Crimson Veil - MaikeruUrashima
Hello again everyone! I've got an exciting update for you this week!

A highly requested feature will be implemented in the vampire route! I'm happy to announce the Pets system is getting expanded! Specific pets will now be able to join Mila in battle! Let me give you a rundown on how I will implement this change in game...

As of this update, three different Pets will be able to join Mila: Vicilla, Lauren, and Edith. You may only have one ally with you at a time and you can visit their locations to swap with them when you want. Each of these allies serve a different role in battle. Vicilla is a berserker with high power, though at the cost of being uncontrollable. Lauren is nimble and can cast healing spells and buffs. Edith can distract enemies and tank hits better than other allies. Each ally's level scales to whatever Mila's level is, so even if you don't use them, they won't be left behind in power.

However, by raising their affinity, you can unlock stat increases and additional skills for them! A prompt will appear once you have reached a certain affinity threshold and that is your cue to go speak with them at their designated location to raise their level!

Affinity can be raised in multiple ways: Defeating enemies together, completing quests with them, and giving them food. Due to this specific change, all food items may only be used outside of battle. However, the best way to increase their affinity is by taking them out on a dinner date!

By taking an ally with you to the new Humilem Bistro, you will be able to order food and drinks for your date. Each girl has specific tastes, which you may infer from their support conversations. If you purchase a meal that suits them, you'll receive a larger affinity bonus at the end of the date!

Be aware, although your allies are vampires, they aren't "immortal". They can still get defeated in battle!

When you obtain your first ally, you will also unlock the "Resurrect" Skill, which will revive an ally at a hefty cost to HP and SP. Allies regen HP and SP slower than Mila and generally have lower stats. Their combat options are also much more limited. Most concerning, if Mila falls in battle, her ally will immediately join in her demise!

Mila's servants must ensure their Mistress survives no matter the cost!

This particular update to the Pets system has taken a bit of time for me to get working properly and there is still a good amount of tweaking I'll have to do to the difficulty to get it right and not feel overpowered. I still have a lot of additional writing to do for each of these support conversations, but I feel that the effort will be worth it, because the main appeal of the vampire route is going around and turning girls into vampires. It would feel pretty shallow if you were unable to explore some of the girls you turn, so I hope that the players will create a bond with their favorite girl and get to know them!

Before anyone asks, this dating sim aspect of the Pets system will only be for these three characters for now. I wanted to create three different class archetypes for the allies and with how I have currently designed this system and with all the writing I still have to do... It was just too much to include in one update. Bianca and Ophelia will get their time to shine as an ally eventually. I have specific plans for Bianca actually, that I wish I could share, but you'll all just have to stick around to find out!

*Whew* That was quite a lot to go through! I hope you all are excited for this change and are looking forward to interacting with these new allies. One last thing to share before I end it for this week. I finished the wolfy version of the Vicilla art from two weeks ago. Here's a small teaser:

The full version is currently available for all my $5 and up patrons. Check it out if you want to help support me.

That's all I have to share with you this week. Until next time everyone!
GameZero - gutts
hopefully this will be ready for future use!
GameZero - gutts
trying to make the arena more user friendly
Paranormal Cleanup - Manic Mice
Hi everyone!

This is a big one. And I am already working on the next big update, stay tuned!

0.1.0 Patch Notes:
New Map
- Added a new huge map. If you liked the Map Sizes of "Lunch Lady", this is for you.
"22 Willow Lane"
A duplex that's fallen into disrepair. One side just renovated, the other still abandoned. Both haunted by the past.

- From now on every map has a unique backstory, revealing the chilling past of each location.
- You can now find collectible lore items as side-objective for additional experience and new achievements

New Objective
- Moldy Pizza! Find and interact with the Pizza to dispose it.

- Introducing Contracts, the new Job Selection.
- Contracts are randomly generated and grant you unique playthroughs. They differ in Map, Objectives (+ the amount of objectives) and Difficulty.
Please keep in mind that as there are only 2 Maps and 3 Objectives as of now the Contracts aren't that different at the moment. As I will add more Content that will change. In the future I want to also add additional components to Contracts to make them even more unique.

- Difficulty is now called "Paranormal Level", indicating how strong the entity you will encounter on your job will be and is on a scale from 1 to 5, a Paranormal Level of 5 is the hardest.
- Closets are now 100% safe on lower Paranormal Levels

UI Changes
- Made some changes to the InGame UI, rearranged some stuff and added some new ideas. The UI will still see a lot more changes until the full release of the game.

