Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator - Rosie_tinyBuild
We know that garden upgrades are among the most anticipated mechanics for Potion Craft. Thus, we are opening a series of devlogs to share new features that are currently being developed for the garden, including new planting, upkeep, and harvesting systems.

Time is of the essence not only in game development but also in horticulture. Even if one is lucky to have a magical tree which makes everything grow faster in their backyard, nothing will sprout without a grain of patience, that is why we decided to add transitional growing phases for each plant.

But daily watering is also essential for growing plants, and the watering pot is just the right instrument for this!

Working on garden plants for different plant types, such as flowers, herbs, root vegetables, mushrooms and ligneous mushrooms requires a different approach. It is necessary to hold on to several principles while creating garden plants:
  • They should be recognizable and distinguishable from each other even in the earliest growing phases;
  • They should grow credibly, i.e. flower sprouts cannot have a bud in early phases, it needs to grow a bit first;
  • The size of the plants should not be too big or too small, so they would not take too much space or, vice versa, get lost among other plants;
  • And the most important one – the players should feel satisfaction while growing plants!

Sometimes it’s a real challenge to decipher how, say, a ligneous mushroom grows!

A sustainable gardener would never cut the plant to the ground when harvesting it, that is why it is important that harvested plants should look like they will soon re-grow again and yield even more. In order to meet the requirements of the new system we had to change the appearance of some plants compared to their current in-game visuals.

There is a lot of work ahead of us on updating and enhancing the garden mechanics, and we will share the sweetest fruits of this development in further devlogs, so stay tuned and follow our Steam Page and join our Discord so you don't miss other upcoming devlogs! Meanwhile, please share what garden improvements you would like to see in the game the most.

Apr 12, 2023
War Thunder - magazine2

  • AIM-54A, AGM-114B, AGM-114K, PARS 3 LR, AKD-9, AKD-10, AS-30L, L-UMTAS, ZT-6, Kh-25, Kh-25ML, Kh-29L, Kh-29T — fixed delay of the vertical proportional navigation guidance for targets above the missile
  • AGM-114B, AGM-114K — autopilot has been adjusted, missile accuracy for small targets has been increased.
  • AGM-114B — explosive weight has been reduced from 6.4 to 5.688 kg.
  • AGM-114K — explosive weight has been increased from 6.45 to 6.685 kg.
  • MiG-21F-13 — ballistic calculator for cannons has been added.
  • Shackleton MR.Mk.2 — guidance angles of the front turret have been fixed (report).
  • Javelin F.(A.W.) Mk.9 — a bug has been fixed with the incorrect position of the muzzle flash on cannons in the 2x 30mm ADEN plus 4x Firestreak missiles.
  • Z-19, Z-19E — a bug has been fixed where the MFD missed the radar screen while toggling modes.
  • F-105D — incorrect weight of the chaff pods has been fixed (report).
  • Incorrect position of the launch flash of missiles has been corrected. Previously the missile launch appeared behind the aircraft.
  • A bug has been fixed where IR seekers might lock on the empty space instead of an enemy aircraft (report).
  • PBY-5A (USSR), BV 238 — incorrect positioning of the crew has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed where VTOL aircraft had “Hover on” indication after respawn or reloading on the airfield.
  • RWR will detect radar lock precisely accounting enemy radar antenna radiation patterns. RWR will also detect radar illumination for SARH missiles with a wider beam if it presents. This will allow aircraft flying near the target the enemy radar is tracking, to now receive a radar lock warning if the enemy SARH missile can re-aim on them.
  • Harrier GR.7 — a bug has been fixed where the IRST pod might lose the target due to change of the nose targeting optics position. IRST of the nose optics has been removed.
  • Tornado F.3 — incorrect scan angles and the search area of the radar have been fixed (rеport).
  • Tornado IDS Marineflieger (Германия) — a bug has been fixed where radar was unable to lock on targets in dogfights.
Ground Vehicles
  • A bug has been fixed where the UAV for ground vehicles was enabled by pressing the same button as in the infantry battles.
  • White exhaust on AI vehicles has been fixed.
  • M247 — elevation angles of the commander’s sight have been increased from -10…+20 to -10…+60 degrees. Source: TM 9-1230-202-20-1
  • VCC-80/30 — due to the cannon’s selective feed, over lengthy belt changes has been fixed.
  • QN506 — armouring of the commander’s sight has been added (rеport)
  • QN506 — a bug with overestimated armour values of the tank’s top has been fixed (report)
  • QN506 — QN502 missiles now can be fired whilst in motion.
  • A bug has been fixed where destruction of the elevator led to complete disabling of reloading instead of a slowing.
  • Pr.1124 MLRS — 12.7mm machine guns have been grouped to the second weapon group.
  • USS Pittsburgh, USS Baltimore — main turret traverse rate has been increased from 5 to 5.3 deg/sec, elevation rate - from 8.3 to 10.6 deg/sec.
  • A bug that caused the sorting to reset when viewing the squadron composition has been fixed (report).
  • A bug that caused the action panel in helicopter and aircraft battles to overlap with some tooltips/notifications has been fixed.
  • The time of the opening of the multifunction menu in the battles has been decreased.
  • FPS drop while scrolling large lists with the mouse wheel has been fixed.
  • FPS drop while moving cursor in the profile window in the “Skins” section has been fixed.
  • The position of the player list in the WW mode tab in the squadron menu has been fixed.
  • The text of the tooltip that appears when trying to pick up an unopened prize in the BP line has been fixed.
  • A bug that occurred when trying to open the multifunction menu on consoles has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the quadrocopter of the air defence soldier to capture points in the “Mobile Infantry” event has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
Mindworks: The Great Division - kornyart
After a short break, chapter 3 is back in production!
Here are a few Chapter 3 Storyboards and key-scenes! These are some of my favorite scenes so far

