Halo Infinite - misplacedyank
The Palace is puzzling...

Complete all of your Weekly Challenges and the Ultimate Challenge to earn this week’s Ultimate Reward – the Puzzle Palace visor.

A new Ultimate Reward will become available every week, so be sure to keep an eye on your Challenges and take advantage of these free rewards.

Seeking a new look are we, Executor?

The Skinned Reflexes bundle brings the Reflex Reaction coatings for your UNSC weapons arsenal (MA40 AR, MK50 Sidekick, BR75, VK78 Commando, and CQS48 Bulldog), along with the following CHIMERA customization items:
  • Flenser helmet
  • Ghostlink Adaptation helmet attachment
  • Heirodyne Augmentor shoulders
  • Compliance Protocol chest attachment
  • Crysknife Utility hip attachment
  • Bring Plugin wrist attachment
  • Redundant Spiral armor coating
  • Tracelines visor
Go forth to the Shop and prepare yourselves for battle today!
Mar 31, 2023
Operator8 - lilSabastian
Operator8 is now available in Early Access!

The EA version of the game has around 4 to 7 hours of gameplay throughout two unique full levels and a tutorial!

There are 6 guns available in the EA version to use and over 10 enemies to use them on!

I plan to add two more levels and another two guns to the game as well as some new enemies along with numerous fixes, tweaks and patches within the Early Access period.

Thank you to everyone that has Wishlisted and shown interest in the game! I wouldn't have been able to create the game up to this point without you.

I am curious and waiting to hear about your feedback with regards to the EA version and look forward to improving the game as much as I can!

If you play the game please consider leaving a review as it helps a lot with visibility.

Thank you and enjoy!

Mar 31, 2023
Bomb Sworders - whatnotory
We've been doing a lot of work on online multiplayer. It's coming... but first comes this update with a bunch of misc things:

  • New BotBattle mode where you can team up with 1-3 players to defeat bots in 7 progressively-more-challenging rounds.
  • Your cannon’s deathBeam will immediately explode your bombs. This minor tweak makes cannons much more valuable for advanced play.
  • Better resolution-handling – especially for people on 2+ monitor setups.
  • Renamed “reference” button to “library” in an attempt to get people to notice it haha.
  • DualSense controller support and controller vibration settings.
  • Perfect hit – if you swing/throw your sword at the moment it flashes white – a bit of extra power.
  • Removed Race mode – it would have taken a lot of work to polish this to being decent… and there are already a bunch of great race-platformers out there. (The “FlowCam” camera controller lives on in other projects…)
  • Some new level backgrounds.
  • Continuing tweaks on the QuickStart tutorial. Seems to be in a great place.
  • Tons and tons of little tweaks/fixes.
Mar 31, 2023
Rivalry warlord Sengoku - StaticOssanGames
Warlords with roots will not change their roots even if they marry.
Due to the adoption, they will be treated as a clan with the other military commander, but it was decided that this is only for one generation and that the clan treatment due to the adoption will be canceled in the next generation.
・In the commander mode of battle, the number of soldiers is now displayed larger on the status screen displayed on the right side.
-Fixed an issue where, during a CPU turn, when a military commander with the domestic affairs generalization ability was present at a base, the domestic affairs effect was applied to all territories nationwide.
・Fixed a bug where the betrayal [embezzlement] flag would be attached in the judgment similar to the CPU regardless of the player's will when the player was a magistrate.
・Fixed the stats of some warlords
・Other minor fixes
・Other minor bug fixes
Robot Resistors - Drazar
Players, take heart! Two more robotic resistors have joined the fight, armed with new weaponry and ready to lay waste to those that oppose you!

Hunter.0 is the prototype of a line of robots created to hunt down and destroy their own kin. Armed with the Ionic Edge, a powerful energy sword, Hunter.0 neutralized countless targets before finally being destroyed and having its parts scattered far and wide. If found and reassembled, a powerful new ally could be added to the Resistor lineup, one who will stop at nothing to eliminate all that stands between it and its goals.

Robo-Shop has also arrived! This automated shopping cart/hovercraft hybrid comes armed with the legendary Pachelbot’s Cannon, a devastating weapon with a unique pickup mechanic for faster reloading of its giant cannonballs. Robo-Shop also comes equipped with a new ability: Man the Cannons! Fires a rapid barrage of full-strength cannonballs when triggered, devastating nearby enemies unfortunate enough to be caught in their path.