Fixes, Tweaks, Other Stuff
- Added a screenshake when an entity is near you for more drama
- fixed an issue with the friend invite UI
- added new achievements for the new content
- fixed a lot of collision issues with item spawns and furniture
- Garage Doors won't close anymore when the Electricity shuts off
- When the game ends you wont get jumpscared anymore

Thats it for this patch!
If you encounter any bugs, feel free to report them in the steam discussions or join me and the others over at discord.

You can see the current game version in the main menu's bottom right corner.
If Steam doesn't update the game automatically, just restart Steam and the game should start updating.
If you have trouble joining a server, the host probably hasn't updated the game yet.

Thanks for playing and have fun!

Manic Mice
Evil Superhero VR - Superhero Simulator - marcus
I have fixed bugs in the punching mechanic, and now every NPC can be punched.

I have also added ATM Machines you can laser to pieces and steal money from!

...and more destructible toys.
I'm a cowboy: Western Shooter - n00be - H9IIIKA ^_^
Today I'm ready to show you the first gameplay video of the updated version of the game. It shows the passage of the level from the introduction of the game.

I also decided on the genre - a dynamic shooter with a top-down view and roguelite elements.

At the moment, all the main mechanics are ready, the next stage is the development of levels.

Also, the mechanics of the duel with mini-bosses are already ready, it is simple, but can make you sweat

There will be 4 characters in the game with whom it will be possible to dialogs a little with missions in a safe hub.

And yes, now you can freely move around the game on a horse.

Apr 2, 2023
Path of Exile - CommunityTeam_GGG
We recently announced the upcoming Path of Exile: Crucible Expansion where players will discover the Titan's Crucible and forge powerful passive skill trees onto their weapons. We've received a number of questions about this expansion and have prepared answers for many of them in this news post.

Following our livestream of reveals, Chris Wilson and ZiggyD hosted a Q&A session to answer many of your questions. Check out the video below!

The following are mostly questions that were asked outside of the above Q&A.

For any questions we answer after this post, we'll include them in our RAQ post here.

Will Crucible become a core game mechanic?
We'd like to see how the community receives Crucible once it's playable at launch before we make decisions on whether or not it should become a core game mechanic.

Can we get a list of the Crucible passives, and which weapon types they can appear on?
We'd like to watch the community discover the intricacies of the Crucible Passive Trees, so we'll leave it to you to discover!

How many portals does the Forge of the Titans area have?

Are the Crucible trees randomly generated each time and are the skills specific to the weapon or shield type?
Crucible Trees are randomly generated, though the types of skill a weapon can get will be dependent on its item level and class. For example, bows will have access to particular bow passives and will not have access to particular sceptre passives.

Note that an existing Crucible Tree can be removed if you are able to access and complete a special Crucible Endgame encounter.

Are there any restrictions to how many times you can merge trees on a weapon or shield?
There are no restrictions to the number of times an item's Crucible tree can be combined with another. However, only weapons with revealed trees can be combined with each other.

Did you forget to post Minion Mastery changes?
No, there were no changes to Minion Masteries in this expansion. We are aware of feedback asking for these in the future.

Will unequipping Blood Price, the new helmet that reserves nearby enemy monsters' life, heal enemies? (i.e. could you use it as a helmet swap for a free 8% extra damage against bosses)
It follows the same reservation rules that are on players, so it will not heal enemies.

Will Master Distiller work with Mageblood?
Master Distiller consumes flask charges, so you will still need to feed flask charges to gain the bonuses.

Can you clarify how the new “10% of leech is instant” Mastery option works? Does it recover 10% of your maximum total life per second from leech?
Each individual leech still has a maximum amount. If you leech the max amount per leech, you'll get 10% of that instantly and 90% over time. However, there is also a maximum on the total recovery rate of all leech. Instant leech isn't part of that because it has no rate.

Regarding, “Skills cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost.” Does this mean that a skill that costs 10 mana will only cost 3 life with this node, or does it just transfer 30% of cost to life, as in 3 life + 7 mana?
A skill that costs 10 mana will instead cost 3 life and 7 mana with this Mastery allocated.