Race Day Rampage: Streamer Edition - community

This new season goes above and beyond with new cars, new game modes, new obstacles and so much more! Learn all about the new Hero bots feature which will guarantee more race chaos than ever before.

New feature: Hero bots!
Hero Bots are unique AI players, which can be unlocked by the Streamer through seasonal achievements. Soon, new ways of unlocking Hero Bots will arrive!
Hero Bots have their own car, player card, and stats and their on-track behavior is more dynamic than regular bots.

All Hero Bots have the ability to drop different items, but they will either drop one item or nothing at all for players who finish a challenge.

As an example, let’s take Bot Bot Go, the friendly green Wave from Germany, and Dirk Doodle, in their Stroller from Belgium. Both have a 30% chance to drop an item. Bot Bot Go might give you an additional 30xp while Dirk might drop +10 coins.

You can have multiple Hero Bots simultaneously in your challenges - so the chance for more drops will increase! So collect them all, your rewards await!

  • Unlock random hero bots through the season pass.
  • Hero Bots will join your challenges and drop random loot when one of your player finishes - this can be more than one Hero Bot at a time.
  • Hero Bots come in all shapes and sizes and can be common, uncommon, rare, epic, or legendary. Depending on rarity they have different drops!
  • You can turn Hero bots on or off in the settings at any time.
  • [NEW] Rampage, focuses on most wrecks. It includes traps that will be automatically activated when charged. Players can self-destruct with area damage!
  • [NEW] Sandbox, experiment with all the player functionality (boost, charge, explode, shield) in this experimental game mode.
  • [UPDATED] Race, which now has traps, disabled charge, and focuses on actual racing.
  • [UPDATED] Endurance, the race no longer ends when everyone is wrecked. Traps are always on, no charge is necessary and players can shield themselves.
  • Lasergrid trap
  • Crash billboard to jump through, large billboard, searchlight (billboards can load local external images), very(!) large jump
  • Hangar & Shelter track pieces
  • New skies, new grounds, new roads, and new wall materials.

  • Flash
  • Knight
  • Primus

  • 5 new skins
  • 3 new wheels
  • 2 new spoilers
  • New trail
  • New avatars
  • New player card
Apr 12, 2023
Freestyle 2: Street Basketball - [GM] Winter

Greetings! Welcome to FREE2LAND!

We have prepared various events in our FREE2LAND!

Complete quests to acquire coins that you can use to exchange for rare items!

Note: Make sure to hit the "receive" button to acquire the coins after completing
the mission! Just by logging in and playing several matches, you will automatically
be part of the event!

Accumulated number of matches played & Login time Event has a corresponding
coin rewards!

Guess the last Digit mission

Guess your opponent's last score digit by clicking a specific number on
the selection provided. For non-VIP players, you can only choose 1 number
and 3 for VIP members. Don't forget to hit "Save".

Coin rewards for prediction: 10 Coins for successful prediction and 1 Coin
for failed prediction.

Maximum coins that a player can acquire per day is 100.

Predictions will remain the same throughout the event unless you
decided to change it.

You can exchange coins for various consumables! Just visit the Event Shop.

Ferris Wheel Event is back! Login and Play to get stamps to claim
the reward for the day!

Unlock Event:

For every team/individual match you finish or every hour you stay logged in,
you will earn Box Keys.

10 Keys for every match (Maximum 10 Games per day) = 100
20 Keys for every hour logged in (Maximum of 5 hours per day) = 100

Total of Box Keys that can be acquired per day: 200

- Box Keys can be used to Open or Upgrade the Box
- Each Box has a corresponding rewards and you can get one of the
items listed randomly.

** Once you have chosen specific box, the box level will reset to the
lowest Box Grade.

** You won't be able to claim any rewards after the event period so
make sure to spend Box Keys on time!

Wait, there's more! If you have collected a huge amount of FS2 Coins,
you may also use it to redeem S+ Rewards!

Don't forget to check your Mission Progress to make sure that you have
received all FS2 Coins for the day!

- FreeStyle 2 Team
Kingdom Of Explorers - Skalltow
Next Saturday, April 15th, there will be a big update for Kingdom of Explorers. The upcoming news will be of great importance to the gameplay and we look forward to presenting it to you!

In response to numerous requests, now the bow can also be used in combat, YEAHHHHH! Just hold left SHIFT on keyboard (LB on controller) and press the attack button (left mouse or X/RT on controller).

And with the arrival of this novelty, there will now be a “Bow Shop” to improve your equipment. This bow upgrade will increase the damage done by the arrow and also the maximum capacity of arrows that will fit in the quiver.

And for you who are wondering: “how will I get new arrows?”. There are two ways to acquire them:

  • When defeating enemies, some of them will “drop” arrows for you to pick up;
  • There will be arrow crafting benches located at specific points on the map.

Remembering that this is just one of the news that is coming in this new update. Stay tuned and we'll be back soon with more information.

Follow the S.E.R.A. GAMES on Social Networks:

Instagram: CLICK HERE
Facebook: CLICK HERE
Apr 12, 2023
Community Announcements - Dobermann
- The Forge got many improvements and additions
- Adds Covenant weapons to Fiesta game mode
- Adds FFA Rockets game mode
- Bug fixes and other improvements
Apr 12, 2023
GameZero - gutts
GameZero - gutts
test number bojillion
S.E.C.U. - Jvnko
Here's the teaser for the upcoming update
Overhaul update may (or not) come out next month

Here's the list of things that is completed :

- Improved Zombie Gore
- The Entrance Redesign
- New Vaults
- Added Weapon Leaning Based On Movement Direction
- Improved Melee Knife
- Improved Hitmarkers
- Improved Weapon Recoil & Camera Shake
- New Weapon Crates
- New Weapon Rarities
- Improved Looting
- Reworked Pickups
- New Equipment Crate
- New Loot Crate
- New Laser Attachment
- New Suppressor Attachments
- New Snatch Foregrip Attachment
- New Elevator Level Transition

This is a lot of stuff done but this is only half, still got a lot to do

Join the discord for more news : https://discord.com/invite/rJVueVf8Fb