New Weapon - Ionic Edge: This powerful energy sword was created to destroy renegade robots. Each swing that doesn’t destroy an enemy makes the next swing more powerful!

New Ultimate - X-Caliber: An experimental upgrade for the Ionic Edge, this Ultimate turns the sword into a gun-blade that shoots high caliber bullets with every swing! The bullets gain the same damage bonus as the blade itself.

New Weapon - Pachelbot’s Cannon!: This slow-firing weapon shoots a giant cannonball at the nearest enemy. Cannonballs have unlimited piercing and do high damage to all enemies in their path, and can bounce off of walls and terrain. If a cannonball comes to a stop and is picked up by the player, it greatly reduces the cooldown before the next shot.

New Ultimate - Boomer Shooter!: The Ultimate form of Pachelbot’s Cannon, this weapon fires giant bombs in lieu of cannonballs. The bombs explode upon being picked up and deal damage to nearby enemies. Bombs that are not picked up will eventually explode after their fuse burns down.

New Ultimate - CD-Burner: This Ultimate upgrade for the CD-ROM adds fiery trails that set enemies on fire as they pass through them, applying the new burning status. Burning is a damage-over-time effect with a medium duration. If an enemy that is already burning would have the status applied multiple times, each subsequent application resets the duration and adds a portion of the damage from the new application.

In addition to new characters, weapons, and ultimates, we have several significant balance and progression changes in this patch, a new enemy ability, and some smaller updates. Details can be found below!

  • Rebalanced progression: Completing Stage 1 now unlocks ultimate weapons for future runs. Completing Stage 2 now unlocks an extra weapon and passive slot for future runs. Added more weapons and ultimates to the base pool of unlocks (see below). –Dev Note: As we’ve added more weapons, stages, and characters, it’s become clear that we have the design space to be more generous with unlockables in general. We’ve moved up the ultimate unlocks to Stage 1 as we feel ultimate versions of weapons are fun and rewarding, and should be given to players sooner. As part of this change, the old reward for completing Stage 1 (extra passive slot unlock) has been moved to Stage 2. Additionally, we have greatly increased the starting pool of both weapons and ultimates. This change gives players more options for builds from the beginning, and pares back some of the meta-progression bloat that was starting to creep into the game as we added more content.

    Added 4 weapons to the base weapon pool:
    • Orbital Laser
    • Shotgun
    • Landmines
    • Rockets

    Added free ultimate unlocks for all basic starting weapons:
    • Planet Killer Laser
    • Molten Shotgun
    • Diamond Saw
    • Blue Ray
    • Toxic Waste
    • Charge Coils
    • Shrapnel Rockets
    • Cluster Mines
  • Tuned Robot Graveyard difficulty. Reduced the HP gain of enemies slightly over time, and reduced the HP of the final boss by 20%. –Dev Note: We’ve decided our game plays a little too hard in the beginning, so we’ve made changes to the Robot Graveyard to ease onboarding slightly for new players. These changes should make the level slightly easier, especially in the back half of runs.
  • Added a new Armor mechanic to specific enemies. Enemies with armor now gain flat damage reduction equal to their armor value, making them much tougher against rapid-firing low-damage weapons while remaining vulnerable to higher-damage weaponry. Armor cannot reduce damage below 1. Poison and burning damage is unaffected by enemy armor. Enemies with armor will play a “ting” sound when struck, and quickly flash a shield image. –Dev Note: The design goal of armored enemies is to reduce some of the inherent power of small damage weapons and make build choices more interesting. Assuming all things being equal, rapid-firing small-damage weapons have some inherent advantages over their high-damage slower-firing brethren in this type of game. One of our primary design goals is to make all builds viable and encourage variety, and abilities such as armor help with that. We like armored enemies internally as they add an interesting twist to gameplay and build choices, but we’ll also keep an eye on them going forward.
  • Added a new armored [redacted] enemy to the graveyard! Watch out!
  • Buffed Energy Burst. Default firing rate increased by 20% from 2 → 1.6 seconds. –Dev Note: Energy Burst is our default “vanilla” weapon that has a lot of utility, but it has long felt slightly weaker than its peers, especially in the beginning. This firing rate buff will help it be more useful, consistent, and reliable.
  • Tesla Coils reworked so that it will now keep its targets until they go out of range or die (it will no longer strictly target the closest enemy). Since this change makes the Coils much stronger, their base damage is reduced from 0.45 → 0.4. –Dev Note: Tesla Coils can be frustrating to use when you’re moving around a lot and dodging enemies, since it can be very difficult to get them completely powered up. This change should make it much easier to actually power up those beams and get kills with intentional play!
  • Buffed Orbital Laser. Slightly increased starting fire rate and size. –Dev Note: The Orbital Laser is really fun and unique, but can easily underperform compared to other weapons. These small buffs will make it a more appealing option.
  • Adjusted Crankshaft Ability: Power Surge. Increased ability duration from 8→10 seconds. Increased ability cooldown from 35→50 seconds. –Dev Note: We are still tweaking this ability, as we want it to feel very strong when triggered and increasing the duration both increases its strength and makes it easier to use effectively with all weapons. The cooldown increase reflects the ability’s increased utility.
  • Ultimate Weapons will now always be displayed when leveling up instead of only displaying when you can afford them (after you’ve unlocked ultimate weapons, and if there are any available for your current loadout). There is now a UI indicator that shows the cost of the next Ultimate. –Dev Note: We wanted to make sure that players know that Ultimate Weapons are available and display them even when the player might not have collected enough Ultimate Shards to afford them yet this run. We’re hoping this change will help make player more excited about getting ultimates by displaying them more consistently, and help to alleviate any confusion about the increasing costs of subsequent ults.
  • Molten Plasma Shotgun - Updated to apply burning instead of its own unique effect.
  • Adjusted a few ultimate unlock requirements to be easier.
  • Adjusted beetle rings in Stage 3 to be a little easier (again) by reducing their hp.
  • Added lots of Steam achievements.
  • Added a weapon sound to the CD weapon.
  • Updated sprite for player stunned effect.
  • Fixed glitch with graveyard boss’s hands not resetting upon death.
  • Miscellaneous tweaks and improvements.
  • Replaced and updated Serrated Byte character sprite: It is now 73.637% more adorable.

