The Moroccan Castle 3 : Behind The Secrets - AJB
Save 12% and Get The Moroccan Castle 3 Now !
12% Discount on The Moroccan Castle 3 , This offre available from 4 to 9 May !
Get it Now and Dive into a Great Horror Experience !
Ryzom - Jadeyn

Winner of the scenario contest

Creator of the event: Eeri and Event-team.
Type of event: Assembly.
Appropriate levels: All.

Date of the event: Sunday, 7 May 19:00 UTC.
Expected duration: About two hours.
Meeting place: Council Chamber of the Palace of Pyr.

Homins concerned: Akenakos, Fyros Patriots and friends of the Empire.
Synopsis: The Renegades, after their stunt, propose negotiations for the freeing of Dyron.


Lykos abruptly put the letter down, his face flushed with anger.
"Gingos with ragusses in them. And on top of that, these sap-hungry monsters want me to listen to them? I'll crush them like scum of Atys they are!"

The Celiakos Graphybus Ceros was full aware he could expect no support from Denathus Deukos, the Burning Master, nor from Primarch Icaphotis Dydilus: both seemed to burn with the same flame as sharükos(*). But he was to interpose himself.
"sharükos(*), let's let this emissary of the Renegades come. Xyrius Cegrips holds the entire city of Dyron and the celiakos as hostages. If there is any chance to avoid a massacre, we must seize it, sharükos(*). They are all part of sharük(**)!"
"dey(***)! They attacked the sharük(**)! They A-TTA-CKED it!" Lykos hammered out the words. "You dare to tell me that they are still part of it? The people of Dyron are waiting for our help! Them, they are part of the sharük(**)! Them, they must be rescued!
"At what cost? How much Fyros sap will that spill on the sawdust?"

Lykos looked at the celiakos, his anger evaporating. The silence dragged on, each side hesitating to make their case.
"All right! Let him come with his demands. I will receive him with the Patriots, let them all know what they will be fighting for if we have to decide so."

Akenakos, Patriots, Friends of the Empire,
An exceptional assembly will be held on 1h - Quinteth, Germinally 29, 3rd AC 2623(****) in the presence of Lykos, sharükos(*).
An emissary of the Renegades will come to begin negotiations for the release of the celiakos Dios Apotheps and the city of Dyron.
Graphybus Ceros

* sharükos = Emperor
** sharük = Empire
*** dey = no
**** Sunday, 7 May 19:00 UTC
May 4, 2023
Animalia Survival - Zeev

Hello everyone, we have made adjustments
-Adjusted server growth time up to 4x
-We are working on a new map to replace the AfricanMap
-Adjusted the viewing distance of some rocks and plants that were appearing instantly on the screen


-Decreased point earning times for all animals by 1250


-removed delay in the Lion and Lion attack

-Fitted Hippo attack box

For more information and details, join our Discord:

Thank you all very much!

High Brazil Studio.
May 4, 2023
我在终点线等你 - Little-Soysauce
PHAGEBORN: Online Card Game - LlamaDaisy
Dear Denizens of Issilith,

An update for you all regarding our weekly update posts, we are moving these from Mondays to Thursdays in line with our future plans for the development of the game. So please don’t panic when the post on Mondays are missing!

We're excited to announce our next big update and the very first free Battle Pass called the Genesis Pass, available in-game from 11am BST 05/05. The Genesis Pass Shop is packed with tons of exciting items, including XP boosts, Avatar skins, and boxes all unlockable with some new in-game currencies. This update will be available from 11 am BST 05/05/23.

Check out our new Battle Pass Quests, completing these quests advances you along the Battle Pass earning you more Phagetokens!

So what’s available? First up is the Boost, an XP booster that increases the XP earned from every match by 20% for a set amount of time, which activates immediately upon purchase. Next, we have the Box, which contains one random item from a variety of customizations and rewards such as a profile icon, profile frame, foiler or premium currency. A final item available will be Foiler Bundles that give you Brightstones, which can be used to unlock special card effects.

But that's not all! We're also introducing new Avatar skins with the Genesis Pass. Players can look forward to earning their way to the new Saffron White skin you purchase in the Battle Pass Shop for 1000 Phagetokens.

As for the new currencies, we have Phagetokens, your Battle Pass currency, which can be earned by playing matches, completing Battle Pass quests, and can be spent in the Battle Pass shop to unlock items. There's also Brightstone, which can be used to unlock alternate styles for cards in your collection. And finally, there's Fatestones, the premium currency (coming soon), which can be used to purchase premium items.

We have also worked on refining the 3D Avatar textures in conjunction with the Genesis Pass. As part of this effort, we have updated the appearance of several Avatars. Check out the changes to Lyxia and Tyberiuth.

Lyxia new look:

Tyberiuth new look:

Last but not least, we're proud to present the new Main Menu/UI look. We've put a lot of effort into making it visually stunning and user-friendly.

