Oakenfold - Kraiden
Oakenfold is now available on Mac!


Major: The Oakenfold animation engine has been completely reworked with increased performance, stability and scalability as a result.

UX: Right-click on any object on the grid to see more information about it. Left-click to show information no longer works.

Gameplay changes:
  • Enemy Sheller: Its attack (explosive lob) will now displace crates.
  • Elite Enemy Sheller: Its forcefield (explosive on removal) will now displace crates.
  • Elite Enemy Burrower: Now attacks all 4 tiles around him.
  • Mission Boss Tentacles: No longer requires all tentacles to be killed, but a fixed 4 tentacles.
  • Mission Expediter: The Expediter now has 1 armor on difficulties 'Difficult' and 'Insane'
  • Mission Mines: Decreased the amount of landmines
  • Mission Mines: Mines now explode if damage gets done to the tile they reside on.
  • Mission Teleport: Decreased the required amount of teleported units to complete the mission
  • Mission Collect X Energy: Increased the required amount of Energy to complete the mission
  • Mission RoboFarmer: Now only farms upward or leftward (will get blocked less during enemy movement turn)
  • Mission Collisions: Now rewards 2 energy and 1 timebank instead of 3 energy

  • New right-click info: Now shows if an object is immovable.
  • New right-click info on: Sandwurm, Spawn Point, Mines, Timelock Tile, Energy Orb, Rebirth Egg
  • New: More specific death descriptions
  • New: Application now caches your last selected difficulty
  • New: Spacebar or Return can now be used on the successful defense, game over and score screen
  • New: A selected ability will now show the tiles it can NOT target alongside the ones it can target, should improve the UX experience for newer players.

  • Fix: Achievement Push 'n shove now works correctly
  • Fix: Achievement Shocking Turnaround now works correctly
  • Fix: Showing information now works on Explosive slime and SplitBug on 1 health
  • Fix: Erroneous Quantum Leap and Skitter interactions
  • Fix: Splitbug on Lost mission now correctly acts every 2 actions
  • Fix: Erroneous ForceField interactions with SplitBug and Sandwurm
  • Fix: Removed some typos
  • Fix: Mission Full Health now correctly listens to heals
Naval Action - Gamelabs
Captains: Major new update is coming in April. Estimated time is 5th - 10th of May.

Contents of the update

Combat overhaul.

Previous combat model balance
  • Early on and until now we balanced the game to give lighter ships a lot of chances against heavier vessels (many still remember Snows sinking a first rate).
  • In the last combat improvements patch last year, we tried reducing the HP difference between lineships and light ships even more, thinking it would make easier for new players to participate in pvp. We then had also reduced ability to tank damage with thickness thinking that it would allow new players to get damage output easier.
  • Since release we also balanced planking hitpoints of ships for 4 broadsides to destroy planking (with base wood) when fighting the same ship. Which was wrong, as balance should have been done for the main role of the vessel. 4 broadsides to destroy planking did line battles (especially with thickness removal). In addition to that 4 broadsides made other areas and types of ammo somewhat less used – why wait for a skillshot into stern or why try to disable other areas. This balance also did not consider the skill level and complexity of achieving perfect rakes etc. It did not give ability to tank against the semi-competent ganksquads (which was especially reduced by removing thickness influence)
  • In reality balance was not achieved. With narrower difference and lack of thickness It became even easier for veterans and harder for new players. Not having the ability to tank with something made all ships squishy as well.

Combat overhaul should have been done differently. Many players tried to point that out early.

Main themes of the combat rebalance
Ships of the line
  • Ships of the line should be balanced for line combat and multiple enemies. Light frigates and lower level vessels should be balanced for solo or small group action.
  • Ships of the line will tank significant amount of damage by their broadside, and should not worry about focus fire from large number of enemy ships at least for some time.
  • Ships of the line should not expect fast 1v1 battles when fighting other ships of the same class unless they use skillshots or other critical damage, disabling the enemy by other means.
  • Ships of the line should not worry about multiple ships 2 levels below them and consider them a minor threat.