Thank you again to all our players for your feedback and impressions. We’re hard at work as usual, reach out and let us know what you think on Discord or the Steam forums anytime! Thanks again for playing!

–The Crablacksmith Team (James, Frank, Luke, and Adrian)
Mar 31, 2023
Prehistoric Kingdom - Blue Meridian

Welcome to the March Development Update!

March was an exciting month for the team as we finally released the highly anticipated mammal, Paraceratherium. Our early teasers managed to fool some of you with the surprise addition of Juxia, but as expected, the majority of speculation was on point. Great work, everyone! If you missed that update, you can find Paraceratherium (and more goodies) in the Update 6 patch notes.

For the rest of this blog post, we’ll be briefly covering the next update and providing the usual insight on what we’ve been up to. A bit of a relaxed one this month, but nonetheless, quite neat!

Where We’re At
The team’s been busy working on a myriad of tasks; guest optimizations, new modules, new music and some super boring stuff like yet to be revealed species. Ugh, what a dino-snore, am I right?

In all seriousness, a lot of our work this past month has either been technical or content that’s not ready to be revealed. We’ve got some great animals lined up for the year, but we aren’t looking to begin implementing them until the locomotion and AI overhaul is finished. As a cheeky tease though, it’s worth mentioning that Paraceratherium won’t be the last mammal you’ll see this year!

For now though, let’s talk about some of the things coming next in Update 7.

Biome Presets
Biome presets are a new addition that allow players to quickly paint a collection of curated plants from within a biome. Simply select one of the presets and start creating!

Since many of our biomes feature a lot of plants, players currently spend a great amount of time choosing the right combinations for their park. Presets allow you to quickly grab some common environments in as little clicks as possible.

If you’d still prefer granularity, players can always switch back to see all the plants within a biome. We’ve updated this view to better make use of space and address some usability issues present in the previous version. Check out the differences below!

New Power Modules & Power Failure
In Update 7, we’ll be giving the power system quite a bit of love - finally expanding it to include new modules and the power failure mechanic.

As a result of this update, Challenge Mode is going to play out a little differently. When first starting out, you’ll only have access to the essentials; a Diesel Generator and a Backup Battery.

Providing power to the park, a Diesel Generator is cheap but unreliable. Soon enough, it’ll begin to fail and require the player to reboot it. This introduces you to our newest mechanic; power failure.

To help keep things running, players can place a Backup Battery within the range of an active generator. This battery will need time to charge off the grid, but once it’s ready, it’ll provide temporary power the moment a generator fails.