With the introduction of the new Life Mastery “15% increased maximum Life if there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour”, will unique modifiers on items currently tagged as Life modifiers get a passover to make more uniques work with this Mastery?
There are no changes to uniques as a result of this Mastery being added.

The Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you switch stance Mastery seems too strong. Will you change it?
We are looking into this and will let you know the results via the RAQ post.

Do you know if the Triggerbots will work with things like Summon Holy Relic minions?
Triggerbots only work with things you trigger yourself. They don't work with things your minions trigger.

What are the implications of the changes to the way projectiles return to you for both Kinetic Blast and Fireball when used with the Nimis Ring linked with fork? Do they still explode on walls and your character, and on contact with fork?
Nimis changes from "Projectiles Return to you at the end of flight" to "Projectiles Return to you". This means projectiles will return if they collide with a target and don't pierce/chain/fork/etc from it, where before they would not have done so.

Fireball already did not explode when it forked (or pierced, chained, etc), fireball's explosion destroys the projectile, and only happens when the projectile can't move further through any behaviour.

Kinetic Blast does not itself explode, it causes explosions around when it impacts something, this is still the case.

Did United in Dream also lose its poison chance?
The poison chance was only removed from Severed in Sleep.

Has the Balance of Terror Jewel been removed from the game?
It is not obtainable in 3.21, as it only dropped from Sanctum content.

What is Spark's Projectile Speed now?
The base projectile speed of Spark has been reduced by 25%. This has been updated in the]patch notes.

Was the removal of Books of Regression intended to nerf the strategy that involved using them for Heist?
Books of Regression were removed because their intended purpose (related to PvP characters) is no longer relevant. The way they were being used in Heist was not intended.

With Ruthless offering a different, smaller set of challenges to complete than the base game, will it be possible to complete some challenges in Ruthless and others in the main league in order to get these rewards?
You can't mix and match. They are separate challenge tracks.

Why is the Boss Kill Event being hosted in Ruthless?
We want this event to represent the ultimate challenge in Path of Exile, which is to kill these two pinnacle bosses under the constraints of Hardcore, Solo Self-found and Ruthless simultaneously.

Is there a prize pool for the Boss Kill Event on consoles?
Yes, the first place winner for each console platform will receive a transferable ExileCon VIP ticket.

The Princess of the Tower Wants a Hero - Anta
Hi all!

We're almost to 50 reviews, thank you all for the support for PrinHero!

As the title says, we've added a Russian Translation update thanks to Viktor Licht~

To access the language, go to settings > then pick the language of your choice.

As for Reo Route...

Yes, I've been reading your reviews and I'm glad you all like our resident butler!

Unfortunately, his route couldn't be made *yet*, which is to say, yes, there is a possibility for his route to be made. And if his route were ever to be made, it would be a serious route, not a joke route- so it would take time and resources to make, both of which I cannot afford right now.

If his route is to ever enter development, we'll make an announcement!

Apr 2, 2023
Cyber Cartels - maturn7
This seems to be the only way to reach out to everyone. I am testing the cutscene issue with my friend. That is what this is. The issue doesn't show on my end so that is what makes this so annoying. For me and I know for all of you. This is my first game I have released. I am one person, I am not a company or team. So I apologize and hope you just wait it out I am doing everything I can. So this one is a test, which I will be doing probably throughout the day today. Once I get one cutscene to work, the rest will work too. THanks and I will have this fixed as soon as possible.
Nearly Dead - Live and Let Die - Mono Software
1. A storage have been added. Now you don't have to leave items on the ground. The storage will also be placed in boss raids, so you won't run out of ammo in boss fights.

2. Knox has become more powerful: not only does his Concentration effect now provide 100% Critical, but it also gives him an additional +1 Penetration. And his hunting dog, Max, can now join him. Max is a longtime hunting companion of Knox's, and he'll assist him when he attacks, causing zombies around him to take 20% more damage.

3. We've gotten some feedback that the 'Very difficulty' was too easy, so we've made some significant changes to the difficulty. The 'Very difficulty' should now be a satisfying difficulty for those looking for a challenge.

4. the language file has been extracted to output.json, so users can correct any incorrect translations. Thank you.

5. Added a armor slot. Previously, armor had to compete with other accessories. But now that enemies are getting stronger. We've added a slot for armor, which will allow you to spend resources to withstand attacks from more powerful enemies.