To achieve that the number of shots to destroy planking of the same ship (on average for base wood) is being increased depending on class. Line ships planking HP will be significantly increased allowing them to tank damage from the enemy line for some time.

Other classes
  • Superfrigates and heavy frigates will also have their side planking boosted.
  • Light frigates will be able to tank with the broadside for a short time.
  • 6th rates and below balance will remain the same (fast resolution of 1v1 or group battles)

Skill shots
  • Effects of skill shots (for example perfect rakes).
  • Critical damage to structure through bow and stern will increase.
  • It is not easy to achieve a perfect rake but now it will be worth it now wait for the stern or for the bow rake even for 2-3 reload cycles.
  • Reload penalties from switching the ammunition type will decrease significantly (from 30% to 5%)
  • Damage to masts using chain-shot on full sails will increase

Ships will of course have some protection from skillshots by their bow and stern armor. The amount protection will depend on the ship and will increase with ship class. First rates can tank several full broadsides by stern and bow armor. Light ships will be able to hold only one. After that raking fire will crit.

Skillshots against much higher class enemies will be hard. Ships 3 classes lower than you wont be able to crit at all unless they have precise group fire control

Structure vs Planking.
  • Previously - once you lost planking - your structure also took similar time to destroy.
  • In the new model - you tank a lot of damage by planking, but once you lost planking to 30% it will no longer mitigate structure damage and structure will go down faster than before. This will still allow precision focus fire by a fleet when taking on the enemy ship of the line. But of course if you focus on critical hits you will destroy enemy faster.

Tactical changes
  • The changes to planking and structure vs planking balance will increase the importance of tactics and the commander role, especially for heavy ships of the line (even commandeered by the new players).
  • Lineships showing the side cannot be focused out easily by enemy line and can focus on fulfilling orders of the fleet commander, who will be maneuvering the fleet to cross the line and achieve rakes.
  • Of course it will still be possible to sink enemy line ships through broadside, but the fleet trying to maneuver into rake shots will have a big advantage.
  • Demasting will also change to allow higher damage to masts by chain of enemy ships sailing at full sails

Damage output and DPS
Gun damage: will be changed based on weight of the cannoball.
Example: Damage table of standard medium guns on the test server.
4lb – 4 damage
6lb – 6 damage
9lb – 9 damage
12lb – 12 damage
18lb – 18 damage
24lb – 24 damage
32lb – 32 damage
36lb – 36 damage
42lb – 42 damage

Importance of heavy guns will drastically increase. Light ships will no longer tank any damage from ships of the line. Role of shooting well from heavier guns will be extremely important - for example HMS Victory total broadside weight is 50% 42lb gun deck.

  • Gameplay on the lineships will change - to resolve the battle captain will have to maneuver into rakes or wait for enemy mistakes (demasting him with chain at full sails, or raking with cannoballs when enemy shows the bow or a stern). Initial mistakes wont be deadly because you have a good reserve of planking on the stern and the bow.
  • Gameplay in frigates - frigates will be able to tank some good damage with the broadside but still will be somewhat vulnerable to large group focus fire, but they will be able to resolve the combat very fast if they are good in positioning into rakes or exploiting enemy mistakes.
  • Gameplay on the light vessels will not change - captain will only have to watch the broadside health more carefully and never tank with the stern or bow.
  • All captains in all ships will sometimes be using broadside shots to prepare enemy for bow or stern rakes by trying to destroy bow and stern armor through the side.

  • Due to increase of the role of skillshots in combat boarding resistance will be introduced.
  • Boarding resistance will significantly reduce ALL incoming damage for ships on boarding.
  • In addition - bracket fire [] will be removed completely, so the combat is resolved by boarding not outside influence.

Other KEY changes.