With the Research system, players can discover new modules with improved power output, range and reliability like the solar panel or wind turbine.

Though these may be a bit more reliable than Diesel Generators, they can be impacted by temporary environmental factors (e.g. solar panels can’t produce power at night). Backup Batteries are key in ensuring the park can remain operational even in downtime.

In the last stage of the Research tree, players can work towards unlocking their final power modules; an upgraded Wind Turbine and Geothermal Power Plant! These large structures reward the player with a high level of reliability and output in exchange for increased upkeep costs.

What’s in the Pipeline?
For a glimpse at what’s coming down the line, let’s take a quick look at modular terrain flattening.

Modular Terrain Flattening
When we read feedback about Prehistoric Kingdom, one of the biggest barriers we see pop up is how the terrain interacts with structures, or rather, how it doesn’t. For example, terrain slopes are almost completely unworkable without terraforming and for new players who simply want to place down official prefabs, this isn’t great!

Thanks to the help of our newest programmer, we’ve finally had the development bandwidth needed to tackle this long standing issue.

So, how does it work? There are certain pieces that the terrain will adapt to, assuming they’re placed close to the ground or under the terrain. Intentionally placing any of these pieces above the terrain’s minimum threshold will not trigger the flattening behavior.

Pieces that flatten the terrain include:

  • Modular floor pieces
  • Modules (e.g. animal nursery, kiosks, toilets, generators, etc.)
  • Animal interactables (e.g. feeders, enrichment items)
By allowing only a very focused group of pieces to flatten the terrain, we aim to provide a building experience that feels more grounded and behaves like you’d expect. So far we are very pleased with the results and will be continuing to improve the system before it’s shipped.

Created by CasualWoodsman.

Created by Jirasaurus.

Created by MajorCheirus.

Thank you for reading March’s dev diary!

Not too much more to say on this one, folks! Hope everyone enjoyed Paraceratherium and we’ll see you again in April for the next dev diary (and our Early Access anniversary!).

Until next time,

- The PK Team

Hi everyone! First things first I want to say thank you for being patient with me on this update as it has taken a fair amount of time.

It's time to talk new update with Fargone Unkown Origins! Today's post does not go over everything that's coming as this update is a big one but some of the bigger bits and generally what to expect. Much more information will be revealed between now and the release!

Summary: Step into new lands within Unknown Origins and discover the mystery behind Liberty's disappearance and their experiments that have unleashed a new enemy within The Barrens.

New faction : Liberty

With Unknown Origins comes the long-awaited Liberty faction. These guys mean business and utilise cutting-edge equipment far more resistant than most other items currently found within The Barrens. Liberty occupies a new region known as the Plains and has many structures and buildings completely unique to them. As mentioned within the current lore, Liberty is not hostile to begin with, although cautious of outsiders they can be reasoned with and even allied with should the player be willing to work with them for long enough. Liberty also utilises various weapons that are completely new to Fargone with some examples being the PM-90 (P90), MGK (Heavy machine gun), the Mk14 marksman rifle and many more.

New region : The Plains

The Plains is the most detailed and packed environment within Fargone featuring entirely custom locations & models all built specifically for Fargone marking the first steps to moving entirely away from assets. Within the Plains, you will find various locations such as the misty forest, train yards, liberty base, research outpost and much more. I will not be sharing every location today to keep some a mystery.

New Enemies : Mutants

Unknown Origins marks the introduction of a new class of enemies that I have wanted in the game for a long time, mutants. Mutants are a result of experiments carried out by Liberty and can be found roaming the world with Liberty re-emergence. These creatures are far more deadly than the average undead and will pose an even greater challenge for the living

The Scratcher

A side effect of the nuclear disaster, the Scratcher is a highly mutated rat with vicious claws. With their fast-moving speed and small size, these mutated creatures are hard to spot and very dangerous, especially within darker areas. They are mostly found within the underground sections of The Barrens.

The Grabber

The bigger of the two new mutants and one of the most deadly creatures to ever inhabit the Barrens. Grabbers are a result of Liberty's experiments to harness the power of the undead infection. These beings stalk darker areas and can be heard with muffled sounds. The right arm can be stretched far out to grab their targets making them dangerous from even far ranges. They often will seek cover and hide between attacks waiting for the perfect time. These creatures are not to be taken lightly.

