Improved turret damage.
- Improved castle damage.
-Improve the effect of villager level HP bonus.
-Improve and reduce AI attack frequency.
-Improved attack counting time display.

2022/12/21 # 247~248

- Improved AI dynamic building frequency.
- Improved fencing sound effects to 0.06.
-Improved the appearance rate of gold mines to 33%.
- Improved lumberjack consuming wood.
- Improvement of resource consumption by miners.
- Improve BGM and various sound effects.
- Improve time display performance.
- Improved and added more diverse map generators.
- Improved and added terrain mutators generated between map distances.
- Improved and added more complex ocean and island terrain changes.
- Improved auto-paving speed.
- Improved opening text.
- Improved satisfaction change when resources are low.
- Improved restaurant hints.
- Improved tooltips for destroying buildings.
-Improve the blood volume of the city wall.
-Improve the time when villagers defend the city walls.
- Improved worker hints and translations.
- Improved lumberjack hints and translations.
- Improved miner hints and translations.
-Improve the function of destroying buildings, parks, roads.
-Improve to reduce AI enemy growth rate.
- Improved auto building road system.
- Improved road happiness system.
-Improved the touch range of the small button to destroy buildings.
-Improve the touch range of the road small button.
-Sign up for the Steam Base Building Festival.

2022/12/10 # 245~246

- Improved game speed.
- Improved game performance.
- Improve BGM preset 50.
- Improved tap volume.
- Improved kick volume.
-Improve divine power recovery speed.
-Improve update bottom left date is 2023.
- Improved opening text.
- Improve main menu transparency.
- Improve save speed.
- Improved save system.
-Improved UI switch button.
- Improved observing villager UI.
- Improved castle building UI.
- Improved happiness report.
- Improved divine power hints.
- Improved timber road resource consumption.
- Improved terraforming controls.
- Improved resource consumption of various service buildings.

2022/9/30 # 244

- Added difficulty hints.
- Added town reminder service villagers and buildings.
- Improved town building UI.
- Improved Japanese production unit translation.
-Improve water consumption.
- Improved enemy invasion system.
- Improve GOD difficulty time system.

2022/7/30 # 243

- Improved lumbermill resource consumption tooltip.
- Improved castle resource consumption hints.
- Improved dragoon resource consumption tooltip.
- Improved forest terrain hints.
-Improve the chance of villagers working and resting to recover blood.
-Improved to increase builder repair amount.

2022/7/30 # 242

- Improved follow king button.
-Improve the EASY difficulty enemy's non-dynamic building.
-Added that castle villagers can also store resource hints.

2022/7/28 # 241

- Improved continuous movement system.
- Improved dog health.
- Improved dog attack power.
- Improved sea movement speed.
-Improvements to increase building time to work again.
-Improved church divine power production hints.
-Improve town tooltips.
-Improve the chance of villagers going home to rest.
- Improved unit summoning speed.
-Improve to increase GOD difficulty time speed.
- Added AI dynamic buildings.

2022/7/15 # 240

-Improved bow volume.
-Improve villager work efficiency.

2022/7/14 # 239

- Improved king mana recovery.
- Fixed villager health.

2022/7/14 # 238

- Fixed villager care.
- Fixed upper left intelligence system.
- Fixed AI attack mode.

2022/7/14 # 237

- Improved time system.
- Improved enemy building system.
- Improve doctor description.
- Improve builder description.

2022/7/13 # 236

-Improved park road happiness system.
- Improved time system.
- Fixed enemy intrusion system.

2022/7/13# 235

- Improved food and water consumption.
-Improved to increase wood road happiness.
- Improved enemy attack AI.

2022/7/13 # 234

- Improve the happiness of lack of water and food.
- Improved happiness resource yield bonus.
- Improved underresource happiness reporting.
- Improve church happiness.
-Improve villagers' work happiness.
-Improve the rest happiness of villagers.
- Improved resource calculation system.
-Balance the overall resource and happiness system.

2022/7/12 # 233

- Improved castle knight UI.
- Improved happiness report.
- Improved happiness when lacking resources.
- Improved happiness generation resources.
- Improved food consumption.
-Improve water consumption.
- Improved enemy attack AI on various difficulties.
- Improved enemy resource AI.

2022/7/12 # 232

- Added king animation for destroying buildings.
- Fixed villager death and injury happiness.
-Improve the recovery speed when the king's power is low.
- Improved enemy command AI.
- Improved UI rework.

2022/7/9 # 231

- Added animations for creating terrain, roads, and park kings.
-Castle field description correction.
-Improve the happiness of death and injury of villagers.
- Improve time lapse.
- Improved happiness system.