So what are you waiting for? Hop into the game, play matches, complete quests, and earn Phagetokens to unlock all the awesome items in the Genesis Pass.

Good luck and have fun!

Yours Truly,

Golden Record Retriever - hcgs_seoha

We have approved playtest applications for those who applied with a Korean account. Although our game is still under development and has many shortcomings, we hope you enjoy playing it and leave us some feedback. We plan to open the English playtest as soon as the English translation is completed.

Please report any bugs or feedback through the Discord link provided in the game or store, and we will take action promptly.

Thank you.
May 4, 2023
7 Sins : Lost in Labyrinth - ALittleBB
- Main mission's tutorial, shows up every time when entering the stage.
- Hint Button under the mission list to show Main mission's tutorial.

- Minor UI
Russian Fishing 4 - Levo

On May 5th at 00:00 AM CEST / May 4th at 06:00 PM EST, the server will be restarted and the client will be updated. Estimated working time is about 4 hours.
FishSoft Team
War Robots: Frontiers - Kaeden
Welcome to QNET, the interplanetary information and utility network. What can I help you with today?
A mercenary Robot Pilot, currently contracting out of Tortuga for combat missions on the Wild Ten. 
Kate hails from Eirene, an unincorporated Freecon holding colony. A ‘ZV’ (zero value) frontier settlement that has, insofar as public records will allow, no funding from its mother corporation. 
Per Freecon records, Kate’s parents are registered conscientious objectors. This tracks with what is known of their colony, which has been the base of anti-war pundits and social critics for decades.

The only other documentation available to this utility network comes from a Freecon-sponsored War Robot modding event, in which Kate took the top honors.

Insufficient data. This network cannot speculate. Consider rephrasing. 
Kate arrived on Tortuga via a vessel registered as The Ezquerra, operating primarily within Freecon space but holding a cross-corporate travel designation. Her listed vocation at that time was ‘culinary.’ 

Tales From The Wild Ten is a series composed by writer Patrick Kindlon. Stay tuned as the saga continues in War Robots: Frontiers, and catch up on the story with Old Wars Never End, Kate and Varangian, and Corporate Empires.


Hello, esteemed VEILED EXPERTS agents! VX developer agent Charlie Jung at your service.
I'm excited to be posting here again!

This time, I have some highly anticipated updates on the Early Access service and our plans for improving VX.
Let's start with the Early Access schedule.
The long-awaited VX Early Access service is scheduled to launch on May 19th (KST).
We have completed several rounds of testing so far. As we work on this project, we are thrilled at the prospect of serving you with ongoing service, rather than just for a limited time.

VX agents from various countries participated in the Final Beta test in April
and shared what they thought throughout their gameplay via the official Discord channel and surveys.
The development team was pleasantly surprised by the amount of feedback while thoroughly reviewing your input and gameplay data.
Based on the collected data, we have come up with a comprehensive plan to implement a range of fixes and updates.

Now, let's take a look at how your invaluable feedback has influenced the upcoming changes for VEILED EXPERTS.

New Content/Features: More items and common Leptons will be introduced.
User Feedback Implementation and User Experience Improvement: Based on popular demand, we will address the issue of right-side peeking, optimize maps for better balance between offense and defense, and add options to save matchmaking settings and select Throwables. The gameplay experience will be further enhanced with better user interface and QoL changes.
Balance Adjustment: We will adjust the effects of various items, weapons, and Leptons to fine-tune the balance and difficulty of the game.

New Content / Features

• Option to surrender

• Set Ranked Match server tick rate to 100
💡 "The tick rate for Ranked Matches will be handled separately to ensure a more precise and fairer gameplay experience."
• Option to re-join a Ranked Match upon unexpected interruptions
• Calling card customization and unlockable achievements
• Additional clan mark patterns
• Redesigned and additional Leptons
> Expansion of Lepton classification and increased maximum Lepton cost from 5 to 7 (max number of equipped Leptons will remain at 3)

• New AR firearm
> AK-15 mod
💡 "Uses 7.62 mm rounds just like the AK-47. It will be added as a higher-tier firearm in terms of price and performance."

User Feedback Implementation / User Experience Improvement

• Addressing the right-side peeking issue
> QE tilt motion improved
💡 "The level of the head exposure during tilting motion has been improved."
> Shoulder Swap option added to ensure equal view from either side
💡 "The Shoulder Swap option will be first introduced in the Early Access stage, and we'll continue to work on improving it."

• Investment system renewal
> In the final beta, the investment system had been differentiated between Casual and Ranked Matches, but there was a lot of feedback about it making less of a difference in terms of strategy in Casual Matches compared to the past.

In response, we have decided to unify the investment structure for both Ranked and Casual Matches and redesign the upgrade stages to allow for better strategic utilization.
Additionally, for Casual Matches, we will introduce automatic upgrades to make it less challenging than in Ranked Matches.

💡 "High-power magazines are coming back.
Unlocked upon upgrading to <Armory LV. 4>, their name will be changed to AP magazines.

In the past, we had considered the max Armor of 150 (100 base Armor + 50 extra), which was achievable in late-game during the FBT, to be adequate in terms of TTK.

However, the newly designed investment system now features two levels of armor upgrade, allowing for more strategic choices regarding their armor level."

• Investment amount can be manually entered or selected

• Separation of solo queues and multiplayer queues for Ranked Matches
• New weapon attachments for different tiers in Ranked Matches

• More selective Ranked Match qualifications
• Differentiation of knockdown execution actions
> V: CQC Execution (no change)
> Ctrl + V: Swift Kick Execution (new)

• Maps
> The Bridge: SEED site increased from 1 (A) to 2 (A & B), expansion of paths on both sides, and stronger sea fog effects in even-numbered rounds

> Koreatown: Chopper spawns are no longer random, appearing only in even-numbered rounds at set times
> Shipyard: Dust effect is now active by default in underground areas

• Two HUD styles
> A: top left corner of the minimap (default)
> B: top right corner of the minimap (added)

• New animations for Ranked Match promotions and demotions

• Matchmaking restrictions for wide tier gaps among party members in Ranked Matches (MMR exploit)
• Better visual differentiation of specific tiers in Ranked Matches
• "Unranked" changed to "Veiled" in Ranked Matches
• New matchmaking animation with offense/defense information
• Differentiation of penalty for abandoning
> Casual Match abandonment → regular penalty
> Ranked Match abandonment → severe penalty

• The configuration of the last-used matchmaking options will be remembered
• New pop-up for confirming right-clicks in the market (buy & drop feature)
• Max FOV value set to 80 in Settings
• Color-coded guides by Throwable type
💡 "Many of you have commented that it can be difficult to quickly identify which tactical item you've picked when you're trying to throw one in a hurry. We'll be color-coding them by type to improve recognition."

• Better useability of Throwables
> LMB or G for regular throw (instant general throw)
> RMB or Ctrl + G for downward throw (instant downward throw)

• New options for throwable slots
> Option to set slot for recently used or fixed throwables
💡 "These options apply for both the action of throwing and for selecting throwables.

• Map labels added to the Scoreboard (e.g., KOREATOWN)
> 💡 "It seems that various VX agents have been using different names for specific spots within the maps based on their convenience. While we will display the initial names for these locations, we are open to modifying or adding names as we continue to monitor your feedback.
If you have any suggestions for our map labels, please contact us via our feedback channels."

<FBT Main Kill Point>

• Global sensitivity adjustment options added to Settings
• Ledge grab maneuver line improved (before/after)

• New victory/defeat animation

Balance Adjustments

• AP ammunition (previously High-Power ammunition) added, overall adjustment of weapon prices and specs based on the stats data from the FBT
• HP upon revival increased from 30 to 50
• Stimulant also increases movement speed now
💡 "We're making the Stimulant more useful by adding a movement speed boost.
It can be unlocked for purchase at Equipment LV. 4, since players can use the Stimulant as a team in the first 3 rounds for better chance at winning."

• Suppressors removed for SR firearms
• SR firearms will now use proprietary 7.62mm-LR ammunition.
> AR 7.62mm / SR 7.62mm-LR
💡 "The fact that AR and SR used the same type of ammo allowed high-tier SR firearms to hold a large amount of ammunition. To address this issue, we will be introducing SR-only ammunition."

• Buying and using an SR firearm will allow equipping that SR as the only primary weapon in addition to a sidearm
💡 "Many of you have expressed concerns with the balance of SR firearms.
We have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to prevent players from using both an SR and an AR as primary weapons when the game allows the use of two primary weapons.
To address this issue, we are considering making SR firearms take up both primary weapon slots so that players won't be able to eqip another primary weapon.

• SR afterimage duration increased
💡 "We have received feedback that the combination of an open map structure and long-range SR firearms makes it difficult to locate enemy SR players, resulting in an unfair disadvantage.
SR firearms will now have longer afterimage duration compared to other firearms so that their shooters can be more easily located."

• Adjustment of supplied ammunition amount
> Casual Matches: 100% of max ammunition capacity → no change
> Ranked Matches: 100% of max ammunition capacity → reduced to 70%

• Characters
> Lily Rose → Unlimited discount changed to limit discounted quantity
> Young Sik Lee→ His hacking triggers a jamming effect in addition to the scan

What I have covered so far are about some updates coming with the Early Access stage, explaining the direction we're taking for future improvements. There are many other features we are working on that I didn't get to address today.

We will do our best to provide more diverse and interesting game experiences.
Please note that the specific values presented here are still being tested and may change before the game launches. The final specifications will be included in the patch notes of the last version before Early Access.

Lastly, here's a video to promote the Early Access stage of the game. I, Charlie Jung, will come back with even more interesting stories next time.

Thank you.