New Missions

Unknown origins will mark the beginning of adding a larger amount of missions for players to take on. These missions will range from simple tasks such as helping someone out with a delivery, assassination etc..., to larger narrative events that unravel the story of what Liberty has been doing in hiding and how the mutants came to be. There will be lots more info to share in the future on missions.

New equipment & Armour upgrading

Unknown origins will bring with it over 60 new items to collect within the world including some new useful pieces of equipment such as the binoculars and night vision goggles. As well as this players will be able to interact with a new NPC that will allow them to upgrade armour pieces with useful enhancements. As with Trials Of The Hollowed, more weapons have now received the new animation treatment and will look far better as a result.

New features

Many of the features will be kept quiet until they are more polished and ready for show however one big addition to the game is the addition of swimming. Swimming allows for better traversal of the map and removes many of the invisible barriers allowing greater freedom in the open world. The goal is to give players as many routes around the map as possible both for travel and planning engagements.

This update will also bring a very large amount of bug fixes and community requested features such as the ability to see what attachments are equipped to a weapon from within the inventory, overhauled datapad UI system and some very large AI improvements to name a few.

This just scratching the surface of what's coming with this update and I will be sharing more as we progress closer to the release. I hope you enjoyed this first peak into the future of Fargone and as always a massive thank you to everyone who has played the game.

See you in The Barrens!

Mar 31, 2023
Tiny Rogues - RubyDev
Noticed a major bug with input rebinding that warranted an immediate fix.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed that input rebinding wouldn't work in the main menu.
  • Fixed that quickly pressing the cancel button and closing the option menu could freeze the game. Pressing the cancel button and closing the menu too quickly will now cancel the input rebind action.
  • Fixed that the Trumpet had the effect of the Harp weapon.
  • Fixed that Tailwind would grant 10% increased movement speed per stack instead of 5% increased movement speed and 5% increased attack speed.

Other Changes
  • Booze Reward rarity slightly increased.
  • Wine rarity slightly increased. (this means Sake and Whiskey are slightly more common)
  • Booze Reward now only drops 1 bottle of booze.
  • Gift Boxes now drop Wine less often.
  • The Separator (new axe) has been buffed slightly.
  • The Wizards starter weapon has been buffed slightly.
  • The Wizard class now starts with 4 intelligence and 1 strength instead of 3 intelligence, 1 strength and 1 dexterity.
  • The Wizard ability has been slightly buffed from 8% increased damage bonus from mana per mana star to 10% per mana star.
  • Demon Blade base damage has been decreased slightly.
  • Gave the Acoustic Guitar weapon an effect.
  • Gave the Trumpet weapon an effect.

Usually I wouldn't have done "first-minute-after-patch" balance changes but as the input rebinding had to be fixed asap I now also pushed these few small balance tweaks.

Pokie The Stickfigure - NotoriousVen
This update addresses issues with saving and loading, as users were experiencing data corruption and loss of progress overall. A new system has been implemented and verified to properly save game progress for both the first 30 levels and the new 10 levels. There is also now a level select screen for the new 10 levels should you progress beyond the first one,

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the new save system, older saves will no longer work.
TOTALLY BASEBALL - x45clamibot
Bug Fixes:
* The player is no longer headlocked when using the Oculus Party system in multiplayer.
* Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to recall the ball in free roam if another player disconnects.
* Fixed an issue causing the ball to randomly have an erroneous velocity and fly off in weird directions.
* Adjusted several colliders in Koshien Stadium.
* The player no longer has the bat in the booth after a strikeout in 1v1.
* The player no longer has the ball in the booth when the third out is caught in 1v1.
* The correct venue is now properly seen by the joined player if the venue is selected by the host before the player has joined in the multiplayer lobby.
* The defensive AI players no longer chase the human player if they pick up the ball with their manual throwing hand.
* The AI players now wait until the pitcher and batter are ready before they lead off of bases.
* AI runners no longer steal bases when an improper pitch is thrown.
* Resolved several issues causing the AI to jitter.
* Fixed a graphical error with the baseball cards in the Dirtlot in 1v1.
* The announcer no longer stands underneath the booth when a player is batting in single player.
* Fixed an issue with declining face accessory purchasing in the customizer.
* Players that go from one lobby to another no longer end up muted in the second lobby.

* The AI are now more reactive to a ball sitting on the ground in single player.

New and Changed Features:
* Black is the new pink! Or at least the Sloths say so. Enjoy the Sloths’ themed Locker Room.