2022/7/7 # 230

-Added the automatic defense prompt of the Legion.
- Added summoning UI.
- Added king animation.
- Improved game speed.
- Improved easy mode difficulty.
- Improved enemy invasion.
-Improve the chance of catching fish by watermen to increase to 10%.
-Improved bow volume.
- Improve BGM volume.
- Improve Japanese UI translation.
- Improved reading archive descriptions.
- Improved resource reporting.
-Improve the main menu initial town.
- Increase builder repair amount.
-Improved castle HP.
- Improved musketeer damage.
- Improved Dragoon damage.
-Improve and reduce the cost of creating land to 50 mana.
-Improved timeframe easing system.
- Improved AI dragoons.
- Improve road and park happiness.
- Improved happiness report.
-Improve the dynamic information UI on the upper left.
- Improved UI transparency.
- Improved food icons.
-Improve the description of all villagers and add new job content.
- Improved park terrain creation.
- Improve operation UI.
- Improve file loading system.

2022/6/23 # 229

- Added tree natural growth system.
- Improve the opening system sequence.
- Improve villager's health recovery when resting.
- Improve the happiness system.
-Improved king movement speed.
- Improved villager movement speed.
- Improve resource change update frequency.
- Improve the volume of the opening BGM.
-Increase base happiness.
- Increase the amount of basic resources.
- Improve town description.
- Improve the lack of resource prompt frequency.
- Improve the divine power system.
-Improved power hints.
- Added power bar UI.
- Added 10 pages of teaching system.
- Improve time system.
- Improved late AI population calculation.
-Improved late system performance.

2022/6/20 # 228

- Improve Japanese farm translation.
- Improved bow and arrow collision range.
- Improve bow bullet hit rate.
-Improved the chance of scavenger fishing.
-Improved automatic closing of terrain hints.
- Improved preset terrain selection.
- Improved terrain creation hints.
-Improved the range of villagers searching for resources.
- Improve mining workers.
- Improved villagers to follow players.
- Improved military units to follow players.
- Improve the stone foundation of the park.
-Improved happiness while walking off the road.
-Improve the consumption of divine power when the road wood is insufficient.
- Improve the prompt when the building lacks resources.
-Improved the second floor window color of the worker's house.
-Improve the water efficiency of the water workers.
- Improve frame rate and game speed.

2022/1/16 # 227

- Improved villager spawn rate when no resources are available
-Improved miner generation to not consume gold ore
-Improved merchant spawn without consuming knowledge
-Improved scholar spawning without consuming gold
- Improve school shop consumption gold and knowledge

2022/1/15 # 226

-Added a small report button
-Added town slot
- Improve the frequency of power gain
- Improve well description
-Improved Japanese translation for water workers
-Improved floating bar
- Improve log field
-Improved difficulty display in the report
- Improve the left hover prompt

2021/12/3 # 225

- Improve the happiness of service buildings
-Improved the consumption efficiency of town villagers searching for enemies

2021/12/1 # 224

- Improvements to improve park happiness
-Improved to increase road happiness
- Improve road happiness decay
- Improve the minimum recovery value of divine power by 250
-Improved divine power for negative prompt changed back
- Improved hover tooltip title for timber roads
- Improve and reduce enemy damage to king
- Improve system performance pressure for town villagers and military units
- Improve park movement speed
- Improve resource green value to 500
- Improve villager color
-Improved miner digging sand
- Improve worker sand digging tips
-Improve the direct laying of the foundation of the building
- Improve foundation button
- Improve teaching 5 pages
-Improve the base value of happiness and see the king put it at the bottom
- Improve villager's job consumption happiness
-Improve the selection of terrain will also prompt the current terrain usage

2021/11/30 # 223

- Improve resource green conditions
-Improved park happiness
- Improve happiness decay
-Improve the action button to automatically go back to the top
-Improved distance to destroy buildings
- Improve auto roads
- Improve auto road description
- Improve merchant school pages
- Improve the number of destroyed buildings
- Improve the number of warehouse pages
- Improve the number of park pages
- Improve operation UI design
-Improved well image
- Improve the number of villagers in the main menu
- Improve villager job waiting
- Improve the opening arrow tower
-Improved automatic paving
- Improve the function of creating maps
- Improved defense building layout
- Improve auto back to top
-Improve the initial terrain or make it bigger
-Improve the choice of terrain and also the choice of road foundations
- Quickly build roads, foundations, destroy buildings buttons
- Improve button transparency
-Improved the enemy's opening cover small stronghold
- Improve the enemy not to attack for two years
- Improve stone roads also speed up
-Improved building not stuck king

2021/11/26 # 222

- Improved enemy preset colors
- Improve the attack power of defensive buildings
- Improved villager road movement
- Improved building button translation
- Improve the opening arrow tower
-Improved park satisfaction
-Improved water consumption
-Improved satisfaction decay rate