New ships
Two new ships will be added (DLC + available through events).
  • Spanish 1st rate ship of the line
  • Heavy armed trader

National ship auctions
  • Ships listed in one nation will be visible and available for purchase in ALL cities of that nation. Giving crafters and sellers a much bigger market.
  • Ships listed in neutral cities or freetowns will be visible in ALL freetowns and neutral cities.
  • Price of the ship will depend on distance from the listing port.

Ship Race
  • Solo competitive ship race will be introduced where captains will be able to test their ability to sail and maneuver against other captains.
  • Entry to the race will cost in game currency (for example doubloons). Prize pool will grow with the number of participants.

Perk and upgrade overhaul
  • Upgrades will receive a color scheme for rarity and will be rebalanced
  • Perk system will be overhauled as well.

Safety Zones

Safe zones are under testing - we hope we will be able to add this by the time of the patch.
Safe PVE Zones
Safe zones where it will be impossible to attack enemy players will be introduced around coastlines of almost all regions. You will still be able to capture ports in those areas.

PVP Zones: Deep see away from coastline and all areas around Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas will allow attack on enemy players. Better sell prices and better loot will be present in NPCs in those locations.

The list is not final and will be updated more within this week.

Please let us know if something is confusing or ask for clarifications in comments. Post will be updated based on this feedback.

Update on dates - April 24th


We need a bit more time to release the patch.
Also one of the DLCs have not been approved by Valve yet.

Apologies for the delay.

Update on dates - May 3rd


We need more time to finish the update. The current estimated time is 5th - 10th of May.

Apologies for the inconvenience in delay
Apr 3, 2023
The Perfect Tower II - SpeedyBrain

New Stuff
  • added basic tutorial to Mine
  • added skill 'Quality Goods' to Trading Post
  • added Power Plant upgrade for blue battery
  • added volcano challenge #5
  • added volcano challenge #6
  • added module 'Rain Of Ashes'
  • added module 'Volcano Gift'
  • added artifact 'Kat's Eye'

  • 100% resistance against an element shows up as 'immune' instead of '/Infinity'
  • buffed Mine skill 'Detector'
  • buffed Mine skill 'Collapsing Tunnels'
  • increased default max. crate multiplier for trade offers from 1.45 to 1.5
  • disabling enemy era abilities removes them from existing units as well
  • securing a module from mimicking also removes the module from existing enemies
  • refactored localization system
  • changed language option to global instead of save dependent
  • moved Factory item initalization out of the code and into the core mod

  • fixed era idle stat icons being swapped
  • fixed header in statistics menu in the Museum not refreshing in some cases when claiming statistic goals
  • fixed typos in description of light experiment filters

Follow us on social media to not miss out on any news!
Discord: https://discord.gg/fireswordstudios
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FireSwordStudio
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fireswordstudios
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDV-wwiAAic-OESAayfUz_Q
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PerfectTower
Neotrie VR Multiplayer - VirtualDor
New scrollbar in the menus.
Fixed bug on teleporting to a place.
Fixed bug on deleting objects STL, OBJ, photos, drawings, etc. in multiplayer mode.
Fixed bug on copying objects in multiplayer mode.
Fixed bug on moving drawings in multiplayer mode.
Fixed bug on button down in scale copying tool.
Fixed bug on loading labels assigned to Mathitems and objects.
Allow flying speed to be 0.
X Invader: Prologue - ALLAF GAMES
1. Changing battle BGM on parasol map.

2. Change the dash effect of the character.

Thank you to everyone who plays!
Apr 3, 2023
Community Announcements - PandaUpStudio
1. Inquiry system add map mode.
2. Fix some incorrect UI.
3. Fix some BUG that may cause the game time to get stuck.
4.Optimized the route generation logic of the robbers.
Apr 3, 2023
柒愿传说 - F
The Garden Path - of wing
Hello gardeners,

Spring equinox has come around at last, and with it a good sense of progression with all things behind the scenes in The Garden Path. Localisation is in full swing, while I continue to make headway with multiplayer mechanics. It's also been another busy month preparing for the upcoming 0.7 update. Let's take a look at what’s new since our last check-in.

Game Updates

The notification manager, task tracker and Overview have now been combined into one piece of UI. While the Overview can be opened and closed, the Overview's tabs can now be toggled between while playing, so you can preview the information you want to see while playing. For instance, the task tracker can now be viewed by switching to the Errand Tab, and a relevant tutorial can be read while playing by switching to the Tutorial tab.

The old notifications were helpful, but often expected attention, and would build up if not acted on. Now, tabs will contextually focus themselves as events happen in-game, and the information is categorised by subject, not chronologically, so updates will be easier to find. Then, if you’d like more information, opening the Overview will bring you directly to the relevant tab.

Tutorials no longer pause the game, instead layering themselves over the game, so the flow of gameplay isn't broken. Tutorial text has also been streamlined to be more clear. Sometimes it’s good to pause the game to ensure important information isn’t missed, but the response to the old system was that it was too intrusive. I’ll be following feedback on this one closely!

'Designer' mode is now even more functional, allowing you to quickly place, move and pick up decorative items in the Garden, where previously it could only be used to place new items. Interacting with any moveable item now allows you to enter Design mode, so you no longer need to select an item from the inventory to begin customising.

Design mode now follows a grid by default, making it easier to align items accurately. Holding the movement key will slow down the speed of the item you are placing, and break you away from the grid, so you can more finely tune an item's placement.

The trading view with a character is now a list rather than a grid, giving a clearer view of the items available instead of needing to highlight over each item. This menu also predetermines the cost of each item, instead of generating the cost on selection. Lastly, this design helps differentiate the player’s inventory from an NPC’s, so it’s always clear what UI you’re viewing. This change will be part of a bigger redesign to how the player uses NPC shops.

A new 'fulfiller' menu aims to consolidate those moments in the game when you need to offer items from your inventory - whether it's completing an errand, making a trade, or brewing items into a tea. The iconography and design have been refreshed to make it easier to understand what you've selected, and what slots you've left to fill. Gone are the strange transparent circles that sit under inventories!

Tradable items in the game now have grades, an easy way to get a sense for the value or rarity of an item. Meeting a character's trade requirements no longer requires meeting a hidden value threshold, but instead meeting the grades of items requested. If you have a stack of items, you don’t have to guess how many you need to meet the required grade - the menu shows you that exact number. Selecting the item will automatically move across the right amount.

Next week begins work on the final features to get 0.7 ready for testing. I'll see you in April!

Any thoughts?

Since we are inching closer to the release of The Garden Path, we’re going to be asking for general calls for feedback from those who have early access. Was there a mechanic or element in the game you felt needed a tutorial that didn't appear? Was there anything you found yourself having trouble understanding? Did you find the tutorial pop-ups a blessing or a nuisance?

Jump into the Discord server and let us know. All your thoughts and feelings about the game are more than appreciated.

Until next time…
Louis, carrotcake


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Follow us on Twitter: @fromcarrotcake
Check out our TikTok: @fromcarrotcake
Find us on Instagram: @fromcarrotcake
Keep up via Mastodon: @ldurrant


The Sacred Acorn - Hexanguine
Exciting news on the Sacred Acorn front! The development of The Canyon region is now complete, and it's packed with stunning visuals, hidden secrets, and exciting combat that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

We've also added new enemies and NPCs with unique abilities to make the Canyon experience unique and challenging. And for those who love cute creatures, you’re going to love the final reveal of the little birds (concept art only for now, sorry!).

We’re about to commence development for the next region, and that’s going to have a very different feel to the three we already have. Stay tuned for more updates on the game's development, and if you haven’t already, join our Discord for more regular updates.

Borderwatch: Dark Armada - KeremKUCUK
Hello dear players,

We have activated Borderwatch's social media accounts. We will be actively sharing. Don't forget to stay tuned to get the latest news about Borderwatch and share your thoughts.



Have a nice day!