Apr 12, 2023
Ship Handling Simulator - alekstur79
New ship - French cruiser Algerie.
Quantum Tripper - GAMETESTPLAY
Voices can be heard when activating artwork.
FOV can be selected from the options menu.
Motion Sickness can be turned off.

Fishing Planet - Dennis_FP

Great news! The first qualifying game of the World Bass Tour is over, and we have the names of its top 20 anglers! These are the players who showed the best result in catching the feisty Bass. They can now advance to the Semifinals that will take place on April 15 in the winding channels of the Amazonian Maze, Brazil! If for some reason you didn't get into the top 20 this time, be sure to try your luck in the second qualifier of the World Bass Tour taking place on April 12! Tight lines!

And here are the names of the 20 finalists of Qualifier 1:

1 LC-Josemi
2 TNT_Marcin
3 SMF_Wokka
4 readton
5 FU_rqc88
6 TNT_jaastpa
7 SMF.Philkool23.TTV
8 FU_Not_Hector
9 LTR8_Prawn_Star
10 LSP.Forever.shine
11 p73s
12 MOF_Vinicius
13 LSP.Dex_Bit
15 FU_Didgelz
17 nM.ThenZee
18 BG-Zh778899
19 Z.E.N.A.S
20 cc13kz

Techtonica - JoeyFHG
We have a brand new member of the community and marketing team.

Over the last several weeks, the Fire Hose Team quietly welcomed its newest member, Lauren, into the fold. Lauren’s been hard at work learning the ins and outs of Techtonica, our community, and our future plans to serve players as the Community Marketing Manager.

Say hi to Lauren!

This week, Lauren’s overhauling our Discord with a fresh onboarding experience, server enhancements, community events, Discord-exclusive stream announcements, and loads more.

You’ll see lots of Lauren on the Steam forums, too, but the best place to connect with fellow Groundbreakers, developers, and our Community team is our Discord.

We’re hosting a livestream with Lauren later this week on Discord (check the #📅-events channel in Discord that stays updated with all announced events), but! We thought we’d kickstart the conversation and offer readers a small chance to get to know Lauren a bit better before then with a quick Q&A.

What is your favorite game, and why is it Techtonica?
I love building games! Not only is there a great story in Techtonica (hehe), but the mechanics of building a factory are very intuitive, alongside a really beautiful glowing landscape.

Okay, seriously, do you have a favorite game or genre?
Besides open-world survival craft games, I truly adore large-scale RPG games with deep lore & magic. The Dragon Age series is a favorite!

What’s the most interesting game you’ve played so far in 2023?
I enjoyed playing DARQ as it had really unique level design and mechanics! A great indie horror game with fantastic music and art design.

How did you hear about Techtonica? What made you apply for this gig?
I actually wishlisted the game long before seeing the job posting! I’d been looking to switch from the music industry to gaming full-time, and Fire Hose seemed like the perfect team to join.

How do you spend your free time when you’re not gaming?
I read a lot of fantasy books and like to cook recipes inspired by them! I have a fully stocked medieval fantasy kitchen, and I like to spend time DIY-ing stuff around the house.

Finally, dogs or cats?
Why not both? I have two dogs and a cat and refuse to choose between them.

We’re excited to have Lauren on the team.

In two weeks? We’re sharing another bit of big news.

Until then, see you next week, Groundbreakers.

Conqueror's Blade - Kaeden
Please be aware that from 08:00 CEST on April 13 (23:00 PDT on April 12), the Conqueror’s Blade servers will be inaccessible. The downtime is expected to last for 4 hours.

Please refer to the Patch Notes for documented changes. Meanwhile, stay tuned to our Discord channel in case of any immediate server updates.
Killing Floor 2 - Molly
Hello Mercs,
Unfortunately, we are experiencing an outage that is affecting the item server. As we currently have no ETA for when this will be resolved, we are asking for your patience as we try to work to correct the problem. As soon as we have more to share we will update everyone.
My Time at Sandrock - 样
Howdy all,

We have released a hotfix patch that fixes several issues with the DE and FR languages. 

If you continue to experience freezing issues while using these languages, please send us your save file and player log so we can check in detail. Here are the STEPS to find these files.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and thanks for your understanding.

If you have any other gaming issues, you're always welcome to join us and report us.

Join our Discord
Or email us at qa@pathea.net
Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara - Chibig
This is our first 2023 update for Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara!

So there’s no better way to start than with some great news: a new Kickstarter adventure campaign comes on May 3st!

This campaign is going to be different from the ones we have done before and so far this year a new opportunity has arisen in Chibig: to create a universe of connected games supported with figures of our favorite friends: Mika and now also Koa.

This is easy to say, but not so easy to do, and we know that this will only be possible with the support of the Kickstarter community. Of course, the game in digital version will also be among the rewards!

The Kickstarter page is now ready, so we encourage you to hit the 'follow' button if you want to be the first to support this summer endless adventure on Kickstarter 🌴

Don't forget to add it to your wishlist to support the summer adventures of Koa and Napopo and follow us in Twitter, TikTok or Discord to don't miss anything!
Sea of Dreams - Dezeiraud
Hello everyone and thank you again to be a Sea of Dreams player!
Happy Easter everyone. Today is an update day (for the Windows version only, in the futur for linux and macOS) that focuses on quality of life improvements & bug fixes.

What new in the update? Here the list!
  • Settings menu redesign, with a new layout. More gamepad friendly.
  • It is now possible to change the game language from the settings independently of Steam.
  • Integration of the Dezeiraud video introduction (skippable).
  • Optimization of several sounds.
  • Unity Engine Update.
  • Removing Razer Chroma (because not used by the majority of players).
  • Removed Sea of Dreams launcher, options are all in game settings now.
  • Redesign of the gamepad control display system.
  • Remove unnecessary text from dialog box action.
  • Fixed a bug causing footsteps to disappear after being in the engine room.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Blur effect in the background of some interfaces to no longer be visible.
  • A new interface for reading documents such as newspapers.
  • Replaced the text with the interactive elements with a small, more discreet white glow.

Some screenshots of the changements :

Thank you,
MotorCubs RC - jdraisey
Hello everyone, here's today's minor patch notes for Build 374:
  1. Removed Main Menu's "Sound" setting page until navigation glitch is fixed.
  2. Guttural Crack track had a few collision errors removed.
  3. Guttural Crack finish line is more accurate now.
  4. Guttural Crack now has "Rock Hazard" warning signs with temporary collision box.
  5. Currently looking into why cars rotate up at the end of jumps, could be related to the "arch forward" feature we added.