2021/11/25 # 221

-Fixed the problem of the villager's work delay at the beginning

-Improve the range of destroying buildings
- Improvements require road link breakage
-Improved divine power icon
-Improved update teaching

2021/11/23 # 220

- Added new action icons

-Fixed the problem that the hover prompt could not be displayed correctly

- Improve scroll bar speed
-Improved road link attenuation
- Improve preset BGM
- Improve conditions such as enemy construction mines
-Improved distance to destroy buildings
-Improve farmer's farm food yield
- Improve store resource consumption
-Improve villager production efficiency when resources are insufficient
- Improve bow and arrow sound effects

2021/11/22 # 219

- Added castle to increase resource storage limit
- Improve the brightness of the left and right buttons in the UI below
-Improved breakages that require road links
- Improve fencing volume
- Improve the effect of creating resources
-Improve villagers' job happiness
- Improve happiness too low display
- Improved terrain order
- Improved defense building operations
- Improved opening town
-Improved create terrain UI

2021/11/15 # 218

- Improve left and right graphical UI
-Improve the scrolling amount of the UI below
- Improve initial resources
- Improve initial happiness
-Improved food consumption

2021/11/1 # 217

- Added resource shortage reminder
-Added a hint that the king's divine power is negative

- Improve dynamic frame rate adjustment
- Improved road hints
- Improve food consumption
-Improve water depletion rate
-Improve water draw
-Improved villager rest and job satisfaction
-Improve the range of destroying buildings
- Improved AUTO construction speed control
- Improved unit top speed
- Improve death conditions
- Improve bottom scroll bar scroll wheel effect
-Improve the automatic return to the top after the column is closed
- Improved left and right buttons added back
-Improved rework UI

2021/10/26 # 216

-Improved full remake full UI
-Improve water production
- Improve road park happiness
-Improved road link happiness
-Improve service delivery satisfaction
- Improve the number of enemy invasions
- Improve enemy town construction

2021/10/20 # 215

-Improved to reduce the deduction of blood from insufficient food and water by 1/5
-Improved to reduce the deduction of HP deduction by 1/10 for insufficient happiness
-Improved to increase the base value of satisfaction
-Improved to reduce the frequency of rebellion
- Improve the new mutiny prompt

2021/10/18 # 214

- Added dynamic rebellion system
-Fixed insufficient resource satisfaction issue

2021/10/17 # 213

- Added enemy building terrain determination
- Added 3 factions per hour demographics
- Added correct enemy resource consumption
- Added resource report prompt
- Fixed arrow tower building image
- Fixed duplicate terrain modification prompts
-Fixed Japanese translation
-Improved opening farmland
- Improve worker vs farmer conflict
- Improved opening ocean size
- Improved terrain size
-Improve the base value of happiness to 500
- Improve the counting of resource changes
- Improved road happiness hints
- Improved castle image
-Improve king image
-Improved road construction system
-Improved park cover building
- Improve preset music volume
-Improved the enemy's initial building distance
- Improve enemy town construction speed
- Improve operation UI
-Improved archer's range
- Improve building resource conditions

Release: 2023/5/12
Steam Group:
SCUM - Beda
Hey hey everyone we are releasing a small hotfix regarding server settings. Enjoy your 0.85 weekend.

  • Extended the range of some server settings.
  • Repaired the kill log.
  • Adjusted damage multiplier to sentries.
Song Of The Prairie - partner
Hello villagers

It’s so glade to welcome you all in Prairie Town!

PS:Spirits and optimization about helpers will be working on continuously, you can pay more attention on it.

These are the update contents:
1.Fixed the problem that helpers cannot fish.

And if you have any bug or translation feedback, welcome to the Discord server "Song Of The Prairie" to tell us in "ea-bug-channel" and "translation-bug channel", or go find the Dev @Mavis. 
Discord Link:

Thank you for liking our game: Song of the Prairie, just share it to your friends!
Grand Theft Auto V - james.francis
The Freakshop lights up this week as Acid Lab operations take front and center. And you’re not tripping — there really is a reckless amount of hallucinogens being pumped into the market, meaning you can produce and sell at full tilt. Keep a steady stash on-hand by carrying out Acid Lab Resupply and Steal Missions, producing Double Supplies all week long. Once your product is ready to ship, earn 1.5X GTA$ and RP in Acid Lab Sell Missions all week.


A refresh of a classic, the Toundra Panthere (Sports) is a stunning testament to the timelessness of French engineering. It is also returning to Legendary Motorsport for a limited time, so pick one up through May 17.

See the full event details on Rockstar Newswire: